Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1106: The first genius in the whole universe!

Facing the gazes of almost everyone in the entire square, the expressions of many Earth warriors have changed, and their thoughts are different.

The existence of a thousand immortal series, and the gaze of a venerable beyond immortality.

No one can be calm, even Luo Feng, his heart is slightly dignified.

In the vast universe... there are always some planets that are very mysterious, famous and powerful.

Such as Manka Star, Augustus Planet, Mother Ancestor Planet...

These planets are the most tyrannical planets in their respective cosmos countries, and it is very easy to send a group of immortal powerhouses!

But at this time, no matter what kind of genius, it was ignored, and what kind of tyrannical planet was taken away from the earth.

The earth, which was initially emerging in the genius battle, attracted the attention of the entire universe.

"Luo Feng."

A smile appeared on the face of Venerable Nine Swords with an indifferent expression and a long sword on his back.

The Nine Swords Venerable, dressed in a green robe, had a handsome face, but his head was covered with purple scales. Although he was a human race, he was not a human race on earth.

"Your Honor."

Luo Feng bowed slightly, showing respect.

This venerable person from the Virtual Universe Company is a more tyrannical existence than the Lord of the Universe Country of the Dry Witch he has ever seen, so he naturally dare not be rude.

"very nice."

Venerable Nine Swords glanced at the Earth warriors and nodded slightly.

In the entire square, among the millions of warriors, the strongest group of people are all from the earth, even he is a little surprised.

You must know that the people on the entire square come from the entire universe, one thousand and eight top universe countries.

The weakest cosmic kingdoms govern hundreds of millions of galaxies.

It is such a massive population base, but it is not as dazzling as a mere earth.

The secret of this is probably beyond imagination.

This is also the reason why the earth was so hot during this time, but the real big shots never went to the earth.

If you want to achieve this level, you must be the strongest in the universe!

"Thank you for your compliment."

Luo Feng bowed slightly, this kind of treatment, he has experienced too much during this time.

Although, he is only the earth lord in name.

It was a little apprehensive at first, but now I'm getting used to it.

After all, under the circumstance that the existence did not want to come forward, the other earth warriors had not been able to suppress his three brothers.

Although he participated in the stellar talent competition, his golden-horned giant beast clone and the Demon Killer clone are already at cosmic level.

There are only a few cosmic levels on the earth at present.

"His Holiness is very optimistic about these earthlings!"

"No wonder, except for a few people such as Roland, the God of Death, there is no one else in the square that can compare to this group of Earth warriors!"

"It's still hard to imagine that a planet that's not much bigger than a marble can actually give birth to so many geniuses. It's incredible!"

Many immortals who are familiar with each other are talking about it, and their eyes are not far from the earth warriors.

Even Venerable Nine Swords took the initiative to speak, and it was suspected that they were showing good intentions. This group of immortals was naturally more cautious in their hearts.

"This genius battle, I'm afraid it's going to be a joke."

There are also immortal sighs.

The strength of this group of earth warriors is all top notch, plus the perverted geniuses in each universe, it is conceivable that in this genius battle, the vast majority of people will be reduced to foil.

After all, there are more than 900 people in this group of earth warriors, all of whom are comparable to the top talents in other cosmos countries.

Just horrible!

"Don't underestimate the earth, it can create so many geniuses, so that the Nine Swords Venerables will show their favor. Behind it, there are probably the figures of those legendary supreme powers."

An immortal warned: "It's best not to have any bad thoughts, otherwise, the virtual universe can pass, and it may also be planted on the earth."

"How tyrannical is the Virtual Universe Company? Who would dare to embarrass their racial planet?"

I sighed the immortal before, shook his head, and said:

"Not to mention, the group of earth warriors in front of them, in the future, may easily become immortal, and even it is not impossible for the Venerable to be born in it. Who dares to provoke?"

"Want to become a Venerable? How can the Venerable be achieved so easily? How many immortals exist, and you can't become a Venerable even after practicing for hundreds of millions of years."

"Difficult, difficult, difficult."

"Not necessarily."

All the immortals are talking, and they have already accepted the possibility that this genius battle has no harvest.

"Okay! Everyone is silent!"

As time passed, Venerable Nine Swords, who was standing on the high platform with his hands behind his back, spoke lightly.

His voice was not very high, but everyone who heard him speak shut up and dared not speak again.

No one dared to touch the majesty of a Venerable.

"There are 1,008 cosmic countries, and each cosmic country has selected a thousand people. There are as many as one million people present, but our virtual universe company only needs the strongest one thousand people!"

Venerable Nine Swords said lightly, but his voice echoed in the hearts of millions of people:

"So, you need to fight for this thousand places together..."

Venerable Nine Swords lightly described the rules of competition for genius battles, only taking the strongest one thousand people!

One in a thousand!

Ninety-nine percent of the millions of people present will be eliminated!

"A thousand places..."

Even though everyone present was already prepared, their hearts sank.

This kind of competition is really cruel!

Cruelly disappointing!

After all, there are more than 900 top experts competing in the mysteriously rising Earth!

In addition to those tyrannical existences that are famous, the places left for them are simply pitiful.

But no one dared to speak out against it, after all, the venerable and invincible big man of the virtual universe company who spoke!

"The seven-story trial tower, the longer you hold on, the higher the score and the higher the ranking... I have to hold on long enough to not be eliminated."

Luo Feng muttered to himself.

He has always had a sense of crisis in his heart.

As the nominal lord of the earth, he naturally knew how tyrannical the group of warriors on the earth was. Compared with the warriors on the earth, it was the death **** Roland, the most eye-catching opponent before.

He doesn't care that much anymore.

Xiao Yan, Lin Dong, Jianxian, Zhang Haobai... All names flashed in Luo Feng's mind.

"As the Lord of the Earth, Lord of the Galaxy, I must not be surpassed by them, I want to be the first!"

There was a flame burning in Luo Feng's eyes.

His greatest pressure lies in this, he must not be surpassed by Zhang Haobai and others.

The top thousand in the universe is not his goal, his goal is to be number one!


The finals of the peak genius battle began.

At this time, in the initial universe, a stalwart man with a tall figure, like a condensed mountain, stood with his hands behind his back, quietly watching the battle of geniuses unfolding in the virtual universe.


The stalwart giant man whispered to himself, but his voice trembled like a bell that shook the void.

Behind him, in the hazy chaotic mist, another stalwart existence is also looking at everything in the virtual universe.

These two people are the founder of the giant axe, the most powerful human being, and the chaotic city master in this universe.

"In the matter of the earth, there must be the handwriting of the strongest, but who is it, but it is still not known accurately."

The chaotic city lord in the hazy chaotic mist spoke calmly, but Luo Feng, Xiao Yan, Lin Dong and others were reflected in his eyes:

"Their way of practicing and the essence of their souls are completely different from ordinary practitioners. It seems that they are really born for the war, and it is difficult to find an opponent at the same level."

"After the genius war is over, I will personally go to Earth to see what kind of mysteries there are."

The founder of the giant axe spoke lightly, and his voice was majestic and majestic:

"There are not many supreme powers who walk alone. Who is it? As long as I go, I can't hide it from my eyes."

"As for this batch of warriors, they are all from my human race. Joining the virtual universe cannot be neglected! My human race is too weak. I really hope that immortals, cosmos masters, cosmos masters, and even supreme powers can be born among them. !"

Having said that, the founder of the giant axe sighed slightly.

The human race can be regarded as the pinnacle race in the primordial universe, but it is very weak in the vast sea of ​​​​cosmos. Except the founder of the giant axe is very tyrannical, the human race has no advantages.

In the vast sea of ​​​​cosmos, compared with the tyrannical ethnic groups of the human race, there are hundreds of thousands, and the situation of the human race is actually very difficult.

The genius battle is to cultivate the heritage of the human race.

Most of the resources are provided by the superpowers of the human race.

"I know."

The Chaos City Lord nodded slightly, his eyes fell, and he said calmly: "If they are capable, I will naturally not be stingy, and if they are unbearable, resources cannot be wasted."

"Haha! You always do."

The founder of the giant axe smiled and shook his head slightly: "I will leave these things to you. I am still in the forbidden area. I hope, I can get a supreme treasure."

With that said, the figure of the founder of the giant axe disappeared.

As the most powerful person in the human race, the creator of the giant axe spends almost most of his time in the forbidden areas, looking for resources and capturing the most powerful treasure.

"Resources, can't be wasted... After all, this is what you desperately earned..."

After the figure of the founder of the giant axe disappeared, the Chaos City Lord's eyes flickered and he whispered slightly.


"The third child is under a lot of pressure."

Somewhere in the virtual universe, Teng Qingshan sighed slightly.

He naturally knew Luo Feng's pressure.

He is the strongest genius on earth. Even without the martial arts system and the gate of time and space, he can keep up with their footsteps.

But the more so, the greater the pressure on him.

After all, the advantages of the group of warriors on the earth are too great, and it cannot be wiped out by the clone of a golden-horned behemoth.

"Yeah, the pressure on the third son is too much."

Thor nodded slightly, and sighed in his heart: "Without the martial arts system and the gate of time and space, he can achieve such achievements, and even become stronger and stronger. If he gets the martial arts system, what kind of situation will it be?"

Even though he was as proud as him, he had to admit that Luo Feng's talent and diligence far surpassed him.

Even with the help of the Martial Dao System, the Gate of Time and Space, he was barely one step ahead of Luo Feng.

Without the Martial Dao System and the Gate of Time and Space, the total number of warriors on Earth would not be enough for Luo Feng to fight with one hand.


"Martial Dao System.... Martial Dao System..."

Teng Qingshan muttered to himself, his heart suddenly moved, he remembered something, and couldn't help saying:

"The martial arts system is omnipotent. We can repair our own injuries, strengthen our body and soul, strengthen weapons, exchange martial arts insights, and exchange for practice books... Then, can we strengthen the body and soul of others? Woolen cloth?"


Thor stood up abruptly, and couldn't help but blurt out: "Big brother.... Strengthening the third brother?"

His heart Teng Qingshan said that he hadn't even thought about it, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was a real possibility of success.

Since the martial arts system has said that Yuanli is omnipotent, it makes no sense to strengthen Luo Feng!


Teng Qingshan suddenly realized something, and said excitedly, "With the third brother's cultivation at this time, it is absolutely impossible for him to suppress Xiao Yan, Lin Dong and others. ten years!"

"If we strengthen the third brother..."

Thor's expression was also a little excited.

"Then, maybe he can become the number one! The number one genius in the entire universe!"

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