Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning

Chapter 522: The Desolate Old Monkey

I walked to the inner room for a while, and entered the inner room with the pass of the Safety Management Bureau. This is a specially vacated empty room, covering an area of ​​only about 30 square meters.

Just as he was about to find a futon to sit down and study the Heart Sutra of the World Honored One, a small figure quietly appeared behind him, staring at him faintly with scarlet eyes.

Ji Quanzhen seemed unconscious, and was about to comprehend the Heart Sutra of the World-Honored One. While contributing his vow power according to the visualization route inside, he activated the breath of the Dao Dao in the Temple of Du'e, and then practiced the Qi in the Heart Sutra of the World-Honored One.

This mechanism is a win-win strategy that Lu Ren has conceived. After thinking about it in this way, ordinary people can still gather their spirits, strengthen their will, and not be disturbed by external demons.

When Ji Quanzhen was about to sink, a slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

"What is there to practice in this World-Honored One's Heart Sutra, why not train your body with me."

Ji Quan was horrified in his heart, twisted his body and punched without hesitation, the force of the fist made a rumbling sound, broke through the air in an instant, and wrapped the fist with waves of cloudy white air.

If the power of this fist is concentrated, it can easily penetrate the mountain.

Ever since Ji Quanzhen's physique transformed into a spirit monkey, his physique has become stronger day by day. In the end, he found that his practice of refining the gods has become a bit weak. The Antarctic Longevity Great Seal can prolong life and activate blood In terms of his current physique, the dharma seal of cheering up his spirit and bringing him back to his youth is no longer available.

In the end, Ji Quanzhen simply begged from Lu Ren for the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, the most extreme system of cultivation Xuan Gong in the immortal way.

It seems that it naturally fits him, and the faster he cultivates, the faster he cultivates. In just a few years, even now he is not much better than Zhang Tongxuan's cultivation.

If it wasn't for the concern about the pollution of the heavens and the earth, once the Dao fruit is condensed, the mind will be completely blinded and turned into a mad god, and become the servant of those foreign demons. Ji Quanzhen, who has been cultivating for nearly 160 years, with his aptitude and cultivation base, has already been in the position. Ranked among the immortals.

Strictly speaking, if Zhang Tongxuan and Ji Quanzhen were born in the age of mythology, if it were not for the limitations of the environment of the times, they may not be unable to achieve the fairyland.

However, this punch that could collapse the mountain was grasped, and all the power was completely eliminated invisible, and the turbulent air waves that were set off turned into a breeze blowing on the face.

In front of him was an old monkey with a thin body, who looked less than 1.6 meters tall, with sparse hair and a ferocious face.

The old monkey was looking at Ji Quanzhen with a weird smile on his face, and the meaning in his eyes made Ji Quanzhen unable to bear the hair on his body.

"Not bad, not bad, indeed not bad, but a good seedling has been born."

Ji Quanzhen withdrew his punches, but the old monkey didn't know what to do. He allowed Ji Quanzhen to withdraw his fists and retreated. He just lowered his hands and watched his movements with a smile on his face.

Ji Quanzhen's expression was solemn, and his hair radiated light, making it emit a faint golden glow. He said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"Me?" The old monkey Sun Wukong pointed at himself, and said with a strange smile: "You have my blood flowing. Strictly speaking, I am your father."

Ji Quanzhen was furious: "You are looking for death!"

Just when he was about to make a move, he suddenly sensed a strange fluctuation emanating from Monkey King, a feeling of blood connection spontaneously arose, which made him unable to bear the urge to burst into tears, and complex emotions surged in his chest. Unspeakable emotions.

After Ji Quanzhen forcibly suppressed his emotions with strong willpower, he frowned deeply and looked at Monkey King with sparse hair, and in many places only black horny skin remained.

It looked like a ferocious old man in his eighties or nineties who had completely fallen into decay and had an extremely ferocious face.

"Monkey King?!"

Ji Quanzhen made a false grasp with one hand, and a fine iron rod flashed out of his hand. As Ji Quanzhen danced, it actually exploded the air, rumbling thunder and tremors in the room.

Sun Wukong's eyes were bright, he seemed overjoyed, and laughed happily: "I want it, I just want it, I didn't expect that my old grandson's Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu can be practiced by someone, and Lu Ren doesn't know how to do it. Even if the road to fruition is broken, it is not impossible to become a saint without a path, but it is not impossible to go to the sorcerer's path."

After a pause, Sun Wukong seemed to be more and more joyful as he watched, scratching his head and saying: "It's not easy to have a clansman these days, do you know how much effort, painstaking effort, and time it took me to condense your bloodline?" Is it a drop?"

Sun Wukong walked around Ji Quanzhen, he said hesitantly: "This is the proof of my second life, but I didn't expect that the world is impermanent, and I can get out of trouble, so I gave up relying on you to live."

Ji Quanzhen said solemnly, "How did you get out?"

"How did you get out?" Sun Wukong giggled, squawking happily like a duck: "Of course you are the strongest of the human race today, Lu Ren released me with his own hands, otherwise, how would I get out of trouble? to walk freely on the earth."

Ji Quanzhen's emotions fluctuated for a while, but he quickly calmed down again. A smile suddenly appeared on his face, he swung the black iron rod in his hand, carried it on his shoulder, raised his chest and said, "Then if you can come out, you should Did you pay a high price?"

The smile on Sun Wukong's face froze. Ji Quanzhen was telling the truth. Without special permission, he couldn't get close to places where humans lived.

It was a coincidence that he could come here, but someone invited him in, otherwise, according to the restrictions of the true spirit contract signed by Lu Ren and him, as long as he meets someone, he has to back away and take a detour.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong felt that he couldn't calm down, when he would be so downcast, and would sign such a contract of loss of power and personality, even if he came to this human city, he would have paid a huge price.

And you can't fight back when you hit, and you can't fight back when you scold, so you have to clean the dishes and do odd jobs honestly in order to eat a few meals of today's human food.

Seeing Sun Wukong's complexion quickly darken, Ji Quan was extremely nervous and cautious in his heart.

The one standing in front of him was a mighty monster even in the Age of Mythology. At its peak, he even led a group of monsters to smash the Nantian Gate and rush into the Lingxiao Palace.

In that battle, it could be said that both the Yaozu and the Heavenly Court showed their full potential, corpses were strewn across the field, blood flowed like rivers, and the entire sky seemed to be dyed blood red.

What a prestige, what a ferocity, and now...

Now they are so downcast that even the human race, who were only regarded as pigs and dogs at the time, have to avoid them, for fear of bumping into each other, and triggering the true spirit contract after bumping into pain will receive the most brutal punishment.

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