Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1326: One killing and robbery broke the big 0, and the road goes through all realms a


Layers of ripples spread out from the gate of immortality, and the boiling spreads to the infinite and far-reaching places.

In an instant, the endless chaos, the vast chaos enough to accommodate millions of Xuanhuang Great World, was covered by an indifferent and lofty aura.

Covered and changed by the Taoism contained in this voice, it has become the main field of the coming people.

"The way of heaven does nothing, good and evil are chaotic, the origin and fate of the extinction, the void does not stain Li, Li Li Hansha!"

In the tumor held by the big hand, Hua Tiandu's shocked face appeared, and he was speechless.

He had never heard this voice, but the moment he heard it, he knew who was coming!

One of the ten major Hunyuan giants in the main temple, Li Hansha!

In the structure of the main temple, it really stands at the top of the pyramid, and it is almost equivalent to one of the main gods, the Primordial Giant!

This is the real Hunyuan giant, not the incomplete Hunyuan like the Immortal King of Creation, the Primordial Demon Lord.

It is incomplete that cannot radiate the heavens and the world, and shake the primordial essence of the world with its own way.

The savings of the Immortal King of Creation and the Primordial Demon Lord are incomparably deep, and they have accumulated power comparable to Hunyuan in the unique environment of the eternal world.

But compared with the real Hunyuan, it is far worse.

The real Hunyuan is the Dao itself, the origin of Dao, the ancestor of Dao!

Radiating all worlds, every move can mobilize the large universe with the number of Hengsha, and the power of the large world blesses you!

Being here, you can be separated from the endless world, the universe, and smash anyone in the time and space beyond the endless distance!

A real invincible giant!



The crystal wall outside the gate of immortality was torn apart again, and a young man in simple clothes paced out.

The young man's expression was peaceful, although he was in human form, he was not popular, and he was as tall as the sky.

It was Li Hansha!

"Sir, save me!"

Hua Tiandu's fear flashed a hint of happiness.

The tumor in the palm of his hand kept squirming.

He had no time to wonder why Li Hansha was here, but obviously, since Li Hansha was here, even if he didn't come to help him, he wouldn't kill him.

"Hunyuan Chengdao Tribulation"

Li Hansha paced out, looked at Gu Shaoshang who was standing in the chaos, nodded slightly and said:

"Li Hansha, I have seen fellow Daoist!"

"Li Hansha, we finally meet."

Gu Shaoshang's eyes were gloomy and gloomy, and a strange light flashed.

His words drifted, as if referring to Li Hansha, but also seemed to contain deep meaning.

"There are three steps to prove Dao Primordial Primordial, open the calamity, end the calamity, and the Daoist Daoist friends have crossed the first step, which is really gratifying."

Li Hansha held the tumor and spoke slowly.

There are three steps to proving the Tao.

If you go to kill the calamity, there are three steps to open the calamity, close the calamity, and transform the heavens.

The first step is to use the calamity of one person to transform the calamity of all living beings, which is directly the end of heaven and earth, and all things become ashes.

The second step is to kill all the calamities and escape from the calamities.

The third step is to transform into a Dao seed and radiate the heavens. The more worlds overwhelmed, the stronger the cultivation base and the deeper the Dao accumulation.

If one day is omnipresent and everything is present, then it is Hunyuan Wuji.

In the endless infinite multiverse, the number of Daluo is unknown, but it is quite a lot.

But the number of people who can go to the stage of proving Dao and Primordial Primordial is greatly reduced.

Anyone who has come this far is the arrogance that is hard to find in the world, and even he cannot bear to be easily killed.

"As soon as fellow Daoist arrives, the first step is not perfect."

In the turbulent chaotic airflow, Gu Shaoshang dressed in black robes for hunting, his long hair flying like countless swords tearing through nothingness, and the dark eyes were even more murderous.

Whether Li Hansha is good or evil, coming here has already become his doom.

"Perhaps, fellow Daoist has this disaster in his life!"

Li Hansha smiled slightly and said:

"Is it easy to prove the Dao Primordial Primordial? Daoist friends proved the Dao before the great catastrophe of the gate of eternal life, and I have not come before I have never really entered the catastrophe!"

"How can the number of dooms be fixed?"

Li Hansha smiled lightly.

Proving the Way is never easy, and the number of dooms is even more uncertain.

Although the robbery of enlightenment is born in the heart, but all spirits are under the Dao, how can practitioners not affect the Dao?

He may come as he wishes, but it may not be a coincidence that he stepped into Gu Shaoshang's enlightenment.

It may also be inevitable.

Gu Shaoshang didn't say any more, just stuck out one hand and spread out his five fingers.

Away from the endless chaos, he probed out towards Li Hansha:

"Kill those who stop me!"


The vast chaos exploded, and the gate of eternal life that stood in the sky suddenly shook, as if it was shaken!

"The body is complete, the moves are perfect, and there is no one who can defeat you under the flawless Da Luo!"

Li Hansha's eyes moved slightly.

Immediately, he raised his hand slowly, clenched his fist, and pressed down:

"But the person I want to protect, no one can kill!"


Just a calm and casual press, the five fingers flowed away, just like the opening of Hongmeng, the world reopened.

Vaguely, the shattered three thousand worlds, the celestial world and other great universes will reappear!

In the moment of thought, the shattered world will be rebuilt, and the sentient beings will return!

Even Hua Tian could spy on the many immortal kings that flashed by!

Between his five fingers, there are three thousand avenues, countless civilizations, history, many epochs, all the worlds that have been destroyed!

It is as if the way of heaven turns, and everything has to reappear!

"Hunyuan, this is the real Hunyuan!"

In the tumor, Hua Tiandu's will was excited.

He is also very close to this step, if not fall short in the end, he can also have this scene!

Even though the Great World of the Gate of Eternal Life is isolated from the Primordial Path, the power contained in this punch far exceeds that of the Immortal King of Creation, the Primordial Demon Lord.

It has reached a level that immortal kings in this world can't even imagine!

This punch can even end the era and go back to eternity!


The great world collapsed, and the explosion sounded like the sinking of the avenue.

Gu Shaoshang's protruding five fingers suddenly folded together, pinching out the most overbearing fist marks.

Throughout, like a thousand.

In the rumbling vibration, the shadows of heaven and earth were destroyed, and the heaven and earth that had not been remodeled were shattered again!


Between the birth of the world and the extinction of the world, it seemed to condense all the brilliance, and the fist marks that could not be seen collided with a bang.

Chaos erupted, almost as high as the gate of immortality!

The source of ten thousand ways, the mother body of ten thousand worlds, and the supreme and noble gate of eternal life all made a roaring sound!


Gu Shaoshang's body was shaken, and the vast chaos behind him collapsed one after another, turning into absolute nothingness and invisible.

If the great calamity of heaven and earth has not come, and he leans on it, all worlds will be shattered, and the whole world will be turned to ashes!

In between, Gu Shaoshang stepped out and punched, cold and tough:

"I want to kill!"

Boom! !

The fist seal rumbled, like a sacred mountain running through a thousand, covering the era, the Nine Heavens God King pressed the seal to turn life and death!

Vaguely, you can see that the universe is expanding and collapsing between his five fingers, and it starts again and again!

In the end, it turned into an extremely huge and infinitely small origin:

"Tian Yuan strikes!"

"good very good!"

Li Hansha's indifferent eyes lighted slightly, and then he pressed down again with a punch!

This punch is no longer as high as the sky, but the way of heaven has been transformed into the way of humanity.

The boundless torrent is rolling. From ancient times to the present, all civilizations, all countries, and all powerhouses born in the three thousand eras have emerged in it!


His body is not tall or big, and the fist mark doesn't seem to be heavy. With a single touch, he overcomes all obstacles and falls again.

The boundless chaos is completely transformed into nothingness!

boom! ! !

At this moment, everything is no longer visible!

In the tumor, Hua Tiandu looked terrified, even through the power of the tumor, he couldn't observe the battle.

It just feels like everything is collapsing in a crazy vibration, and everything is gone.

The two played against each other, as if the breakthrough had reached an unfathomable height that he could not see!




The battle between the two continued to spread in the emptiness that was invisible to mortals.

Heaven and earth are born again and again, and shattered again and again.

The gates of immortality are vibrating and buzzing, and in the unprecedented battle, they have received a great impact.

Even though the gate of immortality is isolated from Wan Dao, and even Hunyuan cannot communicate with Wan Dao in it, Li Hansha's supreme power still shocked Gu Shaoshang, who was caught in paranoid murder.

For the first time, he was unable to gain the upper hand in the collision of absolute power.

Whether it is strength or martial arts, he cannot overpower Li Hansha!

In his feeling, Li Hansha is like an infinitely far-reaching void.

No matter what kind of attack can really hurt him!

chi chi chi~

Gu Shaoshang's whole body is full of flames, and the boundless firelight shines, and it abruptly evokes the prehistoric world that has already evolved to the last step in the body:

"The evolution of the flood, give me a promotion!"


Gu Shaoshang said a word, in his body, that side has already accumulated for countless years, and the prehistoric world that has evolved to the peak is suddenly shocked!

The infinite river of time and space roared and vibrated, bursting out a powerful force, and completely integrated into Gu Shaoshang's body.

The vast universe, Zhou Tianxingdou, countless star officials

Above the sky, in the sky, countless immortals

In Xiniu Hezhou, the Holy Land of Lingshan, countless Buddhas

Under the eighteenth hell, in the boundless Asura field, countless evil ghosts and demons

Four major provinces, overseas immortal mountains, countless scattered immortals, earth immortals, and ordinary practitioners

The 80 billion players spread across many regions

All at this moment, disappeared without a trace!


The immeasurable Taoism, the immeasurable Dao Dharma, and the unparalleled power of world promotion.

At this moment, all of them rushed into Gu Shaoshang's sea of ​​consciousness!

It is like a sword that lifts the sky, piercing through the infinite nothingness, tearing apart the endless confusion, and beheading all the confusion.

In the end, it turned into a grand sound of heaven!


The rolling sound of the sky is like the bell in the morning, like the drum in the evening, like the thunder of early spring, like the sound of the opening of heaven and earth!

It resounded in Gu Shaoshang's mind!

At the same time, outside the infinitely distant gate of eternal life, Hong Yi, who was sitting cross-legged, was moved.

Across the boundless void, there is a smashing of the Dao Divine Dao, a purple aura that is like the source of Dao and the essence of all Dao.

Along the connection between himself and Gu Shaoshang, through the endless dimension, he forcibly broke into the gate of eternal life!

Amazingly, the chaotic innate Hongmeng inextinguishable spirit cloud formed by the ten thousand strands of Hongmeng purple energy and the inextinguishable spiritual light!


Spiritual rhythm enters the body, and Honghuang is promoted.

Under the superposition of the two, the boundless darkness in Gu Shaoshang's eyes receded!

Gu Shaoshang, who has lived on the earth for 30 years

Struggling to survive, Gu Shaoshang cautiously

The dragon and snake practice martial arts, and Gu Shaoshang, who understands the road ahead

Daming Datang Jiuding Yangshen

Either with good thoughts, or with murderous intentions, or indifferent, or cold, or peaceful, or high-spirited, or at peace

In the flow of countless lights and shadows, in the end, they all return to one!


Gu Shaoshang's whole body was full of purple flames, and the infinite bright yellow light illuminated the infinite and far-reaching void.

His eyes suddenly burned, he took nine steps in a row, and shouted three times:

"Dao! Tao! Tao!"

Stepping and screaming.

The nine punches that are infinitely powerful and powerful have been fired one after another!

The fist mark of Zhigang Xianqiang instantly tore the void, and the hole penetrated the boundless nothingness.

Attack Li Hansha directly!


Li Hansha was neither happy nor sad, neither avoiding nor dodging, raised his arm and punched again.

Hit hard!


The first punch, Li Hansha did not move, raised his fist to meet again.


With the second punch, Li Hansha shook his body, raised his hand and greeted him again!


The third punch, Li Hansha's long hair flutters


With the eighth punch, Li Hansha raised his eyebrows and moved for the first time.


Ninety-nine in one, Li Hansha finally changed color and took a step back!

"Li You can't stop me!"

As soon as Li Hansha retreated, Gu Shaoshang let out a long roar, transformed into nothingness and dissipated in the boundless chaos:

"One person kills and robs a thousand, and the Tao runs through all realms and proves Hunyuan!"

"My way is done!"

At this moment, Gu Shaoshang's breath was like emptiness, even more emptiness than nothingness, even more empty than emptiness.

It seemed to disappear completely into nothingness.

It's like, it's everywhere!

"What an ancestor of martial arts!"

In front of the gate of eternal life, in the boundless nothingness, Li Han smiled hoarsely.

Between his five fingers, there is only a trace of fly ash.

Hua Tiandu, together with his cancer body, was shocked by the collision in the last punch, and it was blown away!

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