Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1062: 3 Tibetans and 3 Burials

After a long time, Chen Xuanzang stopped his chopsticks and raised his head blankly.

Even with all kinds of explanations, he still broke his precept.

This made his heart agitated, and he couldn't calm down for a while.

After all, he is not a Buddha, nor can he pass through the intestines with wine and meat, nor can he achieve the appearance of no one, the appearance of self, and the appearance of sentient beings.

"Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, everything is emptiness! You haven't broken your precepts, you've just eaten some emptiness, why do you have to look like this."

Mingshang shook his head and said, "The world is vast, and in an instant, millions of souls perish, you can't even see through it, not to mention Buddhism, you can't even enter the devil's way."


Chen Xuanzang folded his hands together, bowed his head and recited the Ten Rebirth Sutras in a low voice: "If there are sentient beings who believe in this Sutra and recite Amitabha Buddha. Those who wish to be reborn, Amitabha Buddha in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss will send..."

"Twenty-five Bodhisattvas support those who walk, if they walk as if they are standing, if they sit or lie down, if they are day or night, at all times and everywhere, they will not allow evil ghosts and evil spirits to gain their convenience..."

"If there are sentient beings who believe in this sutra and recite Amitabha..."

Chen Xuanzang's voice changed from low to high, and he recited the Sutra over and over again with a solemn expression.

After a long time, Chen Xuanzang raised his head again, two lines of tears left from his cheeks, dripped to the ground, and shattered.

"Crying for breaking a precept?"

Li Qingshan asked.

Chen Xuanzang's face calmed down, he heard the words with a slight sigh, and said, "All sentient beings are suffering, weeping unconsciously..."

"Good Xuanzang..."

Li Qingshan was in awe.

Even though he never liked Buddhism, he could not help but respect Chen Xuanzang in his heart.

There are tens of thousands of monks in the world, and perhaps not many can compare to him, that is, the Bodhisattva Buddha, who is probably not as kind-hearted and compassionate as Chen Xuanzang, who has never been formally shaved.

Although his cultivation is not worth mentioning, he is already a real Buddha!

"What's the use of crying?"

Mingshang was a little irritable unconsciously, and Chen Xuanzang at this time made him quite annoyed.


Chen Xuanzang stood up, bowed slightly, and said calmly: "I want to travel west, go to the west, ask the World Honored One in person, and ask for the Buddhist scriptures to save the world..."

He had already figured it out.

He can't save the fish demon, and he can't save the pig demon, let alone the legendary king of all demons.

He wanted to go to the West, he wanted to see the World Honored One, and he wanted to ask for a way to save the world from suffering.


Mingshang raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "You are a mortal body, how did you get to the West?"

"Disciple is sincere, why can't we go to Xitian?"

Chen Xuanzang spoke calmly, obviously, he had already made a decision in his heart.

"The world is like a sea of ​​bitterness, greed and anger are like poison, all spirits are trapped in the slaughter of words and words, the disciples can't bear it, and they want to travel to the west... I ask for the Mahayana Buddha Dharma, the Tripitaka Sutra, to purify all sentient beings, and let all sentient beings out of the sea of ​​misery..."

Chen Xuanzang said this, the treasured image was solemn, and he was getting closer and closer to the Buddha.

"This is a hundred and eight thousand miles to the west. There are many wolves, tigers and leopards on the road, and there are many monsters. I don't know how many monsters lie in front of you... Do you still want to go?"

Mingshang frowned slightly and asked.

"The disciple is going."

Chen Xuanzang bowed and bowed again, saying, "I am not afraid of hardships, tigers and leopards, and demons."

"Are you going to seek Buddha, or are you going for sentient beings?"

Mental injury ask again.

"For the sake of all living beings, seek the Dharma!"

Chen Xuanzang replied.

"If one day, you discover that Buddhism cannot save sentient beings, but demons can transcend the world, what will you do?"

Mingshang raised his chin slightly and said indifferently.

Li Qingshan's heart tightened, knowing that this brother Gu of his family hated Buddha the most, and he was already a little unhappy at this time.

"Buddhism can't save sentient beings, the disciple is willing to enter, the devil's way!"

Chen Xuanzang said calmly.

From the fish demon to the pig demon, he already knew that the simple Dharma cannot save anyone.

Sentient beings have fallen into the slaughter of words, greed, hatred and hatred, and the wind of stealing and licentiousness prevails. If the Buddhadharma cannot save them, they will seek the way of the devil!

"Haha! Good! Good! Good!"

Mingshang's indifferent expression subsided, he laughed loudly, and said, "In this way, you don't need to go to the west for any trouble! The Buddha can't save sentient beings, and neither can the Dharma!"


Chen Xuanzang couldn't hold back the expression on his face, he lifted it up, his face full of astonishment.

"How many years has Lingshan been standing in the western sky? It can be seen that there is a little less sorrow in the world? It can be seen that the Dharma has helped anyone except those fat-headed monks?"

Mingshang opened his mouth, and the sound was like thunder, which exploded in Chen Xuanzang's heart.

"I don't see it, I don't hear it, everything is unbelievable..."

Chen Xuanzang restrained his expression and said, "The disciple still wants to go and have a look, take a look at Xiniu Hezhou, take a look at the Buddhas in Lingshan, listen to the Buddha Dharma..."

"Well, let's go with you."

Mingshang shook his head slightly, knowing that Chen Xuanzang had made up his mind.

But he wasn't worried.

Since the Buddha taught the Dharma up to now, apart from holding some clay puppets on the altar, and making some monks' fat and strong bodies, what else has he added to all sentient beings?

The bliss of Buddhism, the harmony of Confucianism and Taoism, and everyone like dragons, are almost an impossible dream.

All living beings are born with seven emotions, six desires, birth, old age, sickness and death, parting pain, love and hatred, unless all spirits are destroyed, there will be eternal nothingness.

Otherwise, this point, after countless years, also cannot be changed.


In the early morning of the second day, when the sky just lit up, Mingshang and Li Qingshan escorted Chen Xuanzang out of the city gate.

"Drink this glass of water and let's go."

Li Qingshan held a glass of water and handed it to Chen Xuanzang.

"Thank you, Brother Li."

Chen Xuanzang took it, drank it all, and then smiled bitterly: "It turned out to be wine! Big Brother Li caused me to relapse!"

"Haha! How can a man say goodbye to water instead of wine?"

Li Qingshan laughed and said boldly: "The road ahead is bumpy, if there is a return date, you should not return if you are drunk!"


Chen Xuanzang just smiled bitterly and recited a low Buddha name, not daring to agree to what Li Qingshan said.

He, breaking the ring, has had enough.

"It's 108,000 miles to the west, and there are so many jackals and monsters on the road! I don't care if you insist on going."

Mingshang stood with his hands behind his back, his expression light.

"Master take care."

Chen Xuanzang bowed slightly.

Although his master has become quite eccentric, he still respects it in his heart.

"I heard that among the thunderous sounds of Lingshan, there is a collection of "Fa" to talk about the sky; a collection of "Lun" to talk about the earth; a collection of "Sutra" to save ghosts..."

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Since you are traveling west, you should have a Dharma name, why don't you call it Sanzang!"

Participating in the legend in person was quite interesting to Li Qingshan, so he couldn't help but say something he shouldn't have said.


Chen Xuanzang chewed it slightly, feeling a little touched, and looked at Mingshang.

"Without natural disasters, no earth movement, and no sentient beings, there will be no suffering, so let's call it three burials."

Mingshang thought for a while and said.

"Three burials, three possessions..."

Chen Xuanzang shook his head, did not refute Mingshang, but said: "In this case, the disciple will leave."

"Go, go! If you have time, shave yourself, find a few fragrant heads and order a few ring scars, and order a few for your love..."

Mingshang waved his hand, signaling Chen Xuanzang to get out.

"Master, take care!"

Chen Xuanzang bowed, stepped back, and walked on the long westward journey alone.

No cassocks, no bowls, no meditation staff, and no three disciples.

Just like that, walk into the vast forest.

"No one follows the protection, has he arrived in the West?"

Seeing Chen Xuanzang's figure disappearing into the vast mountains and forests, Li Qingshan shook his head.

The road to the west is long and there are many monsters along the way. How can Chen Xuanzang go to the end alone?

He had the heart to accompany Chen Xuanzang for a trip before, but was rejected by Mingshang.

"Do you know why Sakyamuni was suppressed behind Lingshan?"

Mingshang stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes lightly looking towards the west sky.

"Walking westward for Chen Xuanzang?"

Li Qingshan was a little surprised.

"If I can walk to Lingshan in the name of Sanzang, and Sakyamuni returns to the position of Buddha, I will be considered a loser! On the other hand, if the three burials of Lingshan destroy the Buddha, then I will win......"

Mingshang smiled lightly, his eyes swept across the void, penetrating beyond the galaxy, facing the lowered eyes of Duobao Tathagata.

"Who will help him go to Lingshan?"

Li Qingshan said, and he already realized something in his heart.

"Gods and Buddhas all over the sky."

Mingshang retracted his gaze and said lightly.

"Who will stop him?"

Li Qingshan asked again.

Mingshang smiled and said indifferently, "Me."

"and you!"

"And me?"

Li Qingshan frowned and said, "I won't shoot Xuanzang."

Although he practiced the way of demons and demons, he didn't like the gods and Buddhas in the sky, but he would not take action against Chen Xuanzang.

"Ha ha."

Mingshang chuckled: "Your opponents are the gods and Buddhas in the sky and the Buddha, don't be afraid!"

"That's not to be afraid of!"

Li Qingshan also smiled, looked at Mingshang, and said, "Big Brother What do you think you and I have?"

"Ha ha!"

Mingshang laughed and shook like a blood-red robe, went straight back to the city, and said loudly, "How could I lose?"

The sound of Lang Lang resounded above the sky, above the swaying waves, and resounded in the ears of the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

All over the sky, the gods and Buddha frowned, or shook their heads, or sneered, or frowned, or angered......


In the mountains and forests, Chen Xuanzang walked with a wooden stick, pushing aside the grass and trees ahead, and his clothes became more and more ragged.

At this point, it has been more than three months to travel.

These days, he either seeks out people to beg for food, or picks wild fruits in the mountains to feed his stomach, but when he has nothing, he pours water into the river to satisfy his hunger.

By now, he was exhausted.

His cultivation is no more than a skin, and it is more spiritual cultivation, but no matter what kind of cultivation it is. He is far from the level of bigu.

Being thirsty and hungry is a trivial matter. Without salt, he only felt that his body was soft and he could hardly walk.


On a barren mountain, Chen Xuanzang gasped for breath, his chest and abdomen constantly heaving.

At this time, they have already left the place where humans gather, and the sound of tigers and leopards is faintly heard in the mountains and forests, which makes people shudder.


He couldn't help but sat on the ground with a tired look on his face.

He has traveled 108,000 miles to the west, but so far it's only a little, and he can't bear it anymore.


At this moment, an apple rolled past him.

Chen Xuanzang turned his head and saw that, between the lush mountains and forests, a handsome woman in white came slowly, with a smile on her face, and came to him.

Leaning over and waving a rice ball:

"Mr. Chen, are you hungry?"


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