Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning

Chapter 524 Reaching the Stars

As he completely turned into the great witch's blood and condensed a drop of great witch's blood essence, Lu Ren already clearly understood that his body had become formidable to an unimaginable height.

The gravitational force of his own body alone caused the collapse of the space around him, making his surroundings relatively heavy, and even the flow of time slowed down a bit.

Thanks to the help of the proficiency attribute panel, Lu Ren didn't have any uncontrollable power to skyrocket. With the rise of proficiency, he seemed to have experienced thousands of years, constantly sharpening his body, and the degree of control showed a kind of Perfect control down to the micro level.

It's just because of the novelty that I have been trying my current power.

He wanted to test the extent of his strength, but after hesitating for a while, Lu Ren finally gave up this plan and suppressed the eagerness in his heart.

He was worried that if he really punched down, he would give the planet a clean shave.

Lu Ren has no idea how strong his body is now. Since his body and soul have been fused together, he has embarked on the road of sanctification of the body and breaking the limit with strength.

What kind of magical powers and formations, in front of this kind of practitioner who has embarked on the extreme path, only needs to be dealt with with one punch.

"Is there no time..."

Lu Ren withdrew his eyes from secretly watching Sun Wukong and Ji Quanzhen talking. Lu Ren was not surprised that Sun Wukong found a way to avoid the method of condensing Dao fruit and becoming a true immortal.

In the endless years of being unable to sleep in the big formation of Fengjue Tiandi, if he is not going crazy, he will definitely think about how to deal with the mutated world and the gradually treacherous rules of heaven.

During such a long period of time, despite being jointly suppressed by the Tathagata and the Jade Emperor, a drop of blood essence enough for him to turn around was still condensed, and it was quietly introduced into Ji Quanzhen's body to be planted.

If it weren't for Lu Ren's follow-up to break the shackles in his real world and be able to retain his real body, maybe Sun Wukong would completely give up his physical body, and forcibly turned around in a way similar to the causal system, allowing Ji Quanzhen to recognize, remember, completely changed him.

This is an impossible way. Monkey King, who has a chance to get out of trouble, will never choose this impossible way. After all, if he really chooses this way, it is still a matter of whether it is Monkey King or not.

Some options, Sun Wukong will never choose this lowest method.

Next, you only need to continuously condense the blood essence of the great witch, trace the source, trace the origin, and then extract a wisp of the blood essence of the ancestor witch, and then you can use it to become the ancestor witch.

But under the premise of this condition, you need to let your 365 clever acupuncture points choose the corresponding stars to form a correlation.

At this stage, it is called picking the stars. The ancient ancestors multiplied and thrived on this continent. In order to pursue extraordinary powers, they would naturally look up at the sky and see the sky full of stars. The river of stars stretched across the north and south, shining in the night sky.

That kind of boundless, ancient, greatness that seems to exist forever, such a great natural force, people will naturally worship and look up to it.

But among witches, they naturally hope to use themselves for themselves. The origin of all power comes from the initial greed. Let yourself be so great that you can gain great strength to deal with extreme environments.

In this way, the power of the stars began to be used gradually, and the starlight transmitted from countless long distances was discovered to possess powerful power.

After countless years of development, he finally found a way to activate 365 acupuncture points all over his body with the body of a great witch, so as to accommodate the power of the stars.

And picking the stars is to find the star that matches your zodiac sign among the endless stars, so as to turn it into your own natal star, and identify the starlight power that suits you from the complicated and chaotic starlight, so that you can absorb it and prepare for the next step. Condensate your inner world to prepare.

The road is long and long!

All practice is cumbersome, complicated, and there are hidden dangers that are unknown. Every step of practice is opened up by expending unimaginable energy, blood and tears on countless dangerous roads.

Next, activate your own 365 acupuncture points, and then find your own natal star.

There was a slight movement in Lu Ren's heart. He had already controlled his body to the point of incomparable perfection. He measured his acupoints with the tricks in the Heart Sutra. After a few simple experiments, Lu Ren determined the location of his acupoints with ease. .

Although Huaxia has clearly marked the big acupoints of the human body, everyone is not exactly the same. The difference is not a joke, but a real existence. Because people's physiques are different, the position of each person's acupoints will also move accordingly .

The human body is like a microcosm, which is not a simple talk, but a perception that really exists at the microcosmic level.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ren's body began to slowly light up little by little, just like the stars in the sky, scattered with little light.

In just half a day, ordinary people can't find seven or eight acupoints in their entire lives. Now Lu Ren has completely activated his 365 acupoints to anchor, activate, and open up and exit the dantian one by one. Generally, it can accommodate virtual and real spaces with different forces.

Many times, the acupoints described by practitioners are very strange, located in the illusory, indeterminate, if it is not for the human spirit to detect and anchor in a special way, there is no way to know that there is such an acupoint.

Just like what Taoists say is the innate qi, and the acupoints for storing and inducing this innate qi are not in your body at all. According to the most pure method of refining the acupoints in Longhu Mountain, it is said that the innate qi A point in the void located three inches away from the human body is used as a point to sense the Qi mechanism of heaven and earth and meet heaven and man.

There are too many mysteries in the human body. As far as immortality, shamanism, and even some short-lived cultivation systems that have appeared in human history, most of them intercept a certain field of the human body, and then use it as a breakthrough to reach an extraordinary state.

While his thoughts were flying, Lu Ren suddenly woke up, and before he knew it, he had already arrived at Ye Shang Zhong Tian, ​​where billions of stars in the sky formed a galaxy running across the north and south, although the light emitted was weak, under the shining of so many stars, But there is a different kind of brilliance scattered on the earth.

In the diffuse starlight, Lu Ren could feel the astonishing power contained in it. These starlights came from an extremely distant place, and after countless years, they finally fell on this planet. That kind of ancient, eternal existence The power contained in it is beyond doubt.

"It turns out that only after opening the whole body's acupuncture points through the secret method of shamanism, can one perceive the ancientness contained in this starlight."

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