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Chapter 321 Ten Years of War and Development

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Three months later, just as the human race was clearing away all obstacles on the Hidden Star and building large-scale construction projects, the battle of civilizations in the Skylight Galaxy broke out again.

It's just that this time the Tianhu civilization and the Dia tribe used some means to unexpectedly win over the previous enemy Qiyun civilization before the war.

As a result, most of the foreign races in the Qiyun civilization stood in the Tianhu camp, and the remaining part of the foreign races seemed to be under the pressure of the game between all parties and chose to be neutral and do nothing.

Only a very small number of foreign races are still on the side of the two major civilizations of the dark wave core.

This operation of splitting the gas cloud also made the situation of the battle of civilizations even more confusing.

The human race still only provides various material and logistics guarantees, but it has increased the bargaining chip.

Not only supported the dark civilization, but also negotiated with the Boxin civilization to provide support guarantees.

After all, the Human Sovereign didn't want the Tianhu civilization to make a comeback, and there was an extreme comeback.

In that case, the life of their human race will not be easy.

If necessary, Human Sovereign also plans to send some rune puppets to help out.

But on the whole, the human race is still on the brink of war, and still focuses on developing itself.


In the scorching galaxy, within a hidden star.

A volcano suddenly erupted, and a large amount of underground magma gushed out from it, sparking a large number of sparks in the air.

The high temperature boiled, turning this area into a big melting pot.

Thick black mist and dust enveloped the sky, making the neighborhood hazy all year round.

On the cracked ground of the black rock, a huge lizard-like creature was slowly walking through it.

On the lizard's back stood a gray-clothed figure.

The scorching wind with sand grains blows by, revealing the unique green skin under the gray coat.

There is no doubt that this is a Nata tribe.

He has a pair of golden eyes, calmly watching the erupting volcano in front of him.

Turning a blind eye to the falling Martian rock.

And beside the lizard, there were two figures.

Gray stone skin, a person from the Guyan tribe.

The other is a night demon clansman with muscles all over his body like a combination of bats.

They come from different civilizations, but they have very similarities.

That is their eyes, reduced to a uniform golden yellow, still shining brightly in the haze, as bright as a torch.

"Las Yin is dead, at the hands of the human race." The lizard crawling on all fours spoke first and said.

"No, it was killed by that astrology. The remnants of the human race are nothing to worry about." The Nata tribe above said slowly.

"Is it the astrology of this universe?" The Night Demon man grinned and bared his fangs.

"I didn't eat such delicious things back then."

As if remembering the taste in his memory, the night devil sticks out his long tongue unconsciously, showing a look of aftertaste.

"Don't think about it for the time being, when our physical bodies grow up, maybe we still hope to devour those cosmic stars.

Now, keep a low profile and don't be noticed by enemies of this level. "The Nata people shook their heads.

He clearly realized that today is different from the past. Without the dragon body, there is only a remnant soul, and it is impossible to deal with some opponents that could be handled back then.

"It's a pity, otherwise swallowing a star will definitely increase the strength of my physical body." Ye Moren shook his head.

"How is it possible, that will only make your body explode." The Guyan tribe beside him hummed.

"How is it impossible? Eat less and eat more, don't you understand?" Ye Moman shot back.

The ancient rock people didn't pay much attention to the night demons, but looked at the Nata people on the lizard's back, and asked: "What about the human race, why don't you deal with it?"

"The human race has connections with the angel god race, so don't cause trouble.

If the six wings are recruited, the trouble will be even greater. The current human race is not worth mentioning. "The Nata tribe said calmly.

Hearing this, the rest of the aliens in the team stopped talking.

It was this Nata tribe who found them, awakened them and formed a team, and vaguely they followed this Nata tribe.

"Where do we go next?" the night devil asked.

He was the last to join and doesn't know much about the situation yet.

The Natals looked ahead at the volcano that was still erupting.

"There is another one in that volcano, who can almost wake up..."


Time passes year by year.

The second half of this civilized war is no longer as fierce as before, but more repeated in the friction of temptation.

The two sides are like wolves and snakes secretly observing, and they may seize the opportunity to bite each other's throat at any time after the temptation is over.

This kind of tactics is also destined to be a protracted battle in the second half, and the consumption of various materials and combat power is also killing time, constantly eroding each other.

The flames of war spread more and more widely, and even the basic disks of major civilizations such as the Wuguang Galaxy, Tianhu Galaxy, and Tianxin Galaxy were also ignited by the flames of war.

The battle line stretched across multiple large galaxies.

The human race in the lightless galaxy will inevitably be affected by the war to some extent.

Fortunately, the human race has Wang Yu, a very strong man, sitting in command, and an increasing number of mechs and rune puppets of this level can be used as high-level combat power to guard.

This makes the tribe's territory considered impregnable.

In a blink of an eye, it was ten years of war.

In the past ten years, countless big and small things have happened between major civilizations and major galaxies.

In the second year of this wave of war, Xia Ya, king of Dia, couldn't sit still and chose to enter the arena. With his tyrannical and unique combat power, he caused the defeat of the dark wave core camp in several main battlefields.

The two small skylight galaxies occupied by the dark civilization at that time almost fell.

The turning point is that the hidden star of the human race was invaded by the Dia tribe and the army of Tianhu civilization.

In a rage, the human race finally resorted to a big killer.

Carrying Dongfang Ji's soul orb, Wang Yu rushed directly into the territory of the Dia clan and killed all directions.

As a result, King Dia was seriously injured and disappeared, his life and death were unknown, and several super-rank members of the Dia clan fell!

There are also dozens of dukes who died in battle.

In this battle, the name of the human race completely shocked all races in the star field!

The armies of the Dia tribe and the Tianhu civilization immediately withdrew from the hidden planet of the human race, and did not dare to invade after that.

Yinyin Boxin's side seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to counterattack.

In the third year, the Bone King had an occasional opportunity in the universe, his strength increased, and he defeated many kings of the Tianhu civilization one after another.

It was unstoppable for a while, not only regaining the original two large and small galaxies, but also occupying the small scorching light galaxy of the gas cloud.

Even the small green light galaxy left by the Tianhu civilization has taken up some territory.

If King Diya hadn't reappeared in the end and revived the decline of the Tianhu side, I'm afraid that there would be nothing on the Tianhu civilization side on the Tianguang card table.

But it is worth mentioning that King Dia, who has returned from a serious injury, is somewhat weaker than his peak, and the power of the universe has dissipated in three ways.

The Bone King who has improved in strength is only slightly inferior to him in a one-on-one challenge!

Therefore, the return of King Diya only stopped the decline, and could no longer turn the tide as before.

Until the tenth year, due to the strength of the Bone King, the Shabone Clan has become the largest clan in the dark civilization.

Even the prestige in the outside world has not lost much to the Dia clan who are known as demigods.

As for the human race, in the past ten years, apart from Dongfang Ji's great power, he still maintained a consistent low profile, focused on development, and almost never took the initiative to provoke wars.

This made it difficult for the major clans outside to guess the details of the human race. Although there were extremely powerful people in charge, they did not take advantage of this to expand wildly.

The image of the human race outside has also become particularly mysterious.

A different space, at the time tower.

Wang Yu walked out of it after finishing a wave of practice as usual, and looked back at the top of the tower.

Since then, Dongfang Ji has not shown up again, and has been cultivating his soul body in the Tower of Time.

Before, the continuous consumption of soul power also made him a little overwhelmed.

He has been resting and recuperating, slowly recovering his soul and body.

They wanted to do nothing on that day and directly kill King Dia to create history, but unfortunately, Jin Chan escaped from the shell and escaped with his life, only to be knocked out by Dongfang Ji with three cosmic powers.

Originally, Dongfang Ji also had the ability to chase after him, but if he continued to attack, his soul body would have a certain risk of collapsing.

Wang Yu immediately stopped him.

Dongfang Ji is even more important to the current human race than him.

Even if there is only a certain possibility of collapse, Wang Yu is not ready to take any more risks.

If Dongfang Ji was picked up for the sake of King Dia, then they would not be able to accept it no matter what.

"It would be great if there is a way to speed up the accumulation and restoration of Dongfang Ji's soul body..." Wang Yu thought in his heart.

It's just that the human race has been looking for this star field for a long time, but they still have no clue.

The only clue is the eye of the blue star.

But that is the twelfth-level rune formation, which can cover the entire seventh galaxy and delay the invasion of death energy!

Such a large formation, the current human race wants to build it, it is nowhere in sight.

Technology and materials are lacking.

Go back to the main city of the human race, and stroll through your own mansion on the way to the inner city.

On the road, compared with ten years ago, the inner city is now more lively.

A large number of people came and went, in addition to many human races with different identities, there were also some figures of other races.

It's not that the Emperor has relaxed the requirements for entering the inner city of the main city, but that the number of people or aliens who are eligible to enter the inner city has recently increased.

This caused the city to come and go more and more lively.

Not to mention the outer urban area, even if the human race expands the urban area again and again, it will often be crowded.

"Have you heard that Tianhanxing opened three cities again today?"

In a restaurant, the windows are open, and a table of people are eating and chatting there.

"I've heard about it a long time ago. The Three Spring Cities are said to be located in the area with the highest temperature in Tianhanxing. I've already registered. Unfortunately, there are still so many people rushing to settle down, so I didn't rush."

"Even Brother Li couldn't grab it, so I don't have extravagant hopes."

"You can't say that, this lottery is all about luck, even if my Li family wants to use their connections, there is nothing they can do, the higher-ups are in charge..."

"Don't worry if you don't win the lottery. There are still a group of cities that are about to be completed. It will be a matter of time before you move to Tianhan Star. The policy is like this, and the general trend."

"That's great. Although Tianhanxing is extremely cold, it is extremely rich in supplies. It is said that it is equivalent to gold everywhere!"

"It's not that exaggerated, it won't let you go to pick up money, but the resource environment there is indeed much better than here and the previous Blue Star."


Wang Yu has sharp eyes and ears, and he listened to the slightly noisy conversation around him, so he smiled lightly, which was not surprising.

Tianhanxing is named after the hidden star of the human race.

In the fourth year of the war, when the new Human Race Congress was held, the name of the Hidden Star was announced by the Human Emperor.

At that time, the project was established and started to build a city in Tianhanxing.

Today, in terms of human infrastructure, thirty-six cities have been built on the side of the Aveshin Realm.

Together with the previous eleven satellite cities, and the main city of the human race in the center, they jointly delineated the vast territory of the human race in the Aveshin world.

Since then, the expansion plan here has temporarily come to an end.

After that, Human Sovereign put the focus of construction on Tianhanxing.

In the following six years, nearly ten million craftsmen and related construction engineers were dispatched, and an incalculable consumption of materials was incurred.

Five giant cities, eighteen large cities, and more than one hundred small cities have been built in many hidden stars.

The giant city is basically built according to the current specifications of the main city of the human race, and it can accommodate 20 million permanent residents without being crowded.

The big city is not as large as the giant city, but it can also accommodate tens of millions of levels.

Small towns can accommodate a permanent population of three to five million.

At present, according to statistics, more than one billion human populations have successfully migrated to these cities and resettled.

In addition, villages and towns will be built around these large and small cities in the future, so that more human races can go to Tianhan Star.

Although Wang Yu spends most of his time practicing, he is still clear about the current development process of the human race.

After all, he will attend every elder meeting.

Including this time.

Tower of Heaven and Man.

"Recently, the Senate's finances are a bit tight. If it is collected from other countries, it is estimated that they will have to adjust various domestic tax rates. This will put a lot of pressure on ordinary people."

Che Qin took the lead in reporting the latest expenditures, and the finances have already shown a serious deficit.

No matter how strong the productivity is, it can't match the human race's relentless investment in development over the years.

The cities that rose from the ground were all piled up with astronomical resources.

"It's okay, the first wave of city construction is over, and the investment in the next villages and towns will be small, and the blood can be recovered slowly." Human Emperor had a plan in mind, and he was not surprised by the current financial problems, and said calmly.

After hearing this, Che Qin nodded, and said with a smile, "You can rest assured. To be honest, I'm afraid that His Majesty will start to implement the second round of city building plan soon."

The Emperor shook his head and said nothing.

In recent years, in terms of infrastructure, he has really been very concerned, in order to ensure the safety of the human race, and in the future, he hopes to use the Tianhan star to accelerate development.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is an infrastructure madman.

Fortunately, everything was under control, and there were no major mistakes, allowing the Hundred Cities to be built in just ten years.

Of course, the real strength is actually the next six years.

Afterwards, everyone talked about the follow-up development of the human race.

Wang Yu occasionally said a few words, but most of the time he just listened.

A few people are enough to solve most of the problems and obstacles to development.

They are the leaders of the human race, formulating policies and strategies, while Wang Yu is the guardian of the human race, responsible for suppressing all powerful enemies!


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