Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1051: Dominate the world

Under the Bodhi tree, Gu Shaoshang slowly opened his eyes, spread out his palms, and stared at the world in his palms.

There was a strange look in his eyes.

Is it a coincidence or something else, it is quite interesting that these reincarnators fall directly into their palms.

No, this should not be a reincarnation, but a shuttler of the heavens.

"Could it be that they wanted to go to the universe of Journey to the West to conquer the demons, but something went wrong and they were attracted by the world I opened up?"

Gu Shaoshang touched his chin thoughtfully.

There are not many sub-universes in the Westward Journey Great Universe. They are all over the Chaos Sea and are constantly circulating, like satellites orbiting the Westward Journey Origin Great Universe.

There is no fixed beacon in the universe. If there is no positioning in it, if you want to transmit and communicate, you must locate the time and space according to the captured information.

At this moment, the information of the world in his palm is very similar to the time and air of the universe of Journey to the West, and it is also in this sea of ​​chaos in the great universe of Journey to the West.

If something goes wrong, it is not incomprehensible.

Especially the shuttlers of the heavens, their positioning is not transmitted by the main temple, but according to the scattered subsystems of the main temple.

More likely to go wrong.

"The Skywalker..."

Gu Shaoshang lowered his gaze thoughtfully, overlooking the world in his palm, with a smile on his face.

This time, he actually knew the visitor, which is even more interesting...


The narrow and long river is gurgling and flowing, the trees on both sides are faint, and a small fishing village is built on the side of the creek, which is calm and serene.


A white streamer flickered and fell, landing in the woods in the distance south of the small fishing village.

In the white light, several people in strange clothes stood facing each other, all frowning a little.

"Oh, dizzy, dizzy! The shuttle mechanism of this subsystem is too difficult to use, and it needs to be upgraded!"

The mother-in-law's voice was the first to sound.

The speaker was a young man wearing a high hat, fanning a flower fan the size of a leaf and smearing the blush like a little daughter.

Holding the orchid finger in both hands, she looked disgusted.

"Upgrade? It's easy for you to say, where is the source power? If you want a higher-end teleportation mechanism, you need the source power, and you can't afford it even if you sell it to Wen Chou Chou!"

Standing on the right side of Wen Chou Chou was a boy who was only four feet tall, with a body like a child and a voice like a child.

He snorted coldly, as if he was not used to Wen Chou Chou, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Tong Xin, do you want to rebel? Gang Leader Xiong said, listen to me in this action!"

Wen Chou Chou held the orchid finger and shouted.

However, he was a little apprehensive about this seemingly childish innocence, and he just shouted a few words, but didn't come forward.

He just flashed his fan angrily and glanced around angrily.

"Listen to you? Although you are the general manager, but who does not know that I am a world leader, under the gang leader, it is the sword's head to break the waves? Do you want to usurp power?"

Behind the childlike innocence of a child, a burly man with a naked upper body said in a muffled voice.

The big man was about 10 feet tall and was naked. His exposed muscles protruded like steel, like huge roots wrapped around a thousand-year-old tree, giving people a feeling of endless power.

"Food is a fairy!"

Wen Chou Chou's face flushed with blush, Lan Hua pointed at the big man, and cursed: "This chief is the first great hero to follow the gang leader to set up the Heaven and Earth Society. Believe it or not, I will strangle you now!"

"I do not believe!"

On Shiweixian's side, a masked man shrouded in black robes snorted and said, "The world will govern sixty-seven universes, of which the world is my Tianchi twelve evil spirits. Yes, most of the rest were fought by Duanlang Sword and the three hall masters! What else can you do besides scratching your head?"

"Play treasure!"

Wen Chou Chou's sharp voice was about to pierce the eardrums.


Standing in the middle, the man with the sword who was scanning the outside world frowned and gave a cold drink.

Its sound was like a thunderous explosion, and it exploded in the square inch of the white light.

"The sword head relieves his anger, the sword head relieves his anger!"

A few Tianchi Twelve Demons, including Tong Xin, all turned pale and fell to the ground on one knee with a trace of awe on their faces.

Wen Chou Chou was startled, but just snorted coldly and turned his head away.

"For this mission, the main thing is to cut someone off, Wen Chou Chou, do you have any opinions?"

Duanlang snorted coldly, his eyes like fire falling on Wen Chou Chou.

His eyes were deep, and there was a red light behind him. There was a unicorn in it, and a real dragon flashed out.

If it weren't for that white light, it would have shocked the world at this moment!

"No opinion, no opinion."

Wen Chou Chou's body trembled, a pleasing smile appeared on his face, and he said, "You are the number one expert in the world, how dare Chou Chou have any opinions?"

"It's fine to have no opinion."

Hearing this, the fire in Duanlang's eyes subsided, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he said: "The number one expert in the world, of course, is the gang leader, even many hall masters, Duan someone is not an opponent! There is no need to say such words in the future. !"

Speaking of Xiongba, the smile on his face faded.

Xiongba won the invitation of the Lord's Temple, detached from heaven and earth, not in time and space,

The World Society is a sect that gathers countless powerhouses into one after he has achieved the supreme position, after reversing the many time and space in the world of wind and clouds, it runs rampant in the sea of ​​chaos, occupying sixty-seven universes, and it is so powerful that he can be compared. .

At least, at this time, he didn't even dare to have a hint of resistance.

He naturally wouldn't believe the compliments of the Twelve Shades of Tianchi.

The world will be stronger than him, I don't know how many.

The Twelve Shades of Tianchi bowed his head slightly, and said respectfully: "The hero of the gang leader is amazing, and the invincible head of the broken sword is the pillar of my world!"

"Stop talking nonsense. During the mission, remember not to talk nonsense! This mission is very important to the gang leader. If you miss the big event of the gang leader, you should know the consequences!"

Although Duanlang felt some use in his heart, he didn't show it on his face, he just beat his subordinates.

He knew that his position in the Underworld Association was very delicate.

The person Xiongba trusted the most was his daughter You Ruo, followed by Wen Chou Chou, who only knew how to slap horses, and then Qin Shuang, the head of Tianshuang Hall.

Even Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun had a higher status than him in their hearts.

I'm afraid that Wuming, who stayed in the Wind and Cloud World and played Erhu, has a higher status in his heart than he came.

"I'll wait to understand!"

Including Wen Chou Chou, everyone shuddered and bowed in response.

Heroes roam the world, govern many universes, and their strength is unfathomable, billions of times higher than them, no matter who they are, they must be trembling.

"Director Wen, turn on the information collector and wait for the instructions of the gang leader!"

Duanlang restrained his mind and looked at Wen Chou Chou.

"I know, Lord Swordsman."

Wen Chou Chou was able to bend and stretch, smiled sweetly, and opened the watch in his hand.

They are not the reincarnators of the main temple, but the subordinates of Xiongba Zhengpi, and their ability to travel through all worlds is full of tyrants.

For them, although they are considered planes of reincarnation, they are also bound by the main temple, but they belong to the world first, and the biggest restraint comes from the tyrants.

Xiongba is their main god.

Whether it is them or Fengyun, laughing three times, Di Shitian is still Wuming, Wu Wudi, Juggernaut, can't resist.

Even if they did not all return to the Heaven and Earth Society.


Wen Chou Chou flipped his palm, and a white light burst out from the watch, blending into the white mask that enveloped them.

The next moment, the hood of white light trembled slightly, and a white text hung down from the three-foot-high white light dome:

[The fourth team of the World Association, Wen Chou Chou, listen to the orders! 】

[This world is one of the most powerful universes, the place under the jurisdiction of Journey to the West, the gang leader has something important to do, and it is inconvenient to go there. You need to complete the tasks under his tasks, otherwise, you do not need to come back】

[Mission 1: Collect abnormal information in this world, the more the better, you can get 5 million source power and 30,000 years of practice]

[Task 2: Collect magical powers and magic weapons in this world, complete the task to obtain source power, and the training time varies]

[Mission 3: Acquire the True Sutra of the Great Sun Tathagata in this world, complete it to obtain 1.3 million source power and 1,200 years of practice]

[Mission 4: Obtain the flying sword of Young Master Kong, the method of mastering the sword, complete the source power of 100,000, and practice for 100 years]

【Task 5: ......】


[Note: There seems to be some deviation in this world, be careful yourself, this gang leader can't make a move at this time]

In the blink of an eye, the white light turned into a dozen or so, which fell into the eyebrows of Duanlang, Wen Chou Chou, Tianchi Twelve Sha and others. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This white light gathers a lot of information about this world, which is extremely precious.

"I'm waiting to complete the task!"

Duan Lang and the others were stunned for a moment, then all bowed and bowed.

Only then did the white light slowly disappear, scattered in the dark, without a trace.


Duanlang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Everyone, this mission is not difficult, and there is no danger."

About this world, a lot of information about this world's time and space flashed in his mind, making his heart feel slightly relieved.

Although they belonged to the Underworld Association under the main temple, they also went on missions with the Samsara team directly under the main temple many times. They also had some understanding of the difficulty of the mission, many worlds, and time and space.

Coincidentally, he knew some secrets in the time and space where the world of Journey to the West was located.

The shuttle of the main temple is directly rooted in chaos and retrograde in time and space. Therefore, there will be many people who have been to the same time and space in the same world.

It is not the first time for them to come here.

Otherwise, where did the intelligence information in Xiongba's hands come from, and how did he issue the mission.

"This is Journey to the West to conquer the devil! I know it!"

Wen Chou Chou exclaimed, and the hand holding the orchid finger trembled slightly, saying: "It is said that a small team in the main temple was not in this great world, and was dropped from the sky by a huge, incomparably huge hand. Squeezed to death!"

"Yes, this is the world!"

Wen Chou Chou's little face turned pale: "Could it be Sakyamuni? Could it be?"

"To shut up!"

Looking at the ugly faces of others, Duan Lang vomited blood in his heart, wishing to kill this **** sissy with a sword.


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