Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1328: Pangu's Doom

"Master of Martial Arts"

In the vast and boundless chaotic sea, Li Hansha looked up and saw that the light of martial arts burst out on the long river of time and space that was rolling and vibrating.

After being blocked by Fang Han for a moment, there was no chance to make a move.

There are only failures and successes in proving the Tao, and cannot be disturbed by others.

Because, at this moment, outside the light of martial arts, all the Taos are emerging, and once they make a move, they will touch the ten thousand Taos.

That is almost equivalent to fighting against all the giants above the Primordial Primordial in the world.

Not to mention him, even "Yuan" wouldn't take action at this time.

"What would you do, Yuan?"

Li Hansha slowly retracted his gaze.

With the background of the Martial Ancestor, it is almost impossible to fail on the road of proving the Way.

It just depends on whether the absolutely rational master **** controller will take action.

The heavens and the worlds, the great universe as many as the sands of Hengsha are all shining brightly, and the light of martial arts is unparalleled for a moment!

Any one of Hunyuan becomes Dao, the place covered by its Dao aggregate, countless great universes will undergo drastic changes.

Everywhere in the big world, one in the big universe.

All of them are aware of it, some are not aware of it, some are surprised, some are shaking their heads without a word, and some are staring indifferently.

But no one took action.

Even in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the main temple that exists between nothingness and the true body, across the sea of ​​chaos and unpredictable places.

That tyrannical will, only moved slightly, and then fell into silence again.

Somewhere in the Chaos Sea, a big world, on a fairy mountain, among many buildings.

The female fairy in a palace dress held her chin in her hand, quietly looking at the avenue of red gold that was continuously derived from the turbulent ten thousand heavens above the nine heavens, the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

"That said, this step is not difficult!"

"It's decisive."

In the great world of Fengshen, thirty-three days away, a group of people tapped the buzzing four swords and narrowed their eyes.

"It's fun too!"




There was a turbulent air in the sky.

The great avenues of Tangtang fluctuated, shaking the universe, all the Taos shook, and the laws roared.

In the perfect world, above the supreme divine court, Ye Fan, dressed in white, sat cross-legged under the Bodhi tree, his eyes slightly sideways.

"Hundred Yuan"

Emperor Jiuli, who was tall and tall, looked into the sky.

If it wasn't for what Ye Fan said, he wouldn't even know what happened, let alone see Gu Shaoshang from an infinite time and space.

"Hunyuan becomes Dao, it is spectacular!"

Ye Fan's eyes opened and closed, and he penetrated the boundless void and saw other great realms.

Every place is a big world, a square universe.

Everywhere in the world he could see roared and vibrated.

"One world is too small, it's time to go to the sky."

Emperor Jiuli retracted his gaze and shook his head.

In the past, although he was not as good as this legendary emperor, he was still comparable to him, but today, he can't even see it.

Although this world is large, it is not enough to make him go further.

Although God was dangerous, he wanted to go.

"It's time to go!"

Dao Yan, who was clad in armor, also nodded slightly.

Gu Shaoshang has been away for a million years. During these million years, most of the many immortal kings and emperors of that year have set foot in the quasi-immortal emperor in time and space.

Although except Ye Fan, Wu Shi and others, the others are not enough to break through the last step.

But the strength of Heavenly Court at this time has surpassed the past, present and future.

Five immortal emperors sit in the town, thousands of quasi immortal emperors, ten thousand immortal kings, and countless real immortals!

This battle force, even if it steps into the sky, is a powerful force!

"Wait a minute"

Under the Bodhi tree, Ye Fan shook his head slightly

"Wait for Duan De"

"Where is he?"

Emperor Jiuli frowned slightly.

His impression of this fat Taoist priest who likes to rob tombs, especially his own tomb, is not very good.

Besides, he hanged and beat him more than ten times back then, and it was a little embarrassing to meet him.

"Should be waking up soon."

Ye Fan put his hand on his forehead and said, "Otherwise we will leave and leave him with the Black Emperor, I am really worried!"

Daoyan and the others looked at each other and nodded.

If it wasn't for Wu Shi's words, they wouldn't even agree with the Black Emperor staying here to watch the house.

Not to mention adding an immoral priest.

"The emperor took me, I guarded the mountain for the emperor and bleed, you can't leave me!"

Everyone was talking about it when they heard an earth-shattering dog barking not far away.

Ye Fan looked up and was speechless.

I saw the **** dog the size of a calf, holding the beginningless thigh with its back to the crowd, wagging its tail.

The other great emperors also grind their teeth.

I don't know what chance this **** dog got in the sky with the incarnation of the emperor, and even stepped into the quasi-immortal emperor.

But the dignified quasi-immortal emperor didn't even have a face, which only made everyone feel that they couldn't hang on their faces.

"I have been to God, I can lead the way, the Great Emperor don't leave me!"

Big black dog grinning

"God is too dangerous, you must take me with you!"

"Little Black"

Wu Shi turned his back to the crowd and said calmly, "The nine secrets that Ye Fan and I have deduced. If you have learned all of them, I will take you there."

"Okay, Xiao Hei, let's go!"

The **** dog was inexplicably surprised, and disappeared without a trace, going to practice the nine secrets that Ye Fan Wushi and others re-deduced after they were promoted to Da Luo.

The emperors shook their heads.


Above the long river of time and space, strands of mysterious purple light follow an unpredictable trajectory, flowing upstream from the immeasurable world, back to the source.

It slowly poured into Gu Shaoshang's body.

"This is Hun Yuan"

Gu Shaoshang slowly opened his eyes, overlooking the endless chaotic sea.

At this moment, in his eyes, it seems that everything is no longer a secret.

His eyes slowly fell, and in the universe covered by his Dao Yun, from before the universe was opened to the end after the endless distance, it all circulated in his eyes.

From the opening of trillions of worlds to the annihilation of countless heavens!

One step to achieve Hunyuan, Gu Shaoshang only felt that his thoughts expanded infinitely, and his thoughts could appear in countless universes and countless time and space.

He exists wherever Martial Dao covers, whether in the past or in the future.

With a single finger, you can cross the endless heavens and kill any universe, any existence in time and space.

Only at this time did he know how terrifying the "source" was at that time.

How fortunate it is to be able to escape that finger!


As his thoughts turned, Gu Shaoshang looked through the endless time and space, and looked at that side of the main temple in the chaotic sea that I don't know how far away.

"Yuan, if you don't take action, there will be no chance in the future!"

"Don't wait, he won't shoot at this time!"

At this time, a chuckle came from a distant time and space.

Gu Shaoshang looked up and saw a female fairy looking at him with a smile in the great world that was far away from the long river at that time.

The first female fairy in the heavens, the Queen Mother of the West.

"It just so happens that the Tongtian sect master once owed me a favor in the year of Taiyi, and it is also good to use it here."

The Queen Mother of the West said lightly.

Obviously, there is a reason for "Yuan" not to take action.

"It's a pity."

Gu Shaoshang sighed slightly.

At this time, he was different from when he was promoted to Daluo. He still wanted to "source" and take a look at his methods.

But because the Queen Mother of the West was kind, he naturally couldn't say anything more.

After all, there is no need to talk about the sect leader's favor and the value of nature.


As he said that, he moved his body and stepped on the red gold avenue. With a thought, he crossed the vast chaotic sea and stepped into the great world.

That was enough to make Daluozhi run for thousands of years, and in one step, he crossed it.

Where the Tao is, nothing is impossible.

The Taoist body covers all worlds, and the Tao covers all worlds, which are two completely different concepts.


The golden light dissipated, the big world shook slightly, and Gu Shaoshang paced into this big world.

"This world was created by me, called Kunlun Realm."

The female fairy in the palace dress descended from the sky and said.

"The prehistoric Kunlun Mountains?"

Gu Shaoshang looked around, the Kunlun Realm was not so huge, there was no big sun, no stars, only the bright moon hung high, and Qiongyu in that month could be faintly seen.

Immortal mountains rise and fall one after another on the earth, cranes traverse the sky, and the mountains are full of spirit beasts running and jumping.

There seems to be nothing but no one.

And in the middle of the Great Realm, that immortal mountain towers to the sky, incomparably majestic.

"The Tianzhu was broken, Yuanshi took half of it, and I asked for half to be the dojo."

The fairy said lightly

"Without the luck of the Great Wilderness, it's just an ordinary mountain. There's nothing unusual about it. If you like it, I'll send it to you!"

"No need."

Gu Shaoshang smiled dumbly, "You are generous, and the dojo is willing to give it to me."

The Queen Mother of the West said it was an understatement, but after all, Kunlun Mountain originated from Buzhou Mountain in Tianzhu. It used to be the Sanqing Dojo, and then it was the Dojo of the Queen Mother of the West.

How could it be an ordinary mountain.

"Of course others can't, you can."

The fairy's eyes flashed and fell on Gu Shao's injured face, saying:

"In the future, stay here in Kunlun Mountain."

"talk later."

Gu Shaoshang smiled bitterly, "I still have other things to do"


The Queen Mother of the West snorted softly and stopped mentioning this matter.

Next, the two walked unhurriedly in the Kunlun Realm.

"At the end of Taiyi, the prehistoric ruins were shattered, and many great supernatural powers were unable to recreate the prehistoric wilderness. Some fragments were collected by some great supernatural powers as a Under the Kunlun Mountain, the Queen Mother of the West pointed to the sky. The high moon

"The Moon God fell in the last year of Taiyi, so I took this bright moon, but unfortunately, the Moon God has not yet returned."

"Is Honghuang really smashed into the main temple?"

Gu Shao moved in sadness and asked.

The prehistoric land has long since been completely wiped out in the long river of time and space. Except for these great supernatural powers who became enlightened in the age of Taiyi, no one knows what happened.

Even Gu Shaoshang has been promoted to Hunyuan at this time, and he does not know the secret.

"Life is robbed, heaven and earth have disasters, floods and famines have been destroyed by countless calamities, the main temple is just a meeting!"

The Queen Mother of the West shook her head slightly and said:

"There is no main temple, and there are other people who have taken action. This is the doom of the flood, the first preacher of the infinite infinite multiverse, the calamity of Pangu's resurrection!".

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