Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1064: Let go of her!


In the dark and damp cave, Chen Xuanzang sat cross-legged, chanting the Buddha's name in a bewildered look.

There is no binding, because the Golden Winged Dapeng will not think that a mortal can escape from his men.

In fact, Chen Xuanzang had no idea of ​​running away at all.

He didn't know why the gods and Buddhas in the sky would watch him and help him, but he knew that as long as he fell into this place, there would be gods and Buddhas to rescue him.

This sinful place will vanish into thin air.

"I'm really honored... One person is more important than the people of the entire Lion and Camel country..."

Chen Xuanzang smiled bitterly, with a hint of doubt he had never had before.

He is just kind, not stupid. He should understand, he understands everything.



In the Bodhi Garden, the Tathagata of the Treasures had compassion on his face, as if tears were falling.

He put his hands together, bowed his head and recited the scriptures, saying: "How can you reach the ultimate bliss without going through the sea of ​​suffering! This is the doom of all beings..."

The road to the west is a road full of ignorance, murder, and injustice.

He can change, but he has no intention of changing.

He believed that Chen Xuanzang practiced in the tenth generation, and all false sufferings will eventually come to an epiphany.

Only by experiencing all kinds of sufferings and misfortunes of sentient beings can we know the preciousness of bliss.

He knew that Xuanzang could not avoid the lion and camel country, not only because of the existence of Gu Shaoshang, but also because this was doom, and doom was inevitable.

In the lion camel country, demons are rampant, and there are almost no human beings. Even if they are alive, they are kept in captivity like chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs, and they will be slaughtered at any time.

However, what is the difference between this and the human city?

Why were chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs not kept in captivity by humans and slaughtered arbitrarily by humans?

Why, for the human city, although Xuanzang has compassion, but he is not shaken, and he comes to the lion and camel country, but he wants to lose his temper?

This is the key for him to see through the appearance of people, the appearance of me, and the appearance of all beings.

People eat pigs and dogs, and pigs and dogs eat people, both are bitter, and no one is more bitter and cruel.

The reason why Xuanzang felt the pain was unbearable was because he still had a heart.

But Buddha does not need human hearts.

In the eyes of the Buddha, all living beings are equal, and man is only one of all spirits.

Killing a person is no different from stepping on an ant.

Treating each other equally is great love.

"Just a quibble..."

Gu Shaoshang smiled, and he naturally knew that the lion and camel kingdom was the doom arranged by the Buddha for Xuanzang.

But he also wanted to see if Xuanzang's mind was greater than his mind.

Gu Shaoshang never put himself into the perspective of pigs and dogs to see whether people are compassionate and cruel.

Because he is human.

Living is not easy.

Anyone who survives is the ancestor who fought against the sky, the earth, the beasts, and the people for generations, and finally survived.

I pity the beast, who will pity the ancestor who died in the mouth of the beast.

"All beings are born between heaven and earth, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior, and man has never been the spirit of all things."

Duobao Tathagata shook his head slightly.

He couldn't convince Gu Shaoshang, just like he couldn't convince the monkey head countless years ago.

It's a pity that back then, he could suppress the monkey head with his back palm, but now, it is impossible to back his palm to suppress this Gu Shaoshang in front of him.

"Man, of course, is the spirit of all things."

Gu Shaoshang sneered and said, "If there is no noble birth, how can there be a distinction between nature and nurture? Ten thousand kinds of frost and heaven compete for freedom, and the status of the human race is taken by myself!"

"Rely on, it's not about equality of all beings, compassion, mercy!"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes were slightly cold, and he was already a little impatient to argue with Duobao.

The Buddha said, "Those who slander the Buddha are boundless right now. The gods, Buddhas, and bodhisattvas who are all over the sky are screaming at each other. How can they not fall into the boundless world?"

What equality is nothing more than the equality of the strong.

How could he sit here and play chess with the Duobao Tathagata, is it because of his mercy?


"Wuzu is too paranoid..."

Duobao Tathagata shook his head slightly, his eyes fell, and he looked at Chen Xuanzang in a dark cave somewhere in the chessboard world, and sighed slightly:

"Such a true seed of Buddhism was shaken by Martial Ancestor's magic methods."

Xuanzang Buddha's heart is so firm, he has cultivated Buddha for ten years, and studied scriptures for ten years.

The lion and camel country cannot stop him.

What hindered him was the demonic intent emanating from the wound, which awakened his undeserved humanity.


Duobao Tathagata dropped a piece, and the chessboard instantly lit up, suppressing the brilliance of the sunspot dropped by Gu Shaoshang.

And as his son fell, in the world of the chessboard, in the Lion and Camel Ridge, changes suddenly rose.


In the original royal palace of the Lion and Camel Kingdom, the golden-winged Dapeng, dressed in a golden robe, with a deep golden moo, and a curved eagle's beak, seemed to have sensed it.

Slowly standing up, shaking the golden robe, he came to the gloomy cave where Chen Xuanzang was, and reached out and took it in his hand.

"Monk Wu Na, still waiting for the gods and Buddhas to come to rescue?"

Golden Winged Dapeng sneered and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you that some gods and Buddhas have come here these days, but no matter which gods and gods see this king, they must also respect this king, and they can't save you!"

Chen Xuanzang was lifted by his hand, and he didn't look flustered. He just shook his head and said, "Then why did you come to see the poor monk?"

"Monk, are you not afraid of me?"

Golden-winged Dapeng carried Chen Xuanzang and was close to him, his golden eyes seemed to be on fire.

"If you have nothing to fear in your heart, then you have nothing to fear... After death, you will be blissful. If you wish to send me, you should not ask for it."

Chen Xuanzang slowly closed his eyes and stopped talking.

He knew that his Buddha's mind was already unstable, and when he looked at this monster, his heart was angry, and he had already broken his precepts.

"You want to die? This king will not let you die happily!"

Golden-winged Dapeng laughed loudly and said, "How many despicable animals still exist in my lion and camel country, I will let you be a bridegroom, leave children and grandchildren, be enslaved by me, and sacrifice my tongue!"

"So, your children and grandchildren should be in my belly! Hahaha!"

Golden-winged Dapeng laughed, carrying Chen Xuanzang out of the cave.

At this time, the sun was rising, the scenery was just right, and the sun was full of bones. At this time, there were two little demons peeling their skins and cooking food in the distance.


Chen Xuanzang took a deep breath, and without looking, he could smell the strong **** smell.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Today's food is ready. I don't know, how do you want to eat it? Cooking, frying, and cooking, everything is perfect!"

The little demon, which was shaped like a jackal without shedding its skin, said loudly.

"Fried it!"

Golden-winged Dapeng carried Chen Xuanzang and said casually, "You have to regenerate! Seven years old is too old, 30% is enough!"

"Little understand!"

The little wolf demon nodded again and again, found the prey that had just been skinned, cut the most tender meat from the ribs, and fried it in a pot.

Golden-winged Dapeng was about to step forward when he suddenly frowned.

When I raised my head slightly, I saw a golden cloud in the distance, slowly coming, the Buddha's light overflowed, and many Jalan Vajra surrounded by a Bodhisattva, came to the sky above the Shituo Ridge.

The Bodhisattva wears a crown on his head, wears a celestial robe, and wears a fitted skirt around his waist. His eyebrows are like a crescent moon, and his eyes are like twin stars. Behind him is a golden boy and a jade girl, holding a jade bottle.

But it is Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"Who am I, it turns out to be Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

Dapeng glanced at it, but he didn't care much, and sneered: "Why, can't you come to the king's plate to grab food?"

"Evil obstacles! You have many evil obstacles here, ruining my reputation as a Buddha, and you don't come with me quickly..."

Avalokitesvara's expression was calm, and she gave a light reprimand.

"The poor place in Lingshan is very poor and extremely poor, how can I be happy to eat human flesh here? Then the old Tathagata was suppressed by Wuzhishan, and he also assumed the title of the king of ten thousand demons, but it was a miserable laugh. Some house!"

Golden-winged Dapeng shook his head and said with a smile, "You just said that you are using me to get the sutras for the monks of Sanzang. Don't you know that I am asking for nothing!"

"My Buddha is in charge of the four continents, and countless sentient beings pay their respects. If you do good deeds, you will sacrifice your mouth first! You still think about the lower world and do such evil things! Don't hurry back to Lingshan, recite the scriptures ten thousand times, and pay for your sins. !"

Avalokiteshvara frowned slightly, and said: "Sanzang's pursuit of the true scriptures and the transformation of all beings are the general trend of Buddhism. If you block it, don't blame poor monks for not reciting my Buddha's feelings!"


Golden-winged Dapeng shook his hand, threw Chen Xuanzang on the ground, and stepped on his head.

He laughed and said, "Just you, you want to save this monk?"


With a light touch under Dapeng's feet, Xuanzang's seven orifices all bleed and were almost crushed.


Avalokitesvara gave a light reprimand, the Buddha's light suddenly soared, and the little white hand dropped, grabbing towards the golden-winged Dapeng!


At the same time, many Jialan Vajras and Arhats chanted the Buddha's name in unison, and set up a great formation as they stepped, covering the huge lion and camel ridge.

"Hey! Who do you think you are, and who am I!"

Golden-winged Dapeng chuckled lightly, also stretched out his palm, and greeted Avalokitesvara with a bang.


The five hundred li lion camel mountain collapsed and shattered in an instant, and countless rocks and rocks collapsed. .

Countless big demons and small demons soared into the air, wailing and dodging one after another.



At the same time, a huge blue lion and a huge white elephant appeared at the same time, Yang Tian let out a roaring sound, and fought together with many Arhats.

"evil creature!"

Guan Yin gave a light reprimand, the dragon girl behind him tilted the jade bottle, and the boy pulled out the willow branch.


The time and space seemed to be stagnant for it, and the big demons and the little demons were terrified, and the wailing was sucked into the jade bottle.

And the willow branches were beaten down, and the roaring blue lion and the white elephant were beaten from the sky and fell to the ground, roaring and showing their true shape.


Only the golden-winged Dapeng, bearing the vast Buddha light forcibly, stepped on Chen Xuanzang's head, and suddenly let out a piercing cry.


Substantial sound waves roamed and roamed, creating ripples in the void, and slammed many Arhats, Jialan, and King Kong into the clouds.

"If you want to suppress me, you can't!"

The golden-winged Dapeng had a ferocious face, and in the golden robe hunting, the demonic aura swirled around, instantly shrouding the cloud head of Avalokitesvara.

God mighty, mighty!

Many Jialan Arhats and King Kong were all swept off the clouds by the demonic energy, and their expressions changed drastically and fell to the ground.

"Anyone else?"

The golden-winged Dapeng swept away many Buddhist masters with a flick of his sleeve, and suddenly his heart moved.

The probe hand held Miss Duan, who was holding a gold ring without a deposit behind him, and wanted to sneak attack on him, and grabbed it in the palm of his hand!


At the same time, a hand came out from the ground and grabbed the ankle of the golden-winged Dapeng:

"Let go of her!"


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