Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1330: The Way of the Great and the Mirrors of the Heavens!

Although he knew that the great powers of the heavens had done many experiments in many great realms, he did not know that it was to verify the way of "tai".

Why too?

Tai is also big, it is big.

Anything that is too big to describe is too much!

Above the Primordial Promise, the equivalent of the Dao of the endless infinite multiverse is Tai!

It means that it is too big to speak or imagine.

All-inclusive, all-encompassing supreme state.

The endless infinite multiverse covers ten directions and ten thousand realms, and the large universe with the number of Hengsha is only as small as dust, and Da Luo is also small.

It is so powerful that it is comparable to the avenue itself, beyond the endless infinite multiverse, and its power is beyond imagination.


The Queen Mother of the West snorted lightly, and without looking at Gu Shaoshang, said to Gu Xiaosang:

"Daluo transcends the boundaries of living beings, his essence is equivalent to a multiverse, all time and space are free and free, Hunyuan is better, mastering the authority of the heavens, and he is a source of himself. space time,

Dao grows one point, then one is stronger

The source of Primordial Promise Dao, the universe that covers the number of Hengsha, and more, it is insignificant."

Gu Xiaosang blinked and listened quietly to her mother.

Of course she knew it wasn't for her.

Gu Shaoshang listened thoughtfully.

Proving Dao Hunyuan is to turn oneself into a source of one, and Dao covers a world, then one is stronger, until it comes naturally, it is Hunyuan Wuji.

After achieving Hunyuan Wuji, the road ahead is almost exhausted.

Like the Queen Mother of the West, the many female fairies under her command continued to open up the universe, and their growth was minimal.

Of course, this is very little for her.

For other Hunyuan, it is an inestimable force.

It's like the so-called "small target" that he heard in his previous life above the earth star.

For such a giant, a "small goal" is not the same for many big Luos and even the new Hunyuan.

"You go back."

When the Queen Mother of the West spoke, Chang'e knew what she meant and asked the fairies to retreat.


Although many fairies were curious, they knew that this was not something they could listen to, so they breathed a sigh of relief and slowly exited the hall.

"As early as the age of Taiyi, we felt that the road ahead was not yet finished. However, how to walk and how to explore is a boundless and long process. The limit is too big, and it is what we named it."

The Queen Mother of the West seemed to be a little unhappy in her heart, but she still spoke:

"After a lot of exploration, we realized that the thing that binds us and cannot move forward is the Dao itself.

Whether it is an acquired spirit or a congenital **** and demon, it is born under the Dao, and everything comes from the Dao, the flesh, the true spirit, and even the thoughts and thoughts.

If you can't help the Dao, you can't become the Dao. Pangu doesn't understand the reason, so even if he is powerful and dominates the universe, he can't even break through the Primordial Promise.

The Queen Mother of the West spoke slowly.

These are extremely secret and unknowable things for any Daluo, and even for ordinary Hunyuan.

Because, this book has countless innate gods and demons, something Taiyi has explored for countless years.

"Isn't Pangu Hunyuan Wuji?!"

Gu Shao was heartbroken.

Legend has it that the pioneers of the universe, who single-handedly created the supreme existence of Taiyi, is not Hunyuan Wuji? !

Not to mention that he didn't expect this, even Chang'e was taken aback.

This point, the Queen Mother of the West never told her.

"Before Taiyi, the heavens and the earth were chaotic. Under the avenues, ten thousand Taos were not born, and the heavens and the earth did not exist. Where could there be any Primordial Promise? There was only one chaotic **** and demon, Pangu, the most powerful of them."

The Queen Mother of the West saw Gu Shaoshang's expression and seemed a little happy, saying:

"However, the talent of Pangu Tianzong seemed to have a glimpse of the road, and after that, he opened up the world, killed almost all the chaotic gods and demons in one battle, and opened up the wild!

However, the most difficult thing is often to create something from nothing, he opened up the great wilderness, but also fell."

"I see"

Gu Shao was slightly stunned in his sadness.

Before Taiyi, there was nothing but the Great Dao, and there was no way forward. In other words, the only thing Pangu could prove was the Great Dao itself!

But no matter how earth-shattering Pangu's strength was, he killed 99% of the Chaos Gods and Demons, but Chaos itself still existed, and he wanted to fight against the Dao.

It is equivalent to fighting against himself plus the entire chaos, and the chaos gods and demons who escaped by chance.

Just a thin line of difference, he can only incarnate into the flood.

However, even so, he opened up the first world under the Great Dao, the natural evolution of later generations, and the great power opened up, and all the universes cannot escape his influence.

Therefore, the Queen Mother of the West called him the ancestor of all realms.

It may not be Hunyuan Wuji, but if it is resurrected, it will definitely become the strongest.

Apart from the Great Dao itself, there is absolutely no one who can stand against him!

Even the incarnation of "Tai" came to the endless infinite multiverse.

In fact, several giants who have proved "too" have also won his shadow.

"Xiao Sang, the great world you are in is a test place."

The Queen Mother of the West touched Gu Xiaosang's long hair and said:

"If you get the fruit of the Dao, the road will be much smoother in the future."

"Xiao Sang knows."

The Da Luo demon girl nodded like a good baby.

"Doing reduction and seeking short-term, looking for someone to replace the burden of yourself?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned:

"If you find someone to replace you, will you be able to escape?"

Doing less and seeking emptiness is the method of detachment in the honor of the first generation, that is, to find another living being, transfer his own cause and effect to him, isolate himself from the connection with heaven and earth, and no longer bind himself.

be able to transcend.

"You guessed it right, it really doesn't work. There are no flaws in the avenues, and the reduction and emptiness failed. The first quasi-daoist who tried it has fallen and has not yet returned."

At this time, the Queen Mother of the West seemed to have forgotten the unhappiness between the two, and sighed:

"Myriad ways, myriad worlds, myriad spirits, and myriad spirits are all derived from the Dao, and it is also the Dao that you do to reduce and seek emptiness. Failure is also reasonable."

"Then, who is the first?"

Gu Shao already had guesses in his heartbreak, but he still asked.

"Ancestor, Nuwa"

Speaking of Nuwa, the Queen Mother of the West had a complicated look on her face.

In the prehistoric years of Taiyi, countless innate gods and demons shined together, but all the rays of light were covered up by them.

Sanqing, Taiyi, Luohu, Hun Kun Patriarch, Yangmei, she, Dijun, Dijiang, Zhulong, Huangtian, there are countless great powers in Houtu to compete for hegemony Taiyi.

No one would have imagined that it would be the Nuwa who repaired the sores after every war to testify.

"It's clearly just a random human race."

The Queen Mother of the West couldn't help pinching her palms. To this day, she can't forget the scene of Nu Wa's proving the Way.

"Holy Queen Mother Wa!"

A piety appeared on Chang'e's face.

She is the Innate Moon God of Taiyin, but she is also a human race, and she is a human race who has met Nuwa before.

Her ancestors were the first people created by Nuwa.

Seeing the Queen Mother of the West's expression of "I can do it too", Gu Shaoshang shook his head.

Can sermons be without a cause?

When countless innate gods and demons were seeking the way, and countless chaotic gods and demons were fighting for the hegemony, only Emperor Wa created people from earth and smelted stones to fill the sky.

Qi number, perhaps at the moment of creating man, it was already doomed.

Emperor Wa's enlightenment may not be because of man-made earth, but because all the powers and giants are thinking about breaking away from the avenue and breaking free from the avenue.

Only she is silently repaying the heaven and earth, the avenue.

All things are born to nourish the soul, the Dao breeds chaos, and chaos generates everything. He, why has he ever owed anyone?

Gu Shao's sadness flashed a little bit of enlightenment, as if he had grasped something.

It seemed that nothing had been grasped.

"You go!"

Seeing that Gu Shaoshang shook his head and looked like he was not as good as Nuwa, the Queen Mother of the West suddenly became angry.

Get together and walk away.

"Again, thank you!"

Gu Shaoshang stood up to thank him, and then floated away.

In any case, without the Queen Mother of the West, it is impossible for him to know this.


After a long time, the hall returned to calm, and only the flow of innate Xihua was flowing.

"Sister, why didn't you say anything?"

Seeing that Gu Shaoshang had left the Kunlun Realm, Chang'e couldn't help but say:

"Above the Primordial Primordial, how to go?"

"He already understands something, why should I say more?"

On the throne, the Queen Mother of the West looked into the distance with her cheeks raised, and said lightly.

Where is the meaning of anger?

"Has he understood something?!"

Suddenly, Chang'e didn't know what kind of expression she had, but she obviously couldn't see where she was going.

He understands it clearly, but the old lady has not yet realized it! ! !

"The acquired spirit rebels against the innate, achieves the gods and demons of chaos, transcends the limitations of heaven and earth, and is the same king as the world.

From Daluo to Xiantian, it is the body of self-concept Taoism, and the process of becoming the source of oneness is Hunyuan Wuji

This step is the endless infinite multiverse, under the avenue, the last step, there is no stronger existence

Hunyuan Wuji leads to Tai, which is the road of detachment, getting rid of the shackles of the Great Dao, equivalent to the Great Dao, equivalent to the endless infinite multiverse, the great extreme, the name Tai! "

In the ancient and desolate sea of ​​chaos, Gu Shaoshang walked unhurriedly.

In his heart, he was concentrating on what he had learned along the way. From the mundane to the Hunyuan Wuji, he no longer had any doubts.

"As for the Great Way to Repay the or, is it to set off countless calamities?"

Gu Shaoshang overlooked the boundless chaotic sea, and his eyes were dim and dim, as if there were countless universes floating up and down in it:

"Then, what are the ten stars above the mirrors of the heavens?"


The chaotic airflow rolled and moved, and in the endless dark and dead chaotic sea, a purple light shot out and landed in Gu Shaoshang's palm.

But it was the mirrors of the heavens that he left outside before he went to the gate of eternal life.

"Mirrors of the Heavens, Mirrors of the Heavens"

Gu Shaoshang rubbed against the mirrors of the heavens, and all kinds of thoughts ran through his mind.

Up to now, most of the mysteries contained in the mirrors of the heavens are clear to him.

Whether it's traveling through the heavens, or projecting all worlds

The only thing he didn't know was the true origin of the mirrors of the heavens.

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