Projection of the Heavens

: happy new year everyone

? I wish everyone a happy New Year's Day.

A year has passed, and Gouzi has written three million words, no more or no less, and it has passed.

Now is the late stage, and it is very difficult to write. Gouzi will try his best to write three times. If you can't write it, please be tolerant.

I wish you all the best of luck.

Then, sacrifice a book.

"Zhutian Farmers World" was put on the shelves last night, and the one-hour boutique plus Baimeng hegemony, the dogs were stunned.

The boss can't be bothered.

Finally, in the new year, let's get a ticket.

Can’t find a dog in the sci-fi monthly ticket list??(?? ̄?? ̄?)????

"Projection of the Heavens" everyone is playing Happy New Year's Day, please wait a moment,

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