Producing Genshin Impact: Alicia Speaks For Me

Chapter 296 Patuo, An Ordinary Yet Extraordinary Girl

Patuo's good luck is really not as simple as talking about it.

Her good luck can be said to be at the [Son of Luck] level.

Of course, apart from good luck, Patuo's timid and cautious character is also one of the factors that allow her to survive in the chaotic Twilight Street.

Because of self-preservation, Patuo also fabricated a "boss" who controls the whole situation.

Her life of no fixed place in Twilight Street lasted for a long time, until one time, when Patuo was "stocking up", she accidentally discovered a file of Chasing Moths.

At that time, the name of Chasing Moth was already an organization known to everyone in the whole world.

She thought that she could rely on this opportunity to sneak into Moth Chasing Fire and make a big fortune.

In the end, she did successfully sneak into the flame moth, and then... was mistaken by the staff inside as a volunteer who came to participate in the [Super Transformation Surgery].

Hyperchange surgery is very risky.

Therefore, the staff member repeatedly asked Patuo if he really wanted to participate.

The funny thing is, Pa Duo misunderstood the staff member as a colleague again...

So I replied directly: "Let's do something big~"

Then, when Patuo closed his eyes and opened them again, he became a fusion fighter...

This kind of experience directly gave countless players a lot of fun.

Calling cats so cute.

The player's favorability towards her is also rising.

Ultra-transformation surgery has a 1% success rate, and Patuo succeeded inexplicably.

Naturally, Padu also joined the flame moth.

But it didn't take long for the fire moths to discover that even after becoming a fusion fighter, Patuo was still extremely weak.

After that, Patuo was no longer sent to the battlefield, and instead she was asked to do some logistical work.

Of course, the luck of her Destiny's Child is not limited to these.

In the subsequent crusade against the Herrscher of Restraint, none of the Fusion Warriors of the Flaming Moth was absent.

And Pa Duo happened to be seriously ill at that time...

When she woke up, she found that all her former friends had died in [The Tragedy of Restraint]......

She was "lucky" to be one of only thirteen fusion fighters left in Flamemoth.

Later, when the Corroding Herrscher arrived, Patuo happened not to be in the base, so he couldn't help anyone.

Although survived.

But the repeated mutations also left endless pain in Pa Duo's heart.

So is the Herrscher of Restraint, and so is the Herrscher of Corrosion.

In front of Sakura's grave, she also conceived countless ways to help everyone in her mind.

Look, even the weakest fusion fighter, even if he was trembling with fear, Paza still thought about contributing his own strength.

So, during the final battle...she didn't flinch.

Made a... terribly wrong decision.

After reading these copywriting, countless players suddenly emo again.

In front, they were amused by Mao Mao's "luck".

Later, I felt worried because of Mao Mao's "luck".

Although the copywriting did not clearly state the ultimate fate of Patuo.

But...that "extremely wrong decision" can be regarded as announcing the final outcome of this hero.

Ordinary words make up more than ordinary stories.

These short stories, both sad and happy, have touched the hearts of countless "Honkai One" players.

Coupled with the explanation of the UP master and the background of the music, the images of these heroes have a new sublimation in the players' minds.

They... these heroes.

Really want to come alive.


[Brother Jie.....his wish is just to have a stable home.....

【Maomao...... She is just an ordinary girl】

【Unexpectedly, some details of the former civilization are hidden in these files...】

[UP continues the liver video! Kevin, Sakura, Weiwei... sort out their past and send it out]

【Lazy dog ​​is still waiting for the video from the UP master, I have already opened the game!】

Under the videos of these plot excavations, the barrage comments are extremely enthusiastic.

At this time, although the players ate the knife, their first thought was no longer "Otto the dog thief".

Their first reaction was...felt sorry for the past of the heroes, and lamented the heroism of the former civilization.

This is a story with a soul.

This is the story that touches people's hearts.

Mi Huyou studio.

These days, girls with voiceover jobs hang out in studios all day long.

And those who have no dubbing work are preparing the new version of Yuanshen.

Although the names of [Mi Huyou] and "Yuan Shen" have spread around the world.

But for a major version update like 2.0, you still have to pay attention to the news on the Internet.

At this time, Mo Li, accompanied by Yaya, was playing Xiaopozhan and Douyin.

One is to find out if there is anything particularly hot recently.

Second, it is natural to investigate the players' discussions on "Yuanshin" and "Honkai III".

To his surprise, during this period of time, the bad heat has never dropped.

0………seeking flowers…………

And the reason for maintaining the popularity is actually... the past of Ying Jie in [Dish of Reminiscence].

Mo Li almost laughed out loud when he saw the players were so touched by Mao Mao and Qian Jie's past.

"Does this feel like a knife?"

You know, this information is just setting up the characters.

It's just a foreshadowing for the knife in Chapter 31, and some supplements to the past of the Yingjies.

And the effect was beyond Mo Li's expectation.

What he didn't expect was that after the file information was sorted out by the UP masters, 90% of the players had already learned about it.

And this also made the players feel more deeply for the Yingjies.



The more the players like these characters, the more the knife will only hurt them when Chapter 31 rolls around.

"what are you laughing at?"

Yaya's sudden sound interrupted Mo Li's brainstorming.

"Ah, it's nothing, it's just interesting to see the comments of the players."

Yaya put down her phone and leaned towards Mo Li.

"Hey~" Mo Li casually pointed to a comment with the highest like rate.

[This is called decryption? Heh~ I can only say - very simple! 】

Naturally, Mo Li would not say that he is looking forward to the idea of ​​players eating the knife in Chapter 31.

It is estimated that Yaya will be "disgusted" by Yaya again.

That's why he casually pointed to a comment.

As for the comment Mo Li was referring to, Yaya immediately reacted.

After all, she has already experienced the various underworld designs of 【Inazuma】......

[God Sakura Dazhe] I won't talk about that task.

It’s just that the weather in Yalong Island that will strike you at any time, it’s been raining all the time, and it’s also paired with the ice-fat big world environment, and......

Wendy's big move can't be absorbed, her body is still very hard, and she can hurt the sea chaotic ghost with high damage......

"Let me try a knife!"

"Just one knife!"

"Fall down!"

Although she didn't think it was too difficult, she is a master of games.

Moreover, Yaya's account level and krypton level are still very high, so I got a better game experience.

And what about those players with 0 krypton, or micro krypton, and no emperor?

They can't be cut to numb by Hai Chaogui......

Why do you say that Duck's game experience is only better...

Because of Dao's wife's deciphering and the pupils hidden in the cracks of the stones...

...... I hope that after the update, they won't cry and say they want to go back to Liyue."

Yaya is powerless to complain. .

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