Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1124: float away

?In the distant future time and space, the universe of Tianyu, an inconspicuous Xia clan world among countless mortal worlds.




The red iron spear roared to and fro, its speed was as fast as electricity, and it was as fast as thunder!

Boom! !

The sound of thunder rumbled, and huge waves rose above the pool.

Dressed in black, the heroic Dongbo Xueying was galloping in the waves, and he swept away the water droplets flying all over the sky with a long spear.

After a long time, Dongbo Xueying slowly stopped, and a long mouthful of turbid air was exhaled, like an air arrow, leaving a sharp piercing sound in the air that spread several meters away!

He stood on the surface of the water, his whole body shaking rhythmically with the rippling of the water waves.

If anyone sees it, they can find that his spine dragon, the muscles of his limbs, are constantly squirming, which is very strange.

"The method of spiritual cultivation taught by Master Luo is truly amazing. In a short period of time, I have touched the threshold of transcendence."

The corners of Dongbo Xueying's mouth rose, and a smile appeared.

"When I become extraordinary, I can save my father and mother, and I can go to find Master Luo and the master who has never been masked."

Dongbo Xueying was very happy and cheered in his heart.

Now that he is only thirteen years old, he has already touched the threshold of transcendence, so he is naturally worthy of excitement.


With a slight trembling of his spear, he stepped out of the water pool with his body ten feet in one step.


Suddenly, there was a sudden movement in his heart, and he seemed to hear an extremely violent sound of breaking the sky. He raised his head suddenly, and saw a purple streamer flying at a speed far beyond his imagination!

The previous moment was still on the horizon, and the next moment, it actually came before his eyebrows!


Dongbo Xueying was taken aback, but before he could move, he was slapped on the face by the flying object.


Dongbo Xueying let out a loud cry and fell on his back, feeling that he was no longer spared.

"Ah... Hey, why doesn't it hurt?"

After shouting for a while, he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to be in any pain at all, and couldn't help but took off the token-shaped thing on his face.

Start cold, like gold like iron.

Dongbo Xueying was slightly startled, he told Feilai to smash him in the face like that, but he didn't get a headshot on the spot?

"This is... the order of the heart of the world..."

Dongbo Xueying, who was in shock, looked at the token in the palm of his hand. There were three large characters written in unknown characters on it. He had obviously never seen such characters before.

The meaning of these three words automatically appeared in his mind.


Abandoning the Jie Xin Ling, Gu Shaoshang ignored all the external affairs and fell into a deep retreat.

Daluo, across all universes and heavens, all time and space is eternal and free.

All acquired supernatural powers, magical treasures, and secret methods are useless to Da Luo, because Da Luo, the essence of the same world, is above the law.

In the same way, his practice can no longer be affected by any acquired things, whether it is aura or a treasure of heaven and earth, it has no effect on Daluo.

Daluo's practice is to improve the essence, polish the way of the true self, so that one's own way is perfected and the true self is sublimated.

Therefore, after the cultivation of the Nine Great Divine Treasures has reached its peak, its essence is the same as that of the universe and the way of heaven, and then it can no longer be cultivated.

Even Gu Shaoshang can only begin to polish himself on the top of the Nine Great Divine Treasures.

He will not take the way of the Lord of Chaotic Origin in this world.

The way of Chaotic Source in this world is to control the source world, control the Dao of this world, and use the power of the supreme energy Chaotic Origin to evolve the laws of this world.

"The more you get to the end of your practice, the more concise it will become... The acquired spiritual practice, the five stages of foundation building, the establishment of life, Qi Zong, concentration, Qiongtian, Illusory Realm, manifesto, the nine layers of gods and demons, etc., no All in one..."

"But for the innate gods and demons, it's nothing more than Da Luo, Hunyuan, Tai..."

"All the nine divine treasures are opened, all restrictions are removed, many magical powers are self-generated, and every move is the supreme magical power, but this is just the beginning of Daluo......"

"Manpower is poor, and the same is true for the innate gods and demons. Compared with the endless and infinitely diverse chaotic sea, the innate gods and demons are just the sand of the Ganges River. They can come and go freely, but they are just a small fish flowing in the long river. That's it!"

"If the newly-born Da Luo is like a small fish in the endless chaotic sea in the long river of time and space, the mysterious number is like one of the islands, and the golden number is one of the Kunpeng! However, only the Hunyuan can be As a dam blocking the sea, claiming to be one body, claiming to be king and hegemony?"

"Going further, is the supreme overlord of the endless chaotic sea, is this Primordial Promise?"

"Tai Zhe, is equivalent to the endless infinite chaotic sea, and the entire endless chaotic sea is only comparable to it?"

"Proving the Tao is proving me, and I am the Tao! This is the Nine Stars? Maybe, more than that..."

Divinely immersed, Gu Shao's thoughts turned countless numbers with every breath.

Thinking about the Nine Great Divine Treasures, and at the same time, peeping at the mysteries of Hunyuan and even Yutai, the assumptions of association are overturned again and again.

How fast did his thoughts turn?

From the birth to the death of a planet, all the thinking between the birth and death of countless creatures can't compare with the information flow in this breath.

Even if he is just the incarnation of the deity's divine will.

Only in this way can he gather the Nine Great Divine Treasure Techniques in a short period of time, and deduce them to the peak and achieve Da Luo.

The difference in nature makes him a child's play.

But if it is an ordinary creature, it is only possible if the three souls are separated, the seven souls are separated, and the fellow practitioners grow to the peak, if they want to take over the power of the Daluo God Treasure until the end.

It is impossible for the nine great gods to hide the law to make it easier to achieve Da Luo.

"Hunyuan Divine Treasure, does it exist? Daluo Divine Treasure is the final Divine Treasure, and also the initial Divine Treasure. The origin of all the power of the Divine Treasure should contain everything. The Hunyuan Divine Treasure, perhaps, does not exist?"

"In the endless infinite multiverse, can there be an existence that is born as Primordial?"

"But at least, the number of days in Daluo is by no means the limit of the nine great gods.... My deity can achieve the number of gold in one step, and the **** and demon in the legend of endless years seems to have surpassed it once it was born. ........"

"In the beginning, there was a god, and its name was hurt...Bah, the gold medal in the beginning is still affecting me.... Abandon the influence of the deity..."

With his thoughts flying, Gu Shaoshang fell into deep contemplation.

Its essence is also in the collision of his thinking and the perfection of the Tao, which is slowly improving.

This speed is not fast.

It is like a drop of water falling into the dry universe sea, and if you want to fill it up, theoretically, it is possible, but the required world can be said to be close to eternity.

This step is also the reason why countless giants of the great Luojin number cannot incarnate into a clone of the same rank.

This is almost equivalent to rebuilding another road, but also abandoning its own influence and stepping into the great Luojinshu again!

It is precisely because of the difficulty that Buddhism is stronger.

The World Honored Spirit Mountain, with the cultivation of Da Luo Jinshu, can obtain a position that ordinary people of the Primordial Rank cannot obtain.

Sit on the seat of the Lord of Mahayana Buddhism.

Gu Shaoshang was disdainful of using such means, so naturally he had to work hard.

What are you afraid of?


Years passed by, and in a flash, hundreds of thousands of years passed.

The Galactic Empire is backed by the gate of time and space, radiating many universes, many time and space, whether it is the past or the future, almost all of its footprints are covered.

Even though one Martial Dao system carrier has fallen, but because of Teng Qingshan's relationship, the speed of source power acquisition is much faster.

On this day, in the World Heart Continent, outside the Yin Demon Swamp, in a huge mountain, Gu Shaoshang slowly opened his eyes.


Gu Shaoshang sighed slightly.

Hundreds of thousands of years, his harvest is not small, but the threshold of the Great Luo Jinshu is like a sky, and the influence of the golden medal of the deity in the beginning is almost impossible to erase.

If he relies on the skill of water mill, he is sure to achieve it within 100 million years.

But at this time, there was not much time left.

"The source power has accumulated to 13 trillion, and after a while, it may be accumulated to 20 trillion, and it can barely accumulate to one-tenth of the required... Wait a little longer, there is nothing meaningful."

Gu Shaoshang felt a little and said to himself.

In these hundreds of thousands of years, the Galactic Empire, which is backed by the gate of time and space, has radiated the entire origin continent and many universes below it. Kingdoms have been established in the chaotic void, and several major forces, including the ancestral religion, have There has been a confrontation.

It can be said that what can be done has already been done to the limit.

Luo Feng and Teng Qingshan have almost reached the peak under Chaotic Origin, and if they go further, they can become half Chaotic Origin beings.

In a short period of time, it is unlikely that there will be any major gains.

The two of them want to break through Chaotic Source, even Chaotic Source Lord, Gu Shaoshang estimates that it will take at least a trillion years.

It's pointless to stay.

Things in the world can't go as expected, and Gu Shaoshang is still far from the realm where things can be accomplished.

Fortunately, the goal at this time has also been completed one-tenth.

It's not nothing, on the contrary, it can be said that it is already incomparably huge.

"Well...there are two or three Chaotic Origin Lords, but the time is a bit long, and it's not that I don't believe in my words."

Gu Shaoshang murmured softly, and left the control token of the World Heart Continent that he had given to him in the mountainside.

A purple light flickered slightly above the has disappeared in the mountainside, in the boundary continent, and even in this world.

Just like when he came, he was the same, and when he went, he was equally silent.

Even Yuan, who had been watching Gu Shaoshang, didn't feel Gu Shaoshang's disappearance at all.

It wasn't until millions of years later that Yuan woke up from a nap, suddenly felt that he had lost Gu Shaoshang's breath, and broke through the mountain belly in a slight start.

Only then did I discover that there is still Gu Shaoshang's figure!

"Don't be annoyed, don't be annoyed..."

Yuan's brow twitched twice, and Gu Shaoshang's figure slowly emerged above the control token of the World Heart Continent.

He smiled slightly at Yuan, who had a puzzled face, and said a few names.

Then he disappeared again, leaving only Yuan looking confused.

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