Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning

Chapter 523: Great Witch Blood Essence

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong even lost his usual teasing mood. He just stared at Ji Quanzhen with malice for a while before slowly retracting his gaze, and finally sighed deeply.

"Little guy, are you interested in practicing with me?"

Ji Quanzhen raised his eyebrows, and finally felt a little relieved. This Monkey King's feelings came because of his outstanding talent, and he moved the idea of ​​​​receiving apprentices.

"What can you teach?"

Seeing Ji Quanzhen's indifferent expression, Sun Wukong said with a trace of emotion: "We both belong to the same root and origin, and I am the follower of the innate holy spirit who was born in response to the heaven and the earth, and I belong to the demon group, but in fact I am The congenital holy spirit is just conceived by a strange stone, and the spirit ape inhabits and plays on the strange stone, and after a long time, it infects its aura, so that after I break out of the stone, I become the top demon in the world."

After a pause, Monkey King looked at Ji Quanzhen, who had an extremely perfect figure: "Only I know your physique like the back of the palm of my hand. I once went to the middle of the Earth Immortal. If it wasn't blocked by Tathagata and the Jade Emperor in the end, maybe I could reach the Earth Immortal." The upper realm, truly escape from the cage, control one party, gain great freedom and great supernatural powers.

This World-Honored Heart Sutra is not suitable for you. Your blood has already been completely changed. If you want to practice witchcraft forcibly, you can only waste time and waste time in the end. I think you should feel it these days. You practice the World-Honored Heart Sutra The progress was surprisingly slow at the beginning. "

Ji Quanzhen suddenly said: "So that's the case."

He was still pondering why after practicing the World Honored One's Heart Sutra, although he could still strengthen his body and boost his spirit, he finally felt that something was missing.

It turns out that the Heart Sutra of the World Honored One was originally prepared for the body to have witch blood. Even if outsiders take it, maybe the basic stage can be treated equally, but when the treasure of the body is activated to activate the ray of witch blood, and thus step into the stage of witchcraft, it will appear. big problem.

Ji Quanzhen could only do nothing in the end.

He suddenly understood in his heart that what Sun Wukong said was not a lie, or in other words, with the other party's temperament, he didn't even bother to tell lies.

The World Honored One's Heart Sutra has been read by Sun Wukong, and he can't find any flaws from the perspective of his previous experience in the realm of immortality.

God is born of nature, at first glance, it seems to be a combination of the strengths of immortality and martial arts, but because of the shamanism as the bone, the last way is still the ultimate of shamanism, the body is sanctified, and the ultimate goal of breaking all laws with one force environment road.

Lu Ren has a big secret, if it is revealed, maybe even the legendary angels will end up snatching it.

So much so that Sun Wukong even suspected that Lu Ren could really become an Earth Immortal when the immortals and Buddhas all over the sky returned, and with the power of the Dao Dao, he could overlook all the cultivators in the same realm.

The opponent's path was clear and clear without any stagnation.

"How about it, you also hope that you can contribute your part before the start of the war. Since this way is not suitable for you, then you can practice the Nine Turns Mysterious Art with me. I have been banned for so many years, and I have been bored. I have carefully studied the current world."

Sun Wukong had a confident look on his face: "The Luren child is far away from the near and far away, and he is thinking about the outdated witchcraft without practicing the world-shattering Nine-turn Xuangong, and he will definitely be thrown. , the name is good-sounding, but it is something that cultivates the extreme state.

Over the years, I have vaguely understood how to avoid condensing Dao fruit and reach the realm of human immortality. After countless deduction, it has been perfect. "

Ji Quanzhen's face suddenly became strange, he stared straight at Sun Wukong, with a hint of sarcasm on his face: "Sun Dasheng, do you think my IQ is low or something, did you come to me for an experiment?"

Sun Wukong didn't show any guilt at all. Seeing that his true intentions were exposed, he smiled slightly: "You and I have the same origin. If you want to improve your strength quickly, then you can only follow me."

This is a conspiracy.

But Ji Quanzhen really couldn't refuse, he had already reached a critical point, after 180 years of practice, he reached the peak of the Realm of Seeking Truth, only one step away from condensing the Dao fruit.

Although this step is wider than the sky, there is even a kind of difficulty of making a way through the void, stepping on the air and going up to the nine heavens.

But practice is like sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. If you keep walking in the same place, you can only die in the end.

Looking at the hesitant expression on Ji Quanzhen's face, Sun Wukong showed a smile on his face. The old monkey already understood in his heart that although Ji Quanzhen didn't speak, he had already been persuaded by him.

On Lingming Mountain, Lu Ren, who was in retreat, twitched his ears slightly, still calmly cultivating the great witch blood in his body to transform the blood in his body.

This process is very strange, it feels like tracing back to the source to search for the ancient ancestors to fight against the sky and the earth. In that age of drinking hair and blood, he forced himself to stand in a place full of ancient monsters, prehistoric monsters, and even countless alien races. on the Great Desolate Continent.

How much blood and tears did he go through in that process? As the great witch blood in his body was fully activated and soaked in his whole body, Lu Ren could feel a pure and extreme destructive force gathering in his chest.

That kind of vastness, desolation, and even a kind of rough emotion of sadness flowed slowly in his mind.

This is the sense of time in the old history engraved in the blood, which is about to be annihilated and dissipated, and Lu Ren abruptly found it back.

In that era, there was no entertainment, no time for love between children, and there was only fighting, shed blood for survival, and sacrificed their lives for the living space of the human race.

Time passed by in a flash, and three months passed by so quietly.

After the great witch's blood had completely transformed the blood in the whole body, there was only a crisp sound like a pearl falling to the ground, like the ding-dong sound of water droplets falling into a spring.

Ding dong!

A drop of the great witch's blood was conceived in Lu Ren's heart with the extreme condensing of Lu Ren's practice.

It's done! !

Lu Ren was overjoyed, the current him can be called a pure and pure great witch, who can overwhelm the river and overwhelm the sea, shouldering mountains and resisting mountains.

Just making a movement of getting up, the surrounding air seemed unable to withstand such a strong air pressure, and a series of air buzzing and explosions burst out.

The friction between gestures and gestures actually drives strands of indigo blue arcs to move, as if he is simply standing here, just the simplest instinctive breathing, heartbeat, blood flow, spiritual visits and other things to maintain life Activities and actions have a great impact on the outside world.

His physique is so strong that he almost has the illusion that the whole world can't hold him.

Lu Ren had to restrain his own strength and try his best to maintain the balance between himself and the limit of the world. Otherwise, once the movement was a little bigger, he would just do a stepping movement. If there was no retraction, it would be as simple as walking with food and water , can crush the earth.

(The next chapter will be replaced tomorrow)

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