Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1335: Zhou Qing Da Zun

After Gu Shaoshang left the portals leading to other worlds in the ancient era, he did not do anything.

Just stay in the heavenly court and discuss the Tao with Ye Fan, Shi Hao and others.

He does not really penetrate the world, and the portal of the world can only go to other worlds, and will not let people from other worlds come to this world.

Even if there are Daluo's numbers in those worlds, without his permission, it is impossible to pass through the gate of ten thousand worlds.

"The influx of breath in the portal of the Myriad Realms has caused a lot of changes in the world."

Under the Bodhi tree, Ye Fan looked down at the heaven and the earth, and felt this keenly.

The Tao of Primordial Yuan constitutes all realms and is the foundation of the existence of all realms, but this does not mean that there is no difference in the laws of all realms.

For Ye Fan, the aura in the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms is like a bonfire in the night sky, which is very obvious.

The integration of these breaths, the world is changing.

Just as the falling breath from the sky can destroy the boundless space, and a drop of black blood can pollute the Immortal Emperor.

The aura of other great realms will also be greatly affected by this world.

"The sea is a hundred rivers, and tolerance is great. Only by accommodating various laws, breath, and vitality can the world grow."

Gu Shaoshang's eyes swept through the doors and said lightly.

The promotion of the world is far more difficult than the breakthrough of life, and it is also an extremely long process.

Although the opening of the Mother of Ten Thousand Paths can speed up this speed, it cannot be achieved overnight.

Even, he is not sure whether the perfect world can be promoted.

"This process will be very long"

Ye Fan's eyes pierced through the void, and he saw the sky above the sky that used to be in the depths of the sea.

The black hole that was sealed under the void on one side became more and more unfathomable.

The collision of the world will not be too long.


Gu Shaoshang was noncommittal.

The reincarnation of the gods is difficult to reverse, and if Hun Yuan wants Dong Che, he has to go there in person.

When the Primordial Primordial Realm will truly devour this world, no one can say clearly.

After all, the flow rates of the two worlds are different, and the time and space are very different.

"I have a faint realization of the corner of God. My future body is better than stepping into God. I haven't been able to get out of that **** battle for 80,000 years."

At this moment, Shi Hao slowly opened his eyes.

Under the guidance of Gu Shaoshang, he used a wisp of Qi in his future body in the Holy Ruins Era as a guide, and wanted to communicate his future body.

Although not yet successful, but also perceive something.

"Does Heavenly Emperor feel the future body?"

Ye Fan's eyes moved.

Shi Hao's future body has long gone to the heavens, but until now, there is still no news.

Shi Hao shook his head: "I can't detect it, a powerful will resists the arrival of my will. Forcing it may cause unnecessary trouble."

"If you can't communicate, that's fine."

Gu Shaoshang said:

"God is intricate and complicated, don't need to pay attention to it for the time being."

Shi Hao nodded.

Although he can't communicate with the future body, he can also feel that his future body is not in any danger, just because it is too deep and cannot return.

As long as many great emperors and immortal kings return, no matter how many people can become immortal emperors, he will step into the sky.

"If it doesn't go out, it's done, and if it goes out, it must be completely resolved!"

Ye Fan slowly exhaled a long breath and began to practice.

Shi Hao also fell into seclusion under the Bodhi tree, deducing his method of transforming into great freedom.

"Hunyuan Prehistoric World"

Gu Shaoshang muttered to himself slightly, then slowly closed his eyes.

With a thought, he stepped into the prehistoric world within his body.


The long river of time and space is constantly boiling and rolling, and countless histories are constantly jumping in it.

Gu Shaoshang's will incarnate falls on the long river of time and space, overlooking the vast prehistoric world.

The prehistoric world is transformed by his will, and the promotion of the world can promote the change of his will. On the contrary, his promotion will also make the prehistoric world undergo earth-shaking changes.

As he was promoted to Hunyuan, this prehistoric world began to change again.

"The road of cultivation, if you don't reach that step, you really don't know the truth."

Gu Shaoshang looked at the imprint in the boundless time and space and shook his head slightly.

He used the prehistoric world as a guide and the source power as his tentacles to capture the countless imprints and traces scattered in the heavens and the world, in order to observe the various roads.

However, since he achieved Hunyuan, it has not been of much use.

The cultivation of the Primordial Yuan is the Dao penetrating all realms and controlling more Dao.

His next path is to use the Myriad Dao to penetrate the Myriad Realms to advance to Primordial Promise, or try to master other Dao.

With the completion of the reverse push of Journey to the West, he has already mastered most of the way of God and Buddha, and it seems that there is no need to push it backwards again.

After all, the accumulation of Dao Yun has been extremely profound.

"Let's see."

After stopping for a while, Gu Shaoshang didn't make a move to speed up the evolution of the flood.

Instead, he reached out his hand and grabbed it from the tumbling river of time and space.


The long river of time and space shook in an instant, and the waves of boundless history splashed.

Five golden lights shot out, and Gu Shaoshang grabbed it in his hand.

But it was the five kings of the Ming Dynasty.

When the prehistoric world was promoted, Gu Shaoshang deliberately left their original will not destroyed.


Gu Shaoshang flipped the palm of his hand, and the five golden lights evolved into the appearance of the Five Great Kings.


Jiang Sanshi Mingwang folded his hands together, and a trace of bitterness appeared on his face: "Congratulations to Wuzu for proving the Dao of Hunyuan, becoming a saint and an ancestor!"

The expressions of the other Ming Wangs were also full of sadness.

By this time, they have long had no idea of ​​fighting against Gu Shaoshang.

Gu Shaoshang was able to suppress them before he achieved Hunyuan, and now this is far beyond the scope of what they can deal with.

"King Ming is polite."

Gu Shaoshang lowered his eyes, looked down at the five great kings above his palm, and said indifferently:

"Everyone knows, why didn't I completely obliterate you?"

"Wuzu said it directly if he had something to say."

King Dawei Deming sighed and said, "If you want to be humiliated, you don't have to."

"Amitabha! The skills of the little monk are not as good as others, so let the Martial Ancestor handle it."

King Kongo Yasha Ming closed his eyes and said slowly.

"Everyone is respectful, you can bend and stretch, and it's also an eye-opener for Gu someone."

Gu Shaoshang smiled and said:

"I heard that the calamity of Journey to the West is about to start, and it will condense a Primordial Dao Fruit. I wonder if you can introduce it to me?"

In the endless infinite multiverse sea, there are two great worlds that cannot be bypassed.

One is the Journey to the West Great Universe, and the other is the Conferred God Great Universe.

It is said that it is because of the calamity.

"Amitabha, the Martial Ancestor wants to know, and the little monk naturally knows everything."

King Kongo Yasha Ming chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice and said calmly:

"Five.6 billion years is a chaos, and 5.6 billion chaos is a calamity. The reason why the Westward Journey Great Universe is called the Westward Journey Great Universe is that Lao Jun completely condensed the past calamity into space and time.

In other words, Journey to the West is a calamity! "

"Journey to the West"

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and said, "I heard that the origin of the universe of Journey to the West is only a matter of calamity from the beginning of the universe to the end of the universe. It turned out to be Lao Jun's handwriting!"

Gu Shao was stunned.

Human beings have calamities, and heaven and earth have three disasters.

Some imperfect universes have at most one chaotic life span, which is 5.6 billion years.

In a universe like the perfect world, the limit is 5.6 billion chaos.

In theory, such as the Great Universe of Journey to the West, the Primordial Realm of Primordial Primordial, the Great World of Conferred Gods, and the Vast Continent, there is no catastrophe and can continue forever.

You don't need to go through the shattering of heaven and earth at all.

But the Great Universe of Journey to the West, the Great Universe of Conferred Gods, is an exception.

Their limit is only five.

He was a little surprised when he knew it before, but only now did he realize that it was Lao Jun's handwriting.

"Not bad! It's Lao Jun's handwriting."

King Jiang Sanshi Fufuming nodded and said, "From the time when Lao Jun opened the heavens to the collapse of Myriad Dao, there is only one calamity. In theory, one calamity can make one Hunyuan.

But it is only theoretically, no one can carry the killing calamity before and after the three calamities, and naturally no one can become enlightened. "

Hunyuan is difficult to prove, even if Laojun restarts the universe again and again and opens up the world, how many people can achieve Hunyuan?

Gu Shaoshang was not surprised. If Hunyuan could easily achieve it, Daoist Wukong would not have to ask for help.

In the heart of a move, Gu Shaoshang asked again:

"When was the last one who achieved Primordial Primordial, and who was it?"

"The last one who achieved Primordial Primordial was Zhou Qing Da Zun before three calamities!"

A look of reverence flashed in the eyes of King Jiang Sanshi Fudoming, saying:

"At that time, Taoist Kunpeng, the demon master, and the sect master of the Asura Sea of ​​Blood Styx all fell down, and the Taoist fruit was wiped out by Zhou Qing, and they were not able to return for three eons."

"Zhou Qing"

Gu Shaoshang was thoughtful, he seemed to have heard of this name.

"Zhou Qing Da Zun condensed the heavens and the earth and transformed the twelve ancestral witches. His cultivation base is earth-shattering. It is said that he is not far from Hunyuan Wuji."

The descendant of the third world, Fudo Mingwang explained.

"Now, is it time for the calamity to start again?"

Gu Shao turned around in sadness and looked at the five kings of Ming.

"Of course, this time, the World Honored One is determined to win it."

King Junta Liming glanced at Gu Shaoshang, a little worried in his heart.

He knew that this newly promoted Martial Ancestor seems to be biased towards the Daoist Wukong.


Gu Shaoshang smiled lightly, noncommittal.

Three eons ago, the World Honored Spirit Mountain, hundreds of chaotic, tens of millions of years ago, had already cultivated like this now, and it was not until this era that he thought about proving the Way.

It can be imagined that the picture is very large.

"Everything Martial Ancestor knows, I have already said it all."

King Jiang Sanshifufuming looked directly at Gu Shaoshang, and said slowly, "Send me on the road!"


Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, and with a light grip of his five fingers, he crushed all the five kings of Ming into pieces.

Then, with a shake of his hand, he saw golden particles of light flying away from the sky.

Gu Shaoshang didn't completely wipe out their existence, but they wanted to return, but they didn't know what happened after a few chaos and a few calamities.

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