Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1327: The master of martial arts, Gu Shaoshang!

"As expected of the person who stole the authority of the source, even I was almost deceived!"

The two fought for a long time. At this time, how could Li Hansha not know that the "East Emperor Taiyi" in front of him was wanted by the main temple and killed Feng Xiaozhong.

The ancestor of martial arts, Gu Shaoshang!

"But you can't escape!"

Li Hansha shook his hand, and he was about to chase after him.

Proving the Dao and Primordial Yuan is by no means something that can be done in an instant, and the outcome is unknown.

"You can't go anywhere!"

At this moment, a long howl shook the boundless nothingness.

In the gate of eternal life, a palm of unknown size protruded out, five fingers fell down and covered infinitely far, and slapped down towards Li Hansha!

"Fang Han!"

Li Hansha's expression did not change, he raised his hand and struck horizontally, parrying Fang Han's palm.

But he was also blocked here, unable to pursue Gu Shaoshang.


Chaos exploded.

Li Hansha looked up and saw Fang Han's stalwart body that seemed to be filled with thousands of people had stepped out.

The gate of immortality rose slowly, standing behind him.

Vaguely, you can see that silhouettes emerge from the stalwart gate of immortality.

It seems that all those who once fell have been reborn.

"As soon as the cancer is gone, the world will be clear!"

Fang Han's eyes are deep and deep, containing ancient vicissitudes, he has surpassed himself who once dominated many epochs, and completely grasped the door to eternal life.

"give it to you!"

A ray of purple light flashed past Fang Han's eyebrows and dissipated into the boundless chaos.

But it was the will of Gu Shaoshang who fell into Fang Han's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Li Hansha?"

Fang Han's expression was calm and free, and he spoke lightly.

He was indeed robbed in the hands of Gu Shaoshang before, but as the artifact of the gate of eternal life, Hua Tiandu shot except the cancer.

Or have the power to shatter the gate of immortality, and no one can kill him.

The reason why he should be robbed is nothing more than an exchange with Gu Shaoshang.

This is Gu Shaoshang's calamity of enlightenment, so why is it not his calamity?

Even, this is the doom of Huatiandu.

"Fang Han"

Li Hansha's eyes dimmed.

Fang Han, who returned from the robbery, has completely integrated with the gate of eternal life.

No one can kill him unless he smashes the gate of immortality with absolute power.

The Immortal King is not as good as Da Luo Jinshu, and the Supreme Fragmentation is inferior to Hun Yuan, but Fang Han at this time is no longer inferior to any Hun Yuan.

If he has not covered all worlds, he is already a giant at the Hunyuan level!

"The main temple has been planning for me for a long time, and it's time to repay one or two!"

Fang Han's voice rumbled, and he punched lightly!


Thousands of roars!

Fang Han's punch is calm and freehand.

This is already the mother fist of Wan Dao!

Three thousand avenues, three thousand ancient characters, Hongmeng Tiandao, Fortune Fist, Origin Fist, Truth Fist, Primordial Fist, Myth Fist, Dimensional Fist Since the three thousand epochs, there have been countless boxing magical powers of Hengsha. The avenues are all contained in it!

Even in that boxing technique, the shadows of Gu Shaoshang's Absolute Beginning Fist Dao, Hong Yi's Datu Dao, and Li Hansha's supernatural power flashed over!

This punch is equivalent to the great world of immortality, countless eras, countless creatures, and the sum of countless heaven and earth!

No one can resist, no one can resist!

No one can fight Fang Han in this gate of eternal life.

Daluo can't, neither can Hunyuan, nor can Li Hansha!

Therefore, Li Hansha took one step, but not a shot, but turned into a ray of white light in a flash.

Escape the big thousand directly!

It turned out to be out of sight, and immediately retreated!


Fang Han's body was stagnant, and he did not expect that Li Hansha would flee without a fight.

After a while, he missed the best opportunity to stop Li Hansha.

"Winning or losing is like a floating cloud. At this moment, I can't kill you, and you can't kill me. It's meaningless to fight again!"

The lingering voice was as faint as water.

Li Hansha has completely disappeared in the world of immortality.

"this person"

Fang Han shook his head slightly, but didn't mean to underestimate it.

A person doesn't care about victory or defeat, honor or disgrace.

This person is much purer than him.

However, it is pure Tao, tolerance is also Tao, Tao has no superiority.

He also doesn't think that he is inferior to Li Hansha.


The next moment, the fist mark fell.

Chaos opens up, Hongmeng evolves, Xuanhuang emerges, and heaven and earth appear.

One side of the big universe is looming, the parallel universe of the number of Hengsha, the trillion trillion infinite dimension space.

All began to evolve.

What was once shattered, reappeared, and what was once perished, reincarnated again!

After the dilapidation, rebirth!


The sound of the water rumbling, like a big river rushing forward, boundless waves crashing on the shore.

The water flow in the long river is extremely complicated, and it seems to accommodate the infinite universe and infinite living beings.

Past, future, present, everything, all-encompassing, all-encompassing!

"Time is endless and forever, space is boundless and forever, and ten thousand ways are infinite and forever"

Gu Shaoshang, whose whole body was burning with purple flames, sat cross-legged with a calm expression.

His body seems to be there, but he is not there. Sitting cross-legged, it is like a dam that cuts off the long river of time and space, covering many universes and time and space.

Let the boundless time wash away, it still stands still.

Under him, that incomparably stalwart time and space river kept shaking.

Vaguely, under the cover of his figure, in the immeasurable universe that made up this stalwart creation, one after another silhouette flickered.

That is him, or rather, the countless universes he once radiated.

The Tao of Daluo can be captured by all worlds and turned into a Tao body, but the Tao body is not the Tao.

What is Hunyuan, and Hunyuan is Daozong, Daozu, and it is the origin of Dao.

Before the End of Time and Space, the End of the Origin of the Infinite Infinite Multiverse!

With where I am, I radiate all worlds, where I am is the source!

Descendants testify, they testify to me!

To rule over time and space, become the master of space and time, to rule over the five elements is the master of the five elements, to rule over yin and yang, to be the master of yin and yang

Branded with the brand of martial arts, is the ancestor of martial arts!

The last step in proving Dao Primordial is to make all his Dao bodies in the heavens and the world become Dao!

"Unfortunately, my Dao body is less than one billionth of the infinite multiverse."

Gu Shao sighed in sadness.

The older the more powerful, this may not be true, but in a sense, it is not bad.

However, this ancient is not the ancient in time and space, but the ancient in enlightenment.

The time for him to achieve Daluo is definitely not long, at least, compared to that Lingshan World Honored, it is not long.

It is simply not enough to spread the infinite multiverse in the form of Taoism.

This gap cannot be easily erased.

From this, he can know how big the image of the World Honored Spirit Mountain is.

It's not that he can't prove Dao Hunyuan at all, but he wants to prove Dao Hunyuan Wuji in one step!

"Hundred Yuan"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes opened and closed, overlooking the endless river of time and space.

Vaguely, he can see that in the long river of time and space, there are boundless Dao Yun criss-crossing, running through the endless infinite multiverse.

Yin, Yang, Hongmeng, Time and Space, Fate, Cause and Effect, Five Elements, Thunder, Fortune, Humanity and even Strength!

Everything you see has a proof, and everything you know has a proof!

The most fundamental things in all worlds are the most supreme beings!

Dao is not necessarily intangible, Hunyuan is omnipresent, extremely ordinary, is extremely stalwart.

Only at this time did he understand what the Queen Mother of the West said that it is not necessary to prove the Dao Da Luo's difficulties in proving the Dao Hunyuan.

For them, it does.

However, there are no proofs of what is done, and it is naturally much simpler.

But not so for the latter.

At this point, only to find that there are others at the end of the road, what can I do?

Just like this, Gu Shao was injured.

His strength is not inferior to martial arts, however, at the end of the strength, he can faintly see the phantom of a boundless and stalwart Taoist.

That is the origin of the previous force, the ancestor of the force, the Taoist Hongjun!

"I use martial arts to build the foundation, and I use strength to prove the Dao Da Luo. Both Da Luo can prove the Dao Hunyuan! However, the strength is proved by Hongjun, and only the martial arts can be proved!"

Gu Shaoshang's expression was neither happy nor sad, he had already expected this.

Strength has long been known to all worlds, and it is naturally the trace left by the existence of strength that has been proven.

Gu Shaoshang looked at the ten directions and looked directly at the source of all worlds.

Faintly, the source shook, and a stalwart phantom was touched.

The four swords are in the sky, suppressing the four poles, a big flag swaying, hunting and hunting, the Taiji map is slowly unfolding, evolving Yin and Yang, the sun is shining across the sky, the moonlight is cold and flowing

All the supreme beings above the Primordial Primordial seem to have their eyes lowered.

"Hunyuan, Hunyuan"

It seemed like an instant, it seemed like an eternity, Gu Shaoshang suddenly stood up, stepped into a fist, and hit the source of ten thousand paths across the long river of space at that time!


At this moment, the essence of everything burned out completely, and rushed to the end of the endlessly distant Dao with Naba Lie's fist mark:

"I, as always!"


The long river of time and space that does not cover the endless infinite multiverse suddenly shakes!

The countless worlds and universes covered by Gu Shaoshang all roared!

In the perfect world, the world of immortality, the world of ascension, and the great universe of the origin continent of Hengsha, all of a sudden, there was a series of shocks!

One after another time and space tributaries appear in the sky!


The sound of the Dao hummed, and the grand and solemn chant that seemed to be played in unison by all gods, gods, gods, gods, gods, gods, gods, gods, gods, gods, gods, gods and gods exploded in the hearts of every living being:

"I am the master of martial arts, Gu Shaoshang!"

"I am, the master of martial arts, Gu Shaoshang!"

"I am, the master of martial arts, Gu Shaoshang!"

The minds of all beings in the world are shaken, and they can't help but look up to the sky.

I saw thousands of paths appear in the sky, the sun and stars all appear, the world is shaking, and the universe is roaring.

A crimson and gold avenue suddenly emerged, with the ten thousand Dao, and it has completely become the cornerstone of the cosmos and the construction of the vast universe!

"Proving Dao Primordial?! Is there any Supreme Proving Dao Primordial!"

"Hunyuan giant! The master of martial arts, Gu Shaoshang!"

"Hun Yuan!"

In the endless infinite multiverse, I don't know how many Daluo exist in shock.

A giant is born!

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