Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1130: The fist of the strong and the tyrant!

?In the picture, Wang Lin, dressed in white and scarlet, is at an absolute disadvantage, and all the battles in time and space are at a disadvantage.

"Iron pillar..."

Gu Shaoshang frowned and looked at the monkey beside him, his eyes slightly cold: "You plot against me?"

Wang Lin's contact with him was only in his incarnation. After the "Yuan" finger was wiped away, in the entire immortal world, Wang Lin was probably the only one who could remember the existence of Gu Shaoshang.

This monkey is actually able to pull Wang Lin here, which is really amazing.

"Hey! Don't think too much."

The monkey was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said, "I only recently learned about your relationship. When I invited him here before, I didn't know your relationship."

The place where he incarnates radiation is by no means the universe of Journey to the West, and there are Taoist bodies that exist in countless worlds.

Tens of millions of years after Wang Lin stepped out of the world he was in, he knew Wang Lin, naturally not because of Gu Shaoshang.

"hope so."

Gu Shaoshang took a deep look at the monkey.

It wasn't that he was suspicious, but that it was too coincidental.

"This is not the time to go into details, let me take you through the formation first..."

The monkey also stood up and said with a slight smile.

"No need..."

Gu Shaoshang smiled faintly and slowly got up in the vast Buddha light.

Although his original idea was to go to Lingshan with these six old monks, and then break the barrier again, making Lingshan bloody.

But at this time Wang Lin had already started, so he naturally couldn't ignore it.


It was just a trivial act of getting up, and there was boundless hot blood escaping between his limbs and bones.

Its vertebral dragon is more like a sacred mountain that rises from the nine layers of the earth's crust and reaches thirty-three days!

Boom! !

The blood and energy fill the heaven and the earth, and the fist is clear throughout!

The will of endless tyranny is like the explosion of thousands of great worlds, and the burst of light instantly enveloped the entire Tathagata formation.

In an instant, it was majestic and vast, and the aura of the vast expanse was agitated vertically and horizontally, spreading in all directions, reaching far and wide.

All the Buddha Kingdom crystal walls that suppressed Gu Shaoshang, the boundary membrane collapsed instantly, the immeasurable Buddha Kingdom barrier was instantly broken, and was blown by the incomparably tyrannical will like straw in a gust of wind, flying in all directions!

"not good!"

Just as Gu Shaoshang slowly got up, on the golden lotus pedestal, the expression of King Fudo Ming suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Martial ancestor is going to break the formation!"

This surprise is incredible!

The other four Ming Kings were also stunned, and they all looked at the Tathagata Formation, which was constantly trembling and expanding.

The great formation of the Tathagata, which condensed their six great Luojin numbers and blessed by hundreds of millions of Buddha countries, trembled wildly at this time.

It seems that there is an incomparably tyrannical **** and demon that is waking up!


There is no birth or death of one in ten million, and the five great kings of Ming Dynasty wake up together, put their hands together, and recite the six-character mantra of Buddhism:



"Woolen cloth!"




The five kings of Ming Dynasty recited in unison, and under the blessing of the golden lotus dais, the endless Buddha light was suppressed like a golden Buddha dragon towards the Tathagata Formation!

"Martial ancestor is going to break the formation!"

At the same time, Duobao Tathagata who was fighting in the distance also jumped slightly in his heart, and his expression changed.

"it has started!"

Wang Lin was keenly aware of the fluctuations in Duobao Tathagata's heart, Yangtian let out a long howl, instead of retreating, he advanced, and punched Duobao Tathagata's forehead with a punch!

At the same time, the gray-robed old man above the boat also moved in his heart, and put away the trembling Sang Xiang Butterfly above his shoulders.

Across an endless distance, hit the Duobao Tathagata!

There are six Buddhist powers present, this person is the leader, and this person is the strongest!

As long as you drag him, it is already a great credit!

Of course, his cultivation was not as good as Wang Lin's.


In the great formation of the Tathagata, the Buddha's light has skyrocketed, and the Buddhist six-character mantra is even more grand.


While hunting in black, Gu Shaoshang glanced at the somewhat surprised monkey, and said lightly:

"No need, I am enough to break the formation myself."

As the voice fell, Gu Shaoshang stepped forward, majestic and majestic, as if the emperor of heaven was on a tour, with flamboyant arrogance.

His arms stretched out, his fingers like fairy swords slowly opened, and the layers of Buddhist barriers were torn apart like paper.

Immediately, he folded his fingers together and squeezed his fist.

Hit it all!

Boom! ! !

The many Buddhist magical powers that frame the Tathagata formation collapsed together, layer after layer of space collapsed, and layer after layer of Buddhist kingdoms shattered.

Hundreds of millions of Buddhist kingdoms, all under the oppression of incomparably tyrannical, powerful and strong fists, turned into tiny and invisible particles, or a piece of paper that was flat to the limit!

Countless Buddhist monks were horrified, and fell into an irresistible silence that was neither life nor death!

boom! !

At the moment when the fist marks were blasted out, the great formation of the Tathagata roared in unison, and the many Buddhist avenues within it were shattered.

On this side, the hundreds of millions of Buddhist kingdoms are intertwined vertically and horizontally, and all the variables in the countless spaces that are immortal and immortal are all vanished by the endless tyrannical fist intent.

Become the most monotonous one!

Countless variables disappeared, and the shadowy Buddhaland disappeared.

The entire Tathagata Formation is not three-dimensional, it seems to have become a circle drawn on paper.

And the direction of Gu Shaoshang's fists, like two long knives, instantly tore apart the space including the Tathagata formation.

Suddenly, the Tathagata formation appeared! !

"How can it be?!"

On the golden lotus pedestal, the five kings of Ming Dynasty all changed in color, and the king of the central immovable Ming Dynasty even exploded his scalp!

The ball of light that was suppressed by the five people has suddenly swelled. In this golden lotus, the five people shrouded in the Buddha's light, and it swelled extremely dramatically!

In the sea of ​​chaos, the waves are surging, and the rumbling sounds are endless.


The five kings of Ming Dynasty widened their eyes angrily, and a mouthful of hot golden Buddha's blood spurted out.

The twelfth-grade golden lotus is constantly rotating, wrapped in an innumerable chaotic airflow, stirring an incomparably huge vortex in the vast chaotic sea!

Like a hurricane on land, like a dragon in the sea sucking water!

So huge, so spectacular!

Even Duobao Tathagata and Wang Lin, who were fighting in the distance, couldn't help but watch with a single thought!

The power that erupted at this moment was terrifying!

The collision of the six Daluos is far more terrifying than the fight between the two of them!


The sea of ​​chaos is boiling, and layers of great worlds are born and destroyed.

"The power of one person can actually shake the Tathagata Formation suppressed by King Wufang Ming?!!"

Duobao Tathagata was shocked in his heart, and his long eyebrows couldn't help but lift.

King Ming of Wufang is the most Dharma protector of Buddhism, and the first to conquer demons!

Apart from the fact that he didn't get any advantage in Jidu Demon God's hands, he had never seen a Daluo who could shake five people to join forces!

He hadn't been so shocked in a long time!

Even before the endless years ago, the Great Wu Xingtian attacked the heavenly court and was beheaded by the Heavenly Emperor.

Only when he was a Taoist of Duobao, he had seen a peacock soaring in the sky and swallowing the sky, he had been so shocked.

"Dare to be distracted while fighting against me..."

Wang Lin's long hair fluttered, ignoring the obstacles of time and space, and bombarded with a punch.

Duobao Tathagata was shocked, and took Wang Lin's fist with his palm back.

At the same time, the golden light in the eyes overflowed, shattering the sword of death that came from the sky.

With one enemy and two, he can do it with ease, but the battle between the Five Fang Ming Kings, he has a lot of uncertainty in his heart.

Gu Shaoshang's fist is too domineering.

If his fist intent can break through the blockade of the Tathagata Formation, in the entire Westward Journey universe, only a few big Luos can compete with him.



"Woolen cloth!"




The five kings of Ming Dynasty were serious and angry, and they continued to recite the six-character mantra to bless the Tathagata.

At the same time, dozens of arms moved the seals in unison, constantly flipping and turning, hitting one after another with Buddhist magical powers in the great formation of the Tathagata.

Block Gu Shao hurt Naha Lie's fist mark.


Boom! !

In the great formation of the Tathagata, Gu Shaoshang's fist is like a circle of life and death, and the six directions change between rotations, as if all gods and demons are howling in unison, and everything is destroyed in the roar and vibration!

The Five Seals of Shakyamuni are broken!

The Five Great Kings of Ming Dynasty's Magical Power Seal, Broken!

The Tathagata palm is broken!

The Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the hand is broken!





No matter what kind of Buddhist supernatural power, what kind of supreme secret method, all shattered under his fist mark!

The most refined and pure fist intent cannot be eroded, and the power of the strongest and the most powerful swept away everything!

The consumption of a hundred innate Hongmeng purple energy is incomparably huge!

Whether it is the Golden Seal of the Absolute Beginning, the Particle God and Demon Body, or the God Fist Dao, all of them have reached a peak!

Gu Shaoshang has already grasped the true meaning of power!

boom! !

All time and space have already lost their meaning at this moment, and one in ten million is born and died, or even in a shorter time.

His double fists have already shattered countless Buddhist magical powers, and the obstacles of hundreds of millions of Buddhist kingdoms have slammed into the great formation of the Tathagata!

"not good!"

"Get out of the way!"


On the golden lotus pedestal, the pupils of the five great kings shrank in an instant, and they all roared and tried to avoid them.

But where's the time!

Before the voice came, the thoughts were too late to turn.

The Tathagata Formation has completely broken through the suppression of no one, and instantly expanded to an unimaginable level, and the burst of divine light instantly illuminates the huge Chaos Sea!

The Duobao Tathagata in the distance shook his expression, only to feel a fierce and incomparable fist rising into the sky, penetrating the endless chaotic airflow, sweeping the four poles, and there is no distance!

The five kings of Ming Dynasty and the 12th grade golden lotus were instantly swept away by the fist intent and flew out an extremely far distance!

The Buddha's blood flows like a waterfall!

The Tathagata Formation has completely expanded, larger than a single universe, suspended in chaos, illuminating the earth like an indescribable sun!


A crisp sound rang in the ears of everyone present.

Immediately, two big hands stretched out the Tathagata Formation, at the edge.

A sudden tear!

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