Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1039: travel around the world

"You're not ashamed, old bastard..."

The bald bird jumped.

"Big bird, please rest in peace..."

The old turtle probed his head and said slowly: "The old guy is going to explain the funeral..."

As he said that, the old turtle lowered his head, and there was a faint glittering flash in his eyes.


The bald bird sighed and landed on the old tree:

"How many years, how many years..."

His voice slowly became inaudible:

"You're gone, what's the point of my life..."



Above the human palace, princes and princes came out in a row, each with a different look and a lot of thoughts.

"High Priest, High Priest..."

The tall and arrogant Holy King's chest heaved up and down, and his mind was uncertain.

Most of the human race saints have learned martial arts and Taoism under the high priest, especially a few of them, and the high priest can be said to be both a teacher and a father.

The old man's place in their hearts is immeasurable.

"His old man has suffered too hard. For him, this should be a good thing..."

King Shenghui sighed slightly and said.

The suffering of nearly a million years is unbearable for anyone.

If it weren't for the fact that he had no successor, he might have gone with his comrades in arms as early as in the Middle Ages, how could he have survived to this day.

Thinking back to the time when he was incomparably heroic, the high priest who was known as the most powerful human race after the Eight Emperors, and then think about the high priest who is almost dying now.

Her heart could not help but sour.

"I'm incompetent, I want an old man to wait for me desperately..."

The Holy King slowly exhaled, his face became cold and hard: "If the high priest goes, I should carry a gun and accompany him..."

After all, he left the palace without looking back.

"You go, but you will die..."

Looking at the back of Saint King Ang Zang, King Shenghui shook his head slightly.


The Emperor walked out of the door and waved his hand to eliminate the door.

"The High Priest..."

Xuanyuan's eyes flickered slightly.

He naturally knew why the old man was so anxious.

Chaos Tian and his party, the demon emperor became more and more unfathomable, and he was already infinitely close to that step.

If he is really one step ahead, then the Eight Emperors of the Ancient Era will appear together, and it will be difficult to compete.

Once it fails, the vast expanse is huge, but there will be no place for people to live in.

This is not only a racial struggle, but a Taoism struggle!

Therefore, he must be held back.

In today's vast human race, and even the entire vast continent, only the old man can do it.

"One step late, one step late..."

There were faint blue veins on the palm of the emperor holding Xuanyuanjian, and finally, he slowly let out a long breath.

Glancing at Wang Yuanyuan in the crowd, he returned to the Imperial Palace.

The position of the emperor is of great importance, and the great event of the human race's renunciation is enough to shake the vastness.

At that time, many great clans in the vast vastness will all come.

Only in the presence of all ethnic groups can we truly begin to give in and give in, and the spirit of humanity can truly recognize Wang Yuanyuan.

The transfer of the torrent of humanity is naturally not something that he can complete in three or two days.

There is so much he needs to do.

Among the princes, Wang Yuanyuan seemed to have a feeling in his heart. Looking back, he happened to see the back of the emperor.


Pausing for a moment, Wang Yuanyuan had many thoughts rising and falling in his heart.

In his induction, with the end of the princely meeting, the traces of humane breath have slowly condensed towards him.

While humanity is prosperous, the boundless will is slowly weakened.

A ray of aura gradually lit up in his heart:

"Dragon Raising Heart Method... Holy Dragon Heart Method..."

"Why did King Ban Wu stop?"

At this time, a prince who was surrounded by Wang Yuanyuan asked.


Wang Yuanyuan came back to his senses, frowned indistinctly, and said indifferently: "It's nothing, I have a little understanding."

After all, he ignored the princes and stepped out of the palace and returned to his own mansion.

clang clang ~ ~

In the mansion, the sound of gold and iron symphony was mellow and endless, like a little woman whispering softly, like endless thunder bursting with majesty.

Black and white light covered the entire mansion.


When Wang Yuanyuan stepped into the mansion, the black and white dragons were entangled and flowing, it was like two dragons with all beards and tails mating in the sky, and it was like the rotation of yin and yang to generate Tai Chi.

When turning gently, the void ripples, and the sword light and the sword aura shine together.


Amidst the sound of dragon roars, the sword fell back into the scabbard behind the back of a handsome young man in a purple shirt.

"Original, how's it going?"

Miao Xiaoxiao restrained her breath and asked.

"Not a few days later, the Emperor of Humanity will cede to me, and I will get one-third of the human race."

Wang Yuanyuan's expression was calm and unhappy.

Although he has achieved the throne of the emperor, he has not surpassed Gu Shaoshang. For him, it is not a big gain.

"Human Sovereign?! ​​You, you actually challenged Human Sovereign directly and succeeded!"

Miao Xiaoxiao was stunned, her heart pounding, she couldn't believe it.

He never expected that Wang Yuanyuan would directly challenge the emperor!

If he hadn't known that Wang Yuanyuan never lied, he would have thought he was joking.

For a while, he was a little dizzy.

In just over a thousand years, this child who was casually hugged on the street was about to become a human emperor!

What kind of atmosphere is this?


Wang Yuanyuan nodded slightly and said, "Human Sovereign makes concessions, and all clans must come to watch the ceremony, and it will take some time."

"During this time, I will send you to a place, or you can get some good fortune."

Wang Yuanyuan's voice was calm, making Miao Xiaoxiao calm down unconsciously.

When he came to the vast continent, he had no intention of cultivating a team. There was only one Miao Xiaoxiao, and he brought it together himself.

Before, he had never interfered in his practice, but if he became a human emperor, he must have a confidant of his own.

At this time, Miao Xiaoxiao couldn't keep up with his cultivation, so he naturally had to make a move.

"good fortune?"

Miao Xiaoxiao was slightly taken aback.

"See if you can catch it."

Wang Yuanyuan said something casually and paced into the hall.

"Mysterious and mysterious..."

Miao Xiaoxiao pouted and muttered.

However, he was still quite interested in what Wang Yuanyuan said about the good fortune.

Although Wang Yuanyuan didn't speak much, his every move made him awe and convince him.

"What kind of creation..."

He thought, following in the footsteps of Wang Yuanyuan.

As for whether he can catch it or not, he is naturally sure.

He was born in a small mountain village. At the age of six, he received the inheritance of the spiritual will of a loose cultivator who was at the peak of concentration. Later, while being chased by the old man, he casually hugged Wang Yuanyuan, a future emperor. thigh.

Later, he apprenticed to Wang Fulong, and he also accepted Lin Xuanlong's guidance.

In just over a thousand years, he has advanced to become a saint, even if it is nothing compared to Wang Yuanyuan, but looking at the human race, it can be regarded as a genius!

Even the sons and daughters of the many princes of the Shenhuang Dynasty are far less fast than him.


In the westernmost part of the vast continent, there is a seemingly endless mountain range that is approaching the Shenhuang Dynasty.

The mountains stretched as far as the eye could see, and there were countless strange and dangerous peaks. At a glance, there were huge mountain peaks with a height of one million miles, like a sword that could reach the sky.


Above the blue sky, folds suddenly appeared slightly, and a little black rippled above the void, like a little ink dripping from the clear water surface.

The "ink" slowly fainted, and in a moment it spread into a black hole of about a square meter.


The air flow was slightly agitated, and one old and one young paced out.

The old man was dressed in sackcloth and held a bamboo stick.

The young man, dressed in black, was hunting with the wind, and his appearance was unparalleled. His breath was calm and peaceful, his face was flawless, his long hair hanging down like a waterfall, his sword eyebrows moved slightly, and his boundless aura swayed between his eyebrows.

It was the high priest and Gu Shaoshang.

"Vast vast, the Heavenly Soldier Mountains. This is the land of the Celestial Soldiers? ......"

Gu Shaoshang glanced at the rolling hills slightly, and the information of the earth flashed in his eyes.

At this time, it is midsummer, the sun is like fire, the rolling hills and forests are full of lush trees, green, and the sounds of birds and insects are endless, a scene of vitality.

And in Gu Shaoshang's eyes, the boundless mountains were shrouded in an incomparably astonishing swordsmanship.

Countless swordsmen's suffocating aura spread in the woodless mountains, and it seemed that there were world-shattering murderous soldiers bred here.

"Well, the Celestial Soldiers are here... but they haven't been here for a long time."

The old priest shook his sackcloth with a hint of nostalgia, and seemed to miss this place quite a bit.

"Heavenly Soldiers..."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly.

The Celestial Soldier Clan is a small clan in the vast vastness of However, their strength is not weak, and they barely enter the ranks of the vast vastness of the most powerful clans.

The clansmen of this clan are all the soldiers and cultivators who were born in the sacred stone.

It is said that on the entire vast continent, all the divine soldiers with born spiritual wisdom are destroyed in the battle, and that wisp of will will be attracted by the military point platform of the Celestial Soldiers, and they will be reborn in the vast and unwieldy Celestial Soldiers Mountains. .

The people of the Celestial Soldier Clan were born to be masters of weapons, and even the Shura Clan couldn't kill Kulie.

"This Celestial Soldier family is not a big family, but it has some connections with the old man..."

"Don't you have any illegitimate children staying here?"

Gu Shaoshang interrupted the old man's words.

The Celestial Soldier Clan was already the tenth race that the two of them traveled.

Among the previous ethnic groups, this old man can let Gu Shaoshang know what a romantic seed is, and what is a planting world.

I also know who the "seeders" among the princes of the human race learned from.

"The Celestial Soldiers are all incarnations of the spirit of weapons, their bodies are like iron and stone..."

The high priest said something subconsciously, and then came back to his senses.

He glared at Gu Shaoshang fiercely, and scolded: "It's really no big or small, I'm teasing this old man!"

"It's time to fight! It's time to fight!"

The old man said that he should fight, but the raised bamboo stick fell gently and touched the sacred mountain under his feet.

Threads and strands of ripples suddenly swayed, and the endless Heavenly Soldiers Mountains spread in an instant.

clang clang clang ~ ~

The endless sound of swordsmen rose into the sky, rolling suffocating qi covering the sky, spreading over the endless sky.

In an instant, the sky was a blue color for hundreds of millions of miles.

As far as the eye can see, the clouds have been shattered!


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