Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1329: Way too!


Gu Shaoshang's eyes narrowed.

How could he not know the Lord of the Open Heaven among countless myths.

However, the destruction of Honghuang was actually related to his resurrection, which surprised him.

"The traces still exist, the Primordial Primordial is immortal, let alone Pangu? As the first preacher of the endless infinite multiverse, Pangu created the Taiyi flood with one hand, occupying the boundless great fortune! It is called the ancestor of the world, and naturally it is impossible to truly die. "

The Queen Mother of the West knew Gu Shaoshang's doubts and said slowly:

"However, wanting to come back is also difficult and difficult."

"It's really hard."

Gu Shaoshang nodded.

The number of Daluo has been regarded as Taoism to a certain extent, and Hunyuan is the source of Taoism. Even if it falls, there is a possibility of returning.

But maybe it's just possible.

If there is no successor, even if Hunyuan Wuji wants to return, I don't know how long it will take.

May never even be able to return.

Obviously, Pangu belongs to the latter.

"Maybe I'll never be able to return."

The Queen Mother of the West was slightly moved and said:

"There are not many old friends anymore."

The two of them paced up the legendary Kunlun Mountains unhurriedly.

Gu Shaoshang's eyes opened and closed, and it seemed that he could still feel the magnificent waves of the once too easy and prehistoric years from the ancient desolate mountains.

Being able to completely wipe out the traces of the Great Desolation in time and space, the tragicness of that battle can be imagined.

"The ancestor of Hun Kun, the great **** Yang Mei, Tai Yi, Di Jun, Chang Xi, Di Jiang, and Zhulong were once the gods and demons who dominated the world and had amazing talents, and they also left traces on Kunlun Mountain, but now, most of them not anymore."

The Queen Mother of the West shook her head slightly:

"I don't have a mental understanding, but I have come to this point! What Lao Jun said does not make sense, but it makes sense."

Gu Shaoshang listened quietly.

What the Queen Mother of the West said, except for Taiyi, he had never really seen it.

When he was proving Dao Primordial, Martial Dao ran through the source of Dao, and everything he saw was proof.

If the Tao does not exist, it will return again, and it will not be the same as before.


Cranes fly in the sky, green luans spread their wings, and phoenix peacocks dance on the Kunlun Mountains.

One after another, dense purple air fell from the sky and poured into the magnificent palace tower under the bright moon.

Gu Shaoshang was a little surprised, it was a streak of Hongmeng purple energy!

"In the year of Taiyi, I was born in the most wonderful Qi of Xihua, and I was the head of the fairy goddess. In the realm created by these little maids, I naturally share the purple Qi."

The Queen Mother of the West tapped her finger lightly, and strands of the Primordial Violet Qi wafted up and wrapped around her finger:

"It's funny to say that in the year when it was too easy, I couldn't get it if I wanted to get Hongmeng Purple Qi, but at this moment, I don't think it's a big deal. However, at the beginning of the easy change, the heaven and earth were far less than one in a billion at this time. Occupying 90% of the Qi, Hongmeng Purple Qi, but it is not comparable at this time!"

Gu Shaoshang was slightly dumbfounded: "The big thousand universes change in an instant. In an instant, a large universe with the number of Hengsha was born, but it is not comparable at that time."

Taiyi Honghuang was the beginning of the endless infinite multiverse, but it was far less big than the current Daqianlai.

The innate gods and demons born at that time still didn't know what "Tao" was, what Hunyuan was, not to mention Hunyuan Wuji, and even "Tai".

At that time, although the Dao could be proved, it was not like today's practitioners, who could see the way forward at a glance.

At that time, the innate gods and demons, in order to further pursue the Hunyuan Wuji, were no easier than today.

There are pros and cons to each.

"Well said."

The Queen Mother of the West also smiled: "If Taiyi's first person, Patriarch Hun Kun, was alive at this time, and he was still at that level, I could kill him with a single finger!"

It is difficult to seek the truth now, and it was not necessarily easy to go anywhere in the past.

Although she was trapped in Primordial Yuan Wuji for hundreds of millions of chaotic years, she was far beyond the past.

Even now, looking at the endless infinite multiverse, the only ones who are stronger than her are those who were stronger than her back then, and who have lived until now.

And fallen.

Even if the first person in the Daqian Huanyu, the master who received Daoist and Zhunti Daoist Master Hun Kun, was resurrected at this moment, it is nothing.

As for the Daoist Lu Ya, who was older than Sanqing, he became the ten sons of Emperor Jun through reincarnation, and then fell again.

It is no longer a miserable word to describe.

"Sister, brother-in-law is here?"

While the two of them were talking, a beautiful woman appeared in the bright moon slightly below the top of Kunlun Mountain.

The white Ayara waved and gave a salute.

But it was Yuegong Chang'e.

One of the female fairies under the Queen Mother of the West, the goddess of the yin after the moon **** Chang Xi.

"Fairy Chang'e doesn't need to be too polite."

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly and returned a half salute.

The position of the Moon God of Taiyin is the highest position of the female immortals below the Queen Mother of the West. Although Chang'e is not as lofty as the emperor and empress of the year, Chang Xi, she should not be underestimated.

"Enter the palace."

The Queen Mother of the West glanced at Chang'e lightly, waved her long sleeves, and entered the hall.

Chang'e nodded slightly and followed step by step.

Gu Shao sighed in sadness and walked into the hall.

The Queen Mother of the West has an extremely strong character, and a female fairy like Chang'e would be trembling around her.

However, she was the head of the female immortals as early as Taiyi's prehistoric years, and the emperor and empress Chang Xi had to bow down and become ministers, and Chang'e was no exception.

Even if he proves Dao Primordial Primordial, he can feel a ray of depression.

But he also knew that along the way, she had never made a move on the surface, but secretly, she had helped him more than once.

This time, it is even more important to ask the Master of Tongtian Sect to shock the "source".

Although he didn't think it was necessary, he still had to accept it.

However, he did not want to be loved all the time.


In the main hall, the silver light is quiet, and the purple air can be faintly seen.

The female fairies lined up in two rows, without looking sideways, playing fairy music or dancing gracefully.

Right in front, a white jade table was placed with all kinds of delicacies, and Chang'e was standing there pouring wine.

Gu Shaoshang was not polite, and went straight to sit down.

"I'm not the Prince of the East!"

As soon as he sat down, Gu Shaoshang went straight to the point.


The Queen Mother of the West lifted her chin slightly and snorted softly.

In the hall, all the female fairies changed their expressions, and the fairy dances stopped for a moment.

Even Chang'e's complexion turned pale, but fortunately she was as white as jade, so she couldn't tell:

"Brother-in-law, you"

"What has passed away is gone. The way of the East Prince is long gone. His people are completely fallen and can no longer return. I am not him!"

Gu Shaoshang looked directly at the fairy and said calmly.

Whether it's Daluo or Hunyuan, once the Dao is proven, it will be completely gone, and even if he returns, it will not be him.

The more difficult it is to fall, the less likely it will be to return once it completely falls.

As early as countless years ago, Gu Shaoshang had thoroughly understood the past and present, and naturally understood this truth.

He was just Gu Shaoshang, that's all.

"I said you are, you are!"

The Queen Mother of the West pressed the jade case lightly, her cold eyes fell on Gu Shaoshang, and her voice was calm and irresistible:

"No, it is!"


As the Queen Mother's mood fluctuated, the entire Kunlun realm shook, and the bright moon was about to fall.

And in places where ordinary people can't see, everywhere in the big universe, in the big world, there are lightning flashes, and the sky is angry.

The immortal fairy in charge of punishment is enough to kill the immortals of all realms!

"Sister calm down!"

Chang'e's heart suddenly froze, and the other fairies fell to their knees.

Hun Yuan was furious, and the world was overthrown.

Even Daluo couldn't bear the anger of the Queen Mother of the West.

"Really, no."

Gu Shaoshang put his hand on his forehead and sighed: "You won't understand this truth, don't deceive yourself!"

Gu Shaoshang would rather fight "Yuan" than face this fairy.

He doesn't care about having another Taoist companion, but he can't allow himself to be used as another person's substitute.

Even if he may have really been the Prince of the East.

But so what?

In his view, the memories of the previous life were nothing but flowers in the mirror, and he only thought that he was Gu Shaoshang.

"elder sister!"

Chang'e gently held the fairy's hand and comforted her softly.

The Queen Mother of the West held her chin high, and her eyes became colder.

Her hands trembled several times, and finally she hummed softly:

"Bad luck!"

Hearing the first female immortal in the heavens and myriad worlds, the female emperor of the Primordial Promise Realm uttered such a sentence, Gu Shaoshang suddenly couldn't help laughing and crying.

I couldn't help but softened a little, and in the end, more than one child was born.

"Little Sang"

Gu Shao muttered a word in sadness, his fingers trembled indiscernibly, and he found his daughter wandering in the Chaos Sea through time and space.

With a gentle pull, she pulled her daughter over.


Above the Chaos Sea, Gu Xiaosang, who was wearing a purple dress, was comprehending the fruit of the Dao, and suddenly felt an irresistible force coming.

Just as he was about to struggle, he suddenly felt a familiar breath.

Let Gu Shaoshang pull her over.


As soon as the Da Luo demon girl appeared in the hall, she knew what had happened just by thinking about it.

Immediately holding the fairy's arm, she let out a soft cry.

"Little Sang."

Facing her daughter, the Queen Mother of the West finally calmed down: "I'm just waiting for you to absorb the Dao Fruit and go to find you."

"Mother, Meng Qi has not yet achieved the fruit of the Dao."

Gu Xiaosang took her mother's hand and said:

"I still want to wait for him to escape and bring him to find you!"

"ignore him."

The Queen Mother of the West snorted softly: "Let's stay in Kunlun from now As for who, what do you do!"

Gu Xiaosang was speechless for a while, and glared at his old father secretly.

Gu Shaoshang responded with a wry smile.

For the first time, he found that some things could not be solved by fists.

Next, after Gu Xiaosang's persuasion, the anger of the Queen Mother of the West subsided.

But he ignored Gu Shaoshang and talked with his daughter in his arms.

"Meng Qi's people are very good, and if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't be detached without Dao Guo, he would have already become a big Luo at this time."

Gu Xiaosang tried hard to dispel her mother's bad impression of Meng Qi.

"That side of the world is a place where great powers are tested, and it is the way of "Tai" that is verified, and the benefits of achieving the fruit are not small."

"The way of too much?"

Before the Queen Mother of the West finished speaking, Gu Shao's heart skipped a beat.

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