Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1048: Immortal cut 3 corpses

He had long suspected Gu Shaoshang's origin.

After the meeting, Gu Shaoshang laughed after hearing his name: "Why do you need to bury your bones in mulberry land, where is life without green mountains".

Although he was a little puzzled at the time, he only thought that this world really had this sentence, and didn't take it to heart.

Afterwards, although he has traveled the world, he has never delved into this matter. At this moment, when he heard about the "Journey to the West, Shi'e Biography", if he still doesn't wake up, he would be stupid.


Gu Shaoshang chewed it slightly, this word is really too old.

Among the heavens and the world, there are too many people traveling through time and space, either because of chance or because of many powerful plans.

Nothing fancy.

"That's it."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and admitted.

"What transmigrator?"

The **** dog came up and looked at the Journey to the West in Gu Shaoshang's palm.

"...Nothing, nothing."

Li Qingshan came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and restrained his emotions.

I just felt that in front of this big brother Gu, I would always unconsciously feel unstable, as if I had changed back to the cow herding baby back then.

"Great Sage, do you have any intention of taking a tour?"

Gu Shaoshang looked at Sun Wukong and said, "After practicing for thousands of years, how many regrets are there, would you like to look back?"

At this moment, Sun Wukong stared blankly at the world of Gu Shaoshang's palm. To be precise, he was looking at Dongsheng Shenzhou, Aolaiguo, Huaguo Mountain...

On his face, he sometimes recalled, sometimes embarrassed, sometimes confused, sometimes joyful, and his thoughts turned thousands of times, all of which were different.

So many memories flowed through his mind.

In the end, a ray of spiritual light suddenly rose and emerged from its crimson golden pupils, piercing the endless sky, and streaking across the sky like two divine swords.

"I am an old ape in Huaguo Mountain. I seek a teacher to realize Taixuan. I have practiced many methods of longevity. I dare to change the sun and the moon to a new sky!  …

The strong should let me be respected, the hero only dares to fight for the first place! "

The sound of ape cries like the symphony of gold and iron reverberated in the Bodhi Garden, and then spread mightily across the four poles, covering the sky.

In an instant, the wind and clouds between the heavens and the earth changed color, and rolling thunderclouds emerged from the nothingness, wrapping hundreds of millions of thunder snakes, covering the universe.

Mighty and mighty, as if filling the world!

For a time, the sky and the earth were all dark, and whether it was the human world or the celestial world, or even the small worlds everywhere, they were all shaken by the roar of thunder.

Thunder clouds came covering the sky, encasing endless electric dragons, and the thunder rumbled, covering the four fields and eight wastelands, nine heavens and ten places, all living beings in the three realms and six realms!

In the heavenly court, above the sea of ​​blood, beside the pill furnace, and on the top of Jilei Mountain, several eyes flashed at the same time, with different expressions.

"not regret!

not regret!

not regret! ! "

Three times without regrets, the scarlet cloak hunted, and under the golden armor, the old monkey leaped 30,000 miles, and where the long stick went, it swayed endless wind and clouds, straight like a thundercloud.

This is the ninth catastrophe!

"Seventh brother, he..."

Li Qingshan was at a loss, not knowing how Sun Wukong suddenly realized that he was about to cross the ninth thunder calamity.

"A little bit of ego, but fell into this world?"

Gu Shaoshang raised his brows slightly, a little surprised, but also a little stunned.

No wonder the Tathagata Buddha Shadow will take action to deal with the wounds, this great world is indeed a bit special.

Daluo's peak, the path to breaking through Primordial Yuan, everyone is different.

But the most famous one is killing three corpses to become enlightened.

The three corpses are good thoughts, evil thoughts, and obsessions.

Every time one is cut out, the merit will be further improved, and the soul will be more fulfilled.

Good, evil, stubbornness, three corpses and one slash, you can prove the Dao Primordial.

At this time, a kind of path in the immortal realm is known to all worlds.

However, the three corpses are difficult to cut.

Moreover, it is said that those who cut three feet into Hunyuan must be rooted in the Dao, and further Hunyuan is difficult to find.

As the saying goes, it is easy to enter the Dao, but difficult to escape.

Therefore, it is said that there are very few people who really achieve Hunyuan with this.

"No wonder that monkey was so refreshing before, it turned out to be about to break through Primordial..."

Gu Shaoshang was a little clear.

When he was respecting the world in the previous life, he once entered the corner of the great universe of Journey to the West, and had a relationship with the Taoist Wukong.

The reason why he readily agreed to himself was probably also because he needed help to break through this step.

This "ego", I am afraid it is not originally here.

It is very likely that the Taoist Wukong figured that he would come to this world and differentiated.

However, the Monkey King in this world is just a little bit of "ego" of Taoist Wukong, not a real "obsession".

At this time, it is unlikely that he will cut out the body of obsession, otherwise, he would have already achieved the Primordial Primordial, and countered the Tathagata Buddha.

Instead of the Taoist bodies of the various great worlds, they are all at a disadvantage.

Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to infinite.

The three corpses are not just three statues, but the three representatives are inexhaustible.

"The ninth catastrophe......"

Li Qingshan looked up and sighed in his heart.

Those who have survived eight calamities are the great sages among the demons. After this calamity has passed, in this world, there is only the Taoist Taishang Laojun, and the Buddha Tathagata can be compared, right?

After a flash of thought, he smiled wryly again.

Whether it is my own Big Brother Gu or the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, I am afraid it will exceed this category.


The sea of ​​thunder spreads in the sky, endless thunder, dragons and lightning snakes dance in unison, and all kinds of magic lightning flashes.

The whole world is bleak, only the fiery cloak roams in the sea of ​​​​thunder, and the golden hoop is agitated vertically and horizontally, smashing the thunderclouds in the sky, shattering the thunder dragon, and shattering the rules of electric light.

The fighting intent rushed straight to Xiao Han, and the cloak was shaking, like a **** of war, fighting against thunder!

After a long time, the thunder dissipated, thousands of roars roared, thousands of fairy lights hung down, and the rays of sunshine shone in hundreds of thousands of strands.

Daoyin Chan sings, the sound of the conch humming tinnitus.

The golden light avenue spreads above the sky, four spirits and holy beasts dance around, and many Taos evolve visions, flashing one after another, the dark red cloak trembles in the sky, like a crimson Tianhe.

hula la~~~

The cloak was shaken and retracted, and the monkey in the golden armor stepped on the path of golden light and came to the Bodhi Garden.

At this time, the monkey's fiery cloak turned into a dark red color, the golden armor was faintly dyed with a layer of ink black, and there was a **** light in the scarlet golden eyes.

It's as if a person has changed!


The **** dog sniffed and murmured slightly.

The obsession of the monkey in front of him is too heavy, far less pleasing to the eye than the monkey before.

"Hey, Seventh Brother, have you changed so much?"

Li Qingshan was a little surprised.

After passing through the catastrophe, he was not surprised that his cultivation base increased sharply. However, after passing the catastrophe, the temperament of the whole person has undergone such a big change, which is a bit incredible.

"This is me..."

Sun Wukong looked calm, his eyes drooped slightly, looked at Gu Shaoshang, and said, "You came earlier than I expected."

His voice became low, with the sound of gold and iron rubbing, but what he said made Li Qingshan a little puzzled.

"Daoist Wukong?"

Gu Shaoshang asked.

"I am the demon king Sun Wukong, not a Taoist monk."

The demon king Sun Wukong shook his head slightly and said.

The three bodies of good and evil are different from each other. He is not a Daoist of Wukong. He fought and defeated the Buddha. Naturally, he is not Sun Wukong, the great sage of the sky.

Gu Shaoshang nodded.

He did not practice immortality, and he had limited understanding of the method of killing three corpses to become enlightened.

However, even though the three corpses that were cut off were different, their origin was also unique.

No matter whether it is the demon king Sun Wukong, the great sage Monkey Equalling Heaven, the fighting Buddha Sun Wukong, or even the Daoist Wukong, his essence is unique.

For him, it didn't make much of a difference.

Sun Wukong smiled, took a step forward, fell down and sat under the Bodhi tree, and said slowly, "It's best if you can come at this time."


Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows and said, "It's really amazing that you know that I will come to this world in the future."

When he first met Daoist Wukong, he had not yet broken through Daluo, but he had a mirror in his body and could peep into his future. This monkey is indeed not comparable to ordinary Daluo.

"I have no idea."

Sun Wukong shook his head and said, "The long river of time and space has a master, and there is also a long river of destiny. There may be someone who can penetrate, but it is not me."

"You were stronger than before I broke through Daluo, and you were just a good friend for helping you."

Sun Wukong's voice was calm, and he said lightly: "It doesn't matter if you succeed or fail."

He has achieved Daluo endless years, and the body of Taoism is unknown, it can be said to be omnipresent, and the good fate left behind is not Gu Shaoshang alone.

"Why did you come to see me?"

Gu Shaoshang didn't bother with this question, glanced at Sun Wukong, and asked, "Or do you have enough savings?"

Years roll endlessly.

I don't know how many years Sun Wukong has become a Daluo. If his savings are enough, Gu Shaoshang is not surprised.


Sun Wukong shook his head and said, "It's easier said than done, no matter how deep the savings are, it's not enough to say."

Daluo wants to break through the Primordial Primordial, cutting out the endless three corpses incarnate to save power is only one of them, there are too many problems to face.

His deity has not yet reached the peak of Daluo, and it is naturally impossible to break through at this time.

"Three thousand years later, I hope you can go to the source world once."

Finally, Sun Wukong said something, frowned slightly, and closed his eyes.


As soon as his eyes closed and opened, Sun Wukong's dark-black armor instantly faded from black and returned to golden yellow, and the dark red cloak trembled again, bright as fire.

The deep obsession between his brows faded.

With a snap of his fingers, he regained his previous breath and temperament.

"Thank you for your kindness, this body will be rewarded if you don't die!"

Sun Wukong, whose temperament changed greatly, let out a long breath, bowed slightly, and said.

"No need."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly, not taking credit.

"He is him, I am me, and the cause and effect between you and him has nothing to do with me. For this kindness, the old grandson should repay it."

Sun Wukong slowly stood up and bowed his hands.

After that, he grinned at Li Qingshan, shook his fiery red cloak, and disappeared into the sky as a golden light:

"My grandson, go too!"

"Big Brother Gu, Seventh Brother..."

Looking at Sun Wukong, who had changed drastically, Li Qingshan was at a loss and didn't know what happened.

"It's okay, he's much better than you."

Gu Shaoshang raised his palm slightly and said with a smile, "Qingshan, do you want to play in it?"


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