Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1073: Evangelism Worldwide

? "Martial arts system?"

"What system?"

"Who? What?"

All over the world, I don’t know how many people are overwhelmed by it, thinking that they have auditory hallucinations, their expressions are different, and no one knows what happened.

But this Martial Dao system could not be rejected. In their dazed doubts, they fell in the ubiquitous information flow and were completely bound to them.


The whole body is silver and white, like a huge metal castle on the top floor of the headquarters of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall.

A young man in black was sitting cross-legged. Suddenly, his body shook, and he also heard the sound of electronic synthesis resounding in his ears and in his mind.


The top-notch alloy ground on the earth cracked instantly, with the man in black as the center, spreading densely throughout the room like a cobweb.

"Who's pretending to be a ghost?"

The black-clothed youth suddenly opened his eyes, the divine light illuminated the entire secret room, and the tyrannical thoughts swept the entire secret room, not letting go of any subtle places.

However, Rao is the black-clothed youth's will is extremely tyrannical, enough to see the tiny particles in the void that are tens of millions of times smaller than dust, and can't find where the sound came from.


The black-clothed youth frowned and stood up, in shock.

Martial arts practice to his level, naturally he would not think that what he heard would be auditory hallucinations, but what could be hidden under his martial arts will, on the earth, could not exist!

Because, he is the number one powerhouse on earth today, Hong!

[Bounding the martial arts system....Binding....the binding of the martial arts system is complete]

At this time, the sound of electronic synthesis sounded again.

At the same time, numb currents spread out from the black-clothed youth in an instant, completing the so-called binding.

"Martial Dao System......"

The black-clothed man "Hong" took a deep breath and finally realized that the voice resounded in his heart.

This is not a creation on earth!

[The binding of version 1.0 of the martial arts system is completed]

【Name: Hong】

[Strength: about 670,000 people]

[Soul: about 990,000 people]

[Evaluation: In this Wugen Star Sea, a certain period of the tens of billions of years in this asteroid among the trillions of infinite galaxies is not bad]

[Original power: 0 (Original power can improve the body, soul, combat skills, exercises, magic weapons....)]

[Yuan Li is not omnipotent, but most of them can do it]

Looking at the data flow panel that emerged from his pupils, Hong, the man in black, frowned slightly, especially the evaluation of him by the so-called martial arts system.

Even lower than expected.

"Martial Dao System... Where are you sacred? Alien visitors? Or..."

Hong was in an excellent mood. After taking a deep breath, he regained his calm and asked.

[Each binding person can ask three questions, this is the first question... If you want to know this question, you need tens of thousands of sources to reach the power of one injury, if the source is insufficient, Insufficient strength, refused to answer]

"What is the power of a wound? What is the source of power?"

Hong's brows wrinkled imperceptibly, and asked again.

This system can forcibly bind him in a state that he can't even notice. If he can't refuse, he naturally has to ask clearly.

With only three questions, he naturally had to ask the most critical questions.

[The power of one hundred million people is one dragon, the power of tens of billions of dragons is a small world, and the power of a trillion small worlds is one wound, the power of one wound is the power of one particle in the body of a certain supreme being]

[Original power, in terms of your cognition, is a kind of source power that constitutes the world, contains laws, the higher energy of the Dao]

【The source is omnipotent】

[Three quotas are consumed, and in the future, we will no longer answer questions for free]

The martial arts system knew everything and said everything, explaining Hong's doubts. However, after Hong's three opportunities were exhausted, he fell into silence.

"Supreme Existence... Origin Power..."

Hong was slightly shocked and a little worried.

In a few words, he could vaguely outline the figure of an unimaginable terrifying existence.

Such a supreme existence casts his gaze down on the earth, and for the earth, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

As the first person on the earth today, he naturally knows that there are other civilizations in the universe, and he can know from the ruins everywhere how cruel the battle between civilizations is.

Such an existence, how terrible would the civilization in which it resides be?

In front of the earth, I am afraid it will not be much stronger than the ants.

Unfortunately, whether it is a blessing or a curse, today's earth cannot be avoided, unable to avoid it.

Thinking, Hong opened the door and walked out of the quiet room.

At this time, in the extreme martial arts hall, a person with different expressions, but did not speak to each other. When he saw Hong walking out, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he saluted in unison.

"Master, how did you get out of the customs?"

A tall man in silver-gray armor bowed and asked.

"Quietly thinking about moving, don't worry about me."

Hong nodded slightly, and stepped out of the extreme martial arts hall.

The extreme martial arts hall occupies a huge area, and the whole body is silver and white, with icy lines flashing, like a giant beast lying in front of the mountains.

In front of the extreme martial arts hall, there are two huge alloy statues that are hundreds of meters high with the extreme martial arts hall.

The two statues are one big and one small. The big one is a statue of a young man in a black robe, and the small one is a scrawny child. The young man put one hand behind him, and stroked the head of a scrawny child statue with one palm.

"Master...Where are you? It's been more than seven hundred years, where are you?"

Hong Li muttered to himself in front of the statue, his expression slightly dazed.

At this time, his name was Hong, and in his previous life, his name was Teng Qingshan, a great master of breaking the void. After breaking it, he thought he could find the trace of his master, but where did he know that there was no trace on the earth.

And a virus that swept the world has alienated countless beasts and the earth has fallen. He has to stay on the earth and protect the world's creatures.


Above the clear sky, a thunder suddenly swept across, and the illuminated void was purple.

A bald white man in white clothes suddenly fell down and came to Hong, interrupting his memories.

The bald white man was extremely tall, and his muscles were even thicker. He stepped forward, and the fierce and sturdy wind came.

This bald man is the second most powerful person on the earth today, the founder of the Thunder and Lightning Military Academy, Thor.

The Extreme Martial Arts Hall and the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall are all huge forces on the earth today that can be compared with a country.

"Brother! I'm being watched!"

The bald-headed man in white clothes rang out like thunder, shouting as he walked.

The two were both masters during the cataclysm period. Some of Thor's martial arts were taught by Hong. After they became famous, they often went to and from the alien ruins together, and they had a deep friendship with each other.

"Shut up!"

Hong frowned slightly, scolded lightly, and said, "In front of Master, you must not be rude."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Thor's expression changed slightly, his voice lowered, and he said, "Brother, I suspect that when we entered the alien ruins of Hidden Mist Island, we might have been targeted by alien civilizations!"

"How to say?"

Hong's heart moved slightly.

"Before, I was closed in the Thunder Martial Arts Hall, and suddenly I heard the sound of electronic synthesis, what is the martial arts system... I almost demolished the martial arts hall, and I didn't find the source of the sound!"

Thor's expression was very cautious.

Together with Hong, he has entered an unknown number of alien ruins, and naturally encountered many dangers, but this is the first time that he has encountered such a strange situation.

Therefore, he did not dare to delay, and hurried to find Hong.

"Martial Arts System, Version 1.0........"

Hong's expression was a little weird, and he already knew what Thor said.

Thor is a carefree person, and when such a thing happens, I am afraid that he can really demolish the Thunder and Lightning Military Pavilion.

"That's right, it's you, big brother!"

Thor nodded, surprised at the same time: "You heard that too?"

"'s not just us..."

Hong recalled some discordant movements in the extreme martial arts hall before, and said thoughtfully.

"what should we do?"

Thor didn't think as much as Hong, and asked.

"Follow me to the field, study the so-called martial arts system, and then talk about other..."

Hong shook his head slightly and continued: "As for the rest, we can only wait and see what happens."

"All right."

Thor nodded.

Immediately, the two walked into the wild, the wasteland together.


"This earth, the population is a bit small..."

In the small courtyard in the southwest of Yi'an District, Gu Shaoshang touched the person's chin slightly.

He sent out three million sets of martial arts systems in one breath, most of which were concentrated among the martial artists on Earth.

It's not that more can't be sent out, but in fact, this earth has a small population, and there are even fewer warriors.

Three million sets, almost nine out of ten warriors, quasi-warriors, and even a considerable number of ordinary people who are not even quasi-warriors.

This is already the limit.

After all, it is impossible to pull all ordinary people in, at least, at this time, it is not allowed.

"However, barely is enough."

Glancing at his constantly beating source, he nodded slightly.

Three million systems, each system obtains a drop of source power, and he can extract half of it, although it is negligible at this time.

But if these people grow swept the beasts on the earth, and even stepped out of the earth and swept the starry sky, it would be extremely impressive.

After that, with these three million warriors as the foundation, it is enough to develop more systems that are more suitable for this world, and the source power obtained may be more than that of his own hands, and it is unknown.

"It's the City Lord Luo..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Gu Shaoshang's mouth, and he said to himself: "All the warriors in the world have systems by their side, but he doesn't have them, so it won't cause any bad effects... It shouldn't... …”

"Maybe, give him a set too?"

The sky gradually dimmed, and the night gradually shrouded everything. The first day Gu Shaoshang came to this world has just passed.

But the impact of the three million systems he distributed on this world continued to ferment under the darkness of night.

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