Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1129: Iron pillar? !

?In the hazy airflow, Wang Lin in scarlet white clothes and Tathagata Tathagata in spotless moon white robes were fighting on the sea of ​​chaos.



boom! !

The chaotic airflow that is enough to consume all acquired existence is surging, giving birth to all universes, the chaotic sea of ​​all worlds, the undercurrent of chaos, and the surging waves.

A universe that has one is thrown off course by the slapping waves.

One world after another was born and died when the two fought, and the terrifying atmosphere enveloped the incomparably vast chaos.

The battle between Da Luo was short and long. The fight between the two was not only limited to chaos, but also implemented the line of time and space where each other existed, chasing up the past and going down to the future.

The collision of the two is more terrifying than the collision of the two great universes.

Daluo has no disasters, no calamities, almost indestructible, indelible.

Even Wang Lin was dressed in white and red, and he had no injuries at all. All injuries were in the past, in the future, but no longer in the present!

If you can't use your own way to erase the traces of each other's existence in all time and space, the existence of the Great Luo Jinshu will not exist in the wounds of the acquired spiritual cognition.

The fight between the two is not limited to the physical body or the primordial spirit. The contest of supernatural powers is also the conflict of each other's essence and the overburden of each other's avenues.

The past, the future, all time and space are constantly being wiped out!

The battle of Daluo is like this!

If there is an acquired soul, the fight between the two is already shocking enough, and the world will be destroyed in one hand, which is extremely terrifying.

But in the eyes of all those who witnessed this battle, this battle is countless times more terrifying than what the naked eye can see!

The fight between the two is not even limited to the Chaos Sea. Everywhere in each other's past, everywhere in the time and space that once existed, there are fights with each other!

In the chaotic airflow in the distance, an old man in a gray robe sat in a small boat and swayed with the undercurrent.

On his shoulder, a beautiful butterfly the size of a palm, watching the battle in the distance, shivering, with two wings tightly covering his eyes, daring to look.

"It should be soon..."

The grey-robed old man had a calm expression, looking at the great formation in the distance and the lotus platform in the distance, muttering to himself.

Knowing that the enemy is strong, Wang Lin and he naturally did not come to die.


Above the Vermillion Bird Star, Wang Lin turned into a deity, and a ray of divine intent floated up and touched the infinite starry sky. As his heart was shocked, he saw two incomparably huge fluctuations spread over the starry sky.

The little ripples spread out, the starry sky exploded for it, the celestial stars fell like rain, and hundreds of millions of creatures wailed and exploded.

Immediately, it fell into eternal silence.


Above the azure sea, a young Taoist stepped on auspicious clouds and came, absorbing the essence of the four seas and condensing magic weapons.

Suddenly, the thunder made up for it in the sky, the rolling black clouds spread, and the endless purple electric dragon roared.

"This is......."

The young Taoist trembled slightly, and saw a wisp of fire from the sky, burning it into ashes.

Unable to resist.


Everywhere in time and space, whether in the past or in the future, there are fluctuations in the time and space where the two are in.

But gradually, Wang Lin fell into a disadvantage.

The essence of this monk is much better than his, and the background is more profound!

If Wang Lin's past is like the ancient history of a dynasty, then the past of the Tathagata of Treasures is like the evolution history of a star!

Wang Lin's heart sank slightly.

The gap in cultivation can be supported by oneself, but the gap in nature cannot be filled.

If he does not retreat, it is very likely that his essence will be wiped out by him, and a ray of spiritual light will return to annihilation!

As everyone knows, the Duobao Tathagata opposite him is much more surprised than him.

Although the fight between the two was only a few breaths, few people in the huge Westward Journey universe could hold on for a few breaths under his palm!

Wang Lin's years of practice are far inferior to his, and he is indestructible, and he is indeed lucky.


Wang Lin turned his thoughts in his mind, gritted his teeth slightly, and the coldness in his eyes did not diminish.

Constantly fighting with it.


"Amitabha, good, good! This fellow Daoist Wang Lin, who has been able to fight against the Tathagata for a long time, is indeed extraordinary."

On the lotus pedestal, the King Fudo Ming in the center sighed.

As long as anyone who can become a big Luo, there are very few unbearable ones, and those who can become a big Luo Jinshu are the most amazing and brilliant among the trillions of universes.

Although Wang Lin's years of practice are far from enough, and he has no advantage in battle, but it is a great number, and it will not be easy to suppress.

"If the battle to the death does not retreat, after the seven breaths, the Tathagata should be able to obliterate its essence and destroy its primordial spirit."

The King Ming of Dongfangjiang III smiled, and the fire on his forehead calmed down slightly.

"Don't be careless, that monkey may have a backhand."

King Wei Deming of the West suppressed the big universe whose palms were beating constantly and reminded.

This great universe is on the verge of shattering, and the ten thousand Taos collapse, as if the building blocks have been drawn from the foundation. The way of slaughter and silence is in harmony with the way of silence, even if his realm is higher, it will be difficult to get rid of it for a while.

"This monkey is getting deeper and deeper... If it was before, it may have gone to the World Honored One and been suppressed again."

King Dali Ming of the southern army didn't know what to think, and chuckled lightly.

"It will always grow. If the monkey is still before, how can I work and wait for the shot?"

King Fudo Ming of the center held the light group formed by the Tathagata Formation in both hands, and said in a deep voice, "Be careful."

"I understand!"

All the Ming kings nodded in unison and recited the Buddha's name.


The uninterrupted sound of the collision of the avenues covered everything, even several Ming Wangs did not hear or notice it.

A faint ray of light jumped out from the cosmic barrier that was suppressed by the palm of King Dawei Deming in the West.

Silently, he walked towards the great formation of the Tathagata under the control of King Fudo Ming in the center.

"The universe here does not come from other cosmic seas, it seems to be the evolution of this cosmic sea."

At this time, King Ming of Western Great Widow said.

In a short period of time, it was enough for him to understand the universe in the palm of his hand.


The King of Central Fudo was slightly vigilant in his heart and said: "Be careful that the monkey is hidden in the body of Daohua and suddenly jumps out."

The Dao Accumulation of the Sea of ​​​​Cosmic Universe in this side, the monkey's Dao transformation body is definitely not less than that of the World Honored Spirit Mountain.

If it hides in it, it would be a bit of a crisis.

"Under my law, if the monkey comes, there is nowhere to hide."

The Western Great Widow King Ming smiled slightly and didn't care.

Although his realm is not as good as that of the monkey's deity, any incarnation of him is only between five and five, and he can't hide his existence.

Unless, his deity came out of Huaguo Mountain.

But its deity was absolutely unable to hide the true monarch of Qingyuan Miaodao, Erlang Xiansheng Tianzun's celestial eyes, and escaped from Huaguo Mountain.

Chuo Fudo Ming Wang nodded, but he always felt that there was a bad omen in his heart.

"The battle situation has changed, and the old man seems to be unable to hold back."

But before he could think about it, King Dali Ming of the southern army broke his thinking with a soft drink, and he couldn't help but stare at it.


In the great formation of the Tathagata, the light of the Buddha is like water, pouring out for thousands of miles, and the sound of the Buddha is like thunder, which has never been cut off for a moment.


A faint wave wandered in the Buddha's light, hiding his movements in the Buddha's sound in a very harmonious way.

Its speed is extremely fast, and it feels quite familiar, and it is easy to sink into the mezzanine of the Buddha country that is constantly flowing, countless time and space overlap, and shadows.

But in a few moments, he came to the eyes of the formation.


Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged in the eyes of the formation, the golden light all over his body was dazzling, the roar of the Buddha's sound was like the explosion of the world, and the movement was extremely loud.

The Buddha's light from the entire great formation and the chanting sounds of hundreds of millions of Buddha's kingdoms are gathered here and amplified.

Even if the invisible fluctuation came here, it almost showed its original shape!

In the shroud of the Buddha's sound and Buddha's light, Gu Shaoshang, who was dressed in black, looked calm, and there seemed to be a purple streamer flowing back and forth between his nose and mouth.

"Hong, Hongmeng, Hongmeng Ziqi?!"

The invisible fluctuations trembled slightly, almost appearing.

Seeing the purple aura constantly flowing from the nose of Gu Shao's wound, he was very shocked.

Is this cultivating with Hongmeng Purple Qi?

This is too extravagant!

".... Sincere and consistent, fair and unbiased, only pure and pure... The most divine and the most holy..."

Ripples of Gu Shaoshang's sea of ​​heart dissipated, and the last wisps of purple energy disappeared.

In a short period of time, a hundred Dao of Hongmeng Purple Qi disappeared.

If you let other big Luo know, it is inevitable to be jealous.

Baidao Hongmeng Purple Qi is a huge wealth that ordinary Da Luo may not be able to accumulate even if he continues to open up the universe in several chaotic times.

Of course, such a huge consumption, the harvest is also huge.

Gu Shaoshang has almost reached the peak of the Great Luo Jin's number, and he is only one step away, and he will be able to set foot in half a step.

"In the beginning is one, I am in the beginning... Wanting to step into the half-step Primordial Primordial, it is really difficult, no wonder, with the background of the Lingshan World Honored, I have been immersed in such a long time... "

Gu Shao was slightly saddened.

Hunyuan was naturally not achieved overnight, even that natural stone monkey had to cut off three corpses first and compete with the World Honored Spirit Mountain.

Gu Shaoshang naturally failed to reach the sky in one step, and directly achieved Hunyuan.

If he is willing to kill the corpse, he can take a half-step Hunyuan at this time, but obviously, in the martial arts practice, there is no such thing as killing the corpse and becoming a Taoist.

He walked the most extreme to prove the Dao with strength, and naturally it was even more impossible to kill the corpse.

"Wuzu, Wuzu......Gu boy, Gu......Gu Wuzu......Gu Shaoshang! If you don't wake up, your brother will be suppressed... ..."

While Gu Shaoshang was thinking about it, a faint sound of mosquitoes and flies suddenly sounded in his ear.

At first, he was polite, but after calling a few times, he became impatient.

"My brother?"

Gu Shao frowned and opened his eyes instantly.


Such a big hairy head leaned in front of slap!

Gu Shaoshang raised his hand unceremoniously and pushed him away, only to see this monkey, with soft golden hair, wearing a monk's robe, a tiger-skin skirt, and a monk's hat.

"Why are you dressed like this?"

Gu Shaoshang rubbed his eyebrows slightly, these old guys who have lived for a long time have too many vests.

"This is my grandson's Taoist body, Sun Xingzhe......"

The monkey explained a sentence subconsciously, and then he remembered the business, and with a swipe, a Yuanguang mirror was formed.

Above it is the battle of the outside world at this moment.

"Iron pillar?!"

Gu Shaoshang just glanced at it, and couldn't help but frown.

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