Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1063: Why? why! (4000 words)

"Beautiful relatives are accompanied by flowers, the Jalan Vajra protects the Dharma, and the gods and demons are all over the sky... There is no Sun Wukong, go west, or go west, the old Buddha's methods are great..."

Under the linden tree, Gu Shaoshang slowly retracted his gaze and gave a slight praise.

Nether injury was born in the sea of ​​blood from the most yin to the evil. Every move has immeasurable demonic meaning. Even if it is not deliberately affected, it can also make gods degenerate and Buddha into demons.

Chen Xuanzang is worthy of being the true seed of Buddhism, and he has never fallen into a state of mind, and he is determined to pursue the method of purifying all sentient beings.

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but admire.

"But it's the general trend."

The Many Treasures Tathagata smiled and said, "Before endless years, Jin Chanzi had despised the Buddhadharma, but after being reincarnated in ten lifetimes, he has attained the position of the supreme Buddha of my Buddhism. What Wuzu did was in vain."

There was a smile on his face, but his eyes were very calm.

Although Gu Shaoshang is a powerful existence in the new rise, his background is not as good as Buddhism.

The Taoist body of the Bodhisattva Buddha in the sky can be transformed into the incarnation of the real Bodhisattva Buddha in an instant.

And he didn't do anything, just relying on his words, how could he shake Chen Xuanzang's Buddha's heart and make him do the next act of killing the Buddha?

"It's not in vain, it's too early to say at this time."

Gu Shaoshang was slightly dumbfounded, this old monk is really thick-skinned, if he likes it, he will go to heaven.

"Jin Chanzi once despised the Dharma, but Chen Xuanzang, did he ask for the Dharma?"

Gu Shaoshang sneered and said:

"Black cat, white cat, the one who catches the mouse is the good cat!"

From Chen Xuanzang's words before, he knew that Chen Xuanzang was not an ignorant person, and the way he sought was not necessarily the Dharma.

If the Dharma cannot save all sentient beings, he may not be able to find another way.

Because, because of his existence in this Journey to the West, Chen Xuanzang can fully appreciate the true journey to the West.

Rather than under the protection of Sun Wukong and others, he avoided all cruel things.

This is the opportunity.

Of course, the more important point is that Gu Shaoshang doesn't think he will lose.

All changes are only in his eyes, the vast world, many Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas all over the sky are only within three inches of his palm.

He has never been a man of rules.

"Dharma, why can't it be a good cat?"

The Many Treasures Tathagata naturally knew what Gu Shaoshang meant and said: "Under the poor monk Sumeru Mountain, in the eight-million-billion Buddha country, countless sentient beings have escaped from the sea of ​​suffering. From then on, they are immortal and immortal, without labor, without oppression, every day. Recite the scriptures and worship the Buddha, pray sincerely, have no worries, no worries, no greed and hatred, no fetters of love and desire..."

"Wuzu, why are you so prejudiced against my Buddha?"

The Many Treasures Tathagata sighed slightly and said: "I understand the misery and confusion of the world, but the world does not understand my wisdom and compassion, stupid, arrogant, sad..."

"Not everyone likes to chant sutras and worship Buddha..."

Gu Shaoshang pressed down lightly and said, "At least, I don't like it..."

Are people born only for themselves, without support, without family relationships, without **** between yin and yang, without interfering with six desires, without concern for seven emotions, only chanting sutras and worshipping Buddha, and devoutly offering the power of their own beliefs, is this still a human being?

Just thinking about it, Gu Shaoshang felt pain for the countless sentient beings in the eight trillion Buddha land.

But unfortunately, they don't even have pain anymore.


Duobao Tathagata didn't say more, and he also fell behind with Gu Shaoshang.

There are thousands of rejections in the world, but none is more resolute than the four words I don't like.

If you don't like it, you just don't like it, and it won't change.

This is not only understood by the Tathagata of the Treasures, but also by the mortals who are struggling to find it but cannot get it.


The air rolled and moved, and the blowing linden tree rustled, composing a wonderful melody.

And on the chessboard between the two, between black and white, the progress of that side of the world suddenly turned.

The green bull standing with his arms around his eyes blinked, and he could feel the days passed.

As the pieces fell one by one, it could be seen that in that great world, Chen Xuanzang was almost invincible, accompanied by Miss Duan, under the watchful eye of the gods and demons.

What demons and ghosts, what ghosts and ghosts, what swords and fires, what conspiracies and tricks, are all idiots.

Black Bear Essence...Leopard Essence...White Bone Essence...Jiugong Zhenren...Scorpion Essence...Daughter Country.... ...

In a hurry, it was a few years.

Accompanied by Miss Duan, Chen Xuanzang crossed the territory of tens of thousands of miles, walked out of Nanzhan, and came to Xiniu Hezhou.


My name is Chen Xuanzang.

I don't have parents, and I was raised by a teacher since I was a child.

The master once said that he picked him up from a fast-flowing river, so he also has a nickname, Jiang Liuer.

Since I was a child, I followed my master to recite the sutras and worship the Buddha. Although I have never been shaved, I am familiar with many Buddhist teachings and many precepts.

I once wanted to follow the master to learn how to subdue demons. The master handed me a copy of "Three Hundred Children's Songs". He said yes, this book of children's songs contains great magical powers that can awaken the truth, goodness and beauty of demons.

It's just that the master told me that I'm still a little bit, just a little bit.

It's a pity that I've only come close every time, always a new exorcist.

"Master, I can't beat that chicken demon..."

"It's okay, you've done a good job, just a little bit, just a little bit..."

"Master, I can't beat that fish demon..."

"It's okay, you've done a good job, just a little bit, just a little bit..."



This is the daily dialogue between our teachers and students.

I have never conquered any monsters, I think I am a waste, all the monsters, even if I empathize with their pain, but none of them will be awakened by me to be true, kind and beautiful.

Not once.

Although I saved many people, I also watched many people die.

Then one day, the master changed.

He wanted to teach me how to conquer demons.

However, I have experienced too many monsters, or the pain of human beings.

I have not learned any magic techniques.

The master once asked me: "Killing one soul can save billions of souls, would you like it?"

I said, "I don't want to, unless, the one who was killed was me..."

At that time, the master's expression was very ferocious, as if he had seen a ghost, as if he wanted to slap me to death.

Of course, I know he won't.

After all, he is my master...  

That day, I went to subdue the demon again, and it was a fish demon.

I was lucky this time, I met a big brother Li, although he seemed to look down on me a little bit.

But he was so kind to me, and he was very powerful, and he easily took the man who was about to be captured, threw it in front of me, and made me surrender.

I have experienced the pain of the fish demon, I know his unwillingness, I feel that I can accept all the pain, and I will not hate anyone.

Unfortunately, I forgot, the fish demon is not me.

That time, I failed again.

The angry fish demon beat me desperately, but I didn't even have the thought to fight back.

If killing me can ease your pain, then kill me.

I am not dead.

A female exorcist saved me.

She is not beautiful, but she is also very powerful, easily subduing the fish demon.

This was the first time I saw a female exorcist, and I found out that her name was Miss Duan.

I failed to subdue the fish demon, but the master did not blame me, and asked me to subdue the pig demon.

I thought I couldn't do it, but the master insisted that I go.

In desperation, I went to Gao Lao Zhuang.

I shamefully vomited twice.

For the first time, because I smelled human flesh, I was still a person.

The second time, because this pig demon is too ugly, he is too ugly! I'm still a normal person.

The pig demon named Zhu Ganghya asked me several questions.

I can't answer, but I can feel the sadness of this pig demon, and I want to understand it.

But he was almost yelled to death, and he couldn't even get close.

Miss Duan saved me.

She saved me again.

She was so kind to me, even, I could see a trace in her eyes, something I had never touched, but terrified me.

I escaped.

I saw the master again, but the master let me eat meat!

I was in pain, it was hard, but I couldn't resist.

Not because of my relapse, but because, I could feel all the pain and despair of that chicken when it was slaughtered.

I feel the same way.

Then, the master told me that if I eat a chicken, he saves a chicken.

I ate a whole table!

Three chickens, four ducks, three fish, four shrimps...  

I cried.

I cried again, I could feel their pain, but I couldn't save them, I couldn't save them.

What is the master trying to tell me?

Are all beings suffering?

I got it!

I'm going to the West to learn scriptures!

Dharma can really save all sentient beings!

This thought suddenly appeared in my mind, but I believed it, but I firmly believed it!

To this end, I started a debate with the master.

Buddhism can really save all sentient beings!

Obviously I haven't seen it, obviously, I haven't heard it, but I believe it!

Then, I set foot on the westbound road alone.

I was very hungry, the fruit was bitter, the river was cold, my feet were sore, and my body was soft, but my heart became more and more firm.

For a long time, after a long time, I almost fainted because I didn't eat salt for a long time.

I saw her again.

She bathed in the sun and walked among the lush mountains and forests, like a goddess, like a bodhisattva.

She is not absolutely gorgeous, but I think, at this moment, no one is more beautiful than her!

She saved me again!

And, willing to follow me to learn scriptures from the West.

I first refused, then I agreed.

Because, Miss Duan forcibly carried me, who was soft, on her back, and then she carried me on her back and embarked on the road to the west.

Her white dress has lost its color, her skin has lost its smoothness, only the thing in her eyes that scares me is getting darker and brighter, and it also makes me more and more afraid .

It took me several months to get back into action.

We traveled west together, experienced difficulties and obstacles, walked one mountain after another, walked out of Nanzhanbuzhou, and came to Xiniuhezhou.

This place is close to the Buddha.

Here, I saw the Buddha for the first time.


She told me many things, and gave me a colorful cassock, a purple-gold bowl, and a magic wand.

Then, we continue on our way.

There are many wild beasts, bandits and monsters in Nanzhanbu Prefecture, but I never thought that Xiniu Hezhou would look like this.

Black Bear Essence, Leopard Essence, White Bone Essence, Jiugong Spirit, Scorpion Essence, Mouse Essence, Spider Essence, Centipede Essence... There are too many monsters!

Wherever I have passed, ten rooms and nine empty spaces!

Is this the equality of all beings?

Can Buddhism really save all sentient beings?

I was shaken for the first time, but I still believe, I am still holding on, I am still moving forward.

Until, I came to this place, the place called Lion and Camel Country.

An old immortal, named Taibaijinxing, fell from the sky.

I am not surprised, because I have seen too many gods along the way. It seems that the gods and Buddhas all over the sky want me to go to the west to get scriptures.

Over time, I got used to it.

He advised me not to go to the front. In front, there are three big monsters occupying that city and calling it the lion and camel country.

I didn't avoid it, I went.

I'm not afraid of it, I want to see what the Lionel Mountain looks like.

Then, I vomited, and vomited again!

I thought that Zhu Gangheng was already a vicious monster, but I didn't expect that the monsters here are even more than that!

I saw that the mountain was piled up with skeletons, and the skeletons were like a jungle. Human hair is smashed into felt, human skin and flesh are rotten into dust, and human tendons are entangled in trees... It's really a sea of ​​corpses and blood!

Five hundred miles of lion and camel country, there are monsters everywhere, devils everywhere, mountains of corpses everywhere, and seas of blood everywhere!

Countless humans are eaten by Countless people are used as food rations!

Humans are here, just like chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs in the mortal kingdom, let them be slaughtered!

I cried.

I cried again!

I am Chen Xuanzang, I am a disciple of Mahayana Buddhism, and I am also... a person!

Is this the test the Buddha gave me?

I would rather not!

Tears dry and flow, flow and dry, dry and flow...

Several times, my tears seemed to dry up.

Miss Duan was very worried about me and wouldn't let me go forward.

I asked Miss Duan to stay away, I want to enter the lion camel country.

I want to go, but I want to see, I want to see, what kind of monster, what kind of monster, can build such a monster country in Xiniu Hezhou!

"My eldest brother and second brother is Manjushri, the mount of Samantabhadra, and I am the mother-in-law of Buddha!"

Faced with my questioning, the monster laughed and grabbed me.

In the dark cave, I didn't worry about myself or Miss Duan hiding outside.

Gods and Buddhas in the sky, they are all watching me, they should save me.

But even if it doesn't help, I don't really care.

Because my faith has been shaken, and my Buddha heart has almost collapsed.

Can Buddhism really save all sentient beings?

Lingshan, do you have what I want?

Can the Tripitaka really save the world from the sea of ​​misery?

The gods and Buddhas in the sky, do they watch the demons and monsters?

because of what? All beings are equal? Or is it because they are all Buddhist guardian spirit beasts?

Why, Xiniu Hezhou, which has been influenced by Buddhism, is not as good as Nanzhanbuzhou?


why! ! !


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