Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1089: The Great Crossing Era, Open

"Yes, this is the trial ground I prepared for you."

Gu Shaoshang lightly rubbed his brows, leaned forward slightly, and said, "The human beings on Earth are born with insufficiency, and the birth time is less than one ten thousandth of those of the strong races. If you want to stand in the universe, you still need some other means. ."

The temple of time and space runs through the long river of time and space in this world, connects many worlds in this world, and provides trials for people on earth, which is naturally much more suitable than the virtual universe.

After all, the earth warriors at this time are in the most embarrassing period.

The improvement of earth civilization can rely on the resources of the solar system, but the strength of earth warriors at this time is not enough to step into the universe.

On the earth, unless they kill each other, there is no way to obtain source power.

And passive power, just relying on their bloodline, if they want to go further, they don't know how many years it will take.

Not to mention the source power for him.

"Just a trial?"

Teng Qingshan felt a little bit of this strange hall and was a little surprised.

Although he has traveled through time and space, he is still very secretive about this kind of thing.

Not to mention, the meaning in Gu Shaoshang's words seems to have to cross the time line, which is a little scary.

"Of course."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and said, "By the way, you can also get some source power. After all, you still owe me hundreds of billions of source power. You can pay it back slowly, but you don't need to pay it back."

He spread his hands out, open-minded, and did not mean to hide his thoughts.

Everything is mutually beneficial, and Gu Shaoshang doesn't feel that he is sorry for anyone.

"Original force......"

Teng Qingshan nodded slightly, and his heart slowly fell.

Although he knew that Gu Shaoshang would not attack the people of the earth, the gap was too big, and it always made people think.

In particular, for Gu Shaoshang, whether it is to go to other worlds or travel through time and space, it is too ordinary, but for ordinary earth warriors, it is a legendary thing.

"Traveling through time and space....Original force..."

Luo Feng stood beside Teng Qingshan without making a sound, thinking in his heart.

For Gu Shaoshang, his mood is quite complicated.

For him to distribute the Martial Dao system to the world, but he is always a little uneasy.

When he knew that Gu Shaoshang was the man behind the martial arts system, his teeth itch with hatred.

I can't wait to get it out, put it on the ground, and hit it with a hammer.

However, after coming to the Temple of Time and Space, he felt that he was thinking too much.

Fortunately, it is not a shameful thing to follow the heart.

"The opportunity is in front of you, and the rest, naturally, you have to take it and fight for it!"

Gu Shaoshang glanced at Teng Qingshan and said lightly.

His disciple, among all his disciples, also belongs to the most kind-hearted person.

Gu Shaoshang naturally knew his thoughts.

But, as the so-called, Shengmien fights against Mien, and the simple sacrifice is not necessarily grateful, but more likely to be hatred and suspicion.

On the contrary, he frankly stated that what he was looking for was the source power, and all the magical treasures and the nine great spiritual treasures should be exchanged for the source power.

This is enough to dispel the resistance of most people.

This is much better than Gu Shaoshang's direct disclosure of the Nine Great Divine Treasures and sending a large number of cultivation resources.

Although Gu Shaoshang didn't live long, this point is still clear.

"The disciple understands."

Teng Qingshan nodded, expressing acceptance.

After all, opposition is useless.

"After today, the Temple of Time and Space will be completely revealed. After that, it's up to you to decide whether to go or not."

Seeing that Teng Qingshan no longer objected, Gu Shaoshang waved his hand slightly and said no more.

The appearance of the Temple of Time and Space will inevitably cause waves on the earth.

No martial artist would turn a blind eye after seeing that a martial artist who was originally at the same level as himself, or even inferior, had the opportunity to surpass himself.

Just like, the trend.

"Master, this disciple is here to..."

Seeing that Gu Shaoshang was about to keep his mouth shut, Teng Qingshan spoke again and looked at Luo Feng.

"You have your chance, and Luo Feng also has his chance. Martial arts is not suitable for him. Instead of worrying about his future, it is better to think about yourself."

Gu Shaoshang glanced at Luo Feng and Teng Qingshan, and said something lightly.

Luo Feng's life, what an amazing opportunity, and his achievements are the first in this world in history!

Where does Teng Qingshan need to worry about?

Luo Feng gritted his teeth slightly, his eyes twitching.

He didn't know why Gu Shaoshang looked down on him, but he was not a person who begged others for charity.

Immediately, Rateng Qingshan shook his head at him, not letting him say anything more.

Teng Qingshan was helpless and could only sigh.


Gently knocking Teng Qingshan, Gu Shaoshang's sleeve robe trembled slightly.

The two disappeared into the temple of time and space in the ripples of time and space.



The wind and snow fluttered in the sky, shaking the clothes of Luo Feng and the two of them.

With a hint of apology on Teng Qingshan's face, he said, "Third brother, Master respects him..."

"He's right, everyone has their own chances. I, Luo Feng, don't have a martial arts system, and I won't lose to anyone!"

Luo Feng's expression was calm, as if he had not been affected at all.

"Third brother..."

Teng Qingshan shook his head slightly and wanted to say something, but Luo Feng stopped him.

"Brother, don't worry, I won't be resentful because of this..."

Luo Feng glanced at the space-time island high in the sky, and said solemnly.

Gu Shaoshang doesn't owe him, the martial arts system is his thing, even if it is not given to him, it is his freedom.

How could he, Luo Feng, be resentful because of this?

But one day, I will stand upright in front of him as a warrior and tell him that there is something wrong with his vision!

Say it casually, it's not uncommon!

Luo Feng clenched his fists slightly, and said to himself in his heart.

Today's event, he will remember in his heart, never forget it.

"Third brother, look away, it will be fine."

Seeing Luo Feng's serious expression, Teng Qingshan nodded and said.

But he knew that the tone in Luo Feng's heart would be difficult to dispel.

"Brother, so, I will go home."

Luo Feng smiled slightly, said goodbye to Teng Qingshan, and left, heading straight for Jiangnan.


Looking at Luo Feng's back, Teng Qingshan sighed slightly.

He couldn't understand why Gu Shaoshang didn't give Luo Feng a share because the martial arts system was still spreading all over the world.


On the second day, when the sun rose, countless warriors on the Eurasian continent saw the huge shadow covering the hemisphere.

Fortunately, Teng Qingshan had already spread the matter all over the world, but it did not cause any major disturbances.

After all, compared to the virtual universe login device that Luo Feng brought back this time, just a floating continent would not surprise many people.

After all, that virtual universe is the product of the giant virtual universe company that spans the universe. It includes countless planets and can be called the second universe of the human race.

In comparison, this side of the Floating Continent, on the surface, doesn't seem to be too mysterious.


Under the leadership of Teng Qingshan and Thor, at the resident of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall, many figures above the earth who had reached the stellar level rose into the sky and came to the space-time island.

"This is......."

Teng Qingshan was slightly startled.

At this time, on the space-time island, a lot of changes have already taken place.

Before the Temple of Time and Space, a huge square with a whole body of silver and white appeared astonishingly.

On the square, there is a huge portal that has been opened and is a hundred meters high.

In the portal, many lights and shadows circulate, and the breath is faint and uncertain, like a big mouth that swallows everything, making people daunting.


At the moment of arriving at the space-time island, silver-white rays of light flashed past, and the information was captured by the martial arts system, and then transmitted to many martial artists:

【Welcome to the Temple of Time and Space】

[The Temple of Time and Space, which runs through many worlds, many universes, together with the past, runs through the future, and is omnipresent and inaccessible]

[Above the space-time square, all killings are prohibited, offenders will be deprived of the martial arts system, and they will be banned from entering the space-time square for life]

[The space-time portal above the space-time square, together with many worlds, space-time... Among them, you may go to different worlds, or you may go to different time-spaces everywhere]

[In these worlds, in these time and space, there are too many regrets, too much dissatisfaction, too much fighting, too much hatred... But what you want will definitely come true! All worlds, all living beings in time and space, as long as there is a desire in their hearts, they will generate tasks on the gate of time and space. Your access will be able to travel through time and space, and if you complete them, you will be able to obtain source power. Those who accept the task but cannot complete it, need to pay the equivalent source power as compensation]

【Original power! Source power! Source power! The goal of everything is the source! Power is everything! 】


A lot of information circulated in the minds of all the warriors, causing all the warriors to be shocked.

"Travel through the world, across time and space, past and future? True or false?"

"After completing the task, you can obtain the source power? What is the task? Will there be any danger?"

"If we go back to the past and our actions change the past, will the current world be destroyed? Will we disappear? Going to the future, will we see our future selves?"

"The Temple of Time and Space, what kind of creation is it? What does it have to do with the martial arts system?"

After a short silence the sound of the clamor above the square suddenly broke through the sky.

Countless warriors, all of them couldn't hold back their emotions and shouted one after another.

A small number of them exclaimed, and most of them turned their attention to Teng Qingshan and Thor, with the intention of inquiring.

"Okay! Stop arguing!"

A star-level warrior shouted loudly, suppressing the noise above the square, and asked Teng Qingshan:

"The owner of the museum, is the gate of time and space credible? Is there any danger in it?"

Teng Qingshan stood in front of the crowd, his eyes swept across the crowd of warriors, and said indifferently:

"The information of the Temple of Time and Space is all in the Martial Dao system, you can check it yourself....... As for whether it is dangerous to travel through time and space, I can only say that if you die in it, no one can save you."

"Whether you want to go in is your choice, no one is forcing it."

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