Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1036: blood of ancestors

Will the high priest pass the throne too?

Many princes were all slightly shocked.

Before they even had time to think about anything, they all stood up suddenly and bowed in unison: "High Priest!"

The succession of the high priest to the throne is even more shocking than that of the emperor.

There are three emperors in the three dynasties of Shenhuang, and there are dozens of them, but there is only one high priest.

To a certain extent, this high priest is the strongest of the human race.

Even the oldest living princes only know that this old man was already a high priest long before the Middle Ages.

Back then, the three emperors, Shenhuang, Manghuang, and Emperor Huang, also studied under the high priest.

This is the oldest person in the human race.

Even, if not injured in the Middle Ages. If the demon emperor wants to rise, it is impossible to threaten the human race!

This is an old antique in the true sense. It has the authority of 90% of the treasure of the vast human race.

"High Priest?!"

The emperor was slightly moved, and looked at the thin old man in surprise, a little puzzled.

The high priest has a lofty status, but he has never intervened in many affairs of Shenhuang. At this time, it appears that Gu Shaoshang will become the next high priest, which is beyond the expectations of the emperor.

Gu Shaoshang and Wang Yuanyuan did not expect that the old man would appear at this time.

Gu Shaoshang even frowned slightly, not knowing what the old man meant.

Not to mention, where did this old man have the confidence to pass on the position of the most important high priest of the human race to himself.

"Human Emperor......"

The old priest paused for a moment with his bamboo stick, his slightly cloudy eyes fell on the emperor, and said, "Since you want to give in, there is no need for me to persevere with this old bone."

His old eyes seemed a little dim, but what he said made all the princes terrified.

The emperor couldn't sit still, suddenly got up, and smiled bitterly: "You are old, don't be in such a hurry."

He has a lot of respect for this old man.

Not only because he had studied martial arts under his sect, but more importantly, this ancient surviving old man has the deepest heritage of the human race.

The demon emperor thought that the eight ancient emperors were sleeping in the treasure of the human emperor. Only a few people knew that the current human race really had no deeper background.

This old man holds the treasure of human ancestors, which is the trump card of the human race to deter the demon emperor.

Without this old man, even if he and his two brothers were promoted to Hunyuan at the same time, they would not be able to deter the demon emperor.

If you are not careful, it is a war that turns the world upside down.

"High priest think twice."

Many princes were also slightly frightened.

What the old man said made them unable to calm down.

Although the human race has regained some vitality at this time, it is far incomparable compared to the Middle Ages, let alone compared with the time when the human race was in its prime.

If there is no high priest to sit in, the human race will be shaken in an instant.

All the princes except Lin Xuanlong were enlightened 800,000 to 900,000 years ago, so they naturally knew what this old man meant to the human race at this time.

"Okay, okay."

The old man waved his hand impatiently and said, "The old man is not dead yet, what are you doing with your face crying?"

He swept over many princes, and finally his eyes fell on Gu Shaoshang again, becoming a lot softer: "Child, you come with me."

The old man was pale and his eyes were cloudy, just like an ordinary old man, without a trace of the power of a high priest.

"You old..."

Gu Shao's brows and hearts beat slightly, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

In addition to the time in the world, he has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and is also called a child......

However, the old man was afraid that he had lived much longer than himself, so he couldn't say anything.


Chaos moved slightly, the old man had already landed next to Gu Shaoshang, and with a random drop of his palm, he grabbed Gu Shaoshang's hand.


Gu Shao was shocked in sadness.

The speed of the old man was unimaginable. He didn't even react, so he was held by his hand.

"The rest of the things, the old man will not be involved."

The old man held Gu Shaoshang's wrist, waved his hand, and disappeared into this world together with Gu Shaoshang.

"Congratulations to the High Priest."

Many people present had different expressions, and they could only bow slightly and send the old man away.

The status of the old man is lofty, and many sacred things, including the emperor, have almost all learned martial arts from the old man.

They didn't even dare to ask what he didn't want to say.

"Dapeng rises with the same wind one day, spreads its wings high and hates the sky low..."

Feng Linwan got up slowly, only the corners of his mouth felt bitter, and he only felt that there was nothing more than a chance in life.

This is only a short thousand years in the world. For gods and demons, a thousand years is no longer than the time it takes for ordinary mortals to take a nap.

In just over a thousand years, the two young Tianjiao, who he didn't care much about, were crowned princes and kings. At this moment, one of them was about to accept the emperor's concession, and the other might become the new high priest.

This speed, more than fast, is simply terrifying!

He felt as if he was in a dream, not knowing where he was.

If he had known today, back then, he would have gone out of the city gate hundreds of millions of miles to welcome these two ancestors.

Where would it be like today, so trembling.

Such two almost invincible existences in the sacred, and even more to become the high priest of the emperor, what kind of calculation is only fleeting.

The gap is too big, for a while, he doesn't even have the slightest resentment.

"The High Priest..."

The emperor shook his head slightly and sighed.

In the face of this old man, even at this time, there is nothing he can do.

At this time, he also knew that this old man, I am afraid that it is not a temporary intention, I am afraid that he has been observing Gu Shaoshang for a long time.

No wonder he didn't argue with himself that day, for fear that he had already guessed what he was thinking.

"This old fox..."

The heroic emperor cursed in his heart.

"The High Priest..."

Wang Yuanyuan was also thoughtful.

And if Gu Shaoshang becomes the high priest......



With a slight flash of divine light, Gu Shaoshang and the high priest had already walked out of the gate of the void and landed in the human palace.


The ripples that the two of them brought to the ground moved the endless grain fields.

Between the five grains and the ground, you can see the black and white chubby iron-eating beast, running and screaming softly.

The green-robed emperor's daughter followed the iron-eating beast helplessly.

A blessing to the old man from a distance.

"Don't blame him."

The old man landed on the ground, coughed lightly, and said, "He also thinks too much."

"Of course not."

Gu Shaoshang supported the old man and didn't care.

"You are old, why are you looking at me?"

He looked at the old man suspiciously.

The position of the high priest is of great importance. The old man has lived for an unknown number of years, how can he arbitrarily decide the inheritance of the high priest?

Although the High Priest does not hold the authority of the human race, his control over the treasures of the ancestors is more important to the human race than the emperor of the three dynasties.

Naturally, it is impossible to make a decision lightly.

"It's early, it's early."

The old man glanced at Gu Shaoshang with a smile, and said leisurely: "In the Middle Ages, this old man once traveled all over the vast continent, studying how many ethnic groups and even the natural beasts.

I have created several exercises in the past..."

"It's... Yuan Mang Swallowing Stars?"

Gu Shaoshang was a little surprised.

Recalling the time when he first came into contact with a different technique thousands of years ago.

Gu Jingzeng said that this practice was created by a strange man who traveled all over the vast continent and studied countless exotic animals in the Middle Ages.

It is said that the governor of Yanwutang, Chen Ang, also commented.

At that time, he didn't know how big the world was, he just thought it was normal.

Later, as he broadened his horizons and realized the vastness of the vastness, the innate sanctity could not go away for hundreds of millions of years, and when he knew what kind of existence Chen Ang was, he thought that it was just an exaggeration by later generations.

At this time, when he heard the old man mention it, he remembered and realized that the Yuan Python swallowing star was created by the old man in front of him.

"Not bad."

The old man lightly stroked his gray and white beard, nodded and said, "However, Yuanmang Swallowing Stars is just an introductory chapter, and then there are several advanced methods such as Yuanlong Swallowing the Sun, Candle Dragon Swallowing the Sky, and so on... .."

"You always feel me?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned.

"It's not a perception, it's just a connection of luck and luck, and I can vaguely feel that you and I are destined. I only really know when you become innate and holy."

With that said, the old man patted Gu Shaoshang's hand lightly and said, "You child, you are very suspicious! The old man hasn't peeped at anyone for millions of years."

Gu Shaoshang was not embarrassed, he smiled and said, "So, back then, you thought you were a good player?"

"Old, old."

With the help of Gu Shaoshang, the old man paced away, with a trace of nostalgia on his face, and said ramble: "The blue shirt is upright and the world is unparalleled, and the gentleman is as unparalleled in the world....The old man of the year~www confidantes, also all over the world..."

"Unfortunately, now, the descendants of the old people are all dead."

Said, the old man was a little sentimental.

"You don't have to mind, we'll see you sooner or later."

Gu Shao was thinking about something in his heart, and comforted him casually.

"...It's almost time."

The old man choked, then nodded indifferently.


As the two talked, they had already stepped into the void again, and had traveled tens of millions of miles along the canopy of the Great Thousand Yuan Chen Tree, almost approaching the time of Chaos Heaven.

The old man stopped.


Gu Shaoshang felt a little, only to feel that the surroundings were empty, but faintly, you could feel a touch of strangeness.

"Let's go."

The old man raised his bamboo stick and knocked.


In a trembling sound as low as mosquitoes, a golden light spread and wrapped the two of them.

During the flow of light and shadow, Gu Shaoshang only felt a heat all over his body, and then he saw an endless scorching light.

With his cultivation base, he couldn't help but squinted slightly.

That was a round, far beyond the huge sun of any stars and celestial bodies that Gu Shaoshang had ever seen.

Even Gu Shaoshang could feel that this round of the Great Sun was already extremely compressed, and its original size was probably beyond the imagination of others.

This round of the big sun can make Gu Shaoshang feel hot. If it is replaced by the gods and demons under Da Luo, I am afraid that they will all vaporize and disappear.

"This used to be a drop of ancestral blood..."

The high priest raised his bamboo stick and tapped the huge sun, saying, "However, there is only a trivial strand left at this time, and I have to let it fall into a deep sleep and restrain its radiance."


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