Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1322: Killing and robbery began in 9 days! (4000 words)

Time and space are silent, all beings are silent!

The power of this punch is indescribable, it seems to include the eight wastes and six hexes, and it covers all time and space. Everything is eclipsed by this punch.

For a time, even the ancient antiques in the realm were trembling.

"It's him?"

On the top of the mountain, Fang Han, who had just broken through the realm of Heavenly Monarch, changed his expression.

The power of the Great Destiny Technique around him has not yet dissipated. Through this power, he faintly saw the true face of the stalwart existence at the end of the sky at that time.

It was the "big man" he saw in the Great Yi Imperial Capital and taught himself the martial arts of immortality!

"He is the Great Emperor Tianfu?"

In Fang Han's heart, he suddenly realized that he had already seen this Heavenly Talisman Great Emperor.

"There are traces of the Great Destiny Technique in this magical power? How could he have the Great Destiny Technique?"

Fang Qingxue finally came to her senses, shocked and puzzled in her heart.

The Great Destiny Stone is the most mysterious avenue that has been circulated in the gate of eternal life. It is as strong as the Daoist of Hongmeng, and even the Immortal King of Fortune has not been able to obtain the Great Destiny Technique.

Where did the Great Emperor Tianfu come from to cultivate the Great Destiny Technique?

"time to go!"

Rumbling Tianyin shook the universe, and the palm that shook the gods and Buddhas spread out, pinched with five fingers, as if grabbing something in the void, and then retreated calmly.

The whole process is not slow or slow.

Fang Han could see that in the palm of his hand, an infinitely large world was looming, and countless people from the Great Yi Dynasty took their guard away.

"Go? Where are you going?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Fang Han's heart.

As soon as he saw the end of the sky at that time, the incomparably stalwart Heavenly Talisman Emperor had disappeared.

Hong Yi retracted his palm, his eyes pierced through the boundless void, took a deep look at Fang Han, and with a flick of his finger, he calmly disappeared into the void.

Disappearing with him were the masters of the entire Dayi Dynasty.



With the disappearance of that fist mark, the collapsed and shattered trillion-dollar space suddenly swelled.


Fang Han's heart suddenly moved, his palm stretched out, tearing the void directly.

He took it back again, but he held a huge world tree trunk like a pillar!

"The trunk of the world?"

Fang Qingxue frowned: "The Great Emperor Fu, why did he give you the world tree trunk?"

Fang Han put away the trunk of the world in a hurry. He seemed to know something, but he didn't tell the other party Qingxueming.

"Who knows?"

An intriguing smile appeared on Fang Han's face: "Perhaps, he owes me?"


Fang Qingxue was taken aback.

"The past doesn't have to be explored too much."

Fang Han casually flicked his fingers and said lightly:

"Emperor Tianfu killed dozens of heavenly monarchs, but left his body behind. This is our great fortune! Maybe today, you can restore the majesty of the electric mother heavenly monarch!"

Dozens of Heavenly Sovereigns, what a huge resource is this?

If he could get all of them, it would be enough to make him the top Heavenly Monarch!

"That's right! In the guidance of the Great Destiny Technique, the source of the catastrophe is in the heaven, and the destruction of the heavens and the world will begin from there!"

Fang Qingxue restrained other emotions, nodded and said:

"This battle is over, we must rush to Heaven!"

"The source of the disaster is Huatiandu!"

Fang Han's eyes are deep and wise, and he knows far more than Fang Qingxue.

Under the amazing glance of the Great Destiny Technique, he saw Huatiandu, the source of doom.

While they were talking, the two of them had already torn apart the space and headed for trillions of miles away.

If his expectations are not bad, then the most powerful war lord among the heavenly monarchs should fall there!

A feast is about to start, how could he be without his God of Cookery?


"The Immortal King, it really is the Immortal King! However, no matter how tyrannical you are, you still have to make a wedding dress for me!"

Above the Nine Heavens Tower, Hua Tiandu had a cold smile on his face:

"The more tragic the killing, the deeper the calamity, the stronger I will be!"

Above the sky, the clouds of calamity are like ink, and hundreds of millions of calamities are rolling like dragons, bursting out from all directions, past and future, all nothingness, and pouring into Huatiandu's flesh.

The Boundless Hundong Tribulation Sutra is the legendary ancestor of all demons, a classic handed down by Rahu.

It is said that it is the source of the immeasurable way of ending, and contains the secrets of immeasurable calamities!


Indescribable surging power rolled in, and under the blessing of boundless calamity, Hua Tiandu's cultivation began to skyrocket again!


Hua Tiandu looked wanton and wild.

He is the cancer of the gate of immortality, the innate source of doom, the superposition of the two, the bursting power instantly swept the nine heavens and ten places, the entire universe!

"I am the source of doom, kill calamity, and come to me!"


With a huge roar resounding through the universe.

The entire world of the three thousand worlds, the celestial world, and even the upper world were all shaken!

"This is... the breath of an immortal king? Is another immortal king about to appear?"

"This breath comes from the heaven opened by the Immortal King Fortune! Could it be the return of the Immortal King Fortune?"

"No! Demonic energy is deep, demonic energy is deep, I feel the power of destruction, this is not a fairy king, this is a demon king!"

In the three thousand worlds of the mundane world, the interlayer of the heavenly world, the upper world of the world, and the battlefield of the Immortal King, a statue had not yet woken up from the divine way of the slaughter of the world-beating slaughter of Hong Yi, and was extremely shocked to discover this scene.

wow wow wow~~~

The ghosts and gods cried together, the law wailed, and the avenues wailed!

Hua Tiandu's body swelled uncontrollably, becoming as huge as the sky and the earth!

Under the infusion of an unknown force, Hua Tiandu's aura was increasing all the time, and its speed made everyone stunned!

The calamity is burning, the void is burning, the laws and the great roads are all burning!

"not good!"

Somewhere in the heavens, Fang Han, who was refining Tianjun's body, suddenly woke up.

Compared to Emperor Tianfu who punched at will, Hua Tiandu, who burst out completely, has a tyrannical aura!

The endless creatures were all shocked, even the Heavenly Monarch was horrified.

I saw that Hua Tiandu was tall and sturdy, and his body was above the nine heavenly towers, but his feet smashed the boundless void.

The boundless and vast world of Xuanhuang is not enough to carry one of its soles!

And its head broke through the sky and the sky with a bang, and submerged into the upper realm, as if it was about to touch the limit of the world!

What is indomitable?

This is indomitable!

"Fang Han! Hua Tiandu is too strong! Too strong!"

Fang Qingxue's expression changed.

Hua Tiandu's breath at this time simply reminded her of the supreme giant among the Immortal Kings, the Immortal King of Fortune!

At this time, she has recovered her cultivation of eighteen epochs, but compared to Hua Tiandu at this time, it is not worth mentioning!

"Power, it's really intoxicating!"

With his body spanning a trillion spaces, Hua Tian sighed slightly, and the hurricane sonic wave tore apart the 10,000 trillion miles of void, shattering all tangible and intangible matter.

It was only then that he regained his previous strength.

"Ah ah ah!"

The broken and collapsed void spreads infinitely, and countless gods in the entire heaven will be completely engulfed by calamity.

Even the many gods who are only half a step away from the heavenly monarch cannot keep their thoughts clear and completely sink into the slaughter!

"Hua Tiandu! You destroyed the heaven, what do you want to do! The Immortal King of Fortune won't let you go!"

Among the ruins of the Heavenly Court, the Nine Heavens Profound Maiden in white attired soared up, with a furious expression on her face.

She is the woman who created the Immortal King. She has a high status in the heavenly court, and she ignored the battle between the Dayi Dynasty and the heavenly world.

But at this time, the Dayi Dynasty had already retreated, but the Heavenly Court was destroyed in the hands of Hua Tiandu!


Hua Tian lowered his eyes, and a cold and tyrannical light flashed in his eyes:

"You'll know right away!"


As the voice rumbled, Hua Tiandu pressed his fingers like Tianzhu instantly, crushing Jiutian Xuannv to death in the ruins of the heavenly court!

"Under the catastrophe, no one can escape!"

Rushing down the ants and crushing Jiutian Xuannv to death, Hua Tian smiled indifferently, spread his arms, and penetrated the trillions of voids:

"It's better, turn it all into the nourishment for my breakthrough!"


The calamity storm that swept the heavens and the earth came out of Hua Tiandu's mouth, sweeping across the boundless realm and even the battlefield of the Immortal King!

Immediately, it spreads down toward the heaven!

The dragon realm, the Buddha realm, the demon realm, the demon realm, all collapsed in the first place!

The great calamity of the epoch came completely under the burning of immeasurable calamity!

In an instant, the sky was falling apart, the tsunami was violent, the land was sinking, the volcano was erupting, and the stars fell like rain!

In the world of hundreds of billions, the space of 10,000 trillion, and the infinite dimension, an unprecedented catastrophe has been ushered in!

The sky is falling, the earth is sinking, the gods are dead, the demons are dead, the immortals are dead, the Buddha is dead, and the dragon is dead!

Humans are also dead!

Whether it is human beings, immortals, Buddhas or dragons, all those who did not reach the realm of Heavenly Monarch died under this boundless storm of destruction!

Unstoppable, unable to escape!

"Destroy my Dragon Realm, Huatiandu, your sin is unforgivable and you will surely die!"

In the shattered void, an ancient celestial dragon with a size of trillions of miles roared:

"Wanlong Refinement World Great Immortal Technique!"


The huge dragon claws that are enough to tear a world come out, as if there are trillions of ancient heavenly dragons jointly blessing, shocking time and space, tearing the universe.

They are going to kill Hua Tiandu!

"Babu Tianjun, you are only ten epochs of cultivation, think you can kill me with the legacy of that old dragon?"

Hua Tiandu looked at the Lord of the Dragon Realm and laughed:

"Still die!"


The big hand pressed down, the ten thousand worlds collapsed into the air, and the ten thousand dragon refining world great immortal art composed of hundreds of billions of ancient celestial dragons collapsed.

Directly slaughtered the head of the dragon clan in the boundless calamity!

"Hua Tiandu, you are too arrogant!"

In the upper realm of the realm, an ancient heavenly monarch, who was cultivating in deep cultivation, was full of murderous intent.

The robbery qi that Hua Tiandu swayed indiscriminately covered the vast universe, trillions of trillions of time and space, even if they were, they were all enveloped by robbery qi.

What makes them murderous is that even they can't get rid of the influence of calamity!

If they don't kill Hua Tiandu, they will all kill each other and sink into the robbery!

"kill him!"

"What about the Immortal King? If you want to kill us, you will die too!"

"Kill kill kill!"

At the moment when the Lord of the Dragon Clan was blown up, many Heavenly Monarchs in the Upper Realm also took action:

"Qian, Kun, Li, Xun, Broken, Destroyed, Banned, Sealed..."

"The truth is immortal!"

"Judgment Seven!"

"The torrent of troubled times!"

"Sword of Alaya!!!"


How many gods are there in the upper realm?

Compared with the heaven, the dragon, the Buddha, and the three thousand worlds combined, there are many more!

With this one shot, the world above the realm was completely destroyed into nothingness, and the chains of destruction slapped down overwhelmingly.

The immortal arts formed by countless great supernatural powers burst out with shocking and terrifying power!

Facing the joint attacks of many heavenly monarchs, Hua Tiandu's expression remained unchanged, he calmly raised his palm, and greeted him with a bang:

"The mantis arm is the car!"


Heaven and earth were annihilated, the end came, and the entire universe was completely shattered by this blow, as if to repeat the opening of Hongmeng, and the universe was flooded!


In the dull expansion, the fall of the heavens!

The great sun in the celestial world is not a star, but a symbol of majesty, masculinity, and fiery Tao, which is the source of masculinity in all worlds.

With this destruction, there is no more light in the world, and the tens of billions of suns are extinguished at the same time!

In the celestial world, Fang Han stepped on one hundred thousand continents, and the infinite crystal divine kingdom in his body bloomed brightly, absorbing all beings in the world.

"Hua Tiandu!"

Seeing that many Heavenly Monarchs collided with Hua Tian, ​​he couldn't help roaring.

At the same time, he stepped out in one step, the dragon and the tiger, separated by trillions of time and space, and struck a punch of the era:

"Epoch Divine Fist, eliminate the catastrophe, kill the tumor, and save the common people!"

These days, Fang Han has refined the legacy of several Heavenly Sovereigns, and his power has already surpassed the scope of ordinary Heavenly Sovereigns, and is much more tyrannical than Fang Qingxue.

With this punch, all the 100,000 continents in the heavenly world sank and collapsed, and countless living beings were contained in his crystal kingdom.

The sound of roaring and mourning of all beings rose and fell in the fist of the era, wanting to eliminate the calamity and kill Hua Tiandu!

"Fate is omnipresent, fate is omnipotent, fate is the king of all things, the master of all living beings..."

The sound of Dao Zen singing and praise reverberated, and Fang Qingxue also stepped issued a great fate spell, making a rumbling sound:


Destiny is omnipresent, and with the power of destiny as the tongue, Fang Qingxue's voice instantly spread throughout all spaces, overflowing with domineering!



Heaven and earth are withered, the void is dead, and all things fall, and the calamity of the era is getting worse and worse.

That supreme gate of immortality was completely manifested after countless layers of space were shattered!

"Great Fate Technique?"

Hua Tiandu raised his hands to fight against the many ancient heavenly monarchs, and looked down at Chaos without hesitation.

The stronger the catastrophe, the more tyrannical his breath is!

Seeing the Divine Fist of the Era and the Great Destiny Technique bombarded, he pressed down on Fang Qingxue and Fang Han with one hand:


"Era Divine Fist, runs through time and space, the gate of eternal life, and is one with me!"

Fang Han's beard and hair are all stretched out, and in the dark, he almost feels that he is one with the gate of eternal life.

Era Divine Fist immediately evolved, and the meaning of the ancient desolation was surging.

Throughout the ages, countless calamities of the era have all manifested in this punch!


Just when the catastrophe became more and more intense.

In the gate of immortality, Gu Shaoshang, who was sitting cross-legged in the aura of immortality, slowly opened his eyes.

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