Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1033: Sword pointing to the emperor

Wang Yuanyuan was too shocked to be brilliant, and with Gu Shaoshang's current strength, in ten million battles of the same level, he was only three out of ten.

But this time, it was the other way around.

It's not that Wang Yuanyuan is not strong, but that Gu Shaoshang at this time has already caught up with the top group of people in the endless years of cultivation.

And Wang Yuanyuan already had a flaw.

Wang Chao, who was once invincible and flawless, had a flaw after he was defeated by the man named Gu.

For Gu Shaoshang, an existence of the same rank, this flaw is enough.

"Your essence is beyond my expectations, and your mind can be called pure."

In the sea of ​​​​stars, Wang Yuanyuan was slightly dumbfounded, and said: "It seems that you are indeed a person who is favored by the atmosphere."

In this battle, he didn't hold back the slightest bit, but he still couldn't completely wipe out Gu Shaoshang's heart, and couldn't really beat him.

He has also seen many such people, such as Jiang Wuxi, and the few who walked with him before the endless years.

There is always someone who is favored by heaven and earth, favored by fate, or is born with a variable.

The theory of luck is mysterious and mysterious, or some people don't believe it, but it really exists.

As small as one village and one town, one country and one star, whoever gets lucky can be the richest man in a village, the head of a town, the lord of a country, and the ruler of a star.

As big as a universe, and even the heavens and the world, it stirs up the wind and rain of animation.

There is always someone who happens to be on the cusp of the storm, and has a smooth life for a lifetime. Even after a few hardships, they will eventually rise.

The former him, the former Jiang Wuxi, or Gu Shaoshang in front of him.

Even if there is such an existence as Daluo and Hunyuan, how can they ignore these sky-defying variables that inherit the fate of billions of years?

"The clock of luck?"

Gu Shaoshang smiled, noncommittal.

The theory of luck is not a secret for all existences above Daluo, let alone a mystery.

All risers must have their luck.

Whether it's a gift from God, or you fight for it yourself.

Since he has traveled across all realms, how can any of the great powers he has seen rise up without luck?

He naturally knew that he had had great luck, otherwise he would not have obtained the mirrors of the heavens, but if everything was attributed to the great luck, he would naturally disagree.

You know, he is not the first owner of the Mirror of the Heavens.

He still had a fresh memory of the unlucky ghost who was smelted to death in the gossip furnace and couldn't even be rescued by the Mirrors of the Heavens.

Even before the unlucky ghost, he didn't know if anyone else had obtained the mirrors of the heavens.

If you think that you have a treasure in your body, you will lose the heart of reverence and seeking for it, which is the way to die.

"After this battle, your punch will fall..."

Wang Yuanyuan's eyes fell slightly, his expression indifferent and calm, and said, "Then let me give it a try, the edge of this punch."

He didn't shoot again, and the voice drifted, and then suddenly dissipated in the void.

The next moment, the void collapsed, and the endless stars and celestial bodies shattered, as if turning into starlight, emerging towards the place where Wang Yuanyuan disappeared.

This world is reflected by the light of Wang Yuanyuan's soul illuminating Gu Shaoshang's soul, but with the tyranny of the two souls, this world is naturally a real existence. If Wang Yuanyuan is willing, he can even make it Turn fiction into reality.

This is just a thought.

But obviously, Wang Yuanyuan would not care about such a spiritual world.

"Oh no!"

"The Great Tribulation of the Era, the Great Tribulation of the Era!"

"Why did the Emperor of Heaven abandon me? The Emperor of Heaven..."

The endless creatures were all horrified, whether it was ordinary people or practitioners, they were all terrified.

A tyrannical existence was unwilling to roar, and the tyrannical supernatural powers were bombarded, but they were the most violent supernatural powers. There was no ripple in this universe's destruction, and they were swallowed by the collapsing black hole.


Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly, and a ray of spiritual brilliance burst out, engulfing this great world, turning into a ray of light, and incorporating it into the soul.

"The Emperor of Heaven destroys the world, the devil saves the world..."

The faint laughter drifted in the silence and nothingness.


The billions of years in which the two people's minds clashed, from the outside world's view, it was only one ten millionth of the time of life and death.

Many princes and only a few people saw what happened between the birth and death of one in ten million.

How short is the birth and death of one in ten million?

A mortal has sixty moments with a flick of his finger, nine hundred births and deaths in one moment, and one ten millionth of the time of birth and death is almost negligible!

The vast majority of princes only felt darkness in front of their eyes, and they didn't even turn a thought, and their hearts were stinged by the endless brilliance!

Boom! !

The endlessly arrogant and domineering fists enveloped the roar of ten thousand Taos, covering all the ways of existence and non-existence, and forced out of the world, resounding in the chaotic world where countless Taoist platforms were located.

Even if there is no outside world in the great realm where the Taoist platform is located, sound and light cannot be transmitted.

But Gu Shaoshang has long ago unified mind, will, primordial spirit, and body.

Even if this fist is a fist of the flesh, it is also a fist of the primordial spirit, a fist of the will, and a fist of the mind!

You don't need Wan Dao to spread it, and you don't need laws as a medium, you can illuminate everything, and you can coax it into all directions!

In an instant, countless princes felt pain in every part of their body, and blood and tears flowed from their eardrums and the corners of their eyes!

Primordial spirits are like ice and snow under the scorching sun, almost irreversibly damaged!

The emperor frowned slightly, the divine sword in his palm slightly raised, and the torrent of humanity rolled down, protecting one hundred thousand princes and blocking Gu Shaoshang's fist.

And stimulated all the authority he held, the sheath of the divine sword bounced up, spreading into the endless chaos, shaking the endless chaos, and completely suppressing the battlefield where the two were fighting fiercely.

But the power of this fist still makes many princes change color, and they are unbelievable in their hearts.

You must know that although most of the authority of the human ancestor's treasure is under the control of several priests in the ancestral temple, the emperor only has one part of the authority of a trillion, that is, the authority of the world that presides over the princely meeting.

But how tyrannical the Ancestral Treasure is, even one in a trillion is enough to suppress the vast majority of Luos!

Gu Shaoshang's punch can break through that world, which almost shows that the power of his punch is similar to Wang Yuanyuan's Dao of Tolerance before, and it has already faintly exceeded the scope of Daluo!

In the distance between two worlds, many princes who are not many Jingzhaoguang years apart will change their expressions, not to mention Wang Yuanyuan who bears the brunt.

But unlike many princes, when this punch fell, there was no light and no sound in front of Wang Yuanyuan's eyes.

Big sound and hope, the elephant is invisible!

All the Great Ways are lost to nothing, without sound and without color, without light and without form, without laws, and without the Great Way!

"Fist out of Tianyuan, the heavens have no way..."

Under the endless terrifying fist marks, Wang Yuanyuan sighed slightly, with a faint appreciation in his eyes.

The Infinite Multiverse is too big, and the opportunities in it are unimaginable.

There will always be strong men rising against the sky, and there will always be monsters riding the wind to the nine heavens.

Gu Shaoshang's punch can be called amazing, but he has also seen stronger ones. Although he appreciates it, he is like the emperor, Lin Xuanlong and others. There is not much shock, let alone shock.

But he couldn't deny that at this time, he wanted to take this punch.


Its power is incomparable, it is extremely strong and holy, its spirit is majestic, it is supreme and strong, its power is obvious, and it is boundless.

Among the same level, there are almost no people who can take this punch!

"Unfortunately, unfortunately..."

Wang Yuanyuan sighed slightly, his eyes slightly blurred.

He, who was undefeated before, might be able to take this punch, Jiang Wuji, who was not defeated, might also be able, and a few others might also be able to.

But after a defeat, the souls cannot be perfect, and they cannot be flawless, and I am afraid that they will not be able to take this punch without flaws.

The existence above Daluo, its tyranny is no longer based on your strongest point, but on your weakest point.

A trace of regret is an irreversible loophole.

There is no limit to the difference!

Boom! !

The next moment, Wang Yuanyuan moved again and punched.

With the bombardment of this fist, his body turned into glass, as transparent and white as crystal.

Vaguely, you can see the ups and downs of the endless universe, and the endless avenues are derived from it. The mind is infinite and the body is infinite!

It is as if there is a prototype of an endless infinite multiverse in it.

Movement is the creation and destruction of billions of worlds, endless gods and demons wailing in it, extremely terrifying!

The moment when the two fists bombarded.

This near-infinite battlefield world swelled violently, but it shrunk under the suppression of the emperor, and then swelled again, and shrunk again... The drastic transformation of billions and millions of immeasurables is only one thought. between.


It seems like a and it seems like an eternity.

The rays of light in this battlefield world have all dissipated, and everything in it has long since disappeared, no matter what it is, it is more complete than the Chaos Sea, and it is more nihilistic than nothingness.

And this great world, at this time, is densely split into countless cracks.

It was only under the suppression of the emperor that it did not collapse.

The hearts of many princes were tense, and only then did they know that even the great world transformed by the breath of the ancestors' treasures was not truly invincible.

The reason why their previous battles did not hurt anything was that their own strength was not strong enough!


Gu Shaoshang spit out a scorching airflow.

The blood around the body slowly fell, and it fell back into the body with a flame that was enough to burn a world.

With his savings at this time, under this punch, it took him two seconds to return to his peak state.

In nothingness, there is no time and space, and there is no distance or distance in nature.

Wang Yuanyuan stroked his chest, and under the white shirt, a deep fist mark was branded on his glass-like flesh.

The billions of worlds and billions of great avenues in his body have become extremely dim, and after several fluctuations, they cannot fully recover.

"you win......"

Wang Yuanyuan carried a trace of regret and disappointment, but also a trace of inexplicable expectation and hope.

If you lose, you lose, no matter whether you are at the peak or not at this time.

If you lose, you lose.

Gu Shaoshang just nodded casually, neither happy nor comforting Wang Yuanyuan.

Wang Yuanyuan, who has deficiencies, won, but he was not happy.

Similarly, Wang Yuanyuan did not need consolation.

Nodding slightly, after that, he raised his head slightly, and looked at the emperor amid the solemn expressions of many princes.



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