Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1088: Temple of Time and Space

The power and vastness of the Blood Essence Divine Treasure far surpassed the secret technique taught by Luo Feng. Teng Qingshan felt it a little, and knew that if there was no martial arts system, Luo Feng would not be able to keep up with them sooner or later.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to take Luo Feng to see Gu Shaoshang.


Luo Feng's heart moved, thinking of the black-robed youth.

The man who has only two sides so far, so that he can't guess the depth of it.

"The martial arts system is the handwriting of his old man..."

Teng Qingshan let out a slight sigh and stood up.

After breaking through the cosmos level, he only felt that the heavens and the earth became small, as if he could jump out of the atmosphere with one step, and waved his hand to cut off the continental shelf.

With a single blow, it will surpass the ten broken interstellar orbital laser cannons above the earth.

Stepping into the cosmos level, it can barely be regarded as an ordinary master.

"Wu, Martial Dao system?!"

Luo Feng's eyes widened, and he lost his voice: "Is the martial arts system actually his handwriting?"

Luo Feng was shocked.

The power of the martial arts system is beyond doubt, and the speed of progress of the thousands of warriors on the earth explains everything.

An existence that can create a martial arts system, what kind of existence would it be?


Or stronger?

Luo Feng was shaking in his heart.

"Yes, it is Master's handwriting."

Teng Qingshan patted Luo Feng's shoulder and said, "It's my fault that Big Brother didn't say it before."

He glanced at Luo Feng apologetically.

"It's fine, I don't mind."

Luo Feng came back to his senses and felt a little warm in his heart.

Although he cares about the martial arts system, he also has the golden-horned giant beast clone. It will not take long for him to advance to the cosmos level. Even at this time, if he uses all his means, he may not be under Teng Qingshan.

Therefore, he didn't mind Teng Qingshan concealing this.

After all, he didn't tell the second person about his seizure of the golden-horned giant beast.

"The Nine Great Divine Treasures are unimaginably powerful secrets. If you miss it, Big Brother will not be able to face you."

Teng Qingshan shook his head.

He knew about Luo Feng's seizure of the golden-horned giant beast from Gu Shao's wound, which is why he didn't mention the martial arts system to Luo Feng before.

But as soon as the Nine Great Gods Tibetan Law came out, his thinking changed.

This is the foundation of the avenue, and it is enough to lead to the peak of the practice!

"Let's go."

Teng Qingshan waved his hand to stop Luo Feng's words, took a step forward, and walked away.

"Martial Dao System......"

Luo Feng gritted his teeth and followed Teng Qingshan's footsteps.

In the intelligent space, Babata was a little puzzled: "How can there be such a powerful existence on the earth? This is impossible."

He was also very suspicious.

He came to earth for 50,000 years, and he has observed all the creatures on this planet, just to find the descendants of the falling ink star.

But I never knew that on this planet, someone could actually fabricate such a powerful system, and with a wave of their hand, they created millions of potential warriors!

How terrifying to exist.

I am afraid that even in immortality, it is still strong.

"Luo Feng, be careful."

Thinking about it, Babata was a little nervous and couldn't help reminding Luo Feng.

"I believe that eldest brother will not harm me... Besides, I have met that person twice. If you want to harm me, you will never see me."

Luo Feng nodded and said in his heart.

However, the more important point is that the golden-horned giant beast can be divided into many clones. As long as all the clones do not die together, he will not die.


At this time, it was the middle of winter, and there was snow on the original Siberian snowfield.

However, because the kitten had opened the blood essence and divine treasure here before, its blood energy melted away all the snow and ice accumulated for countless years. Even in the middle of winter, the ice and snow on the ground was far less thick than before.

Once the practice reaches a certain level, every move can change the world.

Luo Feng and the two walked on the vast snow field, walking slowly and slowly.

"It's not easy for the second child to reconcile with his daughter after so many years."

Teng Qingshan sighed slightly.

Thor has a strong personality and does not have a harmonious relationship with his family. He once fell in love with a scumbag when his daughter was young and killed him with his hands.

After more than ten years, it was finally reconciled,

Therefore, when Thor returns to Earth, he is usually with his family.

"Second brother's character is too strong, if it were a little softer, I'm afraid it wouldn't be like this."

Luo Feng shook his head slightly and said, "However, without this steadfastness, he wouldn't be able to become a Thunder Saber or a star-level martial artist."

"Everything in the world has a certain number."

As Teng Qingshan said, he had already arrived at the mountain peak where Gu Shaoshang had retreated before.


Suddenly, he raised his head in surprise.

I saw that above the mountain peak, above the altitude of several thousand meters, there was a huge continent.

What surprised him was that they didn't even notice such a huge continent before they came under this mountain.

"This continent..."

Luo Feng also discovered the huge floating continent, and his heart was slightly shocked.

In the smart space, Babata exclaimed after a slight scan:

"Oh my God! Luo Feng! The soil and rocks that make up this continent are not the earth, not even any material recorded in my database! Moreover, it is very powerful, and its hardness may exceed the original nucleus of the golden-horned giant beast. Nearly indestructible!"

"How is this possible? It's not real matter, it's not energy, what kind of continent is this?"

"I feel the profound meaning of time and space, the laws of time, and the laws of space are all unimaginably rich!"

Babata's shock far exceeded Luo Feng's and the two of them, so frightened that his body was completely shattered.

Such a continent has never been seen or even heard of in Babata's extremely long years.

"So strong?"

Luo Feng clicked his tongue when he heard Babata's voice transmission.

In his opinion, although this huge floating continent is incredible, it is not as bizarre as Babata said.

"Come up."

Just as Luo Feng and others were shocked, a calm voice descended from the floating island.

The sound was invisible, but at this moment, in the sense of the two of Luo Feng, the turbulent sound waves of these three words really fell down like a waterfall of gods.

Like a cloud that hangs from the sky, it is mighty and boundless, and the power contained in it is even more distant, and it spreads to unknown places.

"It's Master."

After Teng Qingshan was slightly startled, he called up to Teng Qingshan, rose into the air, and flew towards the island.

Luo Feng stood up in the air amid the constant exclamations of Babata, according to the shock in his patience.

After flying up, the two of them saw that this huge continent like the Eurasian continent seemed real and illusory. It seemed to be thousands of meters high in the sky, but in fact, it was far beyond this distance.

With the cultivation of the two, it took half an hour to fly before landing on the island.

You know, with their cultivation speed, this time is enough to land on Mars.

"Unbelievable, incredible."

In the smart space, Babata was so amazed that he almost knelt down.

Only he can feel the incredibleness of this continent.

It seems to be only as big as the Eurasian continent, but in his induction, the Milky Way is not as big as this continent.

The energy on it is not strong, but the laws of time and space are almost materialized!

This is no ordinary continent!

"Why so weird."

Luo Feng waved his hand and frowned.

Under the influence of his thoughts, this continent does not seem to be large, about the size of an ordinary island, and the space within it extends almost endlessly.

This sense of confusion made Luo Feng vomit blood uncomfortably.

It was as if he had only taken a small step, which should be a distance of one meter. In the induction of his mind power, it seemed as if he had crossed a million miles of space.

If it weren't for his quick reaction, he could have split it on the spot.

Teng Qingshan's situation was slightly better than Luo Feng's. After regaining his senses, he asked Luo Feng to withdraw his mind power.

One step up and one step down, like a child just learning to walk, he walked towards the only hall on the island.

The planning of the island is absolutely unreasonable.

There are no flowers, no decorations, only the main hall that occupies almost 78/10 of the island, which makes people feel very inconsistent.

The two forced themselves to endure the feeling of time and space disorder, and reluctantly walked into the hall.

In the main hall, it is unclear and not dark, the space is large or small, not as huge as the outside world sees, but in the sense of the two, it is unimaginable.

In the center of the hall, on the high platform, in the throne, Gu Shaoshang sat on it, his eyes shifted slightly, and fell on the two of them.


Teng Qingshan bowed and saluted.

Luo Feng hesitated slightly, then bowed slightly and said, "Luo Feng, I have seen Mr.

"This island, called the Space-Time Island, connects many strange time-spaces and strange places. If you want to come, you will have some insight."

After Gu Shaoshang nodded pointed to the hall and said, "And this hall, formerly called the Temple of Time and Space, is the center of countless time and space, so that you can freely travel to and from many worlds, and even, You can go to the past and peep into the future.”

"Temple Temple? Other worlds?"

"Past and future? Free shuttle?"

Luo Feng and Teng Qingshan looked at each other and saw the shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

If it wasn't for the aura of Gu Shaoshang's body, the two would not be able to help but ask questions.

At least, in Luo Feng's smart space at this time, Babata had already jumped up, calling out dozens of impossible.

"Earth is not the only planet in the universe, and the Milky Way is not the only galaxy in the universe. Similarly, this universe is not the only universe in this world. It's not difficult to understand. I haven't seen it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. "

Gu Shaoshang seemed to know the doubts of the two and explained it casually.


The corners of Luo Feng's mouth twitched slightly, completely ignorant. This is easy to understand.

"You mean?"

On the other hand, Teng Qingshan felt a little ominous in his heart.

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