Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1066: The chessboard is not only 2 colors, the surging sea of ​​blood is honored!

With a stick facing the sky, the sky is filled with sorrow.


The golden monkey waved the golden hoop stick, and it swayed endless ripples, and under the agitation of the wisps of ripples, it swept away the endless clouds of smoke that could be seen.

Buddha presses his palm!

The golden monkey raises the stick!

The picture at this moment seems to be frozen in the eyes of countless beings in the three realms and six realms.

No matter who it is, there is a feeling of trembling in the heart at this time.

This feeling of incomparable emotion seems to be conveyed by the world itself, causing countless souls to have such a terrifying thought at the same time: the sky is falling and the earth is breaking!

The next moment, the Buddha's palm that encompassed the heavens and the earth was already in contact with the golden hoop that was raised like a mountain!

The sky and the earth are eclipsed, the starry sky is dark, and the endless stars seem to be extinguished!

The indescribable huge shock wave, like the explosion of billions of stars, swept across the sky and wiped out everything!

Above the Lingshan Mountain in the west, the sound of the bells was silent, and the huge Mount Sumeru, like the ridge of the sky, shook suddenly, the power of endless faith, and many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas couldn't hold it, and was broken by the huge ripples blowing!

The Lingxiao Palace above the Nine Heavenly Towers, because it is high enough, escaped the danger of destruction.

But in addition to the Lingxiao Palace, countless palace towers collapsed.

The floating island caves that the immortals and Buddhas have opened up in the sky are not much better than those shattered and extinguished stars and celestial bodies, and they have crumbled into clouds of smoke!

Boom! ! !

Until the void of the sky and the earth was almost collapsed by the huge ripples, the huge explosion sounded beyond the limit of sound that ordinary mortals could hear.

Only in the ears of the gods and Buddhas in the sky suddenly exploded!

Countless creatures stared at the sky above, the immortal gods falling like a meteor shower, their hearts were shocked and unbelievable.

Under the natural disaster, all souls will suffer the disaster of the pond fish.

But when these two supreme beings fight against each other, the gods and Buddhas in the sky will suffer the disaster of Chiyu!

For a time, the gods and Buddhas in the sky fell like rain, landing on all continents.


A piece of earth suddenly cracked, a thousand-zhang mountain broke down, and boulders rolled down.


wow wow wow~~~

Many monsters scattered in terror and fell into deep fear.

"Journey to the West, Conquering Demons, is that so?!!!"

"Then the Buddha's phantom, are monkeys so strong?!!"

As the earth shook and the mountains shook, Duanlang, holding the Huo Lin Sword, looked at the sky above with an extremely ugly expression, the shocking collision.

No one could hear what he was saying, and no one could communicate with each other in this earth-shattering collision.

The expressions of the Twelve Demons of Tianchi, headed by childlike innocence, are also not as good.

With their cultivation, they would not be affected by the aftermath.

But the two people fighting in the sky, especially the huge Buddha's shadow like a galaxy, still shocked them.

Xiongba's information clearly stated that before Sakyamuni did not take action, this Buddha was only the size of a star, and at most, he had just embarked on the path of the transformation of gods and demons.

Looking at it at this time, it is more than just embarked, saying that it is in the middle and late stages, they all believe it!


Tong Xin kicked the falling rocks with one kick, her expression extremely gloomy.

In this world, we can't stay for a long time. If we stay here, not to mention revenge for food and immortality, or we and others will all die in this world.

"Damn! Damn! Where the **** is Young Master Void?"

Cold sweat fell on Wen Chou Chou's face, washing away his clown-like makeup.

He didn't pinch the orchid finger anymore. Under such a terrifying battle, he only had one thought at this time, that is, to kill Young Master Kongkong, take away his flying sword and the law of the sword, and then leave this world.

However, even if his method of changing the sky and hitting the earth has reached an unprecedented peak, he cannot quickly find Young Master Kong when he does not dare to do his best.

"Separate, separate! Young Master Xunkong, no matter who it is, kill him and let everyone know as soon as possible!"

Wen Chou Chou's inner voice resounded in the hearts of Duan Lang and others, and they were no longer hiding their clumsiness.


Duan Lang and others are also decisive people, and they don't care about suspecting the ugly and clumsy things.

Just looking at each other, they scattered and went to various places in Nanzhan, looking for the empty son.

At this time, the gods and Buddhas are falling all over the sky, but it is also the time when all the tyrannical people can't hide, it is their best chance to find the empty son.

As long as they find it, no matter who it is, they are sure to kill the empty son in the information!


In Xiniu Hezhou, in the Lion Camel Ridge, Chen Xuanzang Buddha's mask body, his expression is calm.

In front of him, the golden-winged Dapeng knelt down on the ground.

When Dou Victory Buddha and Buddha collided, Guanyin Bodhisattva "just" broke through the shroud of demonic energy and suppressed the Golden Winged Dapeng with his backhand.

"Sanzang, since you have already fully enlightened, you should know that form is emptiness, and emptiness is the truth of form! Although the Golden Winged Dapeng is wrong, if you can generate a heart towards Buddha under your understanding, you will have immeasurable merits and virtues!"

Avalokitesvara Foguang protects the mountains and forests, and said to Chen Xuanzang.

"The disciple understands."

Chen Xuanzang's expression was calm, without joy or sorrow, and his eyes were filled with compassion, just like the Buddha in the temple.


Avalokitesvara put her hands together, smiled slightly, and disappeared into the sky.

"My Buddha, I lost..."

Chen Xuanzang looked up slightly and muttered to himself.

Boom! !

It was only at this moment that the sound of the explosion, which was enough to be heard by ordinary people, sounded like an endless thunderstorm of stars.

And in the sky, in the endless clouds of smoke, the golden monkey erected a golden hoop and stood indifferently above the sky.

On top of it, there is a huge rod that is millions of miles in diameter and is almost inexhaustible, leading straight to the unknowable place where the sky is the highest.

The stick penetrated the Buddha's incomparably huge palm, shattered his arm, shattered his head, and pierced through the endless void unabated, penetrating countless existences and invisible chaos.

In the Bodhi Garden, Duobao Tathagata gently pressed his finger and placed it on the golden hoop stick that broke through the chessboard.


Duobao chuckled, pressed the golden hoop back, reached out and touched it, and the chessboard returned to its original state.

Immediately, he looked at Gu Shaoshang with calm eyes, and said indifferently: "You lost!"

"I really didn't win!"

Gu Shaoshang nodded, no objection.

"However, I didn't lose..."

Gu Shaoshang smiled softly, his eyes drooped down, looking at the world of the chessboard, and fell on Mingshang.


The next moment, the Mingshang standing above a certain city in Nanzhanbu Prefecture issued a long howl.

The sound of a long howl shook the Eight Wastelands.

In Li Qingshan's shocked expression, the scarlet red robe became more and more bright, as if it was composed of flowing blood, and his white hair was even more erratic, and his aura was earth-shattering.

The monstrous demonic energy is everywhere, filling the four poles of heaven and earth, the three realms and six realms, and all time and space!


Beneath the endless hell, in the underworld, a sea of ​​blood poured up, like a waterfall composed of hundreds of millions of rivers, upstream for nine days!

In an instant, the nether **** was covered, the Ten Halls Yama!

At a speed that is beyond the imagination of any gods and Buddhas in this world, he revolves along the six paths in an instant, reaching all time and space, and being in harmony with the devil.

The surging sea of ​​blood will destroy the world!

Mingshang took one step at a time, ascended to the sky one step at a time, walked into the endless sea of ​​blood that covered the sky in an instant, embraced the black and white swords, and sat on the blood lotus.

Above the blood lotus, Mingshang overlooks the heavens, and all time and space are in sight.

Heavenly Court, Lingshan, Regions, Gods and Buddhas...and, Chen Xuanzang.

Immediately, he raised his head slightly, and through endless time and space, looked at the Duobao Tathagata who was covered in the moon-white monk's robe, smiled, and sighed:

"The chessboard is not only two colors, the surging sea of ​​blood is honored, the faint blood lotus is twelve ranks, and Yuantu Abi's words are over!!"

The rumbling magic sound shook thousands of people, and the blood was like a tide, illuminating the three realms.

Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere!

"What is this?! What a big devil!"

Countless gods and Buddhas were terrified, and countless sentient beings were terrified.

However, the evil killing aura contained in the endless blood sea made them terrified.

"Fuck!!! This is the sea of ​​blood in the netherworld?!!"

Duanlang's scalp was numb in the rush, and he made a mournful sound like a wolf howl.

In a mere world of Journey to the West and Conquering Demons, I thought there was no dangerous world except for the possible Sakyamuni, and this terrifying existence appeared again and again.

Now, it has even appeared, the legendary sea of ​​blood!

What a horrible thing this is!

For a while Duan Lang felt that Xiongba must be deliberately trying to kill him!

"Xiongba! Xionda! Xionda!!!"

Duanlang's eyes were red, and he no longer had any thoughts of concealment. With a movement of his body, he swept across the territory of thousands of miles, his eyes glowing like fire, sweeping the world.

If you want to find the empty boy as quickly as possible, complete the task and leave this ghost place.

Not only Duanlang, Wen Chou Chou, Tong Xin and other Tianchi Twelve Shades were equally horrified, all of them were desperately squeezing their potential, looking for the empty son on Nanzhan Buzhou.

clang clang ~ ~

Then, Mingshang slapped the two swords in his arms, and the black and white swords hummed, jumping up from his arms.

Boom! !

The two swords flew into the air, clanging loudly, the endless sea of ​​blood swelled up with huge waves, and the immeasurable slaying and shattering qi ran through Qiongyu in an instant.

Yuan Tu, Abi and the two swords, are the swords associated with the wounds of the dead. Although they are incarnations here, the meaning of killing is almost endless!

I saw that in the endless sea of ​​blood boiling, the two swords finally slowly unsheathed, revealing a trace of the sword body.

Beneath the black and white scabbard is that extremely evil, red-like sharp divine sword, no matter what kind of cultivation people are, just looking at it will only feel the shock of the soul and body.

It seemed that he was about to be slashed by the unparalleled sharpness, his own primordial spirit, and his fleshly body!

"Killing Kendo..."

Above the sky, Dou Victory Buddha and Sun Wukong glanced at the two killing swords in the sea of ​​blood that covered everything, and his pupils shrank slightly.

"It's okay, it's okay."

He shook his head slightly, his body melted into the blood light, and disappeared into the vast void.

Finally, the blood-red swords were unsheathed.

clang clang~~

With just two sword cries, two blood dragons roared down, showing an endless atmosphere of destruction.


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