Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1125: Changes in the Mirrors of the Heavens

"Fate, goodbye."

When Yuan was at a loss, guessing the origin and purpose of Gu Shaoshang, Gu Shaoshang who stepped out of this world smiled lightly.

The whole person turned into a streamer, flashed through the endless infinite universe sea, shuttled through unpredictable places, gradually jumped out of time and space, and escaped into the endless chaos of the vast Westward Journey universe.


The endless chaotic sea is boundless and vast, and the great universe within it is like the sand of the Ganges River. Every moment, countless great universes will be born and die. It is the existence of the Daluo series, and it is not clear how huge it is.

How many different worlds are there.

The world does not exist forever, and it also has its lifespan. Once the lifespan is up, it will eventually die out.

Only a very small number of large universes with levels reaching or even surpassing the seven stars can jump out of the life limit, and they will not be destroyed without the influence of external forces.

Of course, as it adjusts itself, the creatures within it will suffer from catastrophe again and again.

Or call it the Great Calamity of the Era, or the Great Calamity of the World, or the Ragnarok of the Gods.

All living beings that exist in these great universes can only avoid extinction if they become Daluo by themselves, or if they attach themselves to the presence of Daluo.

For the more tyrannical existence, this is just a unit of measurement for calculating time.

They are called Quantum Calamity, or Infinite Quantity Calamity.

The acquired spirit is measured in years, Daluo is measured in chaos, and the power of the Hunyuan series is measured in calamity.

5.6 billion years, one chaos, 129,600 chaos, is a calamity.


In the bleak chaotic sea, a golden lotus of the 12th grade passed by faintly, like a boat crossing the sea.

On the lotus pedestal, the Tathagata of the Treasures and the Five Great Kings, with both hands, recited in a low voice the Sutra of the Six-character Mantra of Buddhism.

With the power of immeasurable Buddhist kingdoms, he constantly saved Gu Shaoshang.

"The smell of silence, there is another universe that is about to die!"

Suddenly, Duobao Tathagata, who was in front of everyone, moved slightly in his heart, and ripples appeared in his heart.

"This is, the universe is about to end, the universe is about to die, and the universe returns to the ruins?"

Like a boy, he combed his seven buns, and the anger-faced King Fudo Ming also moved slightly in his heart, and followed the eyes of Duobao Tathagata to look at Chaos.

Mortals have five senses, and their eyes move at the speed of light. If the distance is too far, they can often only see what happened countless years ago.

Daluo exists, and with ten influences, sweeping the room is enough to penetrate the universe, and his eyesight is far less than one in a billion.

I saw that, beyond the endless distance, with Daluo's footsteps, he had to walk into the chaotic sea for several years, and the big universe exuding the atmosphere of decay and decay was ups and downs in the chaos.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

With thick brows and leopard eyes, the flaming-looking Dongfangjiang III King Ming couldn't help but smile: "Isn't it a beauty made in heaven?!"

The universe of annihilation will completely collapse, turning into streaks of Hongmeng purple energy and innate inextinguishable aura.

Even for the existence of Da Luo and even Da Luo Jinshu, it is an opportunity that cannot be ignored.

Especially for some righteous Daluo, who can't destroy the universe at will like the devil's Daluo, extracting Hongmeng Purple Qi is even more precious.

Often the annihilation of one side of the universe will attract many big Luos to go.

"It's God's beauty!"

The King of King Kong Yasha of the North couldn't help but move in his heart.

The Endless Cosmos Sea is too vast, and it is the Westward Journey Great Cosmos, which is also incomparably huge. Therefore, although the annihilation of the universe is not so rare, it is really untouchable by ordinary Da Luo.

Just like this, the origin of Journey to the West has been around for tens of thousands of years.

It was already too late when the breath of silence was noticed by Da Luo of the original universe.

And even if it is noticed, if there are a lot of Daluo nearby, it will be difficult to obtain.

In this way, with the presence of the Five Great Kings, and accompanied by the Tathagata of Treasures, the annihilation of the universe encountered is simply a matter of grasping at your fingertips!

Even in the entire Westward Journey universe, under Primordial Primordial, no one can compete with them!

"The level of this big universe is not too low, or there is no small gain!"

King Dali Ming of the southern army and King Ming of the West, Dawei Deming, looked at each other and said to Duobao Tathagata:

"Tathagata, why don't you delay a little bit of time and pick it up on the way!"

The other three Ming Wangs also all looked towards the Tathagata of the Treasures.

In name, the Duobao Tathagata has the highest status and the highest cultivation base, and is the leader of the six.

"I still have important things to do. If Martial Ancestor gets out of trouble, it will be difficult for me to suppress it again."

Duobao Tathagata hesitated slightly.

Hongmeng Purple Qi and Innate Immortal Spiritual Light are important, but they are more important than Gu Shaoshang. If there is nothing but trouble, Gu Shaoshang will be difficult to suppress.

The six people are the incarnations of the World Honored Spirit Mountain, but they are not the World Honored Spirit Mountain.

He had no choice but to consider the opinions of the Five Great Kings.

"If you don't take it from God, you will be to blame!"

King Ming of Dongfangjiang III shook his head and said with a chuckle, "The Tathagata has been thinking too much. With the combined efforts of the six of us, who can wait for me to rescue the Martial Ancestor?"

"On the contrary, even if there is a fraud this time, you can also take advantage of the situation, capture them together, and suppress them!"

"Never mind."

Duobao Tathagata nodded and said no more.

With a slight movement in his mind, he walked in the direction of the great universe that was about to die and return to the ruins.


In the great formation of the Tathagata, the sound of Chan Chan continued to reverberate, as if hundreds of millions of Buddhas were chanting together in a quiet room, the sound waves oscillated back and forth, becoming more and more grand.

Everywhere in the Buddha country flashed glorious, shadowy shadows, constantly manifesting in Gu Shaoshang's body.

In every Buddhist country, there are hundreds of millions of Buddhist monks, and the practitioners sincerely mourn.

The Buddhist kingdom is almost infinite, one layer after another, blocking all time and space around Gu Shaoshang, whether it is the past or the future.


The sound of Buddha's tinnitus is rumbling, ear-shattering, and it reaches the soul, as if it were dazzling, and it is everywhere.

The Buddha's light is like water, pouring down, each wave is higher than the other, and it is endless and endless.

Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged in the middle of the great formation of the Tathagata, with an indifferent expression, letting the sound of the Buddha fill his ears, the light of the Buddha slapped, and remained motionless.

Wearing a black royal robe, it was still dark, but it was covered with a layer of gold.

It seems to have been eroded by the Buddha's light.


Suddenly, Shao Gu moved slightly in sadness and slowly opened his eyes.

Silently, a ray of purple brilliance flickered and sank into his body.

The essence is the same, the power of the same source and the same origin, spreads out in his body like a tide, flows through the limbs and bones, and gathers all over the body.

It made his eyes light up slightly, and the one inch of gold border that rose above the black robe disappeared silently.

Although this ray of divine will incarnation has not reached the golden number, it is also at the peak of the mysterious number, and it is barely a small supplement.

"Huh? Martial Ancestor is really good! The hard work I've been waiting for all these years has been easily eliminated by you?"

Duobao Tathagata, who was watching Gu Shaoshang all the time, was slightly shocked in his heart and couldn't help but speak.

The vast Buddha's voice couldn't hide the surprise and a trace of shock in the words of the Many Treasures Tathagata.

He and the Five Great Kings of Ming Dynasty have been working together for so many years, and he has just made a little progress. He was easily driven out of the body by Gu Shaoshang, which could not help but make him a little shocked.

You must know that with the combined efforts of his six people, no big Luo in the Westward Journey universe will be unaffected.

"You can continue."

Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows slightly, and replied calmly.

With his current state of mind and cultivation, if there is no overwhelming cultivation, trying to save him is no easier than a hen squatting on a stone mountain to hatch a natural stone monkey.

Even if the incarnation of divine will did not return, the possibility of six people saving him is not one in ten thousand.

"I hope that above the Lingshan Mountain, in front of the World Honored One, Martial Ancestor can still be so tough!"

Duobao Tathagata took a deep look at Gu Shaoshang, knowing that this person has a strong and firm nature, and no more persuasion would do anything.

Unsurprisingly, there was a sense of urgency in my heart.

If it exists like this, if it cannot be completely surrendered, it is already a great enemy to Buddhism.

"The source power of more than ten trillion..."

Gu Shaoshang naturally didn't care what Duobao Tathagata thought. He felt a little joy in his heart.

The source power of ten trillion series!

He has repaired the mirrors of the heavens, and he has never obtained such a series of source power once!

He didn't even expect that the Origin Continent and his party actually obtained such a huge amount of source power!

"As expected of a complete seven-star world!"

Gu Shao was slightly surprised in sadness.

The seven-star universe is completely different from the universe below it.

This is the gap between the Big Universe and the Big Multiverse.

And the origin continent is even more abundant than the source power in the perfect world!

Because, compared to the perfect world, where countless worlds have collapsed into a sea of ​​boundaries, the cosmic sea of ​​the origin continent is intact!

This does not detract from the world level, but above the source power acquisition, the gap is too great.

With a slight movement in his heart, he closed his eyes again, with a trace of divine intent, stepping into the world in the mirror.


In the mirror world, the purple meaning became more and more dense, and the richness almost turned into substance.

The mirrors of the heavens trembled slightly, swimming in the purple air, like a money fan rolling around in a pile of money.

Not only Gu Shaoshang, but this new Jingling was the first time he had seen so much source power.


After Gu Shaoshang came Zhu Tianjing's movements froze slightly, and Jingling's voice sounded.


Gu Shaoshang nodded and didn't care. He reached out and took the mirrors of the heavens and sat cross-legged on the ground.

He naturally didn't care about the reaction of the Mirror of the Heavens.

Even a puppy will drool when he sees a large amount of food. Even if Gu Shaoshang has wiped out Jingling's ability to think independently, his instincts will not be inferior to that of a puppy.

After all, this is a mirror spirit born from the will of Heaven.

[Master, you came from the mainland and obtained the source power of 134,600 billion source power]

Jingling's voice fluctuated slightly: "Are you going on the next trip?"

"It's not your concern."

Gu Shaoshang casually brushed his palm across the mirror of the All-Heaven Mirror and replied lightly.

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