Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1052: surrender his heart

Duanlang vomited blood in his heart.

Could he not know about this?

"Mr. Wen, stop talking nonsense!"

Duan Lang forced himself to be patient and angry, and said coldly, "You better not mention that name!"

The existence of the Daluo above, the power can not be speculated, some names, mortals mention nothing, they may suffer disasters when they say it.

After Wen Chou Chou blurted out, he regretted it. These mighty gods are mighty and mighty, and I am afraid that the mention of their names will have a feeling.

"No, that kind of existence doesn't care about our little scoundrels, and it's not the gang master who came in person."

Wen Chou Chou gave a haha, and didn't dare to mention it.

On the contrary, Tianchi Twelve Shades were uncertain. Although they had also done missions with the Samsara team of the main temple, they were not good at communicating with others, and they did not know much about some taboos in the main temple.

But they naturally know what Wen Chou Chou said about Shakyamuni.

That is a giant that exists in countless universes, countless time and space, and a supreme existence that the tyrants should be afraid of.

If this world really exists like that, wouldn't they be here to deliver food.

Even if they relied on the World Association to achieve a realm that they never dared to imagine before, but for a giant like Sakyamuni, I am afraid there is no need for many ants to come.

"Broken sword head, what Director Wen said, is it true?"

The childlike innocence opened his mouth and asked.

Duanlang glared at Wen Chou Chou fiercely, nodded and said, "There is indeed such a special case in the main temple, but it was because someone intended to kill Chen Xuanzang and Sun Wukong, which attracted the big hand that fell from the sky."

"Since we know that, we will not greatly destroy the trajectory of this world, and naturally, there will be no great danger."

Duanlang looked around, unwilling to continue this topic, and said, "Don't delay, let's start."

The crowd reluctantly nodded.

The longer the samsara who lived, the less courageous they were. Although they were not orthodox samsara, their courage was not much.

Of course, you can't let go of worry with a few words of comfort.

However, in the mission, they want to go back on it, and it is impossible.

At the moment, several people walked towards the small fishing village not far away.

"Broken Sword Head... The information given by the gang leader said that in this time and space, the main thing is that Chen Xuanzang conquered the river demon, the pig demon, and the monkey demon. We don't need to get involved. ?"

Wen Chou Chou looked at the small fishing village in the distance and said hesitantly.

Among the tasks of Xiongba, there are few tasks related to Chen Xuanzang, most of which are to collect information, collect treasures, etc. There is no need for them to approach Chen Xuanzang.

Thinking of the legendary palm that fell from the sky, he had lingering fears.

"If you don't follow him, are you looking for more Wuxingquan, Heavenly Stumps, and Young Master Kong? Where do you go to collect treasures?"

Duanlang was almost made to cry by Wen Chou Chou.

"This is a complete world, vast and boundless. If you don't follow the Son of Destiny, it is very difficult for you to find an exorcist."

The childlike innocence was also a little annoying, so he took over what Duanlang said.

One side of the world is so vast, and the information contained in Xiongba's information is only a little. If Chen Xuanzang is separated, this world will not have big demons and masters everywhere.

In particular, it is extremely suitable for them to follow in the footsteps of Chen Xuanzang when they are unwilling to make a big noise.

Wen Chou Chou suddenly stopped.

His cultivation level was bestowed by Xiongba. When he came out to do the task, he was either following Nie Feng or Bu Jingyun. Under normal circumstances, the two of them respected his opinion.

But it is clear that neither Duanlang nor childlike innocence likes him much.

"Although our heels and feet are concealed, as time goes on, the effect will become weaker and weaker. If this world is like a clay bodhisattva who deduces heavenly secrets, if we stay for a long time, it is very likely that people will notice it. ."

Duanlang thought about it for a while, and explained it for Wen Chou Chou.

He didn't ask for much, just that the idiot didn't keep jumping out and saying some really stupid things.

Although he has no brains, the team's resources are all on him. If he really jumps out and opposes him, he will really have a headache.

"Oh, that's what happened."

Wen Chou Chou suddenly realized, and a smile appeared on his blush-smeared face.

His eyes were squeezed into a line, and Danglang didn't even notice it. The big boss in the shape of a clown was calm as water.


In the small fishing village, a group of people gathered together.

"Kid, kid, why are you so bad, bullied, cheated, why did you do it..."

The faint sound of cucurbit silk was melodious, and Chen Xuanzang sang it in a daze, very intoxicated.

The expressions of the villagers behind them were a little sluggish, and it was the first time they had seen such a demon-subduing demon.

Li Qingshan folded his arms and watched quietly.

Not looking at Chen Xuanzang, but looking at the "Three Hundred Children's Songs" that he casually threw on the ground.

This book is very likely to be the secret book of the Great Sun Tathagata True Sutra. It was placed on the ground so casually, and it kept flipping as the wind blew.

"A little doorway..."

After seeing nothing for a long time, Li Qingshan retracted his gaze, the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​​​heart shined brightly, and the spirit turtle was transported to look at Chen Xuanzang.

He didn't believe that the disciple of the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood would really be a talker.


There was a buzzing sound in Li Qingshan's mind, and the light in his eyes was light and indifferent, like a legendary tortoise.

In an instant, he seemed to have touched the flow of time, the transformation of time and space.

In a trance, Li Qingshan only felt that he had traveled through time and space, and in the midst of the long singing, he came to the small fishing village again.

"This is......."

Li Qingshan frowned slightly and saw Chen Xuanzang's figure.

However, at this time, Chen Xuanzang was not his own appearance, but turned into the appearance of that fish demon. If he hadn't been in the magical power of the tortoise at this time, he might not have noticed it.

"This is to experience what the fish demon has experienced?"

Li Qingshan was thoughtful, but just stood there.

Seeing that Chen Xuanzang was misunderstood after saving a drowning child, and then was treated as an adult trafficker.

He watched helplessly as Chen Xuanzang clasped his hands together, gritted his teeth and endured the gnawing of fish, shrimp and beasts, his bones fell into the river, and his death was horrific.

He slightly understood Chen Xuanzang's thoughts.

Experience the suffering of the fish demon and persuade him to be kind?

He didn't mean to take action, but there was such a thought in his heart, no matter how much you suffer, it's useless?

He thought about it in a different position, replaced the fish demon, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

No matter how miserable you are to die, and then understand my pain, what does it have to do with me?

After I rescued people, I was wronged, beaten to death and thrown into the river, eaten by fish, shrimp and beasts. Did you replace me?

You know my pain, know my unwillingness, my pain is unwilling to be angry, will it disappear?

Will not!

Li Qingshan felt that if someone beat him to death and threw him into the river, no matter what the reason was, he would not be able to let go.


Sure enough, "after Chen Xuanzang's death", there was a roar of pain resembling a fish and a beast in this illusory space.


The fish demon roared hysterically and appeared in the space.

His eyes were bloodshot, his face was distorted, and he roared in anger and unwillingness. He recalled the pain of the year again, and he was mad with hatred and murderous intent.

Chen Xuanzang climbed up from the bottom of the water, his face pale, but with a hint of consciousness.

Qi fell to the ground, folded his hands together, and said, "After experiencing your pain, I understand everything about you. However, there is still love and beauty in this world!"

Between the hesitation of his voice, there is a faint shroud of Buddha light, and between the shadows, a Buddha shadow rises behind him, and the hands are also folded, and the eyes show compassion.

"There is still love in the world?"

The fish demon stopped roaring, looked at Chen Xuanzang grimly, and said indifferently: "There is love in the world, what does it have to do with me?"


Chen Xuanzang sighed and said, "You used to have good thoughts in your heart. You should understand that letting go of the two joys, the pain of the body, and the pain of the soul, what is it? The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, let go, and you can achieve bliss..."

"I saved people with good intentions, but I was thought to be beaten to death by human traffickers and dumped in the river. My flesh and blood were eaten by fish and shrimp, and my bones were silt... My wife was notorious for leaving my young son, I The old mother was sick in bed, was attacked by people, and in a fit of rage, she passed away..."

"My son was lonely, he was looked down upon, snatched food with a vicious dog, and was beaten to death for stealing..."

The hideousness on the fish demon's face slowly dissipated, but his expression was colder than Looking at Chen Xuanzang, he said coldly:

"You want me to let go?"

"Why did you let me down?!"

His voice was calm, but in it, it was far more chilling than the ferocious words.


Chen Xuanzang folded his hands together, chanted a Buddha name in a low voice, and turned into a cloud of smoke and dissipated in the space.

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly.

You understand my pain, but you don't understand my thoughts, you can let go, but I can't let go.

No one can replace others and make others forgive.

How can Buddhism transcend sentient beings?

The only one who can cross oneself is oneself.

Glancing at the fish demon, Li Qingshan also exited this illusory space.

Only the fish demon, standing in place, failed to return to his senses for a long time.



In the small fishing village, the singing stopped abruptly, Chen Xuanzang spat out a mouthful of blood, and was knocked to the ground by the fish demon with a punch, his face was bruised and bruised in an instant.

If it weren't for his special physique, he would have been beaten to death at this moment.

Chen Xuanzang coughed up blood, but he didn't resist and let the fish demon beat him violently.


Suddenly, a hand came over, grabbed the fish demon and beat it, and easily suppressed it, turning it into a puppet suppressed by the talisman paper, and stuffed it into his arms.

"Get up."

Li Qingshan reached out and pulled Chen Xuanzang up.

"Cough cough..."

Chen Xuanzang gave a wry smile and sighed: "Master is right, I'm still almost, almost."

Li Qingshan glanced at Chen Xuanzang, whose face was declining, and then looked at the female exorcist surrounded by the crowd, and shook his head slightly:

"It's easy to subdue demons and demons, but it's easier said than done if you want to subdue their hearts?"


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