Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1094: Questions from the Mountain Guest

The sitting mountain guest raised his head slightly, overlooking the Wugen starry sky, and his heart was slightly shocked.

I saw that in the endless starry sky, the wisps of stellar brilliance, the law of Dao Yun, in the dark and silent starry sky, outlined a pair of huge eyes.

The pupils are so big that there are countless galaxies and countless stars in their pupils.

Calm, indifferent, distant, as ethereal as Dao, in the contempt, with an indescribable domineering.


The sitting mountain guest slowly exhaled a long breath, and his heart shook slightly.

The master of this scorpion has unfathomable strength, and his introverted and domineering meaning makes him feel jealous.

"When did this universe come to such an invincible existence? Is it the existence on the origin continent?"

Sitting on the mountain pondered slightly in his heart.


With a move in his heart, the boat under his seat trembled slightly, and flew through the vast sea of ​​stars, heading straight for the Milky Way.


"Sit on the mountain, the god-king of Jin from the origin continent..."

Gu Shaoshang retracted his gaze, and the information about the sitting mountain guest flowed through his mind.

This mountaineer is the powerful man who transformed the earth. According to legend, even the lord of the country above the origin continent was chased by several **** kings from the origin continent because the country was destroyed.

Of course, the Sitting Mountain Guest at this time is just a ray of incarnation.

The reason why he can come across the universe is not how powerful his incarnation is at this time, but his realm is extremely high, and he can cross the sea of ​​​​stars with a gentle movement of the law.

For some forces in this universe, they are considered to be lone powerhouses, but for Gu Shaoshang, they are nothing.

Even if it is his deity, Gu Shaoshang doesn't care much.

Looking at this world, the vastness of time and space, and many universes, can make him pay attention, but only a few.

What Gu Shaoshang cared about more than his strength was that he was Luo Feng's master.

future master.


In the vast sea of ​​stars, the mountain passenger patted the deck lightly.

The broken ship trembled slightly, and was already submerged in time and space, shuttled through the gap between this universe and the original universe, crossed more than a dozen galaxies, and came to the Milky Way.

The speed of this ship is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The previous moment was still in the Milky Way, and the next moment, it has broken into the earth's atmosphere.


The mountain guest slowly got up, put away the boat, stepped gently, and came to the space-time square.

There are many people on the space-time square. Hundreds of thousands of warriors shuttled through the gate of space-time, or returned with harvests, or with injuries. Of course, some also fell into unknown space-time, not to mention bones, even souls are lost. of.

"The law of time and space..."

Sitting Mountain Guest glanced at the space-time portal, and his heart was slightly condensed.

The gate of time and space is simply erected there.

In the eyes of ordinary earth warriors, it is just a simple portal. Even if they know that it can connect many time and space and many universes, and they are in awe, they cannot see why.

But in the eyes of the mountain guest, this gate of time and space condenses the incalculable laws of time and space, and under the interweaving of endless Taoism, a space and time center is formed.

Just by looking at it, he knew that this portal was not only the space-time laws of this universe, but also the space-time laws of other universes, even the origin continent and other worlds.

Its splendid and esoteric place makes people sitting on the mountain a little astonished.

"Great creation, extraordinary means of sanctification!"

The mountain guest sighed slightly, and looked at the eyes of many earth warriors, and they all changed slightly: "With this opportunity, the future of this planet is really limitless and unimaginable."

Sitting on many time and space, many resources of the universe, good luck, not to mention human beings, even a group of pigs can soar into the sky.

"Ha ha."

At this moment, a chuckle sounded, Gu Shaoshang silently came to the side of the mountain guest, looked at the noise on the space-time square, shook his head and said: "These little brats are noisy day and night, fellow Daoist don't want to laugh It is."


The sitting mountain guest chewed slightly, nodded and said, "Those who seek Taoism call each other Taoist friends, but it is wonderful."

He laughed, turned around, and clasped his fists slightly: "Jin, I have seen fellow Daoist."

It was only now that he had truly witnessed this one, which made him feel an unfathomable existence.

Wearing a black robe to cover the body, neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, with hair hanging down from the waist, the appearance is flawless and perfect, the bearing is calm, and the meaning of endless domineering is contained within.

Duan is a first-class person he has never seen before, and he admires it in his heart.

"You don't have to be polite, fellow Daoist."

Gu Shaoshang smiled and cupped his hands, saying, "Speaking of which, the Earth's lineage belongs to fellow Daoists, but someone Gu has the suspicion that a dove occupies a magpie's nest."

Sitting on the mountain in this universe is equivalent to being the ancestor of the Yan God Clan and the Earth lineage.

Gu Shaoshang occupied the earth, but it took some advantage of him.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Sitting on the mountain did not dare to take care of him, he waved his hands again and again and said, "The amount of energy spent by fellow Daoists on the earth is far above me. How can there be a saying that a dove occupies a magpie's nest?"

Although he came here, it was because of the changes that happened on the earth.

But seeing Gu Shaoshang, he naturally changed his mind.

However, a mere earth, how could it be possible to provoke such a tyrannical existence.

In any case, he cultivated earthlings, but it was just an idle move.

"This place is not suitable for conversation, let's talk inside."

Gu Shaoshang was not too polite. After nodding slightly, he stepped back to the Temple of Time and Space.

The thoughts of the mountain guest flickered in his heart, and he also stepped into the temple of time and space.

One meeting, two conversations, and the mountain-passenger was invisibly at a disadvantage, and some of them followed suit.

He was slightly cautious in his heart.

Even on the continent of origin, he rarely encountered such a situation.

Behind the Temple of Time and Space is a small courtyard.

One old tree, one side of the pond, stone tables, stone chairs, neatly arranged.

The two took their seats one after another, and Gu Shaoshang took out a pot of tea and poured a cup for the passengers sitting on the mountain.

"Good tea."

The guest sitting on the mountain smelled it slightly and praised: "This tea can wash the soul, help people understand the laws of the Dao, and it is a first-class boutique."

"Tea is enlightenment tea, and water is divine spring water. It is a filial piety for the younger generation, and it is only used for tongues and tongues for us, and it is not worth mentioning."

Gu Shaoshang held the teacup and smiled slightly.

The perfect world has long been unified, the Supreme Heavenly Court suppresses the three thousand heavens and the earth, and many great emperors and ancient emperors who originally covered the world are all advanced immortal kings, such as Qing Emperor, and the fighting saint emperor has touched the threshold of the quasi-immortal emperor.

Naturally, the ancient tea tree of enlightenment has also obtained a lot of good fortune.

Together with the ancient Bodhi tree, the elixir of true dragon immortality, and the ancient peach tree, they are also known as the Four Great Spiritual Roots of the Supreme Heaven.

The tea leaves obtained by Gu Shaoshang are naturally the most quintessential tea leaves from the Ancient Enlightenment Tea Tree.

For the existence under the Immortal King, it has the effect of cleansing the soul and comprehending the Dao.

But whether it's Gu Shaoshang or the person sitting on the mountain in front of him, the realm naturally exceeds that of the Immortal King. Although they are all incarnations, the essence of the soul is also beyond the scope of Enlightenment Tea.

From Gu Shaoshang's eyes, it is natural to see at a glance that the deity of the mountain guest should be an existence that has already embarked on the innate path.

Compared with Ye Fan, Wu Beginning, and the Ruthless Great Emperor naturally have a gap, but they are also more than the average Immortal King.

"It's already an incredible boutique."

Sitting on the mountain also held up the tea cup, feeling more and more that Gu Shao's injury was unfathomable.

In his previous life, he was the God King on the Origin Continent. Although he was not an invincible hand in the Origin Continent, he was considered a giant on the Origin Continent.

If it wasn't for the three god-kings joining forces, he wouldn't have lost so badly.

But in front of Gu Shaoshang, he felt a trace of awe and suppression from the depths of his heart.

Obviously, the cultivation of this mysterious existence in front of him has not surpassed him.

"Fellow Daoist is here, but are you aware of the changes on the earth?"

Gu Shaoshang took a light sip of the tea, the mouth was bitter, and after a while, the sweet taste rose up, and the aftertaste was long.

"But it's like what the Taoist said."

Sitting on the mountain nodded and didn't hide it.

His actions in this universe are not too many. The Yan God Race is the race he opened up to study the transformation of the physical body, but the earth is the place where he studies the essence of the soul.

Naturally, his eyes would fall on the earth from time to time.

Seeing that all the warriors on the earth have embarked on the road of martial arts, if he has not noticed it, it is not a joke.

"A little disappointed?"

Gu Shaoshang put down the teacup and looked at the guest sitting on the mountain.

"Of course there is."

The mountain guest's eyes flickered slightly, and he sighed: "I was originally a **** king from the origin continent, and I strayed into the sea of ​​​​cosmos. Because there is a big enemy outside, it is difficult to return, whether it is the earth or the Yan protoss. My attempt at revenge..."

Next, the mountain guest explained his purpose to Gu Shaoshang.

"The Lord of the Universe, the True God, the True God of the Void, the True God of Eternity, the Holy Spirit, the God King... The God King is by no means the limit. According to legend, there is a higher realm above the God King!"

"It is said that when the realm is reached, even the supreme rules cannot be restricted, and even the supreme rules can be formulated, and even beyond the sea of ​​​​cosmos, and even the origin of the continent!"

"Unfortunately, I can't take that step after comprehending endless years."

Sitting on the mountain was slightly unwilling and a little yearning.

In his previous life, he was a **** king on the origin continent. With a single thought, he could open up a small universe and create a treasure of the **** king. His lifespan was almost infinite, but his cultivation was endless.

He knew that there was a road ahead, but he couldn't set foot on it. Naturally, he was extremely unwilling.

"At least, you have already embarked on that path."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head and said: "Endless beings, it is not easy to be able to walk on this road. You can go this far, and you have surpassed endless beings."

Stepping on the road of rebellion against the innate, even in the endless chaotic sea, there are not many.

It is already extraordinary that a mountain guest can take this step.

"Dare to ask friend, have you already boarded it?"

Sitting on the mountain was inexplicably moved, and looked at Gu Shaoshang with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.


Gu Shaoshang nodded.

"Sure, sure enough!"

Sishan Ke's mind trembled, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but stand up:

"Dare to ask, how powerful is that realm?"

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