Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1035: Emperor and High Priest


What does Zen mean?

It refers to giving up the throne under the witness of many ancestors.

The Xuanyuan Clan suddenly decided to abdicate, which surprised Gu Shaoshang.

Now that he has joined forces with Wang Yuanyuan, the odds of winning against the Emperor are only five or five, so he doesn't have to give in.

Wang Yuanyuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and seemed a little surprised.


Wang Yuanyuan and Gu Shaoshang looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Obviously, no one expected that the emperor would take the initiative to give in.

"The throne of the emperor, the fruit of the emperor, I have carried it for too long..."

The Emperor Xuanyuan pressed the sword in one hand and held the crown in the other, sighed slightly, and his tone was a bit desolate.

Humanity is too heavy and too heavy, so heavy that he can't take that step for endless years.

After throwing everything away and ascending to the vast vastness, he had no intention of ascending to the throne of the emperor again, and his cultivation was not humane.

If not after the Middle Ages, the demon emperor rose against the sky, and the human race was in a precarious situation.

He will not ascend to the throne of the emperor again.

It's not that, he has been stuck in the last step of Daluo for countless years.

The status of the emperor is not in his heart. If someone could compare with him, he would have given it to others long ago.

For him, who had thrown away the position of the human emperor of the infinite and infinite multiverse, it was not necessarily that he was reluctant to give up the long-defunct authority of the vast human race.

This position is the supreme honor for the Godly Human Race and even countless gods and devils.

But for the existence of the emperor, it is naturally nothing.

For example, Gu Shaoshang, if it weren't for Chen Angzhi's cause and effect, he would not have much interest in the throne of the emperor.

Wang Yuanyuan is the same.

"Hun Yuan?"

The silence was only for a moment, and Gu Shaoshang and Wang Yuanyuan knew the state of the emperor at this time, and they spoke together.


The Emperor nodded slightly, and said, "Those who have attained humanity, if blessed by countless sentient beings, will cultivate far beyond the same level, but at the same time, they are also bound."

He has already reached this step.

If it wasn't for not abandoning the status of the emperor and the glory of humanity, if he took this step, he would walk on the old path of the previous life, and he could try to break through.

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, knowing that the Emperor could already try to take this step.

"I didn't win this battle, why did you choose me?"

Wang Yuanyuan looked at the emperor, and his expression calmed down again.

He has experienced too much, and although the Human Sovereign status is of great use to him, he is very calm.

The winner is the emperor.

Even the Emperor Xuanyuan had no intention of becoming the Emperor, and wanted to break free from the shackles of humanity. It stands to reason that he should choose Gu Shaoshang instead of him.

"Your heart is infinite, you can tolerate everything, and naturally you can tolerate humanity."

The emperor shook his head slightly and said, "Pan Wang is the most refined and pure, only I am the only one... If the human race diverges from his Tao, I am afraid that the vast human race will be destroyed in an instant, and I can't stop it. The high priest can't stop it."

He knows that Gu Shaoshang is the true seed of the true idealism and self-seeking, and his Tao is exquisite and pure, and his body will conflict with his Tao if he is blessed by the humanistic Tao.

When the two fight each other, it is very easy to cause damage.

On the other hand, Wang Yuanyuan has an infinite heart and is very tolerant, and his eyebrows have the meaning of endless opening up.

It can accommodate humanity, and it can also sublimate humanity with its infinite heart.

The two can be said to complement each other.

In the view of the human emperor Xuanyuan, there is no prince more suitable to succeed the emperor than the Shangwang Yuanyuan.

Before he played the sword and sang, that's what he did.

Lin Xuanlong was very stunned. Although there was Gu Shaoshang's fist to dominate the world, he naturally saw the reason for this.

The past life was like dust, and in this life he has a master-disciple relationship with Wang Yuanyuan.

Although he admired Gu Shaoshang's unparalleled fist, but in his heart, he naturally expected Wang Yuanyuan.

"What the Emperor said..."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly and smiled dumbly.

Unexpectedly, he defeated Wang Yuanyuan, but lost points in the emperor's heart.

However, if the emperor is not omniscient and omnipotent, how can he know his intentions?

Dao and heart.

Gu Shaoshang won't lose it either, he wants it all!

Saying that he will abandon people's hearts and only seek Dao's heart, but this is underestimated by Gu Shaoshang!

The human heart is good, and the Dao heart is also worth mentioning.

What he wants is his heart!

However, he couldn't help but admit that the emperor's comments on Wang Yuanyuan were extremely accurate.

At the end of the Dragon and Snake Age, he used to fight for alien battleships for the human race. In the Xinghe era, he could forcibly shake all races and all powers for the human race. He was not afraid of everything, and opened up a world for the human race.

Although there is also the meaning of making a hero in it, the former Wang Yuanyuan.

It is indeed more suitable to be the emperor than him.

But today's Wang Yuanyuan is still Wang Chao, who was once invincible, fearless, fearless, and grand?

How did the battle he didn't know destroy Wang Chao's Dao Heart?

Gu Shao moved slightly in sadness, and an irrepressible curiosity arose in his heart.

"Is there something wrong?"

The emperor looked at Gu Shaoshang, and in the calm eyes, a faint light flashed.

What he said about Gu Shaoshang was inappropriate, half of it was because of what he said.

The other half is that there is something about Gu Shaoshang's body that he thinks he keeps secret.

In the past, he held the position of the Three Emperors of all races in the infinite and infinite multiverse. Although he did not take that last step, his essence was extremely lofty.

But the aura on Gu Shaoshang's body made him a little afraid.

Although the vast human race is big, it can't stand the toss.

Even if Gu Shaoshang is suitable, he is unlikely to give in to him.

"Of course it's not right."

Gu Shaoshang said frankly.

Although he doesn't care about the position of the emperor, the feeling of being looked down upon by others is naturally not good.

Although, he can also vaguely know the thoughts of some emperors, perhaps because there are too many things on his body, the emperor is also afraid.

Such as Chen Ang, such as "Yuan" such as "Taiqing" such as "Hongjun"......

No one can ignore these giants, the heavens and the world.

The emperor shook his head without refuting.

Since he is a human emperor, it is impossible for him to be willing to drag the vast human race into the quagmire.

If Gu Shaoshang is dissatisfied, he will be the only one to bear it.

Gu Shaoshang put his arms around his chest and stood above the sea of ​​​​heart with a calm expression, and did not speak again.

With his state of mind, naturally there will be no regrets.

It was his own decision to give up the fight for the emperor, and since that was the case, he would naturally have no regrets.

"Perhaps, you are wrong."

Wang Yuanyuan also shook his head, not happy.

It can be said that he has very little belonging to the vast human race, and he does not know whether the future will be as the emperor Xuanyuan said.

The wonder of the heart, he has not yet fully realized, otherwise, he will not be defeated.

"I can't see wrong."

The emperor was quite confident in Wang Yuanyuan, waved his hand and said, "I've lived for a long time, and I've seen it a lot, so I can't be wrong."

He has lived thousands of times longer than the two of them, and he naturally has confidence in how he sees people.

Of course, the more important point is.

Holding Mian in one hand and Xuanyuan Sword in the other, he looked at Wang Yuanyuan and said:

"Go ahead, if I can't take down the Emperor Mian from my palm, I won't give up."

It is because he instructed in his mind that the throne of the emperor should be given to Wang Yuanyuan, but the rules of Shenhuang cannot be broken.

This battle is, of course, inevitable.


Wang Yuanyuan did not refuse.

In the face of countless sages of the human race, especially when he is still weak at this time, he will naturally not care about it.


Waves rose in the sea of ​​​​heart.

As soon as Wang Yuanyuan stepped, he stretched out his palm and grabbed the man, Huang Mian.

The palm of the hand is like the sky, covering everything, and everything in the sea of ​​​​heart, all shrouded in it.

Infinite heart, accommodating everything, accommodating everything!

"Light of the Heart..."

The Human Sovereign had a slight smile on his face, and slightly picked up the Xuanyuan Sword in his palm.

There is no sound and no light, and a sword that slays gods also slays immortals.

Gu Shaoshang only saw that the sword swayed slightly, and the next moment, Wang Yuanyuan's palm that covered Qiongtian suddenly dissipated.

The next moment, Wang Yuanyuan stepped forward in a grand manner, and his fist marks were in the air.

It is simple, but it contains the subtlety of all laws, crossing the endless sea of ​​minds and competing with the emperor.



Above the Daotai Primal Chaos Realm, many princes only saw the emperor flick his sword slightly.

Gu Shaoshang and Wang Yuanyuan, the two newly promoted sacred giants, seemed to have fallen into contemplation.

"Xinhai Daozheng?"

The Holy King raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not expect that the emperor would make such a decisive move, and he shot together against the almost invincible beings among the two holy gods.

"The Emperor is a little reckless."

King Shenghui also shook his head slightly.

In the heart and sea competition, the competition is the avenue, the soul.

The minds of Gu Shaoshang and Wang Yuanyuan were invincible to them.

The Human Sovereign's advantage is only a high level of cultivation, which is a bit of a challenge to the strengths of others with one's own shortcomings.

Only Lin Xuanlong sat on the Taoist platform and drank the fine wine from the Imperial quite comfortable.


It was only a few moments before and after.

The three of them were slightly shocked at the same time, the light of their hearts dissipated, and they withdrew from the battle of the heart sea.

"There are talented people from the human race..."

Under the watchful eyes of many princes, the emperor slowly let out a long breath, looking a little tired.

"In this battle, this emperor lost."

Many princes all turned pale, unable to calm down, and looked at Gu Shaoshang, who had a peaceful expression and seemed to have no trace of a war.

"Did King Shengpan actually beat the Emperor?"

Above many Taoist platforms, a figure suddenly stood up, his heart was surging, and his mind was buzzing.

Many princes frowned slightly, but they saw a young man in a lavender robe, long hair with a shawl, and a black divine sword on his waist.

But it was Feng Linwan!

"This battle, the emperor lost, choose another day to cede..."

The emperor stroked his eyebrows and said tiredly, "Passing the throne, the original forbidden Marquis Wang Yuan..."

The original ban Wuhou Wang Yuan?

All the princes were a little stunned, Gu Shaoshang defeated Wang Yuanyuan, but lost to the emperor?

And Wang Yuanyuan lost to Gu Shaoshang, but defeated the emperor?

How is this possible?

Rao is the lowest person in the audience who is in the late stage of the gods and demons, and he is a little bit confused at this time.

"Cough cough!"

The Emperor coughed lightly and was about to say something.


Chaos swayed with ripples, holding a bamboo staff, the high priest of the figure suddenly came to this world.

First, he glanced at the emperor with a half-smile, his eyes fell on Gu Shaoshang, and said lightly:

"Since that's the case, King Shengpan, let's take the burden of this old man..."


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