Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1336: Qingyunmen, Han Li

Laojun's cultivation base is unfathomable, and he is suspected to be one of the biggest winners of Taiyi Honghuang. It is not surprising that he can solidify the amount of calamity, so that every calamity can have Primordial Primordial. Fiction.

And this is also the reason why Journey to the West is getting stronger and stronger.

Every calamity will have countless big Luo beings rushing away, and many calamities have passed, and it has long been a behemoth.

It is precisely by repeating the Journey to the West over and over again, that universe is called the Journey to the West, not the Taiqing universe.

"Quantity of Tribulation Dao Fruit"

In the golden light dots flying, Gu Shaoshang's eyes opened and closed, and a deep color flashed past:

"A trace of kindness that I threw away back then seems to be in the universe of Journey to the West."

It is infinitely far away from the perfect world, even if Daluo has to go to the great universe of Journey to the West beyond the distant chaos of millions of years.

If there is Hunyuan who can climb to the sky and overlook it, he will be able to see that the entire Westward Journey universe is like an indescribable gigantic Tai Chi map.

The "Tai Chi Map" slowly rotates, and the innumerable multiverse rotates for it.

Thousands of billions of lights of endless Dao rules converge in the yin and yang fish.

The yin and yang fish were black and white, and they went up and down.

One is the original universe of Journey to the West, where countless creatures live;

On this day, in Taiqing Dachitian, in the Eight Views Palace of Xuandu Cave, two children drove the green ox down to Dachitian.

The blue ox was azure in color, its horns were dark, and its body was unbelievably majestic.

The two children were wearing Taoist robes, one was wearing a gold robe and the other was wearing a silver robe.

But it is the lord of the great red sky, the blue-horned green ox and the golden and silver boy under the seat of the Supreme Laojun.


Qing Niu let out a low cry when he came out of the big red sky, which seemed to be a little excited.

He had to be excited. Since his last return, he has been restricted from leaving Da Chitian for an unknown number of years.

Out today, naturally overjoyed.

"Don't bark!"

The golden horn boy knocked on Qingniu's head and said, "You didn't know what you did when you went out last time, which caused the master to ground you! As soon as your forefoot came out, you dared to roar at the 33-day saint dojo?"

"Don't make trouble for the golden horn child!"

Qing Niu snorted loudly, and the airflow spurted out for 30,000 miles, passing through chaos like a river of heaven.

"Don't make trouble!"

The golden horn is also helpless to this green ox.

After all, it is a mount that has followed the master for a few calamities, and its status is not lower than that of them.

"It's so easy to come out once, do you still want to control your grandfather?"

The green ox shook his body and turned into a big man with horns on his head and wearing divine armor.


Bai Shengsheng's diamond bracelet flickered, he held it in his hand, and put it on his arm with the glove.

"The calamity is approaching, the master wants to invite all the greats in the immortal world to come forward and listen to the Hunyuan Daoguo, don't miss the time, go quickly!"

Jin Jiao didn't bother to quarrel with the old cow and said directly.

Every time the robbery came to an end, all Hunyuan were not allowed to stay in the Immortal Realm. They said that they invited everyone to listen to the Hunyuan Daoguo. In fact, everyone knew what was going on.

"I know, what are you yelling about! It's been a few times, but the three of us went there!"

Qing Niu muttered, and pulled out a decree from the golden horn sleeve robe, and opened it to take a look:

"Second Master, there is naturally a young master to invite the third master, we don't need us, then the first stop is to go to Heaven to invite the Great Heavenly Monarch, the second stop is to go to Kunlun Mountain to invite the Queen Mother of the West, and the third stop is to invite Zhou Qing Your Highness, the fourth stop is to invite Daxian Zhenyuan."

"Da Tianzun won't come to Da Chitian, why don't we go directly to Kunlun Mountain?"

Before Qingniu could finish speaking, the silver-horned boy shouted: "The Great Heavenly Venerate has ignored us for more than ten tribulations!"

"Scorn Datianjun, the master can't spare us!"

Jinjiao glared at Yinjiao fiercely, and pulled the decree out of Qingniu, saying:

"Although Datianzun's real body is not in this world, the etiquette that he should have can't be less!"

"Go to you!"

Qing Niu seemed to be quite unhappy with the Great Celestial Venerable, so he left with a cold snort: "You can go and tell me, my old bull will go to Kunlun Mountain and Wuzhuang View slowly first, and when you inform those gentlemen, I'm just in time. Arrived at Wuzhuang Temple!"

After all, this old bull stomped his feet and descended to the 33rd Heaven, heading towards the Origin Universe, which is the Earth Immortal Realm.

The Earth Immortal World and the Thirty-Three Heavens are far away. With his footsteps, walking slowly, it will take millions of years.

It is because of the responsibility that Laojun gave the talisman order, which can be shortened ten thousand times, and it will take hundreds of years.

During this time, it was enough for the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn to entertain a few Hunyuan giants.

"This cow don't eat my ginseng fruit"

Silver Horn wailed.


Jin Jiao stomped his feet irritably, but couldn't.

He could only angrily pull the silver horn and head towards the heaven.

In the endless infinite multiverse, the heavenly court has a lofty status, and every great world has the Taoist body of the Great Heavenly Venerate.

And in the great worlds like Journey to the West and the Great Universe of Conferred Gods, the Dharma body of the Great Heavenly Venerate will come in person.

Many heavenly gods, and even most of their real bodies, are here.

Qing Niu didn't bother to pay attention to the reaction of the golden horn and the silver horn.

"It's getting bigger and bigger!"

Qing Niu shook his head as he walked.

When the original universe of Journey to the West was first opened, it was far from that big.

However, because of the opportunity to achieve Hunyuan, and the reason why Lao Jun has never squeezed Daluo, I don't know how many Daluo moved here.

Many calamities have passed, and I don't know how much bigger it was than back then.

There are more than trillions of miles between his steps, but it will take more than a million years to run with all his strength from the 33rd Heaven to the Earth Immortal Realm.

If it wasn't for this talisman order, he should have notified it a million years ago.

"If one day, Grandpa Niu can also achieve Hunyuan, then the monkey will be able to compete for Hunyuan so quickly."

Qingniu shook his head, sighing.

His practice time is much longer than Daoist Wukong. He still remembers that three eons ago, he was beaten by himself with this diamond bracelet.

Now, it's a long way off.


The chaotic airflow is surging, and in a flash, it has been more than a hundred years, and the Earth Immortal Realm is already in sight.

"Brother Niu?"

Just as Qingniu was about to step into the Immortal Realm, he heard a cry from a distance.


Qingniu was stunned for a moment, because of his reputation, ordinary Daluo would avoid him when he saw him from a distance.

Thinking about it, he looked back and saw that in the chaos not far away, two figures came on a golden boat.

One of them is tall and burly, handsome in appearance, with long red hair hanging down from his waist, and his body lines are extremely perfect and tyrannical.

The other was dressed in blue, and although he was tall and slender, his appearance was plain.

"You were the boy named Li Qingshan who followed that Martial Ancestor before?"

Although Qingniu is arrogant, he is a Daluo series, and he recognized the handsome boy at a glance, that is Li Qingshan.

"It's me!"

Li Qingshan laughed loudly and said, "After so many years, Niu Ge is well!"

Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief. He had seen this Qingniu with Gu Shaoshang before, but he didn't know if this Qingniu remembered him.

After all, his sense of existence at the time was very low.

Beside him, the blue-shirted youth was also relieved, slightly letting go of the sword art in his hand.

"Good boy, in just a million years, you are about to become a big Luo?"

Qing Niu's eyes lit up.

Although this kid is a human race, he is full of demonic spirit, which is quite to his taste.

"Brother Niu is laughing, he hasn't been able to take that step for millions of years."

Li Qingshan shook his head.

The time flow of other universes other than the original universe of Journey to the West is breaking fast. For him, millions of years have passed.

This speed cannot be said to be fast.

The one next to him, but much faster than him, is already the number of Da Luo.

"It's not very good to come to the Immortal Realm at this time."

Qingniu frowned at first, and then smiled: "Although it is not good, it is also an opportunity! If you are lucky, it is not impossible to break through Daluo!"

As the two of them spoke, the golden boat was gradually approaching Qingniu.

"By the way, Brother Niu, this is a friend I made along the way. His name is Han Li, and he is a sword fairy!"

Li Qingshan first introduced his companions, and then introduced Qingniu to Han Li:

"My brother Niu, but from Da Chitian, a disciple of the saint!"

"Qingyunmen, Han Li, I have seen fellow Daoist Qingniu!"

Han Li was startled, and clasped his fists in a salute.

He has been in this Journey to the West for millions of years, and naturally he does not know where Da Chitian is.

That is the legendary Daozu Dojo.

The identity of this green ox was about to come out.


Qingniu nodded indifferently, and then said to Li Qingshan:

"Brother Niu has a beauty in his body this time. If you come with me, you will definitely be able to eat a round belly!"

"That's about seeing and seeing!"

Li Qingshan's eyes also lit up, and he responded with a smile.

It seems that he doesn't care that the other side is a big demon who can crush him easily.

Qingniu was amazed in his heart, this kid is worthy of following Martial Ancestor, and he is very courageous.

It should be noted that many big Luos dare not approach him.

"Then, Qing Shan, let's just leave it alone."

At this time, Han Li opened his mouth.

"Brother Han is leaving now?"

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment at first, thinking of Qingniu's attitude, he just realized it. Although it was a pity, he could only return the gift:

"So, there will be an expiry later!"

"The love of riding a boat all the way, UU reading Han has nothing to grow, only this bamboo plant, which has grown for thousands of years, has the right to be the capital of the boat!"

With his backhand, Han Li took out a purple bamboo full of thunder, and handed it to Li Qingshan.

"Brother Han, why are you being polite?"

Li Qingshan waved his hand, but did not pick it up.

Although he didn't know what Tianleizhu was, anything that could last for thousands of years would not be a commonplace.

The two came together to support each other, where can they accept what kind of shipping fee.

"It's not something expensive."

Han Li handed it over again.

"All right!"

Li Qingshan was a little helpless. He wanted to return the gift, but found that he had nothing long, so he could only take out a personal jade pendant: "Brother Han, then you will accept this jade pendant as a souvenir!"

Han Li took it and then floated away.

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