Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1034: The Emperor's Concession

Many princes straightened up unconsciously.

The change of this princely meeting is really not small, the strength of Gu Shaoshang and Wang Yuanyuan is beyond the imagination of most princes.

This time, do you really want to challenge the emperor again?

King Shenghui shook his head secretly with a wry smile in his heart.

Gu Shaoshang's strength was beyond his imagination, thanks to her thinking about fighting him before.

Fortunately, I didn't make a move, otherwise I'm afraid it will become a joke.


Many princes looked to the emperor.

The Human Sovereign became enlightened 800,000 to 900,000 years ago, and he has suppressed the gods for a long time, and his strength is unfathomable.

Perhaps, today, the emperor will change his position?

If the emperor changed his position, it would probably be a big sensational event.

Under everyone's attention, the Emperor slowly retracted the sheathed sword that pressed the battlefield, and smiled lightly.

He first glanced at Wang Yuanyuan, and said: "Time is endless and eternal, space is boundless and eternal, ten thousand ways are infinite and forever, three are not and three are forever, if the heart accepts it, the heart can be infinite... the heart is infinite Then the Tao is infinite! Very good, you, very good."

Wang Yuanyuan raised his head slightly and looked at the emperor.

This Human Sovereign is unfathomable. What he said to Gu Shaoshang before, he has only a 30% chance of winning, is actually true.

This Human Sovereign has a long history and is not a simple person.

"Only sincerity and integrity can we be righteous and unbiased, the Tao is consistent, the heart is consistent, and only the pure and the pure can be the most holy."

The human emperor's eyes flashed and fell on Gu Shaoshang's body, with a hint of joy and a hint of hope:

"The human mind is difficult and easy to be tricky, the Tao mind is difficult to be true, and the pursuit of truth must always be pure and single, but the human mind is ever-changing and ever-changing! Enlightenment."

Under the reverberation of the clear voice, the emperor in a yellow robe gently flicked his sword, and his appearance dissipated.


The divine sword roared softly, spreading in the chaos, and resounding in the hearts of many princes.

The faces of many princes were calm, but they were slightly suspicious in their hearts.

At this point, the emperor still had time to comment on these two evil princes, which also made them laugh and cry.

On the other hand, Wang Yuanyuan and Gu Shaoshang changed their expressions slightly.

At the moment when the sound of the sword spread, the two of them only felt that there was endless humane light flickering in their hearts, and faintly, a divine sword rose in their hearts at the same time.

The divine sword was red gold in color, and the scorching brilliance illuminated the sea of ​​​​the hearts of the two of them. It was like gold, like iron, and like copper, but it was not a kind of gold and iron.

The sword is very strange, with four sides and four edges, and the sun, moon, and stars are engraved on one side.

On the one hand, there are fishing and woodcutters ploughing and reading, the ancient mang and barren people, worshiping their ancestors Botian, many wars, and beacon smoke everywhere.

There are endless beasts engraved on one side, dragons and phoenixes dancing, unicorns and basalts burning, many mystical beasts roaring and flying, lifelike, as if they were about to jump off the sword.

On one side are engraved countless gods and demons who do not meet their eyes, or stand with their hands down and stand in a state of greatness, or draw their bows to the sky, with a tragic imposing manner, or shout from the sky, their hair flying in disorder, or caress their chests with their hands, blood flows, or stand with swords, killing them. Excited.

With a sword on all sides, it contains the mighty power of humanity, and its edge is like light.

"This is... Xuanyuan Sword!"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes suddenly lit up, and since he came to Renhuangtian, his mind seemed to be shrouded by a layer of fog.

The emperor's daughter, the iron-eating beast, the five grains, the Yinglong...Many things from the emperor's sky flashed in the sea of ​​mind, and they were connected in an instant.

Knowing that, what blinded his mind was the aura of God's Desolation and Humanity. The Dragon of the God Emperor's Dharma Protector, the Dragon of Humanity, appeared to blind his mind.

Not for the **** dog and anger!

In the same way, I also know that the Human Sovereign in front of him is one of the Three Sovereigns, Human Sovereign, Xuanyuan Clan, that he had seen in the Huoyun Palace when he had flown against the endless river of time and space!

This sword is the Xuanyuan Sword of the Human Race!

He actually came to the vastness!

"So it is, so it is!"

Gu Shaoshang was slightly stunned.

Back in the Fire Cloud Palace, I saw the Three Emperors taking pictures, and they came to the vast continent countless years ago!

Since the emperor is here, are the earth emperor and the emperor also coming?

A sword started in the sea of ​​hearts, and the mighty brilliance of humanity enveloped the sea of ​​hearts of the two of them the moment Xuanyuan Sword rose, spreading indefinitely, turning it into an endless world.

Gu Shaoshang and Wang Yuanyuan were pulled into this great world of minds at the same time.


In the endless humane light of the Xuanyuan sword, a white palm pressed down and held the handle of the Xuanyuan sword.

At the same time, dressed in the emperor's robe, wearing a mian, and wearing dragon boots, the heroic emperor slowly emerged. .


Just like a **** king who holds a heavenly sword and slays all spirits overlooking the heaven and earth, and like a supreme being who opens up the heaven and earth, a majestic and mighty aura of a majestic emperor pours out overwhelmingly, filling the world of the heart and sea. .

The tyrannical aura is rolling in all directions, and it is boundless.

Swell, swell, unchecked swell!

Could it be that there is no king in the world!

Where the sword is directed, the gods and demons are slain, the immortals and Buddhas retreat, and the sky bows its head!

Man will conquer the sky!

In the billowing breath, the emperor's clothes did not move, and under the Mian 旒 beads, there were endless waves in the calmness of the deep eyes.

He stood by his sword and said calmly, "You two, are you ready to take on the emperor?"

His voice was warm and calm, like the endless sea of ​​stars, and it was like the Xuanyuan sword showing its edge, piercing the heart, and facing the true heart of the two.

Even though Gu Shaoshang and Wang Yuanyuan were slightly solemn.

The person in front of him is the ancestor of the endless human race in the infinite and infinite multiverse, and the supreme existence that all human races regard as their ancestor!

The strength does not need to be said, its identity is enough to make the endless human race sacred unable to take the initiative to take action against it.

"Human Sovereign, Xuanyuan Clan......"

Gu Shaoshang sighed slightly, and his expression was a little subtle: "Unexpectedly, you came to the vastness and became the emperor of the gods?"

The Xuanyuan Clan, the Emperor of Humanity, was a sage of the human race from a long time ago, and his tyranny was beyond doubt.

Wherever the universe exists, there is the existence of its concepts, and the Tao transforms into hundreds of millions.

Such an existence is at the same level as him at this time, and it is quite difficult to win, let alone, at this time, he is stronger than the two of them.

At this time, he also knew why Wang Yuanyuan also said that he was only 30% sure of challenging the emperor.

This is not just because of his own lack of spirituality, but also because this Human Sovereign is an existence that can be called a giant in the endless infinite multiverse!

Even if Wang Yuanyuan has no shortage of soul, he may not be able to surpass the Xuanyuan clan of the same rank.

Not to mention, the higher Xuanyuan clan.

"It's been a while."

The emperor nodded slightly and said, "More than a million years, but it is stronger than one of your thousands of years of cultivation. I am really ashamed."

He didn't seem to be surprised that Gu Shaoshang recognized him, and his expression was gentle, and he was not dissatisfied because Gu Shaoshang had the heart to challenge him.

"Gu Shaoshang, I have seen Ren Zu, I have seen Xuanyuan Huangdi."

Hearing his words, Gu Shaoshang sighed slightly, straightened his clothes, and bowed.

Wang Yuanyuan nodded and bowed his hands slightly to show respect.

He was born on the earth of the dragon and snake world, and on earth, Xuanyuan is also the ancestor of the human race.

"It's not necessary,"

The human emperor Xuanyuan waved his hand slightly and said, "Although the origin of me in all worlds is the same, but after all, there is a difference in Taoism. I am Xuanyuan, and I am also the emperor, but I may not be the Xuanyuan clan you think."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly, and said, "Before the infinite and boundless tribulations, Emperor Wa used humanity to prove the Tao, and there were human races born in the world. Human races in the endless world were born from the same source. In the world, there is no merit for the way of heaven, but for the human race, it has great merit."

"If you don't worship the three emperors, what about the human race?"

Gu Shaoshang's expression was calm, and he went to the emperor again.

Can I have no ancestors? If there is no deity of the ancestors of the Three Sovereigns and others, how can there be a Taoist body of the Three Sovereigns of the Ten Thousand Realms? Why does the human race exist in the heavens and the world?

Gu Shaoshang thought that he belonged to the human race, so he naturally respected the three emperors and the emperor.

The emperor didn't say more, just nodded and said calmly: "The human heart is only dangerous, the Tao's heart is only weak; only the essence is the only one, and it is allowed to be in the middle."

"Hearts are connected, inheritance is endless..."

Gu Shaoshang sighed slightly.

This sixteen-character is said to be left by your ancestors. Yao passed it down to Shun, and Shun passed the throne to Yu, Yu passed it to Tang, and Tang passed it to Wen...... . Passed down from generation to generation, not only the throne, but the human race is entrusted, and what is entrusted is an unbearable weight.

One by one, the ancestors have been passed down, and they are heart-to-heart. This is the sixteen-character heart.

"I can't afford the throne of the emperor."

Gu Shaoshang waved his hand, no longer intending to fight for the emperor.

He is a seeker, the position of the emperor, and the representative is the infinite quantum people of the gods.

The heart and spirit required for this is not something that ordinary people can afford.

He may not be able to do better than the emperor.

And as long as the emperor is in the position and does not take the responsibility of the emperor, although Gu Shaoshang is only me, he is not willing to do it.

Do something and don't.

Although he gave up the throne of the emperor, and the price of entering Chen Ang's bureau may be very high in the future, he did not hesitate.

With a slight flick of his sleeve robe, he was about to withdraw from the Great Realm of the Sea of ​​Heart and withdraw from the Human Sovereign competition.

Although he cares about winning or losing, he cares more about his own heart.

Taking action against the Emperor, he will not be able to understand.

Wang Yuanyuan stood with his hands down, his expression neither sad nor happy, and there was not much change.

The human race is heavy, but it is not as heavy as the avenue. His heart is infinite, and he can accommodate everything. Human race, he can take care of it.

However, since he was defeated by Gu Shaoshang, he has no intention of fighting for the throne of the emperor again.

"Not busy, not busy."

The Emperor whispered softly and called Gu Shaoshang.

Gu Shaoshang stopped slightly and looked at the Emperor, a little puzzled.

The Emperor smiled slightly, took off the Emperor Mian he was wearing, held it in the palm of his hand, and glanced at Gu Shaoshang.

Looking at Wang Yuanyuan with a slightly solemn expression: "I want to give in to you, are you willing to accept it?"


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