Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1117: king of evil gods

Teng Qingshan frowned slightly, feeling the slightest doubt.

In Chu Renfeng's words, he could feel that the one who killed him was not the first ancestor of Ziyue, but...


At this time, Xiao Yan and the others also came back to their senses and looked at each other, all frowning a little.

After the Purple Moon Holy Land, is there such a person?

"Thinking too much is useless. Soldiers will block water and cover up. Whether it's the Purple Moon Holy Land or anything else, it doesn't matter. If the Galactic Empire wants to rise, it needs to face more than just a Purple Moon Holy Land."

Teng Qingshan's projection fluctuated slightly, and said:

"So, let's prepare for the battle first."


Xiao Yan and the others bowed slightly and came down.


The virtual universe, the earth, by the West Lake.


Teng Qingshan slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and his complexion returned to ruddy.

"With the big brother's state of mind, he was actually shaken. What is the origin of the enemy?"

The bald-headed Thor, dressed in white and as warm as jade, asked.

"Cultivation of the mind is endless, what is my state of mind?"

Teng Qingshan shook his head slightly, and said, "The heart is infinitely large, and it can accommodate everything. If all external forces are not damaged, and all suffering will not retreat, then it can be said that it is a small achievement."

"That kind of realm..."

Luo Feng, who was sitting cross-legged beside him, asked, "Is it the spiritual realm of the elder brother and the master?"

"Naturally not."

Teng Qingshan spread out his palms and said, "The heart is eternal, but it's just a small success. Master should be much more than that."


Luo Feng whispered to himself.

His spiritual practice has always been inferior to that of Teng Qingshan. He has no comprehension of what he said about the limitless mind and tolerance for everything, let alone what a higher state of mind is like.

"The mind is connected to the will, the will is contained in the soul, and the spiritual practice to the limit is also a road to the sky."

Teng Qingshan put his palm on his chest, turned it slightly, and it seemed that golden petals were falling down. He pinched it at his fingertips and handed it to Luo Feng.

"It's true."

Luo Feng felt it carefully, only to feel that the petals were not fake at all, just like real petals.

With his current cultivation base, he can find the loopholes in the virtual universe, but this little petal cannot.

Teng Qingshan's spiritual cultivation made him a little surprised.

"By the way, eldest brother, I accepted a little apprentice for you and taught you how to cultivate your mind."

At this moment, Luo Feng suddenly remembered something and said, "I have been in seclusion before, and I forgot to tell you."

"Accepting an apprentice for the eldest brother?"

Lei Shen was also a little surprised, looked at Luo Feng and said, "When did it happen?"

With the status of the three of them, accepting apprentices was a big event that would cause a sensation in the virtual universe. He didn't even know that Luo Feng accepted apprentices for Teng Qingshan without saying a word?

"It's been a long time, maybe, big brother will be pleasantly surprised when he sees him someday."

Luo Feng smiled mysteriously.


Teng Qingshan smiled dumbly and didn't care too much. His mind-cultivation method was not a great secret method, and it didn't matter if it was leaked.

What's more, with Luo Feng's personality, those who can be admired by him are naturally not ordinary people.

Next, the three brothers told each other about their experiences over the years, as well as some cultivation experiences.

When they reached their realm, a retreat would be a hundred years or even longer. If the war was not about to start, Thor and Luo Feng might not have left the retreat.

"Unfortunately, the storm is about to arise, and it can no longer develop steadily."

After a long time, Thor sighed and got a little excited, and said, "However, it's time to show your edge. Back then, our three brothers were assassinated a lot, even I was assassinated more than 3,000 times! Now, it's also time. Give it back!"

As he said that, killing intent rose in his heart.

Over the years, the assassination he suffered is all in his heart!

"That's right, the hatred back then should also be counted!"

Luo Feng nodded, a bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes. During these years, he was the one who suffered the most assassinations.

"eye for eye!"

Teng Qingshan also nodded.

In recent years, a lot of people have died on Earth.

The warriors who emerged in the genius battle back then died in assassination, even more than in the gate of time and space.

Naturally, this revenge must be avenged!



In the depths of the dim starry sky, a meteorite drifted in the Wugen Star Sea, shuttling among the stars.

Above the meteorite, a man dressed in purple sat cross-legged with a long sword on his knees, holding a **** and white eye in his palm.

"Actually, he was not at all tempted. It seems that the strength of the temple at that time will exceed my expectations."

The man in purple sat on the meteorite, looking at the starry sea, his brows furrowed deeply.

The death of Chu Renfeng was naturally his handwriting.

He didn't expect that on the bright side, there was only the Temple of Time and Space, where there were only Sishan Ke and several other Lords of the Universe, and they were not afraid of the Purple Moon Holy Land at all.

Could it be that there is a strong backing behind it?

But if it really exists, it should be hidden from him.

"Xiao Ke, have you discovered the secrets of the Galactic Empire?"

He squeezed the eyeball in the palm of his hand and asked.

"Feng Linwan, don't pinch me! The last time I was pinched by that Xiaoyao Marquis, it almost shattered, and I haven't recovered yet!"

The **** and white eyeballs flickered and said angrily.

The purple clothed man's name is Feng Linwan, from the vast continent, the Shenhuang Dynasty, the Shengwu Kingdom, and the Marquis of Dinghai.

This universe is a world where he stepped into an unknown place after he became a lord and was protected by the position of a lord.

It is also thanks to the time difference in this universe that he can cultivate to the peak of the ninth level of gods and demons at an extremely fast speed.

It is also to observe the universe of this side. The big realm he opened up is different from the universe opened up by other princes based on the vast continent.

Of course, his real body is still in retreat, and he travels through time and space, and he is only protected by the princely status, and his primordial spirit steps in.

"Master Xiaoyao......"

The man in purple smiled bitterly and sighed: "It's no longer Marquis Xiaoyao, I'm afraid, soon, he will become the high priest, the high priest of my human race."

Feng Linwan sighed in her heart.

He really witnessed the birth of a legend, and watched Gu Shaoshang advance at a speed beyond everyone's expectations, becoming a congenital sacred, a prince, and the heir to a high priest.

"Who asked you to provoke him."

Big eyes hummed angrily and said, "Last time, I was almost crushed by him."

"The gap is too big. If I can't become a congenital divine as soon as possible, I won't even have the qualifications to look at it in the future."

Feng Linwan said calmly, still a little unwilling in her heart.

"You still want to provoke him?"

The big eyes trembled slightly, and the palm of the self-appointed Lin Wan came out, and with a low voice, he said, "Then don't take me with you!"

"Don't worry, I don't want to see him more than you do."

Feng Linwan's face darkened slightly, and he reprimanded softly, "You and I are linked by life, so what if I don't take you there, you still have to die if I die!"

"Your uncle's Feng Lin Wan! I am the king of the evil gods in the world, and you have only one eyeball left. What do you think?"

The big eyeballs exploded with anger, and bubbles bubbled up.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to provoke him."

Feng Lin waved his hands late, holding his big eyes in his palm.

If possible, he would never want to see Gu Shaoshang in his life, but this is impossible.

If he takes over the position of high priest, he will not only be present, but also bow to him and bow down to him.

This is simply horrific.

After thinking about it, his face turned slightly dark, and he turned the subject and said, "The flow of time in this world is far lower than that of the vast continent. I can use this world to practice, not to mention stepping into the innate sacredness, at least halfway through. Step ahead."

The reason why he came to this world is to break through.

"Difficult! Difficult! Difficult!"

The big eyes trembled lightly, and said, "You can't come here in person. If you want to go further, how can it be so easy?"

How difficult it is to practice.

Especially the threshold that leads to the innate holiness from the peak of the gods and demons, it is not extremely difficult.

The princes on the vast continent all have access to other worlds, they are not lost in unpredictable places, and there are many who have successfully stepped into other worlds.

But there are only a few people who can rebel against the innate and become holy.

Feng Lin Wanneng came to this big world with a high level, an extremely fast flow of time, and it didn't seem to be dangerous. It was considered a great luck.

But Big Eyes doesn't know if he can go further in this world.

"The universe in my body is incomparably compatible with this universe. If I can overwhelm this universe and incorporate this universe together with the cosmic sea into my body, it may allow the universe in my body to go one step further than the nine transformations. "

Feng Lin Wan's eyes flickered, overlooking the galaxy, and said, "I came back from the Origin Continent for this purpose."

After the warriors on the vast continent have become gods and demons, the great universe in their bodies has already taken shape, and after each transformation, they will be able to reach a higher level.

Above the Nine Heavens, the tenth transformation of the universe is the transformational power of everything before the burning.

Make yourself step into the innate holiness.

It has been a long time since Feng Lin came to this universe late, and it has been unknown how many years it has been since the universe entered the origin continent.

After the King Conferring Conference, he stepped into this universe again, and he wanted to use the universe of this world to cultivate his own universe and achieve innate!

This idea came to him a long time ago, otherwise, the world inside his body would not abandon the vast continent and transform into an endless sea of ​​stars and countless celestial galaxies.

"How difficult is the transformation of the universe, it will not be so easy for you to devour the universe in this world."

Big eyes don't look good.

Even if Feng Linwan's inner universe is in line with this universe, it is not from the same source. It is very difficult to contain it and turn it into a background.

In addition, in this world, it is not that there is no power, once it is disturbed, it is not a joke.

Marquis is a fruitful person, I'm afraid he can't protect him.

"Originally, I thought it might not be that big."

Feng Lin Wan's eyes were dark and uncertain, and he squeezed the big eyeballs with his palms, and said, "However, the power of that side called the Temple of Time and Space can penetrate many universes and time and space. If I get it, I may not be able to..."

He was reluctant to take risks, and he was more willing to plan everything slowly, so that the universe in his body, moisturizing things, silently motivated the universe sea of ​​this world to nourish himself.

Tens of thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years, will one day succeed.

But the rise of Gu Shaoshang stimulated too many princes, and Feng Linwan was even more frightened.

"Uncle Ke is too lazy to take care of you... But those who can open up the Temple of Operational Time and Space and connect many universes and time and space will not be minor characters."

The big eyes rolled, and he warned:

"With your cultivation level at this time, if you die for you again, the essence of this uncle will completely return to nothingness."

"I know."

Feng Lin nodded late.

This big eyeball is his trump card, which he obtained from traveling through unpredictable places a long time ago, the eyeball of an evil **** who is said to be divided by a ruthless man.

Died for him several times.

When he fought against Gu Shaoshang, he would have been completely dead if it wasn't for him.


The big eyes sighed, and the black and white body became a little hazy: "I don't know, how are Azathoth, Shab Nicholas, Nyarlathotep, and Yog Sotos? …”

"There will be a chance to see it."

Feng Linwan gave a casual reassurance, but in fact, he didn't believe it.

According to this big eyeball himself, the world where he lives, the entire **** system, all gods are used by a ruthless man to raise swords, and the existence may be too low and too low.

The gods mentioned by Big Eyeball are probably all dead.

"I hope you don't kill me."

Big Eyeball said something, and stopped talking.

Feng Linwan's face is not very good-looking, and whoever is so underestimated, will not feel very comfortable.


One after another cosmic streamers whizzed to and fro, illuminating the starry sky, and endless cosmic dust was floating.

"The sea of ​​​​cosmos is no better than the continent of origin. The supreme law suppresses everything, and there will be no overly tyrannical existence. Even if there is a strong person in the temple of time and space, under the suppression of the supreme law, it will not be strong. go........"

"But just in case, let's send someone to explore the bottom first."

"Monster Clan, Prison Clan, Crystal Clan, Machine Clan...In addition to the Purple Moon Holy Land, perhaps a Eastern Emperor Holy Land, perhaps, even the Beasts can be drawn out... ..."

"The chaos, the more chaos, the better. Only when there is chaos, can I take grain from the fire and seize the Temple of Time and Space..."

Feng Linwan pondered various plans in her heart, and flashed one after another.

His only goal is to start a war, grab the Temple of Time and Space and run away.

With his cultivation, as long as he grasps it properly and wants to escape, the supreme law may not be able to suppress it!

After all, he is the **** and devil Jiuzhongtian, not the **** king.

Although they are both at the peak of the gods and demons, they are not the same thing. They are the so-called low-level Chaotic Origin beings in this world. He has killed three or two.


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