Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1065: Stupid, kill it!


Golden-winged Dapeng smiled lightly, looked down at Chen Xuanzang, who was holding his boots tightly, and said, "If you let me go, I will let go?"

"Don't kill her!"

Chen Xuanzang's head, which was stepped on the ground, made a pleading sound, and the blue veins burst out on the palm of his hand.

But with him, how can he break free from the feet of the Golden Winged Dapeng.

After struggling several times, his head could not move at all.

But he could feel, could feel that Miss Duan's life breath, like a flame in a gust of wind, was about to go out.

"Ha ha!"

The golden-winged Dapeng raised his feet slightly, causing Chen Xuanzang to raise his head.

"Don't kill her! Kill me, kill me!"

Chen Xuanzang, who had a dirty face, struggled and rushed towards the Golden Winged Dapeng.

"Little bald donkey..."

Golden-winged Dapeng raised his hand gently and pushed Chen Xuanzang to the ground: "You are too weak..."

Golden-winged Dapeng's golden eyes were red, and when he moved his palm, he pinched Miss Duan, who had trouble breathing and turned purple, to death!


After a crisp sound, the Golden Winged Dapeng shook his hand and threw up the dead body in his palm.

The palm of the hand is empty.


Muscles and bones turned into mud, blood splattered everywhere, as brilliant as fireworks.

"Do not!"

Chen Xuanzang cried out in pain, the corners of his eyes cracked, leaving two lines of blood and tears.


Golden-winged Dapeng took a deep breath, sucked the blood mist into his mouth, and looked at Chen Xuanzang who stretched out his hand in vain.

With a bared smile, he said, "You are in pain? Are you angry? So what?"

There was a smile on his face, but there was endless indifference in his eyes, and a trace of disgust that could not be wiped away.


Chen Xuanzang muttered to himself, staggered to his feet, and fell to the ground again.


He seemed to be crying and laughing on his face, in a trance.


In the tattered clothes, a cheat book fell to the ground.


The breeze blew past, setting off the secret book on the ground.

brush brush~~~

Piece by piece, page by page... A touch of golden light rose from the secret book, and between the dim light and fading, you could see that the words were creeping and jumping.

Gradually, on top of the secret book, the Buddhist text "The Great Sun Tathagata True Sutra" appeared.


Golden-winged Dapeng seems a little surprised, but also seems to have known it for a long time.

He raised his head slightly, and looked at Duobao Tathagata outside the endless void, and then his eyes fell on Chen Xuanzang again.

Disgust, deeper.

The feeling of being manipulated is really disgusting!

At this time, Chen Xuanzang radiated radiant light all over his body, the filth and dust were gone, and his body was covered with a splendid cassock, which was indescribably solemn.

Only, the two lines of blood and tears flowing from the corners of his eyes never dried up, but were still flowing, drop by drop, dripping on his cassock.

"Little love, big love..."

Chen Xuanzang sighed in disappointment and said: "In the past, when I was dismantling each and every time, if I had the appearance of people and living beings with longevity, I should have hatred... But, I don't have it, how can I hate it? ......

Therefore, there is no sign of self, no sign of no one, no sign of sentient beings, no sign of lifespan..."

"But... it still hurts..."

He raised his hand and pressed it on his chest, and at some point, his heart stopped beating.


As the whispering sound drifted, his palms slowly folded.


The sound of Longlong Chan singing resounded in the four poles, fluttering as straight as the nine sky, reaching the four fields, spreading all over the four continents, and reverberating in the three realms and six realms.

All sentient beings have a feeling in their hearts. Looking up, they can see that above the endless sky, the highest place that the naked eye can hardly reach, lights up the endless bright Buddha light!

Like a star, like a great sun, illuminating all directions, a candle illuminating the three realms, illuminating the four continents!

In the eternal dazzling light of Buddha, one incomparably stalwart, incomparably holy, and incomparably huge Buddha slowly manifested in the sky!

This Buddha fills the heavens and the earth, and is indescribably huge. The head of the Buddha alone is tens of millions of times bigger than the stars!

The mighty sun, in front of the Buddha's head, is like a grain of sand on the vast sea!

Whether it is the Nanzhan Buzhou human race, or the Xiniu Hezhou demon, whether it is the heavenly gods above Jiuxiao, or the Jiuyou Yin ghost deep in the ground.

You can see that huge Buddha!

With endless chanting sounds, all Buddhist disciples all over the world knelt down on the ground, reciting the Buddhist scriptures aloud, and reciting my Buddha.


The gigantic and unfathomable Buddha, with lowered eyes, looked down at the three realms and six realms, all sentient beings, reciting the Buddha's name lightly, his face showing compassion, and his eyes filled with compassion.

The sound of the great Buddha spread throughout the three realms and six realms, echoing in the universe.

The next moment, the Buddha raised his palm.


In the vast Buddha's light, the Buddha's palm hangs down, covering everything, including immeasurable and boundless.

Once pressed, infinite light floods the world, covering everything, time and space shake, and the universe changes color.

There are still thousands of miles away, and the Three Realms will vibrate, the earth will tremble endlessly, the mountains will collapse, the sea will collapse, and the four continents will be throbbing, almost cracking!

What is even more amazing is that in the place where the Buddha's light shines, all sentient beings, whether gods, demons, or mortals, recalled everything.

know everything.

Clearly enlightened, the king of all demons is not Sakyamuni. He is Buddha, he is Tathagata, he is Buddha!

As soon as he made a move, it seemed to sweep away all the arrangements before Gu Shaoshang!

In the Bodhi Garden, a son of the Many Treasures Tathagata fell down and said with a light smile, "The great dragon has been formed, why did the Martial Ancestor teach me?"

On the chessboard at this time, the vertical and horizontal white stones are connected together to form a sacred dragon.

There are so many black stones, even the Dao Qingniu who does not know how to play chess, also secretly screamed in his heart: This old bald donkey is going to win!

"One child is poor, and the whole plate is almost lost... Xuan Zang, worthy of being Xuan Zang..."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head and sighed slightly.

Not for Duobao Tathagata, but for Chen Xuanzang.

All the wounds can do.

In the Lion Camel Mountain, the golden-winged Dapeng stomped on his head and crushed the woman he loved to death.

As long as he recites one sentence lightly and accepts the title of Three Burials, Yuantu Abi's two swords will break through the air and kill everything directly.

What kind of golden-winged Dapeng, what kind of gods and Buddhas in the sky, all can be killed.

However, he chose the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra, chose to forgive, and chose not to kill......

Even if he knew that Sakyamuni would not kill the golden-winged Dapeng, he still chose Buddhism.

How can it be? How can it be?


In the crisp sound, Gu Shaoshang fell again.

Xuanzang turned into Sanzang, so what?

He can't lose!


"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

"Bald donkey! Bald donkey! Bald donkey!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In Nanzhanbu Continent, above a restaurant in a certain city, after Xuanzang made his choice, Mingshang jumped and cursed, killing intent!

It was the first time he had seen a person like Chen Xuanzang.

Bully me, humiliate me, kill me, anyone who can forgive me!

Although he didn't really do it, his every move had a demonic meaning, and he was the gods and Buddhas in this world. Under his words, there were very few people who could not fall into the devil's way.

Chen Xuanzang is a mere mortal, a mere mortal......

"Xuanzang, Sanzang......"

Li Qingshan sighed in his heart, but he was no exception.

Among the gods and Buddhas in the sky, how many people can compare to Xuanzang?

Before he practiced Buddhism for ten generations, he was already a Buddha, and he was a Buddha who pursued his own way.

real goodness.

Although he would never be able to do it in his life, and he did not appreciate such an approach, he could not blame Xuanzang for his choice.

"I am angry too!!"

The cinnabar between Mingshang's eyebrows flickered red, and the killing intent between the eyebrows couldn't bear it anymore. He couldn't help but lift Yuantu Abi to kill the gods and Buddhas in the sky.


The black and white swords hummed, and the cold and evil spirit instantly enveloped Nanzhan. All sentient beings only felt that the eyes were dark, and the world lost its color, leaving only black and white.

"Brother Gu, stay, stay!"

Li Qingshan quickly persuaded him to stop, slightly startled.

These black and white divine swords had a terrifying killing intent on them, and they were still in their sheaths, and at a glance, it seemed as if they were about to be beheaded together with their fleshly primordial spirits.

If it's unsheathed, then it's worth it!

Mingshang's killing intent was so amazing that Li Qingshan was afraid that he would not be able to resist and even chop Chen Xuanzang together.

"This monkey!"

Mingshang paused for a while, and saw a golden monkey with a mighty majesty, one jumped up to the sky, and met the Tathagata's palm.

"It's pretty quick..."

Mingshang's brows eased down. If it was someone else, he would naturally not allow anyone to take action before him.

But since it was this monkey, he really liked it, and he had no idea of ​​blocking it.


When Miss Duan died, in the land of Xiniu Hezhou, in a small cave under a huge mountain peak shaped like a palm with five fingers pointing to the sky, an old monk sat with his hands folded and his knees crossed.

The old monk was in ragged clothes and had a thin and around the cave, vines were whipping continuously, leaving bloodstained traces on his body.

The vines continued to beat down, but his expression did not change at all, as if he was not hit by himself.

"Amitabha, good, good..."

When Xuanzang realized, the old monk folded his hands together and sighed slightly: "I don't have it myself, why do I hate it?  …"

The body is not mine, if you beat me again, how can I be in pain?

His words seemed to be said to Chen Xuanzang, but also to those who suppressed him, more likely, to the hole above his head, the man wearing a dark gold cassock, half sitting and half squatting, eating bananas said the monkey.

As if hearing the old monk muttering to himself, the monkey rolled his eyes: "None of my business?"

Boom! !

At this time, the sky exploded, and the stalwart Buddha's palm fell, sweeping the sky and the wind and clouds.

"Love, love, love you!"

The monkey scratched his ears, pulled out a dark iron rod, jumped, and stepped on the auspicious clouds, and he was about to go straight to the nine-fold sky:

"Tathagata's palm, Tathagata's palm?! You're the old grandson of clay?"


"Eat my grandson!"

In the sky, the dark golden cassock floated down, and the monkey with golden hair fluttered and moved as the wind blew.

Between the steps, put on the golden armor, step on the cloud shoes, wear the purple gold crown with phoenix wings, its power is domineering, its arrogance is arrogant, its majesty is like a god, like a **** of war!


The phoenix wings hang down behind him, the cloak hunting like fire.

He shouted loudly, and pointed his stick to the sky, he was about to pierce a big hole with the Buddha's palm, the Buddha, and the sky!


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