Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1340: After I bloom, 0 flowers kill!

"Everything is inseparable from its ancestors, and everything is inseparable from the Supreme Being"

Zhou Qing closed her eyes and shook her head in her heart.

Taishang is the sect of the ten thousand Taos, and the gap between enlightenment and Taiyi before the limitless calamity cannot be easily filled.

Although he proves Dao Primordial Primordial, there is a huge gap between him and such an ancient giant.

It was extraordinary that he could catch up with Zhen Yuanzi in three calamities, but that was all.

"too high"

Zhenyuanzi also sighed in his heart, Laojun is the master of ten thousand Taos, the Zongyuan of ten thousand religions, out of the beginning of Taiwu, and from the source of Wuji.

Endless and infinitely high.

Although inaction, but its will dominates this countless kalpas, and is a well-deserved uncrowned king.

Although he became enlightened and very ancient, he couldn't compare.

In fact, even if the enlightenment was even before him, ancient gods such as Taiyi, Patriarch Hun Kun, Yangmei, etc. were far from being able to compare to Laojun at this time.

"You can only see the creation of Daoist Wukong."

Zhou Qing said no more, picked up a ginseng fruit and threw it into his mouth.

Although he and Daoist Wukong knew each other, they were powerless.

"Qing Niu'er is coming soon."

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi's heart moved: "It's also time to go to Da Chitian. It's not bad to hear Lao Jun's Primordial Dao Fruit."

"Let's see how the calamity evolves"

Zhou Qing smiled lightly.

He has proven the Tao, but there is no need to take the initiative to respond to the calamity.

His disciples are far from being able to compete with Buddhism and Wukong.

If it weren't for his deep friendship with Daoist Wukong, there would be no need to go to this muddy water.

If things can't be done, the Daoist Wukong also needs to not blame me.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Zhen Yuanzi sighed softly and said, "It's just a mere calamity, and the next calamity, when no one can compete with Wukong!"

"One calamity is indisputable, will the next calamity be a matter of course?"

Zhou Qing sneered.

If everything is determined, how can he become enlightened?

Daoists are only fighting, this one kalpa has the World Honored Spirit Mountain, and the next one can't have other great powers?

If you wait for the moment, the moment will never come.

He understands this, and Daoist Wukong also understands it.

Otherwise, at his realm, how could there be any conflict of will?

"Mahayana Buddhism is unpopular, and it is not so easy for the World Honored Lingshan to become enlightened."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled lightly.

Daoist Wukong has made many enemies in the immortal world, and no one wants to see him. The World Honored Lingshan acts domineering, and it is not only one or two people who are not used to him?

"It's weird to say that Kunpeng was defeated by me back then, and he fell sadly. It's just that this calamity has just returned. In the sea of ​​​​blood of Asura, the ancestor of Ming He was actually deprived of the position of the leader of the Netherworld"

There was a strange feeling in Zhou Qing's heart.

Back then, he swept across the ten directions before proving the Dao of Hunyuan, and many immemorial great Luos, half-step Hunyuan all fell into his hands, including Kunpeng and the ancestor of Ming He.

After three tribulations passed, Kunpeng returned, but Ming He was actually planted in the hands of a rising star in the sea of ​​​​blood. It was too strange.

"There may be other secrets in it"

Zhen Yuanzi was also dumbfounded, flicking his sleeves, boundless divine light burst out.


The five-color divine light intertwined vertically and horizontally into the way of divine light, passing through the Wuzhuang Temple, across a trillion miles of void, and fell outside Longevity Mountain.

Welcome Golden Horn, Silver Horn, Green Bull and others.

Laojun has a high status, and his decree is down, and no one can ignore it.

Zhenyuanzi is no exception

It took the Qingniu 3,600 years to travel across the four continents before he spread Laojun's decree and summoned many giants above Hunyuan to Dachitian.

"Brother Niu, today is the day you and I parted. I don't know when we will meet."

Outside an immortal mountain, above the boundless forest sea, Li Qingshan slightly bowed his hands and said goodbye to Qingniu.

In the past 3,600 years, he has eaten all the way from Kunlun Mountain and Wuzhuangguan.

"I'm afraid it won't take long."

Qingniu smiled and said to Li Qingshan: "Master has used great magic to solidify the calamity in this world, and every calamity will repeat itself. After a while, your brother Niu is afraid that you will be in the lower realm. Go to Jindou Mountain to find me!"

"Golden Mountain"

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he felt a little familiar.

"If it's not bad, I should go to Jindou Mountain to block the monkey's westward journey."

Qingniu seemed to understand this amount of calamity, and said casually:

"Although the lord didn't say it, but I also know that, when the time comes, I can't help but secretly descend to the world, so that your monkey will stop thinking!"

"Break your thoughts?"

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, not knowing how this amount of calamity evolved.

"Yes, for every calamity, the immortal world will completely collapse once. This calamity, the power accumulated in the trillions of years, combined with the calamities of many great Luos, will be transformed into a mixed Yuan Dao fruit. I don't know why.

Anyway, for this amount of calamity, I may still have to stop that monkey from the lower realm! "

Qingniu said something vaguely to Li Qingshan.

In fact, the amount of calamity is not a secret to many people, but Li Qingshan's cultivation is not enough to know.

"That monkey, you mean Great Sage Monkey King?"

Li Qingshan suddenly understood.

He didn't quite know how the calamity evolved, but he knew that this must have a lot to do with that Great Sage Equalling Heaven.


Qingniu nodded slightly: "You don't need to know the reason, just know that as long as you can step into this amount of calamity, there is a great possibility to break through the threshold of Daluo."

"This is the good fortune bestowed by the master, and many immortals will not miss it."

Li Qingshan nodded.

I wanted to ask more, but Qing Niu waved his hand and disappeared into the sky together with the golden horn and the silver horn.

They are blessed with Tai Chi Talismans, and the speed is so fast that Li Qingshan can't keep up.

"This magnitude, still refers to Journey to the West?"

Li Qingshan suddenly felt a little absurd.

The story of Journey to the West is enduring for a long time, but he still finds it a little incredible to say that it contains an opportunity to achieve Hunyuan.

In his impression, isn't Journey to the West a Mahayana Buddhist preacher?

What is the meaning of blocking the Great Sage Monkey King from traveling westward?

"Thinking about it is useless. Brother Niu must have some deep meaning in leaving me in this Nanzhanbu Continent. I will go to Nanzhanbu Continent to see if there will be someone who wants to go to the West to learn scriptures, then I will know."

Li Qingshan thought about it for a long time, but decided to go to Nanzhanbu Prefecture to have a look.

Let's see if there is a Great Tang, whose name is known to all nations, and whether there is really a monk who is bent on going to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

Unconsciously, he thought of Chen Xuanzang again.

That pedantic to the limit, the Mahayana Buddhist disciple who dared to go to get the scriptures with a single Buddhist scripture.

What is the so-called calamity?

Nanzhanbuzhou is quite large, even Qingniu left Li Qingshan in Nanzhanbuzhou.

He searched for Dongtu all the way, and also lost a lot of hands and feet.

"Chang'an City"

Looking at the city of Chang'an, which is like a crawling giant beast, swallowing chariots and horses in all directions, Li Qingshan was thoughtful.

Chang'an City is Chang'an City, Datang is Datang, but this Datang is completely different from what he knows.

It is said that this Tang Dynasty is not a native of Nanzhanbuzhou, but it seems to have been created by a group of gods from outside the sky.

It has existed for more than a thousand years, and it is the largest country in the East that has shocked all nations!

The strange thing is that the emperor of the Tang Dynasty was also called Li Shimin.

The difference is that this Li Shimin is said to be a supreme powerhouse, who has personally suppressed more than a few tyrannical monsters.

Sitting on the throne has been more than a thousand years!

There was a huge inconsistency with what he remembered.

"Let's see what the situation is."

Li Qingshan is a daring person, and he doesn't care about the god-like emperor Li Shimin, who is praised by many people in the Tang Dynasty, and what kind of cultivation is the Hou Yunye of Lantian. He paced with the flow of people to Chang'an City.

Chang'an City has thick walls and stretches above the horizon, like a giant beast that swallows the sky and devours the earth.

In Li Qingshan's eyes, he could even see the aura of humanity rolling over Chang'an City, like a giant dragon roaring in the sky, deterring all nations.

Outside the city of Chang'an, there was a lot of traffic, and people from all directions came together, including some strong martial artists, some Taoist monks and Buddhist monks with cultivation bases.

"When the autumn comes on September 8th, I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom!

The incense in the sky penetrates Chang'an, and the city is full of golden armor! "

Suddenly, a faint sound of mosquitoes and flies entered Li Qingshan's ears, causing him to raise his eyebrows: "Why is this verse so familiar?"

Li Qingshan turned his thoughts in his mind, looked up among the crowd, and saw a man dressed in white by the moat, standing in the corner, looking at the surging Chang'an City, his eyes were unwilling.

The scholar looked like he was only about thirty years old, but there was a sullen resentment on his body. In a faint, Li Qingshan seemed to be able to see that there was an evil dragon staring at Chang'an City on the top of the scholar's head.

"this picture"

A flash of light flashed in Li Qingshan's mind, and he walked past the crowd and came before the scholar.

Wei Wei cupped his hands and said, "This brother, I see that you have a gloomy mood in your heart. I don't know why?"


The gentleman was startled, and immediately came back to his senses.

It seems that the person is tall and handsome, and although he has red hair, he has an indescribable heroic spirit, and a good feeling rises in his heart.


The middle-aged scholar and said: "This brother is very polite! To be honest, in the next Huangchao, Caozhou wronged the scholar, practiced hard for many years, repeatedly failed, and was depressed. Let Xiongtai laugh!"

"Huang Chao, a fallen scholar?"

The corners of Li Qingshan's mouth rose, and a strange expression appeared.

The Tang Dynasty in this immortal world actually has a Huang Chao?

This is too coincidental, right?

"The emperor opened the imperial examinations, and should be treated equally. I have practiced Huang Chao for many years, and I think I am the number one talent, but I don't know how to hate that Lantian Hou, and directly dismissed my position!"

Huang Chao clenched his palm tightly, his resentment almost turned into substance.

"Do not know why?"

Suddenly, the sound of a chuckle came, and a slender, handsome young man in a brocade robe walked over, looked at Huang Chao, and said lightly:

"Naturally, it's because Ben Hou sees that you have an anti-bone in the back of your head!".

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