Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1038: life and death

"The ancestral temple is like a beacon, a beacon that guides my human race to fall into the endless time and space of the holy return..."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and said: "So, the avenue where the ancestral temple is located is completely independent of the time and space of the ten thousand Taos.

"Ruzi can be taught."

The old priest stroked his beard, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Time is endless, and space is boundless.... The ancestral temple is outside of time, not in space, beyond the ten thousand ways."

"Do you know why?"

Finally, the old man looked at Gu Shaoshang again.

"The blood of the ancestors!"

Gu Shao was saddened.

"That's right."

The old man smiled and said: "The ancestral temple is like a road sign, guiding the return of many holy people who have not completely fallen. When the many lights in the ancestral temple go out, it means that my human race has a sacred reversal of time and space to return."

"This is also what was necessary for many saints to return after the battle between Ren Zu and Cangzu destroyed the vast reincarnation."

"The reincarnation of the vast continent was destroyed in that battle?"

Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows slightly, he really didn't know this.

He only thought that there was no reincarnation in the vast continent.


The High Priest nodded and said, "That was the most terrifying battle since the inception of the vastness, after the era of Chaos, the Age of Desolation, the Age of Myths, and so on."

"In those days, the Cang clan was at the height of the sky, it was the unparalleled overlord in the era of chaos, desolation, and mythology... On the eve of the human ancestor's enlightenment, the ancestor of the Cang clan, who was born before the chaos, attacked, and the battle was very tragic. .

But in just a few million years, the age of mythology was completely ended.

In that battle, the ancestors finally proved the Tao. The ancestors used themselves and the many sacredness of the Cang clan as the guide, and based on the great luck of the vastness of the Cang clan, it tore the continent of Cang and ended.

Samsara disappeared into the battle.

Is it destroyed by the war, or taken away by the ancestors. It is unknown. "

The high priest was very patient, and he narrated some things for Gu Shaoshang unhurriedly, revealing to him some of the secrets hidden in the years.

As the oldest living antique of the human race, he has fallen and survived.

As much as he knows, it is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Gu Shaoshang listened attentively and thoughtfully.

When the vast vastness was opened, even the high priest is unclear, perhaps it is not known, or there may be other reasons.

It is only known that after the vastness of the sky is opened, it will no longer swallow the Qi of Chaos to strengthen itself, and that is the original Chaos Era.

In the chaos, there are countless stalwart beings born.

After those beings were born, they walked on the chaotic continent at that time, they did not communicate with each other, and occasionally there were wars.

I don't know how many years later, Cangzu was born, and he was called by the vastness, and his strength after birth far exceeded the vast majority of existences.

After that, he swallowed chaos and turned into a clan.

At this point, the post-chaotic era dominated by the Cang clan and the entire barbaric era, the pre-mythical era, has opened.

Until, at the end of the age of mythology, the human race was born, under the leadership of Ren Zuxi, it rose to the frontier land, and with the growth of the human race, it bordered with the Cang clan......

After the ancient times, even though the situation of the vast continent changed several times, the human race stood in the forest of ten thousand races and dominated the vastness.

Until after the Middle Ages War, the demon emperor rose and dominated the millions of years.

"...After the Middle Ages, the old man suffered a very serious Dao injury. With the help of the three emperors, he barely resisted the demon emperor..."

The high priest spoke slowly, bringing some things together.

"In the days that follow, you will stay in the ancestral temple first, and I will hand over everything to you, whether it is many ancient secrets or treasures of human ancestors."

Finally, the old man's thin hand grasped Gu Shaoshang's hand and said slowly:

"The previous human race, this old man can decide in one word... I hope that the future human race can be up to you!"

The old man's tone was neither slow nor slow, but Gu Shaoshang could hear the old man's meaning from it.

His brows twitched slightly, without much joy, instead he said, "Your Dao injury cannot be healed?"

The high priest's act of almost entrusting him let him know that maybe this old man was really dying.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to be so eager to give everything to himself.

"Every Dao is different, no matter what kind of Dao it is, the difference is huge. The so-called Dao injury..."

The old man stretched out his palm, and a cloud of extremely pure white light slowly appeared on the palm of his hand. Immediately, his other hand also stretched out, and a black divine light as black as ink appeared on it.

Then, he put his hands together, the white light and the black divine light merged into one, turning into a gray light.

"The injured person is far greater than the difference..."

The high priest dropped his palm.


Gu Shaoshang frowned.

The high priest was so tyrannical when he was in its prime, and many saints were apprentices under his sect. If he could leave the wounded, his Dao would not be too weak.

Not to mention him at this time, even if he set foot in Hunyuan, I am afraid there is nothing he can do.

No wonder, with the strength of the high priest far exceeding Luo Jin's number, he will be dragged to the last breath.

"Hun Yuan is boundless and boundless, neither born nor perished, neither born nor perished... This Dao injury can only be killed once."

The old man's old face was not only free of sadness, but also had a free and easy smile, saying:

"I am between life and death, but a game?"

"You are always free and easy."

Gu Shaoshang was a little surprised.

He can feel that the old man's state of mind is incomparably lofty, everything is not in his heart, and he doesn't care about life and death at all. It is truly free and easy.

Even him, there is some admiration.

At least at this time, although he is not afraid of life and death, he is not as free and easy as the old man.

The high priest slowly got up, the linen swayed slightly, and the bamboo stick touched the second-floor desk, and said to Gu Shaoshang: "After I go, light a bright lamp here for me, and guide me. . . .....

Between life and death, old man, go and return. "

Although his stature is squatting, his bearing is incomparably calm and calm, like an ordinary old man who goes out for a walk after dinner, quiet and peaceful.


Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and said ok.

For a person like the high priest, no one can reverse what he decides, and he is determined to never change his mind.

Now that he has decided, Gu Shaoshang can only nod his head.

"Of course, it's going to be in a few days."

The high priest's bamboo stick slammed on the ground and said so.

"...that's natural."

Gu Shaoshang choked slightly and nodded.

"Ha ha!"

The high priest smiled casually, holding a staff in one hand and brushing his beard in the other, and said leisurely: "You take up my mantle, after the change of the emperor's position, the old man can leave calmly!"

"Before you return, the ancestral temple will be guarded by me."

Gu Shaoshang also got up and said calmly.

He vaguely guessed where the old man was going, and after that, the turmoil that may be caused can only be guarded by him.

"Then I can rest assured."

With a calm demeanor, the old man walked around the ancestral temple with Gu Shaoshang, introducing him to some matters in the ancestral temple.

"The place where the ever-bright lantern is located is a very important place for the ancestral temple. In addition, it is this room."

After stepping out of the stone room, the high priest took Gu Shaoshang into another room.

The ancestral temple seems small, but it has a big name.

The central place of the great formation that covers the vast territory of the human race is in the ancestral temple and the palace of the human beings, it is just an appearance.

In this small stone room, Fang is the true center of the formation.

After that, the two walked out of the formation room, came to the courtyard again, and walked towards the well.

"In this well, there are a few small things that the old man suppressed, don't touch it easily."

The old man kicked the old turtle and pointed to the well.

"A few little things..."

Gu Shaoshang's eyes flashed slightly, and he wrote it down.

The little things the old man said, he wouldn't really think it was a little thing.

After all, this old man has lived too long, even him, and even the two gods outside the ancestral temple who dared to challenge the emperor are just small things.


Inside the tortoise shell, the old tortoise murmured: "Old man, you have destroyed the ninety-six cities of Lord Gui!"


He came out and kept shouting: "The capital of King Shengpan has been kicked up by you!"

"The capital of the Holy Pan King?"

Gu Shaoshang Only then did he know that the old turtle was huddled in the turtle shell, and he used his magical powers to cast his capital.

"Okay, okay."

The old man shook his head and said, "I'm going to take your little master to walk outside for a while, and the ancestral temple can't go wrong."

"Old man, old man! Where are you going? Take Da Da with you!"

The bald-haired bird was chirping and flapping its wings.

Gu Shaoshang could faintly see that under his wings, there were countless tiny pupils, densely packed, pale and pale light.

It's creepy to look at.

Seemingly aware of Gu Shaoshang's gaze, the small pupils in the Jingzhao series suddenly all turned and looked at Gu Shaoshang.

With just a glance, Gu Shaoshang could feel the immeasurable picture of information flashing in his mind.

These pictures are fragmented, and it seems that there is a human emperor, the imperial capital of the gods, the kingdom of Shengwu, and even the city of Xiaoyao on the endless sea and even the kingdom of Yan.

"Don't bring it."

The high priest waved his hand and said, "This is the secret place of all races. If you peep openly, you will have unnecessary trouble."


The bald bird exploded immediately, jumping three feet high, flapping its wings, and spitting: "You forgot how many millions of years ago, how did you look at it with gusto?"


I saw the bamboo stick passing by, the bird feathers splashed, the bird screamed loudly, and was knocked off to the dust.

"I don't know what to say, and sooner or later I will be skinned and eaten!"

The high priest took back the bamboo stick as if nothing had happened, held Gu Shaoshang's palm, and disappeared without a trace.

At the moment of disappearance, Gu Shaoshang could still hear the angry scream of the bird.


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