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Chapter 320 Probing and crushing


There is nothing to say, the territory is invaded, the tribe is killed, and the two sides are enemies.

The pope directly led a group of people to cast spells to carry out a powerful cover attack.

Only the Tianhu remnants who survived his spell are eligible to become prisoners.

With the blessing of the rune equipment, energy, elements, and sword aura filled the entire space for a while, directly breaking the prejudice of the remnants of Tianhu against the weakness of the human race.

For a time, the opponent suffered numerous casualties.

Only those who are also at the level of star envoys can rely on the power of the universe to temporarily protect themselves.

The two Tianhu star envoys had fierce faces, and rushed out first with their firepower, killing the human race above.

The mechs on the side will move out with a blank face, one against two is enough.

The Pope waited for a while, and just as he was about to make a move, a powerful aura surged from afar.

The super order is coming!

"Sure enough, the sorcery of witches and witches is really good for stealing information quietly..." The Pope's expression moved slightly, and he stopped his movements and secretly said.

He didn't panic, just waited quietly.

The next moment, a six-meter-tall super-ranked member of the Scarlet Snake Clan appeared in the sky, holding the totem-like equipment of the Scarlet Serpent Clan, the golden trident.

The arrival of Frederick made the remnants of Tianhu who were suppressed and killed a lot cheered.

"Master Fred, please help!"

With two enemies and one but still unable to take down the mech general, one of the great star envoys asked for help impatiently.

Frederick ignored the star envoy who spoke, his snake boy just swept across the mech general, and landed on the leader Pope, and confirmed that there were no super ranks in the opponent's team, he couldn't help grinning .

"What about the strong soul and body in your family, why hasn't he come back to fight us?"

Frederick's voice was gloomy and naturally treacherous.

As a super-powerful member of the Scarlet Snake Clan, he is naturally aware of the fact that the Scarlet Snake King returned from injury back then.

I also know that there is Dongfang Ji among the human race,

It made their King Scarlet Snake and King Dia feel deeply afraid.

Afterwards, he was depressed for a period of time, not daring to take revenge on the human race.

"Or, that strong man is also restricted, and can only stay in the territory of the human race, or is the soul power not enough?"

When Frederick spoke, he was already observing the expressions of the Pope and several other human races, trying to detect something.

However, the Pope is also an old fox. He knew that the other party was probing intelligence information, and his face was not disturbed, as if he had not heard what the other party said, and he was extremely calm.

"You are the strongest human race I have ever seen, so you should know some valuable information.

It doesn't matter, if I take you away, there will be a way for you to explain everything. "

Frederick chuckled and said that one of the best abilities of the Dia family is interrogation after mental shock.

As long as they find out the weakness of the strong soul and body of the human race, they still have a chance to destroy the human race and take everything in the human race.

After all, it's just a soul body with no fixed place, lacking physical storage, no matter how strong it is, it must have flaws!

The soul body, which is as strong as the dragon, has been trying to find a physical host to host, taking the route of dove occupying the magpie's nest.

In fact, if Dongfang Ji didn't have a soul orb as a carrier, it would be impossible to rely on a soul body to survive until now.

There is no soul body, and soul power will be lost every moment, so Dongfang Ji needs to be in a state of accumulation for a long time to reduce the daily loss of soul power.

If it wasn't for finding the eyes of the ancient formation in the land left by the blue star before, a lot of soul power had been recovered.

At this moment, Dongfang Ji was not even fighting, even if he suffered a little impact damage, he would be in danger of losing his soul.

The soul body is fragile, and there are various disadvantages, which is indeed true.

Mental power is a part of soul power. King Dia, who is proficient in this aspect, is naturally quite aware that a single soul body has great survival defects.

This time, they secretly used the identity of the hidden star remnant party to invade the territory of the human race for the purpose of probing.

To test whether Dongfang Ji was restricted in the range of activities, whether the soul body fell into a sluggish state after repeated shots, and other guesses.

Frederick knew the inside story and was responsible for that.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Dongfang Ji did not show up for a long time, he gradually let go of his guard, showing a more excited and ferocious expression.

"I don't know if the flesh and blood of the human star envoy is delicious. It shouldn't be a big deal to eat one of your arms and one leg..."

Frederick said coldly, and suddenly rushed towards the Pope.

His speed was so fast that even the Pope couldn't react in a white dragon suit.

In front of the super-level, even the Duke of the rich family has to bow his head and worship, there is no chance to resist, let alone the current pope.

In any case, he cannot be the opponent of the super-level enemy.

Fortunately, he also has a backhand.

Knowing that there might be a super star envoy here, with the prudence of Human Sovereign and the others, how could they not make arrangements.

Almost at the same time, a figure passed behind the pope, and directly collided with the rushing Frederick.

The impact force was so great that the Chigu Lake below seemed to trigger a tsunami, and the icy water surged into the sky.

The next moment, a huge figure fell from the sky and slammed into the forest.

Everyone could clearly see that the person who fell was the super-powerful member of the Scarlet Snake Clan who had previously been invincible.

At the center of the impact, another figure stood motionless.

It is the back-hand of the human race, Wang Yu.

Wang Yu is still wearing a simple black robe today, with a star knife on his waist, and his black broken hair that has not changed for thousands of years is clean and refreshing, so he doesn't need to take care of it every day.

"The power of the twelve universes, there are quite a few strong people in the Crimson Snake Clan." Wang Yu looked down and murmured.

The number of superpowers such as the Duke, the Star Envoy, etc. who died under his sword is not one or two.

Today, there will probably be another super class planted in his hands.

"Tsk tsk, the big clan is worthy of being a big clan, this background is profound, and the super-level powerhouses are willing to send them one by one..."

A slight smile appeared on Wang Yu's face, with faint disdain.

This kind of disdain is not supercilious arrogance, but pure contempt for the Scarlet Snake clan, who are always looking for trouble and have been defeated repeatedly.


The forest shook violently, and a piece of the mountain collapsed.

As soon as Frederick flew out of it angrily, he bumped into Wang Yu again head-on.

With just one punch, Frederick was blasted into the ground like a cannonball.

At the same level of cultivation, even if Wang Yu didn't cultivate Ziwei Star Power, he could easily crush the opponent, let alone now.

"Is that the soul body?!" Frederick's annoyed emotions were completely wiped out by this punch, and at the same time as his body was in severe pain, he also began to feel suspicious in his heart.

"No, that's a real body of flesh and blood, and it's another strong human race!"

He realized that something was wrong. Although there were only two face-to-face encounters, the physical strength, speed and other performances of the strong human race were too strong!

He can't be a frontal opponent at all!

"Run first!"

Frederick regained his senses, and the moment he got out of the ground again, he swept away to the distance, planning to return to the Tianhu galaxy first.

As for the remnants of all ethnic groups in Tianhu Lake, if they abandon them, they will abandon them. They are just a group of guys with little use value.

However, just as he rushed out of the ground, before he was about to run away, he bumped into Wang Yu head-on again.

Wang Yu punched Ping with a calm face.


Frederick roared immediately, his retreat was blocked, so he could only do it hard!

However, under the burst of blood power, Wang Yu didn't even need to use a knife, just showing his six-level strengthened strength attribute with his bare hands, it was too much for this super strong man of the Scarlet Snake Clan.

"Go to hell!" With a punch in the body, a large pool of blood exploded, Frederick ignored the injuries on his chest, and burst out twelve cosmic forces in his body, gathered on the trident in his hand, and smashed it down.

But Wang Yu simply grabbed the head of the halberd with his bare hands. Due to the impact of force under his feet, the ground cracked layer by layer like a spider web, and then the mountain collapsed and the trees and forests fell.

But Wang Yu's body was covered with a layer of crystalline scales, and he was safe, and his legs didn't even bend under the force.

The physical strength of the Crimson Snake clan is not to say that they are the most powerful among all the clans in the star field, but they are also outstanding, and they rarely suffer in terms of strength in battle.

But in the face of Wang Yu, the powerful members of the Scarlet Snake Clan have never gained the upper hand.

"too weak."

The lavender Ziwei star power around Wang Yu's body slowly emerged, adding purple lines to his crystalline scales.

Frederick's hairs stood on end, and he wanted to withdraw the trident in his hand, but he didn't move at all.

Immediately gave up the weapon, his body retreated suddenly, his mind was constantly shaking, and he was a little flustered.

"What kind of monster is this!"

As soon as he retreated a hundred meters, Wang Yu's figure was already approaching him. He stretched out his hand, grabbed the opponent's head, and suddenly smashed to the ground.

"Impossible!" Frederick hissed at the top of his lungs. Under Wang Yu's strange force, he felt a sharp pain in his head as if he was about to be crushed, and even his neck bones showed signs of twisting and breaking.

Wang Yu wiped his right hand around his waist, and the light of the lavender moon wheel flashed by.

One of Frederick's arms fell with a crisp sound.

Since fighting against the dragon host some time ago, it is really easy to go back and deal with the super-level enemy of this level in front of him now, and there is no difficulty in fighting.

There was even no way to make Wang Yu feel excited.

The Star Knife fell, and the layers of defense arranged by Frederick's cosmic power were disintegrated in an instant.

Soon, another part of the snake's body was cut off, and Frederick's breath of life also quickly became wilted and weakened in the battle with Wang Yu.

Enormous energy and blood leaked out continuously along the huge wound, making it difficult to condense.

Then, Wang Yu did not let him go, ignoring the opponent's desperate resistance, and chopped Ferrerik's spine and other bones one after another.

Injured the opponent further.

Even with super-strength, it would be difficult for Frederick to recover from such an injury in a short time.

After all, he didn't activate the high-level scarlet liquid regeneration bloodline ability like Duruton did.

There is no doubt that Wang Yu easily won this battle.

The remnants of the Tianhu Lake were seriously injured seeing this big man of the Scarlet Snake Clan, and couldn't accept it for a while.

Just like when Wang Yu killed the lofty and detached Duruulton in the Scarlet Snake clan on the battlefield back then, it also made the opposing camp at that time unbelievable.

And with the arrest of the super-order, there is basically no suspense in this human counterattack.

The pope quickly led a team to suppress and arrest the remaining Tianhu remnants, and brought the seriously injured super strong Frederick back to the human territory.

They want to test the human race, and the Human Sovereign also wants to get useful intelligence information from them.

Especially this super strong man of the Scarlet Snake Clan, there are too many things to dig out from him.

However, considering that the self-healing ability of the Crimson Snake Clan is also not weak, just in case Wang Yu has to come to check from time to time to prevent the other party from suddenly violent and causing trouble.

Another super strong man was lost, this time Tianhu was completely honest.

After all, in addition to the human race, Yin Yin and the other two major civilizations are also eyeing them.

Once the opportunity is seized, the war may start again at any time.

And without the secret support from Tianhu, the remaining remnants lost their cohesion again, and most of them fled in all directions, hiding in every corner of the planet to avoid being hunted by the human race.

Of course, the human race will not let them go. With the sustainable development of the armor general and the white dragon suit, the human emperor has more confidence to occupy this hidden star.

Soon, all the previous strongholds of the human race on the hidden star were recovered, and a more powerful guarding force was gradually built.

In the future planning, these material points, as well as other important places, will be guarded by at least one Great Star Envoy level force.

Star envoys are usually high-ranking nobles in those big families, and even the duke is only at the same level as the star envoy.

Therefore, as long as this grand plan is realized, not to mention the desperate remnants on the Hidden Star, even if the Tianhu Civilization Headquarters wants to do it again, we must weigh whether it is worth it.

In this way, it won't be long before the human race can establish a dominant position on the hidden star and completely occupy everything on this planet.

Tower of Heaven and Man.

"That old guy basically has nothing to dig up. It's basically certain that King Scarlet Snake and King Dia are behind the intrusion." The witch propped her head in one hand and said casually.

The old buddy he was talking about was Frederick, the Scarlet Snake super star envoy who was captured alive by Wang Yu.

After a period of interrogation, even though the guy was super-level, he finally succumbed completely under the various torture methods of the witch under the serious injury.

From being stubborn at the beginning, he became very responsive and cooperative.

Human Sovereign and the others then knew the whole picture of the incident, which was not surprising, and it was exactly as they had imagined.

According to his own strengths, King Dia Xia judged that Dongfang Ji was only in the form of a soul body, and there must be major flaws, and it was impossible to use soul power without restraint.

This time the temptation was his idea, and then the Scarlet Snake King followed up with him, and some other big clans of the Tianhu civilization were also involved.

This led to the sudden unity of the remnant party and the hidden stars of Tianhu strongmen haunting the hidden stars.

"Well, then take him to Xiaoyu, I think he can still use the blood power of the super class Scarlet Snake Clan." Human Sovereign nodded.

As for Dongfang Ji's shortcoming in soul power being discovered, he was not in a panic.

Because soon, the Tianhu civilization and the Diya tribe had no energy to think about them.

From Bone King's mouth, he learned that the short recuperation is coming to an end...

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