Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1049: Wukong Daoist

About Sun Wukong, Gu Shaoshang didn't say much to Li Qingshan. At this time, it was meaningless for him to contact him.

The realm of Daoist Wukong is even higher than that of him at this time, and he has already reached the threshold of Primordial Primordial. The body of three corpses is all over the endless universe. The Monkey King in this world is only his Taoist body.

A wisp of obsession.

As for the others who are in the palm of Journey to the West, what he captures is another ray of his obsessional Dao seal.

"What's in here?"

Li Qingshan looked at the billions of land in Gu Shaoshang's palm, the vast starry sky, and was slightly interested.

"There are things that should be there, and there are things that shouldn't be there."

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly.

The three-inch space in his palm encompasses the three realms and six realms, immeasurable beings, and everything.

Because, this is not only the memory of the Buddha in this world, but also the imprint of the endless Dao Yun collected by the prehistoric world.

The reason why he came to the Journey to the West universe was for this reason.

Although Li Qingshan was a little interested, he always felt that Gu Shaoshang seemed to want him in, which made him hesitant.

"Great Emperor, I'm going, I'm going!"

The **** dog looked over and seemed very interested.

Of course he wouldn't be afraid that Young Master Gu would hurt him.

"Then let's go together."

Gu Shaoshang's palm trembled slightly.


In an instant, Li Qingshan, the **** dog, together with the anger and the scalper, only felt the darkness in front of him and fell into Gu Shaoshang's palm.

Falling into the vast starless starry sky.


Li Qingshan opened his mouth, and before he could say more, he was blocked by divine light and fell into the world of the palm of his hand.


Slowly the airflow rolled by, the Bodhi tree in the Bodhi Garden moved with the wind, and the golden and iron-like leaves swayed, playing a wonderful melody.

"Journey to the West.... Daoist Wukong..."

Gu Shaoshang sat under the Bodhi tree, his eyes swept across the three realms, overlooking the six realms, thinking deeply in his heart.

The great universe of Journey to the West is incomparably vast, centered on the original universe of Journey to the West, and radiates the endless sea of ​​chaos.

Only in the vast and untold universe can countless strong men be born.

The number of Daluo in this big universe is naturally not a minority.

In this big universe, the Taoist Wukong, who has cut three corpses and stood at the peak of Daluo, cannot run rampant.

Only the Hunyuan series can be called a giant in this world.

His eyes fell lightly, and in the palm of his hand, the world of Journey to the West had already evolved, and the countless Dao Seals within it had also returned to their places.

Although this side of Journey to the West is three inches in the palm of its hand, it is actually connected to chaos. If Gu Shaoshang drops his palm, it will turn into a big world that is not inferior to this side's universe.

"Cultivation is endless."

Gu Shaoshang sighed slightly, folded his palms, and slowly closed his eyes under the linden tree.

The Journey to the West in the palm of his hand is his first performance to push back the Great Desolation, and it is also quite important to him, so naturally he has to go in and see it.

The practice is endless, and he is walking up.

The breeze whispered, as if the sound of Zen singing sounded from this place where the Buddha preached, above the sky, beyond the starry sky, in the chaos.

It seems that a golden Buddha shadow has disappeared in a flash.


In the chaos of the Westward Journey universe, which is infinitely far away from where Gu Shaoshang lives, there is an immortal mountain standing in the chaos, which opens up a world and becomes a self-contained body.

Above the immortal mountain, the peaks are steep, the rocks are jagged, and the water is gurgling.

Amidst the mist, many apes and monkeys chattered, cranes and spirit beasts danced, Qiong Qi danced with unicorns, dragons reclined inside, phoenixes spread their wings and chirped softly... a picture of a fairy house in a cave.

In the chaos of the immortal mountain, the undercurrent of chaos slaps from time to time, like an endless ocean, constantly scouring the immortal mountain.

In the immortal mountains, a waterfall of gods descended and flowed into the chaos. After that, the chaos fed back, and there were more spiritual springs rushing to the sky, nourishing the land of the immortal mountains.

After the waterfall, there is a small cave, which has no luxurious decoration, only a stone seat and a few stone benches, which looks natural and harmonious.

At this time, on the stone table, there were two people sitting opposite each other.

One of them was a young Taoist wearing a golden cloud-light Taiji gossip robe and a purple-gold crown on his head.

This man is handsome and handsome, his temperament is quiet and peaceful, his eyes are as warm as water, his body is flowing with Dao rhyme, and he looks like a master of Dao.

At this moment, the young Taoist was talking to the other person with a smile on his face.

Sitting across from him was a handsome young man with a slender figure and a white robe covering his body.

The young man was carrying a long sword, and the white robe was spotless and elegant.

"Daoist brother is only one step away from the proof of Hunyuan Daoguo. The Dao is successful, and Dongbin is far behind. However, Taoist brother should think twice before proceeding."

The handsome young man in the white robe persuaded and said, "I'm waiting for a thousand eons, so why rush for a while? After the obsessions subside, you will be able to realize the perfect enlightenment and achieve the Primordial Yuan."

"Daluo does not grind, Hunyuan Wuji, three thousand troubles, nameless origin, originates in the heart, and finally Dao. Perfection is the right fruit, isn't obsession with the right fruit?"

The young Taoist spoke lightly and said, "Or, within this amount of kalpa, only the Buddha is allowed to attain enlightenment, and Wukong is not allowed to attain enlightenment?"

"Brother Dao is serious, Lao Jun is inactive, how could he interfere in your Dao struggle? It's just that Lu Xun couldn't bear the feud between Daoist brother and Shakyamuni."

The Taoist's eyes were warm, and there seemed to be no sharp edges, but the white-robed youth changed slightly and smiled bitterly.

It is how inaction and peaceful this Daoist looks now, but the young man in white robe will not forget what this Daoist looked like.

The fierce name of Daoist Wukong, how illustrious, even after a lot of calamities, no one will forget it.

"Five.6 billion years of chaos, 5.6 billion chaos is a calamity, 5.6 billion calamities is an infinite calamity..."

Daoist Wukong's eyes were light, and he said: "I have waited for a long time, do you want me to wait?"

Daoist Wukong's voice was calm, but with a touch of indescribable firmness.

He has achieved more than one calamity in Daluo, and the last step to cut off the three corpses is also a full calamity.

This time, he won't let it go.

Even Buddha, even Laojun.

"The three corpses of Sakyamuni are consummated, and there is only one chance left. Daoist brother hardly has a chance. Why not take a step back and achieve him and yourself?"

The young man in white sighed slightly.

Sakyamuni's enlightenment has been endless years. It is said that his great Luo has already been completed, and the three corpses have already been cut out. The reason why he did not break through the Primordial Yuan is just to wait for the most perfect opportunity.

When Sakyamuni cut off the three corpses, Daoist Wukong had not yet been born, and even now, Daoist Wukong was one step behind.

One step later, one step later.

"Lao Jun does nothing and does not fight, but I want to fight, I will fight!"

Daoist Wukong's eyes moved slightly, and he said, "I won't fight this time, I won't fight next time, what about cultivation, what about seeking the Tao?"

Lu Dongbin was silent.

It was about Daoism, and he couldn't persuade him any longer.

He came here this time, already presumptuous, this is still the peace of Taoist Wukong, if the Great Sage Equaling Heaven or the Fighting Victory Buddha were here, I am afraid that he would have pulled out the golden hoop and beat him out.

"In that case, Brother Lu, just go. If Laojun wants to stop me, you can come."

Daoist Wukong slightly shook his sleeves and spoke lightly.

Lu Dongbin only felt that his body moved, and the next moment he had already cut through the chaos and was sent back to the original universe of Journey to the West.

Although he is also a big Luo, the gap between him and the Taoist Wukong is unimaginable.

After sending Lv Dongbin away, Daoist Wukong held up a scroll of the Daoist scriptures, his eyes moved slightly, as if he had sensed something.

"Wuzu, Gu Shaoshang..."

Daoist Wukong moved slightly in his heart, and there was a faint flash of light in his eyes.

Among them, the Buddha's shadow flickered, and Gu Shao was injured and sat down, with a peaceful expression.

"Tathagata old man......"

Daoist Wukong looked calm, his eyes narrowed, and he sighed:

"If my life is mine..."

A wisp of obsession drifted away, escaping into the void.

His obsession, all the spiritual treasures cannot be carried, and it is difficult and difficult to cut them off.


In Gu Shaoshang's palm, in the endless vast starry sky, a stream of light fell, submerging into the groundless earth.

In a trance, Li Qingshan only felt a voice ringing in his ears.

"Amitabha, good, good! Xiaosheng is Chen Xuanzang, a disciple of Mahayana Buddhism, and an exorcist... I don't know this brother, do you know where the nearest small fishing village is?... ..."

Li Qingshan slowly opened his eyes and saw that this place was a dense forest, and in front of him was a young man with messy hair.

And myself is hanging upside down on the tree at this time.

The **** dog with him, the ox has disappeared.


Li Qingshan rolled over, stepped on the ground, ignored the young man in front of him, and glanced around.

I only felt that in this side of the world, the demonic energy was extremely deep, and I couldn't see it at all. This was a world that evolved from the world of bliss.

"This is also Journey to the West?"

Li Qingshan suddenly came back to his senses, looked at the young man who was still chatting, and said, "What is your name? Chen Xuanzang? A Mahayana Buddhist disciple?"

He was slightly stunned, and the memory flowed through his mind.

With his cultivation at this time, the memory of the previous life will not be forgotten, but in just a moment, he knows where this place is.

Isn't it the biography of Shi'e in Journey to the West?

How did you become Journey to the West and Conquer the Demons?

Li Qingshan scratched his head, not knowing if he had gone wrong or if Gu Shaoshang had other plans.

"This brother also knows Mahayana Buddhism? Yes, under Chen Xuanzang, he is a disciple of Mahayana Buddhism. Of course, I also occasionally make a cameo as an exorcist."

The young man was a little surprised, clasped his hands together, and said, "This time, I'm here to exorcise demons."

"Exorcist? Subduing demons and exorcising demons?"

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a half-smile, "You are also an exorcist? Why?"

This feeling of being very close to the memory of his previous life made him quite strange.

It seems that there is a feeling of going from reality to illusion, which is indescribable.

Chen Xuanzang was a little helpless, but he was not angry, he just asked: "Brother, do you know where is the small fishing village? Human life is at stake!"

He didn't care about Li Qingshan's contempt.

There are too many people who look down on him, how old are you?


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