Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3677 entered the Purple Palace (3)

Li Shihong thought so in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

Telling this matter will only make Liu Buyan dissatisfied. Since Liu Buyan didn't notice, he doesn't need to remind him.

However, when Li Yuntao met Li Shihong's eyes, he suddenly understood what he was thinking, and couldn't help crying out in his heart!

Is there a mistake? That stinky girl must have pretended too much, right?

What kind of little white flower is she? She is clearly a tricky and hateful little girl!

Just now she was sitting in the tea house drinking tea, watching their jokes all day, and even threw the melon seed husk into his clothes! Everyone was played around by her!

weak? Where is she weak?

Still afraid of being bullied by bad guys?

Which bad guy sees her, don't run away crying?

Li Yuntao was so depressed, but he didn't dare to say anything!

Seeing how Liu Buyan cared for Huang Yueli in every possible way, he must dote on this junior sister very much, unless he wanted to mess up his consultation with Li Moying, otherwise, that little girl was someone he could not afford to offend !

Li Yuntao was holding fire in his heart but couldn't let it out, causing the profound energy in his body to fluctuate violently.

He had managed to suppress the pain on his back, but at this moment, it flared up again, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

However, he is now in front of Li Shihong, which is even more embarrassing than when he was under the teahouse just now, and there is no way to scratch him.

Li Yuntao endured and endured, the muscles on his face began to twitch.

Huang Yueli was beside him, so she could see his expression in full view, and immediately called out: "Ah! Elder Tao, what's wrong with you? Why are you in such pain? Could it be... that you've lost your temper?"

Li Yuntao's profound strength was already chaotic, but after hearing this, he almost vomited blood again!

If he really got mad, he would definitely be pissed off by this stinky girl!

Li Shihong didn't understand what was going on at all, with a puzzled look on his face, "Yuntao, what happened to you today? I searched for someone for a long time before, and now I have such an expression. Could it be that you really went out during cultivation?" What's the problem, are you feeling unwell today?"


Li Yuntao gritted his teeth, struggling in every possible way!

This stinky girl is simply too deceitful! Do you really think that he is a majestic elder of the Yunlin clan who can do nothing to her?

Even if she is Liu Buyan's junior sister, this is the territory of the Yunlin clan after all! If he reveals the true face of this stinky girl, even if Li Shihong doesn't dare to offend them now, it won't be so when Li Moying recovers in the future!

Li Yuntao decided not to be patient any longer, and to tell all the things Huang Yueli did!

But at this moment, Liu Buyan suddenly spoke.

"Patriarch Li, it looks like Elder Tao has a wheal rash! This problem is usually only experienced by ordinary warriors. I never thought that Elder Tao, who is a strong Dao Profound Realm, will suffer from this problem... But It's okay, I'm the best at curing such ailments, as long as I take this bottle of medicine, the disease will be cured immediately!"

As Liu Buyan spoke, he took out a medicine bottle from the interspatial ring and handed it to Li Yuntao.

Li Yuntao looked at the small medicine bottle, struggling endlessly in his heart.

Liu Buyan could see what was wrong with him at a glance, so he must also be able to see that Huang Yueli had poisoned him.

The other party took out the antidote, obviously trying to seal his mouth!

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