Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1093: Come by boat, take a mountain passenger (4000 words)

?After landing in Daluo, all the treasures of heaven and earth have no meaning.

Any big Luo can open up a complete universe, and any kind of heaven and earth treasures are like passing clouds and can't play any role.

For Daluo, Hongmeng Purple Qi and Inextinguishable Spiritual Light are considered treasures.

One side has a complete universe with all the avenues, and the grandmist purple energy and inextinguishable aura it possesses will not add up to more than fifty, without destroying the stability of the universe.

Even Daluo, who opened up a big universe, can only get no more than ten primordial purple qi or immortal aura without destroying the universe.

For Daluo, the aura of Hongmeng is the elixir to increase his performance, and the inextinguishable aura is the spiritual object that accumulates the foundation for the innate spiritual treasure.

Therefore, if there is an exchange between Da Luo, it is based on the primordial purple energy and the immortal aura. As for the chaotic innate primordial primordial immortal spirit, in the eyes of the vast majority of Da Luo, it is also possible. An unattainable treasure.

In the endless infinite multiverse, the only way to obtain the inextinguishable spirit of primordial primordial primordial chaos is to burn one's own Dao foundation with the existence of a Hunyuan series.

Daluo has no calamity, and Hunyuan is immortal.

The only people who can make Hunyuan fall are the supreme giants who are also Hunyuan. It is conceivable how precious it is.

Other than that, there is almost no possibility of getting it.

This is also the reason why Gu Shaoshang is so shocked when he knows that the Mirror of the Heavens can convert the source power into the purple energy of Hongmeng, and the inextinguishable spirit of Chaos Innate Hongmeng is so shocking.

The Heavenly Mirrors do not have any ability to protect and attack, but this alone almost surpasses any spiritual treasure he knows.

Even though, condensing requires ten thousand strands of Hongmeng purple energy, and ten thousand strands of immortal aura, the same is true.

"Two Trillion Billions of Source Power..."

Gu Shao muttered again in sadness, thinking a little in his heart.

A seven-star or higher universe is a collection of countless universes. It exists in the Chaos Sea, which is equivalent to building a dam on the river to continuously accommodate the unowned universe in the Chaos Sea.

This big world is even more than seven stars and a half, but Gu Shaoshang is also a little uncertain about whether it can obtain 20 billion source power in it.

It can only be hoped that this big world has existed for a longer time, and enough universes have been attracted from the chaotic sea of ​​endless infinite multiverse.

Otherwise, it is almost impossible for Gu Shaoshang to condense the inextinguishable spirit of the inextinguishable chaotic innate Hongmeng without destroying the great universe here.


Time flies, and ten years have passed in an instant.

In the past ten years, after the inflow of resources from countless space-time universes, the planetary-level warriors on the earth finally broke through 10 million, and the star-level warriors finally broke through 10,000!

Cosmic-level warriors, including Teng Qingshan, Thor, and Kitten, also broke through ten people.

Even if you look at the universe, you can barely stand on it.

The footprints of the people on earth have finally stepped out of the solar system and further radiated toward the Milky Way.

Transforming planets is no longer difficult for the people of the earth at this time. The number of life planets has also exceeded ten, and resource stars have exceeded a thousand!

After all, they are backed by the gate of time and space, and the means they have are beyond the imagination of people in this universe.

However, at the same time as the development, Teng Qingshan and others also have a faint worry in their hearts. The continuous development of the earth will inevitably touch the cosmic kingdom that rules the eight galaxies including the Milky Way, the Carlo Empire!

It was a giant empire that the earth could not compare to at this time.

What is even more terrifying is that behind the Caro Empire, there is the Black Dragon Mountain Empire!

That is the giant force that really has the power of immortal series!

Even if it is not as good as the top forces such as the Virtual Universe Company, the Giant Axe Fighting Field, etc., it is already an unimaginable terrifying existence for the earth at this time.

At this time, it is good to say that the earth has only developed for a few short decades. Looking at the universe, this time is almost negligible, but as time goes by, one day, the earth will come into contact with such a giant force.

Is it war? Or surrender?

After so many years of getting along, Teng Qingshan has long known that his master will not help the earth, and if he wants to stand firm in the universe, he can only rely on himself!

The earth, the Asian continental plate, Yangzhou city, the bank of the West Lake.

It was noon at this time, and the sun was hot, even by the West Lake, it was very hot.


In the courtyard of the West Lake, Teng Qingshan and Thor walked at a pace, walking through the curved corridor to the backyard of the courtyard.

This is Luo Feng's mansion. It occupies a small area, but it is very quiet.

Walking through the backyard, the two of them froze slightly, as if they had passed through some kind of diaphragm, and then they saw Luo Feng.


In the middle of the backyard was a stone platform. Luo Feng sat cross-legged on the stone platform. The air flow between his nose and mouth made a "squeak" sound, and the courtyard made of alloy kept shaking.

Here, it is no longer the earth, but in the virtual universe.

More than ten years ago, Luo Feng went to the Cosmos Bank to take out the legacy of his master, Huyanbo, the Lord of the Fallen Black Star, and then spent a lot of money to introduce the virtual universe into the earth.

The central place is Luo Feng's mansion.

This place seems to be the earth, but it is already on the earth in the virtual universe.

"Virtual Universe Company is really tyrannical and unbelievable."

Teng Qingshan stopped and sighed slightly.

The virtual universe company is a giant in the universe. Its virtual universe is almost spread across the entire universe. Facilities such as virtual games, virtual battlefields, etc., obtain countless resources for it every day.

If there is no gate of time and space, the earth's eternal life and eternal cultivation can be compared to it.

Even if it is backed by the gate of time and space, it will take more time than imagined to catch up with the virtual universe company.

After all, the further back in the practice, the slower it gets.

Thor was also deeply touched, and said, "The universe is too big, there are too many strong people, there are too many powerful forces! In the arena, just at the cosmos level, there are many geniuses."

Today, as the gate of time and space is integrated into the lives of earth warriors, so is the virtual universe.

Among them, the arena and the killing field are all indispensable to the earth warriors today.

After all, although the mission can obtain resources, if you want to hone your record, you still have to go to the virtual universe.

After all, if everything is virtual, there will be no crisis of life and death.

In just 20 years, Earth warriors have become quite famous in the virtual universe, within the territory of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

Teng Qingshan and Lei Shen were the cosmos-level masters who almost swept across the territory of Black Dragon Mountain.

"Big brother, second brother..."

The moment the two came here, Luo Feng slowly let out a long breath, smiled slightly, and said, "Are you here?"

Today's Luo Feng has a completely different attitude.

In the blink of an eye, it is full of powerful and powerful, but it is already the cultivation base of the peak of the star level.

And his golden-horned beast deity has already advanced to the cosmos level!

"The third brother's cultivation is really fast and unbelievable."

Thor sighed slightly.

His family knew about his own affairs. For Luo Feng, it was only more than ten years, but the time they spent in other worlds was dozens of times that.

In this way, although the rank is higher than Luo Feng's, it has not been able to pull down too far.

The difference is known to the individual.

Therefore, although Luo Feng seemed to have only a stellar peak, the two of them did not dare to underestimate him.

"Thank you eldest brother, second brother."

Luo Feng stood up, walked in front of the two, and clasped his fists slightly.

His advancement is much easier than Thor and others. As long as the golden-horned behemoth can swallow enough metal, he can advance.

Before immortality, there is no bottleneck.

Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to keep up with these two older brothers.

"My brother, why are you being polite?"

Teng Qingshan waved his hand.

The three brothers said politely and sat down on the stone platform on one side.

During the conversation, Teng Qingshan talked about his worries.

"If that person is unwilling to take action, we can't say. We must join a major force to seek shelter. Otherwise, the earth at this time cannot be compared with the universe country."

Luo Feng pointed to the sky and said to Teng Qingshan.

Even if Teng Qingshan and Teng Qingshan were able to advance to the domain master at this time, there were as many as ten people at the cosmos level on earth. However, as long as any cosmos kingdom came to a world lord, the earth would be wiped out.

Unless, Gu Shaoshang shot.

"Join other great forces..."

Teng Qingshan hesitated slightly.

The big forces in the universe are not easy to join, not to mention, they can't touch those huge forces.

If you join the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, the earth will almost certainly be swallowed in one bite.

This is unacceptable to him.

"Yes, I have decided, and then I will go far away from the universe, find a big force to join, and use the resources in it to practice."

Luo Feng solemnly glanced at the two brothers and said, "You don't need to persuade me, I have made up my mind!"

With the resources left by Moxing Moxing alone, it is not difficult for him to cultivate to the world master, but it is not difficult to become immortal.

Staying on Earth, he felt that he might not be able to compare to this group of open-minded existences.

Seeing that he was surpassed by others, Luo Feng couldn't bear it.


Teng Qingshan and Thor looked at each other and both sighed.

You know, Luo Feng's mind has been decided and can't be changed.

"Never mind."

After thinking for a moment, Teng Qingshan nodded and said, "The third brother has made up his mind, and I will not persuade him any more, but the universe is dangerous, and it is not easy for many great forces to join. You have to think twice before you act."

Although he knew that Luo Feng had great fortune from his injuries, he was still a little worried.

After all, luck is too illusory, how can people really turn a bad luck into a good one, and their wishes come true?


Suddenly, a huge thunder streak across the virtual universe, high above the earth.

"This is?"

Luo Feng and the three were startled, and all looked up at the sky.

In between, a huge list suddenly appeared above the ten thousand meters above Luo Feng's mansion.

The list is all black, with white writing flashing on it, which is the universal text of the universe.

"Co-organized by the Virtual Universe Company, together with all the universe countries, the once-in-a-million universe human beings - the peak genius battle"

"Coming soon!"

"Are you a genius? Can't find an opponent at the same level? Then participate in the peak genius battle. Here, there will be many cosmic nations in the entire universe, and hundreds of millions of geniuses will fight fiercely!"

"Outstanding people, you can join the major cosmic countries in the universe, and even the virtual universe company, the giant axe arena... and other major forces!"

"For details, please pay attention to the official website of the virtual universe!"

Looking at the virtual universe and the huge list that flashed above the earth, many warriors in the virtual universe at this time were all shocked.

And even more shocked, it was Teng Qingshan and Thor.

"Three, third brother..."

Thor swallowed and looked at Luo Feng in disbelief: "You, you..."

"Peak Genius Battle? Virtual Universe Company?"

Teng Qingshan was also a little shocked. He just thought about it, the Great Luck is not what he wanted. At this time, the Virtual Universe Company is going to hold the Peak Genius Battle!

This is a bit of a coincidence too!

Great luck, can you really achieve what you want?

Luo Feng was also slightly surprised. He didn't expect that there was such a thing as the peak genius battle of the universe.

"Luo Feng! Great opportunity, great opportunity!!"

In the intelligent space, Babata shouted: "If you can join a big force like the virtual universe company, you will be developed! Peak genius battle! Whether it is star level or cosmic level, as long as you can emerge, you can become famous in one fell swoop. , the universe knows!"

"Peak Genius Battle..."

Luo Feng's heart ignited with passion, and he couldn't help clenching his fists.

His golden-horned beast deity is already at the cosmic level, and his earthling avatar is at the pinnacle of the stellar level, which is just right to participate in this cosmic peak genius battle!

With his strength at this time, even if he looks at the star level in the universe, he is not afraid!

"Virtual Universe Company..."


"The Peak Genius Battle of the Universe..."

In the Temple of Time and Space, Gu Shaoshang lay reclining on the throne, thoughtful.

Although he has never re-registered in Daluo, there is nothing on the earth that can hide his sight, and he naturally knows everything that happens in the virtual universe.

All this is really too coincidental, the coincidence to the point of surprising him.

One ring after another, Luo Feng's rise is simply the most perfect script.

Spiritual Master Talents, Escape Sky Shuttle, Meteorite Spaceship, House Seizing Technique, Golden Horned Giant Beast, Peak Talent Battle......and, Sitting Mountain Guest.

"It's really interesting."

Gu Shaoshang's eyes moved slightly, looking from a distance from the Temple of Time and Space, penetrating the void, and looking into the depths of the endless starry sky.

I saw that in the endless dark starry sky, a broken ship came faintly, exuding a cold air that was more dead than the universe.

The speed of the ship seems to be slow, but it is inconceivably fast. There is no fluctuation in time and space. In an instant, it can span thousands of light-years, and wherever it passes, the light of the stars is dimmed, as if it will be endless. The cold air froze in general.

From a distance, the endless stars are as weak and weak as flames in a gust of wind.

On top of the broken boat, an unremarkable old man sat cross-legged, constantly kneading a white and shiny stone in his palm.

"Sit on the mountain..."

Gu Shaoshang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and his eyes fell.

It happened that the old man seemed to feel something and raised his head.

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