Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 295 Player: The Cat In Paradise Is A Funny Character, That's Right (Confirmed)

Click on the video, and an AI voice commentary goes straight to the point.

"As soon as the Eden character card appeared, countless new ones flooded into "Honkai III""

"Here, I have to advise everyone"

"Ahead is hell..."

Accompanied by the explanation of the AI ​​voice, the video is also showing fragments of "The Last Lesson" and "The Burning Fire".

In just a few frames, countless veteran players have already started to get excited.

"The first point, Eden broke the defense, and posted a post in the middle of the night calling Mi Huyou heartless"

"This point, I think all Eden fans should have heard of it, so I won't say more, if you want to know, you can go directly to Qiandu [Mi Huyou You Have No Heart]"

"That's right, this sentence was created by the little angel of Eden (laughing and crying)"

"Second point, let the voice actors in the studio collectively break the defense and shout Otto to watch the sword!"

"The thing happened in October last year, when the plot was updated to Chapter 24, and Mi Huyou has a tradition, that is, every time the version is updated, the voice actors will experience the drama live.

"At that time, when Qiyana and Hu Tao experienced the plot of Chapter 24, Ji Zi rushed out with [Skyfire Great Sword]"

"A cry of 'Otto Dog Thief' came into the live broadcast room very clearly"

"Afterwards... After Kiyana's explanation, the players realized that it was the plot of Chapter 25 that made the voice actors in the studio burst into tears."

"Hearing this, the newcomers should be very curious, what kind of plot is it that makes so many people cry?"

"How wonderful is the story that can make people cry, but they can't help but read on...

"I've seen this, I think everyone's curiosity has been completely aroused." 570

"To which I can only say—"

"Welcome to... Honkai III (laughs)"

The video is not finished yet, and a few classic plots are pulled out and listed a little bit later.

As for the newcomers, they were really aroused with extremely strong curiosity.

The old players were so excited that they were trembling all over.

After all, this video is ostensibly trying to persuade Mengxin not to watch the plot of the game.

But in fact, the kind of... half the explanation in the video, leaving half the explanation is really easy to arouse people's curiosity...

Just looking at the barrage, you can tell that there are already countless new players downloading "Honkai III".

Among them, there are even many uncles and aunts.

Seeing such a "grand occasion", the old players all had the same voice in their hearts—I really want to see how these newbies play "Honkai III"...

Especially, the kind of more emotional girl.

Chu Jie Jie Chu Qiao Jie....... Will you cry so hard?

For this reason, countless old players couldn't help shouting in the comment area: "Are there any cute new live broadcasts playing Honkai III? Old players guide and teach!!"

Not to mention, there are really smart people who have seen the traffic in it.

Some pretty girls directly opened Douyin and Xiaopozhan, and started the live broadcast.

The title is basically-

[Mengxin played "Honkai III" on the first day]

Or [Eden's ten-year old fan, first experience of "Honkai III"]

And the result... the traffic is really impressive.

Especially those ladies who turned on the cameras, the old players were immediately excited.

Of course, besides these "fleet minions", there are also many "strategy groups" on the Internet.

Some explain the team formation of new characters, and some dig out various details of (Past Musician).

For example, in [Dish of Reminiscence], many new and very critical information are unlocked.

For example, the story of Qian Jie and others before joining the Moth of the Fire.

And these files also allow players to learn more about the past of these heroes.

It made the human society established by the Yingjies clearer and more pleasing.

For example, a thousand calamities.

Why has he been so angry all the time, why is he always clamoring to kill Alponia, but there is nothing he can do about Alponia?

And, very... listen to Alponia.

The answers to these things are all found in the newly unlocked files.

It turns out that the reason why Qianjie hates Aponia is because Aponia's kindness often brings more terrible results.

Although this point was mentioned in the plot of Paradise, it was not elaborated.

In these files, a very detailed answer was finally given.

for example--

Because of his kindness, Aponia took in those who were infected with the Houkai disease, and the result was

These patients became the biggest source of infection on Twilight Street.

At that time, Sakura happened to come to Twilight Street. After discovering these patients infected with Houkai, in order to prevent the spread of the disease, "Lou directly shot and killed these patients.

After Qianjie came back, he found that Twilight Street had been killed by Sakura.

Therefore, the kind-hearted Qianjie fought with Sakura again.

This leads to another chain reaction -

The aftermath of the battle between the two indirectly destroyed Qianjie's "new home", that is, the sanatorium.

After this, both Aponia and Kalpa were brought back to Flamemoth.

Under Alicia's lobbying, both Qianjie and Aponia joined the Flaming Moth.

Later, Aponia imposed the precept of [Never give up hope against (aibf) Honkai] to the members of Flaming Moths.

However, it was because of this precept that those members of the Fire Moth killed Ling who had not yet become a Herrscher, that is, Sakura's younger sister.

And Ling's death led to Sakura's death.

Such a chain reaction made Qian Jie almost lose his mind with anger.

He killed those who killed Ling, and threw their bodies in front of Aponia.

He felt that Albania should pay the price for Sakura's death.

But Qianjie is not an unreasonable person. Before he made a move, he allowed Aponia to re-impose a commandment of [not to hurt innocent people] before fighting with Aponia.

Turns out... Aponia was innocent.

Because everything she did was really out of good intentions.

It was not out of her heart to let the fire moth kill Ling.

Qianjie was also unable to kill Aponia because of the precept [Do not hurt innocent people]...

Of course, these newly unlocked files do not only contain this information.

Among them, the players also discovered why Qianjie was always in "anger".

He is not crazy.

His anger is only angry at his own weakness.

He didn't guard the village that took him in when he landed on Earth. (It should have been destroyed by Bing Lv, and then Brother Jie tore Bing Lv with his hands in extreme anger)

Later, after settling down on Twilight Street, because of his fight with Sakura, he destroyed his new home—the nursing home.

In the end, he also failed to protect the moth that chased the fire.

What he is angry about is his own incompetence......

When this information surfaced, Qianjie's character design finally stood up completely.

Hidden under the extreme anger is self-blame for one's own inadequacy.

Hidden under the tough guy's appearance is indeed an ordinary boy who just longs for a stable family.

Even these hidden details made the players emo...

The feeling is not small.

Of course, in addition to the past events of thousands of eons, these files also have cats and cats.

After knowing what kind of place Twilight Street is, they actually discovered...

Mao Mao is actually a person who "gets out of the mud without getting dirty".

In the chaotic Twilight Street, the worst thing Paduo did... was actually just a petty theft.

It's a bit too much to say petty theft.

To be precise, she is a "righteous thief".

As a businessman, she often wandered around in various warehouses, looted all the property in them, and sent these stolen materials to nursing homes to help the children in those nursing homes survive in this last world.

Therefore, although she stole, she was so poor that she could only lie in the pile of goods to sleep.

And those things that she regards as treasures and collect them carefully are often small gadgets that no one wants.

Originally, the players never cared about Paduo's habit of "purchasing goods".

After reading the information, I didn't care even more, and even felt sorry for Mao Mao.

In addition to these, the file also reveals why Pado became a fusion fighter...

She......became a fusion fighter out of nowhere because of good luck!!

The experience was simply ridiculous.

Sure enough, Mao Mao is a funny character.

The meaning of her existence must be to add a touch of comedy to the depressive paradise atmosphere.

"Well, that must be the case," the players thought.

PS: The status is gradually coming back.

This was yesterday, and it will be coded again this evening.

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