Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1105: in the beginning

"There is no disaster in Da Luo, Hunyuan is forever, the giant of Hunyuan Wuji, there is almost no concept of demise."

After a brief shock, Hua Tian came back to his senses and shook his head slightly.

Daluo is eternal in all time and space, and the concept spreads over all time and space in the heavens and the world, even if the deity and the Tao body are dead, there is also a chance to be resurrected.

The real demise must be the loss of its Dao aggregate, and its essence is completely wiped out by people.

The series above Hunyuan is much more powerful.

The existence of every Hunyuan series is itself the Tao, the Tao of the endless infinite multiverse.

Like time and space, like fate, like yin and yang, like five elements, it is easier said than done if you want to completely obliterate it.

In the heavens and the worlds, the Ancestral Dragon is the only one that exists forever. If you want to make it die, there must be another dragon **** on the throne of the Ancestral Dragon. The concept overwhelms the heavens and covers all the concepts of the predecessor Ancestral Dragon.

Other Hunyuan series are generally the same.

And so far, he has not heard that there is a dragon **** proving Dao Zulong.

"so what?"

Mu Xiantian chuckled lightly:

"Daluo is free from disasters, not immortal, Hunyuan is forever, but not invincible! That Zulong was forged by the Great Qin Shihuang into the Five Treasures of the Qin Dynasty, Black Dragon Robe, Shihuang Sword, Zulong Banner, Zulong Horn, Zhenguo Great Wall ."

"What's the difference between this and death?"

"It's not like this, this Ancestral Dragon is really a bit miserable."

The causal Taoist was dumbfounded.

Primordial Primordial is forever, it is almost impossible to die, but if it is suppressed, it is no different from death.

After all, the dragon gods of the dragon race are all over the endless universe, boundless time and space, and Zulong is in the midst of suppression and annihilation, and there may not be no dragon gods who can seize the opportunity and ascend to the position of Zulong.

"Whether this is the case is unknown, and even if it is true, it may not be so terrifying."

Hua Tiandu recovered his calm, flicked his sleeve robe, and said indifferently: "With the status of the three emperors, in addition to casting the first emperor, if you want to overwhelm Haotian's divine position, it itself is the land of immortality, the enemy of the divine way!"

"The Supreme Supreme of the Haotian Golden Tower is naturally wonderful with the true Jade Emperor God Miluo, but he is not comparable to Zulong."

The Three Sovereigns are the highest status of human beings, but the Great Heavenly Venerate is the highest status of all immortal and divine Taos in the endless infinite multiverse!

The throne of the three emperors is under him, the heavens and the world, and the almost infinite humane emperors are all called the emperor!

Who is the sky?

That is God!

Even those giants who can be compared to the endless infinite multiverse avenues in the legend must respect them by three points.

Even the World Honored Lingshan, who is the most powerful person under the Primordial Yuan, is only one of the five elders of the five directions in his heavenly court!

A true supreme giant!

The first emperor wanted to dominate the human way, and he would fight for the highest status under the avenue. The biggest enemy was not them, but the heaven, and even the whole immortal way!


Daoist Karma's eyes flickered slightly, and he suddenly remembered that when he had obtained the Immortal System of Immortal Qin, he seemed to have seen the battle between the army of Immortal Qin and Immortal Dao.

The First Emperor, who dared to take the initiative to take action against the Immortal Dao, would not be without support.

"Wait for Daoist Yujing and the others to come."

Xiongba waved his hand, his mind was a little dignified, and said: "Without them sitting in charge, we are probably not the opponent of the first emperor."

Among the heavens and the world, Daluo may become the overlord of one party, ruling over millions of universes, and reigning in all time and space.

But all Da Luo knew that only by stepping into Hunyuan could he be a giant.

The reason why the shuttlers of the heavens can be relatively equal to the main temple depends on the nine giants of the Hunyuan series!

"It's not just Xian Qin."

Hua Tiandu said: "This Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm is boundless, and Xianqin only occupies the prehistoric realm. In the Hunyuan Realm, which is deep in this realm, there are no less giants in it. For other forces other than Qin, the Lord God wants to attack this world, it is not that simple."

"Let's just wait and see what happens."


Mu Xiantian, Taoist Karma nodded in unison.

The situation in this world is too complicated, and it involves the two major forces of the Human Dao and the Immortal Dao. If there is no clue, who would dare to plunge into it hastily?

The first emperor can suppress Zulong, and naturally he can also suppress them.

Naturally, we have to wait for the arrival of the real battle before we can decide which side to join.

"By the way, several adults, before the endless time and space, the end of the Taiyi flood era ended with the destruction of the flood continent and dissipated in all time and space. Then, what is the name of this era?"

Daoist Karma suddenly opened his mouth and looked at a few people.

He has been in the main temple for a short time, he has his own clumsiness, and has limited access to secrets. Naturally, he does not know as much as these old antiques.

"It's too easy to flood, it's just the name of the descendants, as for this era."

Xiongba glanced at Daoist Karma, shook his head and said, "This old man didn't care about this."

"I don't know."

Mu Xiantian also shook his head.

It was even shorter for him to join the main temple. The information about Zulong was still told by Feng Xiaozhong who liked to dissect all clans and learned from the soul of a dragon god.

No one told him about this.


On the other hand, Hua Tiandu, with a move in his heart, seemed to recall something.

His eyes moved slightly, with a trace of memory:

"I have seen it somewhere in the main temple, after Taiyi's flood... yes, vast..."

"By the way, it was the beginning of time!"

"In the beginning.... the vastness..."

The Taoist Karma was suddenly shocked, and the light in his eyes exploded.

Although it was only for a moment, he lowered his head and narrowed his eyes.

But the light of that moment did not hide the few people present.

Hua Tiandu glanced at Daoist Karma cryptically, thinking in his heart:

"This karma Taoist doesn't seem to be simple..."


"In the beginning... the vastness..."

Outside the distant time and space, Gu Shaoshang in the time and space temple was shocked at the same time, causing huge waves.

With this news, he couldn't hold back in his current state of mind.

So much so that the Daoist Karma almost showed his feet.


After a long time, Gu Shaoshang calmed down, his eyes slowly dropped, and he let out a long breath.

At this moment, he thought of a lot, if after the Great Desolation, there is the vast continent, then the importance of the vast continent is somewhat beyond his expectations.

More importantly, in the ancient times of the vast continent, the age of myths is even more ancient, and the more ancient times that have almost disappeared from all records must have happened some very interesting things.

Maybe it was those things that made the main temple and even those supreme giants know about the vast continent, but never set foot in it?

Or, after getting involved, what happened?

Unconsciously, he thought of the great governor Chen Ang again. He couldn't have gone to the vast continent to be suppressed by others, right?

Even, after the cultivation base became deeper and deeper, Gu Shaoshang had doubts about whether anyone on the vast continent could really suppress Chen Ang.

That guy, wouldn't he just stay there and refuse to leave?

"In the beginning, the vastness..."

Thinking about it, Gu Shaoshang's eyes are dark and clear:

"The vast continent..."

However, it was only for a moment that Gu Shaoshang restrained his expression. At this time, he considered these things a little too far.

He just has to do his own thing now.

Collect the source power, condense the inextinguishable spirit of the primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordium, and let the divine will incarnate to accumulate power to ascend to the Great Luojinshu.

Others can only be considered after stepping into Hunyuan.

No one is born at the peak, Gu Shaoshang doesn't care that someone in the world is stronger than himself, that can't let him have any touch, on the contrary, if there is a day, there will be no stronger existence in this world than him.

That might make him boring.

However, after such an interruption, he didn't have the heart to cultivate at this time, and his eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the virtual universe.

Time and space are unpredictable, the moment he communicated with Daoist Karma, in the virtual universe, the peak genius battle has already begun completely.

Millions of peerless geniuses from various continents, islands, and various cosmic countries of the virtual universe traveled to the gathering places of various cosmic countries through teleportation, and then went to the real finals.

However, in this process, the source power that Gu Shaoshang can harvest is not much.

The participation of the earth warriors has long been destined, and most of the places for this genius battle belong to the earth warriors.

In the eyes of Gu Shaoshang, Yingche was that, above the original trajectory, one by one, the geniuses who had emerged in the genius battle, and even joined the virtual universe company, were sadly defeated.

After that, he should have joined the virtual universe company and become immortal, venerable, and even the arrogance of the master of the universe, but none of them could achieve their original achievements.

The fate of their descendants, their planets, galaxies and even cosmic kingdoms has all changed.

The cosmic country that should have risen has lost its chance to rise, and the cosmic country that should have perished has not perished......

Pull one hair and move the whole body.

Gu Shaoshang had obtained a lot of source power before, because the participation of the earth warriors, to a certain extent, had already stirred up the fate of this big universe.

This is the source of power.

But that's all.

The genius battle is just a genius battle in the end, it can't affect more.

However, talking is better than nothing, and Gu Shaoshang is naturally not too little.

Compared with the previous year, he motivated the innate magical powers, suffered from the pain of death from the soul to the flesh, defeated each projection, but only obtained a few sources of power.

It's a billion times better.


In the center of the virtual universe, on a square larger than a star, top geniuses from various cosmic countries stand quietly under the leadership of the immortal beings .

The final battle is about to begin.

"10,008 cosmos countries, 1,008 immortal-level powerhouses! Millions of top geniuses!"

In the square, Luo Feng's eyes flickered as he swept over the top geniuses of the universe.

But after a while, he stopped watching.

Because, on the entire square, the most tyrannical group of people are by his side, and they are all earth warriors!

On the entire square, millions of geniuses from various cosmos countries, and even more than a thousand immortal-level powerhouses, and even the venerable man with a long sword on his back, all looked at the location of the earth warrior.

Look to... yourself!

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