Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1321: Hong Yi's slaughter Shinto!

The ten-year war was originally just the Heavenly Court and the Great Yi Dynasty. Later, the truth Dynasty, the Holy Land of Origin and other giants in the heavenly world also participated in the war.

The continuous flames of war swept through almost the entire heaven, and even the whole world.

It can be said that there is no safe place between heaven and earth today.


The hurricane air flowed in all directions on the top of the mountain, Fang Han's expression was solemn.

Every time he used the Little Fate Technique, he could feel an invisible, intangible, but real force eroding the world and affecting his mind.

After dispersing the Little Fate Technique, he couldn't feel it anymore.

"Fang Han!"

After a long time, the void shook, and Fang Qingxue stepped to the top of the mountain.

Her body is surrounded by a deep power of destiny, which is more and more unfathomable, and it seems that she has retrieved the power of her previous life.

"Clear snow."

Fang Han was not surprised by Fang Qingxue's change, and said, "Have you sensed the change in the heavens?"

"The power of fate is everywhere, I can feel that the limit of the heaven is coming!"

Fang Qingxue nodded and said:

"The heaven is at the highest place in time and space, and it is the most honorable place in all worlds. Its origins show that the end of this era has come early!"

Fang Qingxue's heart was also very solemn.

There was such a huge change in the heavens, and naturally no Tianjun would stop her and hunt her down. She finally recovered some of the power and memory of her previous life.

At the same time, she also felt the breath of catastrophe coming.

She is the monarch born in this era. Because she saw the power of fate, she became the number one monarch of the heavens, but she has never experienced the end of the era.

However, she was suspicious.

The catastrophe of heaven and earth should not come at this time, there should be another hidden reason.

"I feel it too."

Fang Han nodded.

The reason why he contacted Fang Qingxue was naturally because he felt the power of the end of the era.

"Under the end of the era, all existences under Heavenly Sovereign will be destroyed, Fang Han, you must be promoted to Heavenly Sovereign!"

Fang Qingxue said categorically.

At the end of the era, everything will be silent, unless you become a god, you can't stop it.

"It's easy to become a god."

Fang Han looked calm, and said slowly: "My savings are enough, you can rest assured Qingxue about this."

Ten years after arriving in the heavens, and another ten years of boundless chaos, Fang Han has gained incomparably huge gains.

The source energy accumulated is enough to push him to the heavenly monarch.

If he hadn't been able to obtain the source power, he wouldn't have stayed here so calmly at this time, and he would have gone to find the opportunity to break through Tianjun.


Fang Qingxue couldn't help but be taken aback.

How difficult is Tianjun's breakthrough?

She also retrieved part of the memory and power of her previous life, and she found many treasures in various places before she succeeded.

Fang Han is actually confident?

However, she vaguely knew Fang Han's identity, and naturally believed him:

"I originally wanted to kill a Heavenly Monarch, extract his Dao of Law, and let you break through. If you are sure, I will not do it."

"I have comprehended the way of the Era, and I have understood a lot of truths, so the Heavenly Sovereign is naturally not a problem."

Fang Han smiled lightly:

"My biggest achievements in the past ten years are not these, but, I have comprehended the profound power of fate, and even faintly communicated with the gate of eternal life, and I am about to fully comprehend the Great Destiny Technique!"

Speaking of this, Fang Han's words also paused slightly.

In the past ten years, he has fought many battles, and the source power he has accumulated has deduced all the supernatural powers he has learned to a very high level.

Especially the Little Fate, which can even communicate with the gate of eternal life.

It's only a thin line away from truly comprehending the Great Destiny Technique.

So, even if Tianjun made a move, he couldn't kill him.

"Have you comprehended the Great Destiny Stone?"

Fang Qingxue's expression finally changed.

The Great Destiny Technique is the strongest avenue from the gate of immortality, but the small Fate Technique that evolved from it faintly suppresses the other 2,999 avenues.

How terrifying would the real Great Destiny be?

"That's right! I called you here because I want to comprehend the Great Destiny Art with you!"

Fang Han pressed his palm slightly and let Fang Qingxue sit down, saying:

"By the way, take a peek at the end of heaven and earth, the appearance of the Great Tribulation of the Era!"

Fang Qingxue was a little shocked, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

"Take this opportunity to be promoted to the realm of Heavenly Sovereign! With the power of the Great Destiny Technique, it is enough to cover up everything and not be discovered by anyone!"

As Fang Han said, he suddenly burned his Shou Yuan, and activated the Little Fate Technique:

"Between heaven and earth, eternal destiny, your power is omnipresent and omnipotent, and the gate of eternal life cannot be suppressed..."

Fang Han's power at this time is extremely deep, and his lifespan is almost the same as that of heaven and earth.

Enough to run through endless dimensions and shake the ancient time and space!

"The power of destiny is supreme, transcending the fairy world, the majesty of destiny, unparalleled, mastering the laws of the heavens, the birth and death of all things..."

Fang Qingxue did not hesitate in the slightest, and at the same time burned his Shou Yuan, urging the Little Fate Technique with the body of a Heavenly Monarch.


The unpredictable and untouchable power of fate seemed to penetrate the boundless void when the two of them sang together, communicating with a stalwart existence in the dark.

Faintly, there is a statue that is bigger than the three thousand worlds of the world, bigger than the heavens, and it seems to encompass all the heavens and myriad worlds, billions of trillions of voids, and the portal phantom of countless sentient beings, floating in the boundless void outside the heavens.

The ancient vicissitudes of life, the ancient and long breath fell down, and silently descended on the bodies of the two.

"This is... the power of destiny, the power of the gate of eternal life!"

Fang Qingxue's body was constantly shaking, and the power of fate seemed to awaken something deep in her body.

Her breath kept rising!

The memories of the previous life seem to be all resurrected!

"Fate, Fadu, the door to eternal life!"

A glimmer of enlightenment flashed in Fang Han's eyes, and the mysteries of the immeasurable avenues and magical powers flowed through his heart.

Countless knowledge, ideas, and information impacted Fang Han's mind.

Every moment, he seemed to have spent an incomparably long time and practiced for thousands of years.

In the end, the immeasurable information, knowledge, and thoughts turned into the four big characters of "Great Destiny Technique" and illuminated the sea of ​​​​heart!

The indescribable supreme power washes his body, his primordial spirit, the Dao of Law, and even the countless magical treasures in his body, the kingdom of crystal gods.

"Tianjun, give me a promotion!"

The moment he realized the Great Destiny Technique, Fang Hanfu reached his heart, completely burned all the source power, and began to impact the realm of Heavenly Sovereign!


"Great Destiny!"

In the emptiness of many dimensions, in the halls of the holy halls that glow with the breath of boundless civilization, Hong Yi's eyes moved:

"Finally, it's complete!"

Hong Yi sighed faintly.

In his body, there seemed to be the chanting of the Great Dao, the praise of the law, and the sound of the conch being played by all gods, all demons, and ten thousand immortals.

wow wow wow~~~

Threads of breath escaped from the pores of his body.

It seems to be an extremely high energy, and it seems to be an immeasurable rune law.

And between Hong Yi's sigh, the countless Duan De's breaths trembled slightly, and in the void, they evolved into small spirits with all hands and feet and delicate facial features.

On the bodies of the little Yuanlings, you can see the words "Great Karma Technique", "Great Reincarnation Technique", "Great Wish Technique", "Big Five Elements Technique", "Big Heart Magic"...etc. .

No more, no less, exactly two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

These methods have Yuan Ling, which means that Hong Yi has cultivated 2,999 great supernatural powers to the peak level!

In the end, as Hong Yi's voice fell, the Yuan Spirit representing the "Great Destiny Technique" was completely revealed!

The difference is that the primordial spirits transformed by other avenues are no more than the size of a pinky finger, but the primordial spirits of this great destiny technique are so tall that they seem to fill the world and all dimensions!


Countless primordial spirits, big and small, whimpered and rolled in the dimensional void, vaguely as if they were about to transform into three thousand great worlds.


At this time, Hong Yi stretched out his palm, spread out his five fingers, and pressed lightly, countless large and small primordial spirits all showed fear, and were included in his palm.

Hong Yi looked calm, and slowly revealed four big characters:

"Da Tu Divine Dao!"

Then, with his five fingers pinched, he formed an extremely complete, supreme and noble fist print.

Move forward, press lightly!

With just a single touch, the dimension completely collapsed, all worlds collapsed, the universe shook, and all Taos shuddered.


In the vast and boundless heaven, the countless heavenly kings who are fighting, all changed their expressions, and their hairs stood on end.

I saw that outside the boundless void, at the end of the boundless space and time, a stalwart and supreme existence punched.

Wherever I've Myriad Taos fall, Myriad worlds collapse!

Everyone, all felt the collapse of the universe, and the boundless terror of the end of the era struck!

"This is... Datu Shinto?!"

In the celestial battlefield, Mengshenji stood above the eternal kingdom, and his expression changed.

"what is this?!"

The lord of war, with a halberd drawn across the sky, almost fell to his knees in shock.

This punch contains indescribable terrifying power, which is countless times stronger than the Immortal King he has fought before!

"After the Dayi Dynasty, there is such an existence?!!"

The Lord of War roared in anger, Fang Tianhua halberd rose from the sky, shook the sky of all ages, and stabbed the indescribably overbearing fist mark away.


The other Heavenly Sovereigns were also terrified, burning their Shou Yuan one after another, launching the strongest attack in their lives, trying to block the punch!


In the next instant, the crystal wall of the heavenly realm shattered!

Fang Han, who had just become a Heavenly Sovereign under the shroud of the Great Fate Technique, was suddenly shocked and couldn't help but look up.

I saw that above the sky, the gods fell like rain!

Many gods fell like dumplings like "crackling"!

With one punch, the gods and Buddhas in the sky were shot down, and dozens of giants were shot down!

Really, it's so terrifying!

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