Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1107: This knife, God Emperor is not 2

? Teng Qingshan was shocked.

After Luo Feng got the Meteorite Ink Star inheritance, he passed it on to them without any concealment. He has always been bitter about his inability to help Luo Feng.

At this time, Fu Zhixin couldn't bear it any longer.

"Yes, you can really try it."

Thor's eyes were also bright, and he called out the martial arts system:

【Name: Thor】

[Power: approximately equal to 99.67 million]

[Soul: approximately equal to 99.99 million]

[Evaluation: In this Wugen Star Sea, among the trillions of countless galaxies, it is insignificant]

[Original power: 8563 (Original power can improve the body, soul, combat skills, exercises, magic weapons....)]

[Yuan Li is not omnipotent, but most of them can do it]

[Exchange: Martial Arts Books, Martial Arts Experience]

"Can it be exchanged for others, martial arts experience, secrets?"

Thor asked.

【To answer this question, you need 3,000 energy points. Do you need an answer? 】

There was a flash on the Martial Dao system panel, and handwriting appeared.


Thor gritted his teeth.


The martial arts system is concise and to the point.

"It really does!"

Thor's spirit was shocked, and he was overjoyed.

But in less than a moment, his complexion changed again:

"Only five thousand points are not enough to exchange for too powerful martial arts..."

Thor frowned slightly.

The upgrade of the martial arts system almost emptied him. The 100,000 source power that was originally intended to break through the bottleneck was only 8,000 left. When I asked a question, there were only more than 5,000 points left.

Five thousand source power can simultaneously elevate an ordinary person's flesh and soul to a stellar level, but for someone like Luo Feng, who is close to the pinnacle of stellar level, it is a little insignificant.

What's more, martial arts books and martial arts experience require more source power.

"I only have two thousand..."

Teng Qingshan gave a wry smile, his master was too ruthless, and 99% of the source power of all the warriors on the earth was looted.

As one of the top powerhouses on earth, Teng Qingshan and Thor, together only have 10,000 source power, which is evident.

"You can only sell some of the previous treasures at a low price."

However, Teng Qingshan did not panic.

He and Lei Shen got a lot from their missions, and many treasures were sold at low prices, enough to gather the remaining source power.

"It can only be the."

Thor nodded in agreement.

After the decision, the two no longer delayed, returned to the earth in an instant, boarded the space-time square, and began to sell the treasures obtained at a low price.

Treasures originally worth 1,000 source power were sold for 500, or even 300.

After a while, the warriors on the entire earth were all boiling.

But after boiling for a while, most people still shook their heads and sighed.

Exchange martial arts secrets, martial arts experience, and upgrade the system, which is equivalent to three bottomless black holes, and few people can leave source power.

Fortunately, not everyone has enough power to exchange cheats or martial arts experience.

should be enough.

Teng Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about what kind of martial arts experience to exchange for Luo Feng.

After all, it still takes time to cultivate after the Martial Dao Cheats are exchanged. Luo Feng may not have enough time at this time.

Or martial arts experience, more suitable.

In the Martial Dao system, the Martial Dao experience exchanged is Gu Shaoshang's cultivation experience that has been deduced to the peak with God and Demon Particles, and has once again surpassed subversion.

It is the most low-level secret manual he has ever obtained. Under the deduction of his particle **** and demon body, the level is also unimaginably high.

The exchange of any one to the peak is far beyond the imagination of ordinary warriors.

It didn't take long for the treasures that Teng Qingshan Thor had accumulated over the years to be sold. Although he lost more than half, it was barely enough.

There is no way, who makes the warriors on the earth too poor.


Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

Teng Qingshan did not delay at all, and quickly returned to the virtual universe.

They discussed with each other what martial arts should be exchanged for Luo Feng.

After the martial arts system has been upgraded twice, many martial arts have already opened the initial chapter, and it is a troublesome thing to choose.

"Shen Quan Dao Quan? Xian Dao Dharma? Magic Dao Dharma? Innate supernatural powers? Demon Realm Profound Fetal Art, Dragon Snake Dao Song, Demon-Fu Tian Art, Nine-Rank Heaven Immortal Art, Nine-Turn Mysterious Art, or Nine Great Divine Treasures?  … ..."

Teng Qingshan's eyes flashed, and there was a lot of martial arts information flowing.

"The third brother started his career with spiritual power, and it is appropriate to change the heavens and the extremes of Dafa. However, the introduction of this Dafa said that a certain supreme existence in this Dafa has been deduced to a terrifying level. If you are a little careless, you will get lost. …”

Thor also flipped through the martial arts in the martial arts system and said.

"It's a little dangerous to change the heaven and the earth... The third brother seizes the golden-horned giant beast, the golden-horned giant beast is the deity, and the golden-horned giant beast is metal, you should consider this aspect... ..."

"Then, should you choose the nine-turn Xuan Gong, which is mainly based on the flesh, or choose the practice method, etc., the God Emperor does not have two swords?"

"In the virtual universe, no matter how powerful the physical body is, it is useless, but it is better to exchange the God Emperor's sword!"

"This sword technique, it is said that Xiaocheng can cut off the Milky Way..."

"Exchange this martial arts first, and then think about it, think about it, what will help the third brother..."

Teng Qingshan and Thor whispered and discussed, and finally decided to exchange this sword of God and Emperor first.

This is a sword of killing that has been deduced to its peak.

[Would you like to exchange Luo Feng's cultivation experience for the God Emperor's Fuji Sword? 】

[God Emperor's Fuji Sword is the result of countless years of deduction by a supreme master, and his experience is divided into 999 levels, how many levels can be exchanged? 】

"Exchange the experience equivalent to the world master level."

Teng Qingshan started the exchange with ease.

He knew that the martial arts experience in this martial arts system was all the experience of his master in cultivating this martial arts system.

Reaching the peak is equivalent to performing a certain martial arts by one's own master.

This God Sovereign's only sword, it is only 999 layers, the level is far inferior to the God Fist Dao.

[The experience of exchanging the God Emperor's two swords, one, two, three, four, five and six, because it is used by outsiders, the source power consumption has doubled, and a total of 32,000 source power points have been consumed... Exchange, start 】

As Teng Qingshan made his decision, a ray of purple light flashed past the Martial Dao system, between illusion and reality.


In the vast starry sky, Luo Feng stood on top of a meteorite and looked around. He could see dead planets with no popularity and countless meteorite groups.

This is the trial ground for genius battles in the virtual universe.

"It's too real, I can't see a trace of falsehood at all... The strength of the virtual universe company is too strong."

Looking at the seven trial towers rising from the blue-black meteorite, Luo Feng was amazed.

Whether it's a starry sky or a meteorite, it's so real that he can't tell the difference between the real and the fake, and there are millions of meteorites in this starry sky.

It is conceivable that the strength of the virtual universe company.

On top of this huge meteorite, seven trial towers are located in sequence. Each trial tower has seven levels, and the difficulty is advanced layer by layer. The person who sets it must be a strong one.

Luo Feng looked at the ranking list, and the information of the trial flashed in his heart.

If you pass all the seven levels of the first trial tower, you will get 70,000 points, if you pass all the second towers, you will get 700,000 points, and so on. If you pass the last one, you can get 70 billion points.

Once you die, the trial ends.

"Only 7,000 people can pass this level... I have to hold on to the end, every level until the deadline, then I have 490 days, of course, this is the theory I'm afraid I can't last till the end..."

Luo Feng's heart moved slightly, and he had already made a plan.

With the golden-horned giant beast and the Demon Killer clone, he is getting stronger all the time. Naturally, the longer he persists, the stronger his strength will be.

"My goal is to be number one, and I must grasp this hurdle."

Luo Feng said in his heart.


At this time, the void moved slightly, and all the contestants on the meteorite had already entered the first trial tower.


As soon as he stepped into the first stage of the trial, Luo Feng remembered the loud roars one after another.

I saw that on the ground of Wugen, head after head of bloodthirsty mammoth beasts galloped and galloped repeatedly. Each of them had the limit of star-level strength, the same level as Luo Feng.

"10,000 bloodthirsty mammoths equals 10,000 points."

Luo Feng stepped forward, the sword unsheathed:

"Look at how powerful these mammoths are."

Because he had already anticipated it, Luo Feng's expression was very relaxed, and he could even be called very freehand.

Stepping calmly, the sword flickered, and a bloodthirsty mammoth that came galloping, flung a huge elephant trunk, and stepped down, was cut in half.

"The lowest stellar life."

As soon as the knife fell, Luo Feng knew something in his heart.

The first floor of the first trial tower is very difficult. Although these mammoth beasts are of the same rank as him, the number is more than 10,000, but he thinks to himself, even if he does not use mind power, he can easily pass the test.

Therefore, he just walked calmly between the mammoth beasts, not killing big ones, it didn't look like he was trying, but more like practicing.

"What is Luo Feng doing?"

Above the virtual universe genius battle square, the immortals who watched Luo Feng's challenge all frowned.

Luo Feng's actions were so abnormal that he didn't look like he was going through a barrier at all.

"Most of the contestants have all broken through the first level. Among the earth warriors, Xiao Yan, Lin Dong, Jianxian and others have already reached the third level! He only killed more than ten mammoths?"

An immortal was a little stunned, unable to understand what Luo Feng wanted to do.

"What secret method are you practicing?"

There are immortal doubts.


Many immortals shook their heads, turned their eyes away from Luo Feng, and looked at the other contestants.

Compared to other earth warriors who were destructive, Luo Feng's performance was really not very eye-catching.

Boom! !

The ground trembled violently, and thousands of bloodthirsty mammoth beasts with a height of several meters hissed and stomped toward Luo Feng.

"Over time, will these mammoths take the initiative to attack?"

Luo Feng's heart moved slightly, and he no longer delayed.

The big deal, keep one and wait ten days.


Just as Luo Feng was about to use his mind power to slaughter the mammoth beast, his heart suddenly trembled, and a sound of electronic synthesis sounded:

[Target Luo Feng, has arrived... Now, transfer the secret of martial arts, God Emperor's two swords... Exchanger, Teng Qingshan]

"What? What is the God Emperor's two swords? Martial arts secrets?"

Luo Feng's body trembled, and his heart trembled: "Is this the exchange on top of the Martial Dao system that Big Brother said? I don't have the Martial Dao system, can I exchange it?"

Luo Feng was inexplicably shocked, but the charge of thousands of mammoth beasts had already arrived, so he had no time to think about it, otherwise, if he was trampled to death, he would be embarrassed.


Therefore, when he thought about it, he summoned the weapon of mind power, and he was about to slaughter.

[Teaching begins]

But at this moment, an extremely powerful and majestic flow of information suddenly rushed into Luo Feng's mind, occupying all his mind!


Luo Feng's hair exploded, seeing the mammoth herd coming from the mountains and seas couldn't help but let out a foul language.

He only had time to call on the psychic weapon to protect his body, and the next moment, his body was submerged in the beast tide.

And in his mind wandering, he seemed to see an incomparably stalwart and tyrannical figure emerging from the nothingness, and the divine light shone on everything.

The stalwart figure was dressed in a black robe, with long hair reaching to his waist, his appearance was flawless, and his quiet aura contained the meaning of domineering.

"This is......."

Luo Feng's mind was tumbling, this person was the master of his eldest brother, the master of the martial arts system who gritted his teeth!

The next moment, Luo Feng saw the black-robed figure, the corner of his mouth was half-smiling, and he put one hand on his waist:

"This knife, God Emperor is the only one..."

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