Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1116: 1 blinking eyeball

"The war is coming?"

In the spaceship, the expressions of several people were shocked, but there were not too many surprises.

The universe is like a jungle. Every civilization and every race is each other's hunter. There is no right or wrong, only naked cruelty.

When the war starts, they will not be too surprised.

"Okay, I'm coming..."

In the projection, Teng Qingshan sighed slightly.

The rise of the Galactic Empire is naturally impossible not to be discovered and feared by others. The peak forces in the universe will not quietly wait for the power of mankind.

The universe is big and small.

When one party rises and becomes stronger, on the other hand, other forces are naturally suppressed and weakened.

This is normal. Even if there is no Galactic Empire, war will not be avoided. The rise of the Galactic Empire has only accelerated this speed.

There is no peak group that will sit back and watch the strength of the opponent.

Strike, weaken, war, this is how many civilizations in the universe get along with each other.

This can be seen from the fact that many high-level officials of the Galactic Empire have been assassinated.

"My lord, what happened?"

Sword Immortal bowed slightly and asked.

"The founder of the giant axe was caught in a Jedi. Fortunately, there is a supreme treasure gifted by a mountaineer, so he won't die, and he was forced into a Jedi!"

Teng Qingshan said with a solemn expression.

"The founder of the giant axe?!"

In the spaceship, several people took a deep breath, knowing that the problem was serious.

Giant Axe Founder!

The only superpower of the human race, and even among the superpowers, it belongs to the extremely powerful type, and is the Dinghaishenzhen of the entire human race!

If he is framed by someone and falls into the Jedi, there is no doubt that it must be a prelude to the war.

"How is this possible?"

Xiao Yan was a little unconvinced, and said, "The founder of the giant axe has the supreme treasure gifted by the predecessors of Sitting Mountain, how could he be easily forced into a trap?"

Originally, when the founder of the giant axe did not have the superpower, he was already the strongest among the superpowers. Later, he got a super axe, plus the defense superpower gifted by the mountaineer, what? People can force him to have to put himself into the Jedi.

Several others were also somewhat unconvinced.

Although they are the masters of the universe now, they are still far from the most powerful, and even more far from the founder of the giant axe.

If there is a power that can force the founder of the giant axe to die, the human race at this time will be caught in the battle of life and death.

"The specifics, I don't know. The major forces of the human race have all blocked the news, and they have entered the war preparations in the dark. This news came from the Chaos City Lord."

Teng Qingshan frowned slightly.

In fact, he also thought it was a bit incredible, but this news was passed down by the Chaos City Lord himself, so there was nothing wrong with it.

He glanced at the few people in the spaceship and said:

"This war with the machine race cannot be lost. If necessary, the Chaos City Lord and the others will also take action. We must not show any weakness."

In the past few hundred years, several major human race peak forces, including the Galactic Empire and the Virtual Universe Company, have traded.

To a certain extent, it is a community of interests, one prospers and one loses.


Several people looked solemn, and they all responded.

"By the way, the country lord, this time, Chu Renfeng asked to see a few of us, intending to encourage us to fight against the martial arts system, the one from the Temple of Time and Space, I captured him."

At this time, I wanted to suddenly think of Chu Renfeng who was suppressed by him, and I vaguely felt that there might be some connection between these two things.

"Chu Renfeng? Against the martial arts system?"

Teng Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly, shook his head and said, "You can deal with it yourself."

Against the martial arts system?

Teng Qingshan was speechless.

As he grew stronger step by step, he could feel Gu Shaoshang's unfathomable depth more and more. Even now that he became the master of the universe, he couldn't see the truth of his master.

A mere Chu Renfeng dared to encourage Xiao Yan and the others to resist.

It can only be said that the ignorant are fearless.

"I think there may be some connection here. Behind Chu Renfeng, it is very likely that the two holy places that dominate the universe sea, maybe they are eyeing the human race?"

Xiao Yan said, the more he felt that it was possible.

With the cultivation base of the founder of the giant axe, if several other hostile forces can easily force him into the Jedi, then the human race has already been destroyed, how can it become a peak force.

In this one, someone must have joined it.

Thinking in his heart, he shook out Chu Renfeng, who had been suppressed by him, by shaking his hand.

"Purple Moon Holy Land and Eastern Emperor Holy Land?"

Teng Qingshan's eyes moved slightly, and he faintly felt that it was not impossible.


Xiao Yan's movements were naturally not so gentle, and the spaceship made of the most advanced cosmic alloys shook.

Chu Renfeng was almost smashed into flesh.


Fortunately, Chu Renfeng was also immortal. After screaming, he came back to his senses and saw Teng Qingshan in the projection.

"The pavilion, the pavilion owner!"

Chu Renfeng trembled in his heart, and his complexion changed drastically.

"Chu Renfeng!"

Teng Qingshan's eyes turned cold, and he said indifferently, "What do you want to say?"

A cold gleam flashed in his eyes.

This Chu Renfeng was known to him as early as the Great Nirvana period, and some of the first combat skills were taught by him.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a betrayal.

"Guan, the owner of the museum! Brother Hong, please forgive me, I was also confused for a while."

Chu Renfeng cried bitterly, kowtowed repeatedly, and begged.

He knew that Teng Qingshan had a good heart. If he still had a trace of old love, he would still have a chance today.

"Speak everything you know, and I'll keep your whole body."

Teng Qingshan's expression remained unchanged, and he spoke lightly.

He was originally a killer, and killing was useless, so how could he be kind.

During the Great Nirvana period, the reason for showing mercy to the enemies who were also human beings was that at that time, the tragic deaths of billions of people on the entire earth made human beings at the verge of extinction.

If you really thought he was the Virgin, that would be a joke.

"All, all corpses..."

Chu Renfeng shook his body, raised his head, and looked at Teng Qingshan with a grim expression: "If I die, you all have to accompany me, and the entire human race will die with me!"

"Die together! Haha!"

He smiled miserably, pointed at Teng Qingshan, and said, "Why do you stand tall! Why does Thor treat me like a pig and dog!"

He gritted his teeth, his eyes full of venom.

Ever since Thor kicked him off the space-time island on the space-time square, he has been rejected by many martial artists intentionally or unintentionally.

For the mission of the Gate of Time and Space, no one has ever teamed up with him.

In the peak genius battle, the earth became famous in the universe, and nearly a thousand warriors joined the virtual universe, but he was eliminated.

Seeing that one by one of the same level, one by one, the younger generation surpassed him, the fire of jealousy in his heart had already distorted his heart.

"In the early days of Nirvana, mutant beasts occupied most of the city. Thor and I, with one shot and one knife, fought for six months and protected the first base city of the year..."

In the projection, Teng Qingshan slowly stood up, his expression was calm, and he said lightly:

"The blood demon Sirius, who survived the nuclear bomb, almost killed Thor and Azure Dragon in the first battle, and caused a tsunami for three thousand miles. In that battle, I was dying in a coma for three months..."

His voice was calm, setting off an extremely tragic scene in the spaceship.

In a trance, in Teng Qingshan's words, everyone saw the despair and unwillingness of mankind after billions of people died from the virus.

The endless beast tide swept through everything, and the mutant beasts that were not afraid of nuclear bombs flew to the ground, destroying one by one bases.

The giant dragon that set off the tsunami, the heavenly wolf that flew into the sky, the heavenly eagle that swallowed the thunder light... all of them seem to be nothing today, but in those days, they caused incomparably huge damage!

"No one is born noble..."

Teng Qingshan said lightly, looking at Chu Renfeng who was in a sluggishness from a distance away in time and space:

"Status, you have to fight for yourself!"

Threads of ripples rippled in the spaceship, enveloped Chu Renfeng, and penetrated into his body.

Xiao Yan and the others changed their color slightly, and took a few steps back unconsciously, especially Xiao Yan, whose face was instantly black as the bottom of a pot.

This is the power of the mind.

For existences above the immortal series, it is almost impossible to read their souls, because they can explode their souls at any time and destroy all memories.

But Teng Qingshan's spiritual power is incomparably tyrannical and can affect everything.

Back then, Xiao Yan's first advanced universe master was in high spirits, but he was enveloped by Teng Qingshan's spiritual power. He danced all day on the Manhattan Square and almost committed suicide in shame.

"The owner of the museum, Big Brother Hong, I was wrong! I was also fascinated by ghosts!"

Chu Renfeng, who was shrouded in the power of his soul, burst into tears and burst into tears: "I don't want to betray the empire, the earth, or the martial arts hall! It's the Holy Land of Ziyue, the ancestor of Ziyue! They set their sights on the Temple of Time and Space, Also, also, seal..."

The voice came to an abrupt The crying Chu Renfeng froze immediately, as if the video being played was suddenly paused, which was extremely strange.

The next moment, there was a hint of panic on his face, but the whole person turned into dust and dissipated in the void.

Even Xiao Yan and the others who were close at hand didn't have time to stop them.


Xiao Yan and the others came back to their senses, and the divine will suddenly erupted, sweeping the galaxy and the galaxy.

But only to find that in the endless bleak sea of ​​stars, there is a faint bright and extinct, pale and eerily phantom like eyeballs, flashing by and disappearing without a shadow.

The speed was extremely fast, even Xiao Yan and the others had no time to catch up, so they could only watch the phantom disappear.

"That is......."

During the projection, Teng Qingshan couldn't help groaning, his mind buzzing instantly.

At that moment, he felt the endless upside-down chaos, the meaning of twisting the evil mind.

That power is extremely strange, and his spiritual realm is almost polluted.

No, I could only watch Chu Renfeng be killed.

Fortunately, I already knew that behind Chu Renfeng was the Purple Moon Holy Land.

As for the seal in his mouth......


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