Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1040: time flies

The sound of the symphony of gold and iron can be heard above the Tianbing Mountains of the billions of miles.

In the endless golden suffocation, figures rose up everywhere on the mountain peaks, and after looking around, they came to the place where Gu Shaoshang and the high priest were.


Above the nearest dangerous peak, a huge Fangtian halberd was in the air, and under the baleful aura, one could see a little girl who was only three or four feet in size.

The little girl was petite, her skin was crystal clear, and she was extremely beautiful.

After a few flashes, they crossed an endless distance and came to a dangerous peak in front of the two, looking down at Gu Shaoshang and the high priest.

I saw Gu Shaoshang supporting the old man, his eyes were as deep as the sea of ​​​​stars, the long black robes were flying, and the temperament was like a god, which was extremely eye-catching.

Let her recognize it at a glance.

"You are...... Gu, Gu Shaoshang......"

The girl was carrying a huge Fang Tianhua halberd, and her eyes fell on Gu Shaoshang, with a hint of surprise, which seemed a little incredible.

Her name is Tianbing Fangtian, and she had several encounters with Gu Shaoshang at the princely meeting a thousand years ago.

In the short thousand years after that, Gu Shaoshang became famous, and she knew it.

Unexpectedly, Gu Shaoshang, who has already been promoted to the sacred, will come to the Tianbing Mountains.

"Fang Tian? Long time no see."

Gu Shaoshang smiled and recognized the girl.

He still remembers the scene of this petite man, but carrying the Fang Tianhua halberd, with a majestic aura, who was the first to challenge the gods and demons with the double body of the gods and demons.

"You, why did you come to the Tianbing Mountains?"

The girl put down the halberd and asked.

She was slightly wary.


Before the girl's voice could finish, the silhouettes with a cold aura broke through the air, and they all came here.

These people are tyrannical, and the whole body is shrouded in suffocation, just like the gods and soldiers coming from the sky.

But at this time, one by one was dignified and suspicious.

"It turned out to be the King of Saint Pan... Dare to ask, why did you come to my Tianbing Mountains?"

At that moment, the tall middle-aged man with a face like a stone shook the long sword in his palm and looked at the high priest and Gu Shaoshang.

His heart was slightly startled, and the vision of Gu Shaoshang achieving the sacred shook the vast vastness. After that, the vision of worshiping ancestors and ennobling kings spread to all ethnic groups in the vast vastness.

The Celestial Soldiers naturally recognize the young man who is now extremely famous.

The few people behind him also stared at Gu Shaoshang closely.

If you want to see that this year is less than 2,000 years, you have already achieved a sacred peerless talent, but what is the difference.

More importantly, any holy deity is a huge deterrent.

Although the Human Race and the Celestial Soldier Race are on good terms, they are also very vigilant when a holy figure suddenly arrives.

Just like Gu Shaoshang's previous life, a giant country brought all its nuclear weapons to the borders of other countries.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was trembling.

Gu Shaoshang's eyes swept slightly.

Most of the Celestial Soldiers who came at this time were the existences of the gods and demons. Only the middle-aged person in the front and the old man behind him were the existences of the sacred series.

But I don't know if these two people are all sacred to the Heavenly Soldiers?

"You, you are... the high priest of the human race!!"

Before Gu Shaoshang could speak, a condensed old man beside the middle-aged man suddenly changed his expression, his pupils shrank, and he saw the high priest standing beside Gu Shaoshang.

The high priest was dying, and Young Master Gu was too sullen, but it made people subconsciously ignore the old man.

As he swept away, he couldn't help shivering.

"What, what?! Human race high priest!"

The others were all taken aback and took a step back.

Human High Priest!

Today, among the vast tens of thousands of clans, there are giants who are in the forefront. Their prestige is not obvious among the juniors, but for those old antiques who have survived since the Middle Ages.

It was simply the most terrifying existence.

"You, why didn't you say hello in advance?"

The old man saw sweat on his forehead, bowed slightly, and asked respectfully.

The rest of the people also bowed and saluted tremblingly.

Even the young Tianjiao, who did not know the prestige of the high priest, such as Tianbing Fangtian, all bowed their heads under the gaze of the elders.

"It's a copper hammer..."

The high priest straightened up slightly, with a smile on his old face: "But it's been a long time."

"You still remember me? What you're saying is that you haven't seen your old age for 968,400 years."

That day, the old man of the soldier clan raised his head somewhat flattered and said:

"Bronze Hammer still can't forget your old style."

"It's rare that you still remember."

The high priest stroked his beard and nodded slightly, "He's a good boy."

That day, the old soldier's mouth twitched, and the rest of the people were dumbfounded.

This old man is already an extremely ancient antique of the Celestial Soldier Clan, and only this old man can call him a child.

"You mean..."

The old man from the Celestial Soldiers first shook his head and said, "The elder is sitting on the mountain and cannot go out, you old Haihan."

"Please come in and talk?"

The bronze hammer of the Heavenly Soldier fell in front of the high priest and bowed slightly.

"Alright, alright."

The high priest nodded.

Tianbing Copper Hammer breathed a sigh of relief, stepped on the void, led the way in front of his head, and led Gu Shaoshang and the high priest toward the Tianbing clan.

The Heavenly Soldiers Mountains are vast and without gens, and there are many dangerous peaks in it, as if countless divine soldiers stand on the vast land, and the aura of Jinsha in it is extremely powerful and pure.

Under the crowd of the Celestial Soldiers, Gu Shaoshang and the high priest stepped into the hinterland of the Celestial Soldiers.

"The first elder has been talking about you, this time, you will have to stay longer."

The old man from the Celestial Soldier Clan smiled and kept talking along the way.

Gu Shaoshang could feel that the old man had a deep-rooted reverence for the high priest, as well as a kind of inexplicable emotion that seemed to worship and admire.

Involuntarily, he also became interested in the past of this high priest.

Even if the Dao injury is so serious, it can still make a sacred statue have such awe after nearly a million years. I am afraid that this old man was indeed a remarkable existence.

"No, no."

The high priest waved his hand and said, "Don't say anything polite, if the old man really lives and doesn't leave, you won't be able to fall asleep."

"What did you always say?"

The Tianbing Copper Hammer waved his hands again and again, and smiled bitterly: "You are still so rude."

Everyone was talking, but their footsteps didn't stop.

Everywhere in the dangerous peaks of Tianyuan, people from the Tianbing family came out and saluted everyone.

The Celestial Soldiers were all nurtured by the will of the immortality of weapons, and naturally there could not be any city, and they all lived in deep canyons and abyss.

Inside it is a broken blade, a broken sword, nourishing the earth.

However, the population of the Celestial Soldiers is sparse, scattered in the vast and untold Heavenly Soldier Mountains, and it is not very conspicuous.

After walking for a long time, everyone stepped into the ground covered by the formation of the Celestial Soldiers.

At this time, Gu Shaoshang raised his head as if he had felt it.

I saw that in the endlessly distant Heavenly Soldier Mountains, there was an infinitely majestic, incomparably majestic blue-black huge mountain range.

The mountain range is extremely wide, and the continuous mountain line is constantly spreading out, going north and south, and it seems that there is no end at a glance.

Its height is even more astonishing, standing between heaven and earth like a magic spear, running through Qiongyu in the endless ley lines, its height is not even inferior to the **** emperor Gu Shaoshang has seen!

The golden evil spirit contained in it is even more refined and pure, majestic and vast, like a vast ocean, like a sea of ​​stars.

"This mountain..."

Gu Shaoshang's pupils shrank slightly.

In his induction, this sacred mountain is connected to the terrestrial veins of the Wugen earth, running through the ninety-ninth layer of heaven, swallowing endless Gangfeng, Jinsha, Thunder, Divine Wind, and even gathering endless chaos.

He can even feel that there is a will that is sharp to the limit sleeping in it.

The wisps of breath dissipated, and it evolved into the Tianbing Mountains without Gentlemen, which nurtured a large clan!

This is the background of the Tianbing Mountains?

"This is the holy land of my Celestial Soldier Clan, the Holy Lance Mountain...the source of all the golden shackles of the Celestial Soldier Mountains."

All the Celestial Soldiers came here, all bowed down and bowed respectfully and bowed three times.

"The Great Elder is in it..."

After bowing down devoutly, the Celestial Soldiers got up.

"The high priest came from a long way, but was not able to meet him, please forgive me."

At this time, an old voice like the friction of hundreds of millions of swords fell from the top of the holy spear mountain. UU reading www.

The endless evil spirits filled the air, and the sound of gold and iron resounded again in the Heavenly Soldiers Mountains.

"It's okay..."

The high priest smiled slightly, took Gu Shaoshang, and walked towards the sacred mountain.


Time flies, time flies.

In a flash, another decade has passed.

In the past few decades, the high priest and Gu Shaoshang traveled all over the human race's territory around all the great races that were friendly with the human race, or were neutral.

Celestial Clan, Kamikaze Clan, Shura Clan, Celestial Soldier Clan, Sea Dragon Clan......

The territory spanned is not known how huge.

Above a restaurant in a small city, the high priest and Gu Shaoshang sat opposite each other.

"Among the vast races, there are many ethnic groups that have a good relationship with my human race. These are the ones I took you to over the years. The rest are either friends with the demon clan or evil with my human race."

The high priest held the wine bottle and said slowly, "Of course, there are also some that are too far away."

He has some injuries in his body, and there are many inconveniences in walking.

Not all big races allow Holy Tear Void to walk, such as Human Race, such as Monster Race.

It is far from the time of the Middle Ages, when the human race dominated the world, and many saints could walk in the vastness.

Gu Shaoshang lifted the jug and poured another glass of wine for the old man.

"After that, I'll leave it to you."

The high priest smiled lightly and said, "These old things are not easy to get along with, you have to be careful."

"I remember it all, you can rest assured."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, and suddenly his heart moved, and his hands stagnant slightly unconsciously.


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