Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3676th chapter entered the Purple Palace (2)

It took so long to find this little girl today, and Li Shihong urged him so many times, it was obvious that he was getting impatient. If he procrastinated, the consequences would definitely be serious.

However, it was useless just because he was anxious, Huang Yueli didn't seem to understand his difficulties at all, and asked innocently: "Elder Tao, why are you walking so fast? Much better than me, I am such a weak woman, how can I keep up with you?"

Li Yuntao choked suddenly.

Huang Yueli's words really made sense!

This little girl looks weak, and she is also a pharmacist, so her cultivation level is definitely not very good, and it is normal for her not to be able to keep up with him.

Li Yuntao originally had a lot of things to say, but now he couldn't say anything, he could only suppress his anger with all his strength, and watched Huang Yueli walk forward little by little.

The corridor of Ziji Hall is very long, and it took a lot of time to walk from the entrance to the main hall.

Li Yuntao was so anxious that his head broke out in sweat, he waited until Huang Yueli walked to the gate.

He hurriedly opened the door of the main hall and walked in quickly.

"Master Patriarch, Doctor Liu, I have already found Miss Li! Miss Li, your brother is here, and he is very worried about you, he is so anxious!"

Seeing Li Yuntao who was sweating profusely, Liu Buyan raised his eyebrows, then turned to look at Huang Yueli behind him.

His gaze fell on Huang Yueli's face, and he couldn't help but froze.

It wasn't until Huang Yueli blinked at him that Liu Buyan came back to his senses!

His junior sister's disguise technique is really amazing! I don't know what he did, but it's completely different from the portrait he asked people to draw!

You know, he had seen that portrait before, the artist's level was very high, and with just a few words, he could draw Huang Yueli's nine-point charm...

As a result, all these efforts were in vain!

Huang Yueli changed her clothes and casually changed her makeup, it was completely different from the one in the portrait.

Liu Buyan looked at Huang Yueli, then at Li Yuntao, and shook his head secretly.

One can tell at a glance that Li Yuntao was abused by his junior sister so badly! Even he felt a little sympathy for that guy!

Li Shihong was also taken aback when he saw Huang Yueli, "This..." He turned to look at Liu Buyan, "Master Liu, is this your junior sister?"

He could also see that Liu Buyan's junior sister looked different from the portrait.

Liu Buyan nodded, "That's right! Junior sister, where have you gone? I'm so worried! You're a girl, it's too unsafe to be outside at night!"

He put on a worried look, and he really looked like a good brother who was worried about the safety of his junior sister.

Seeing how cooperative he was, Huang Yueli immediately put on a terrified look, and said pitifully, "Senior brother, I'm sorry, I was accidentally squeezed out by the crowd and got lost! I almost met To the bad guys! Thanks to Elder Tao who brought someone to rescue me, if it was later, I'm afraid it would be even more dangerous!"

Hearing this, Li Shihong breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I didn't find the wrong person! At least he found Miracle Doctor Liu's junior sister!

But when he heard the back, he couldn't help being a little angry, and turned towards Li Yuntao in dissatisfaction.

Look, it scares the girls like this!

If Li Yuntao's abilities were stronger, he could have found him earlier, and Miss Li would not have been frightened by these things!

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